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Children who are brought up in families that do not have large amounts of money are

better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children brought up by
wealthy parents.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is mainly the parents or family responsibility to brought up their children in a way that they are
capable to cope with the real-life challenges in their adult life. Many people think that upbringing
of a child in a family which is not financially stable can make a real difference in his personality
than to a kid who is born with a silver spoon. This essay will discuss why I completely agree with
this view point.

In this fast-paced world, no one can survive but the 'survival of the fittest'. People with a humble
background know the harsh realities of the world from the early stages of their lives, hence, well
equipped to excel in practical life. They know how to control the desires and spend the money in
limits. Another factor which enables them to make the best decisions in their life is the practical
approach to every situation. Therefore, they are always on top in their respective professions
unlike the ones who rely on the wealth from their parents.

On the contrary, rich parents keep their kids away from real-world problems. Those kids always
dependent on someone even for their tiny needs such as a driver to roam them around, maid to
clean their clothes or a chef to cook food. Furthermore, they merely know the value of the
money. They spend it without any check and balance and ends up in shackles when they have
to manage the financial matters by themselves. Overall, this sort of upbringing restricts a child to
become independent which is the basic ingredient to be a successful person in the real world.

In conclusion, it is high time for parents to guide their children in a way that they can adjust to
any situation. However, it is observed that many successful personalities belong to very humble
families. This essay discussed why I completely agreed with this observation.

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