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Family Name: Malaver Rivera

Given Name: Miguel Angel

Student ID: Course:
S40056005 Advance Diploma of Program
Subject: Trainer’s name:
Program Risk Elvira Lourenco
Declaration: I certify that this assignment is entirely my own work. I have provided full
referencing to the work of others. The material in this paper has not been submitted before.


PLAGIARISM: You must compose your answers in your own words. Simply pasting text from
the Internet OR the APC workbook may result in a failing grade. It is better to write your own
thoughts in your own words – even if your English is not perfect – rather than copy word-for-
word the thoughts of someone else.

SUBMITTING IDENTICAL ANSWERS: You may discuss your assessments with other students,
but submitting identical answers to other students may result in a failing grade. Your answers
must be yours alone.

TUTORIALS: Tutorials are run every week to help you answer the assessments. The schedule
for tutorials will be announced during the first week of term. You are urged to attend the
tutorial that pertains to your online subject.
Assessment 1 – Case Study

Read the case study title:” Standardised Program Risk Management” (overleaf)

1. Discuss the standard risk management methodology of the Program AB-99 from the case
study and suggest what the Program Manager should do to improve this standard
(20 marks)

Currently, the AB-99 program has a structured risk management methodology. However,
Rose Martin who is the program manager is concerned about the efficiency of the risk
management framework for the future necessities of the organisation.

The organisation is a multinational aerospace manufacturer, global security and advanced

technology company. The organisation is a contractor of the Department of Defence. The risk
management framework is aligned with the Department of Defence policies.

In the standard methodology, the team level is in charge of risk management in their area and
is responsible to escalate the risk which are concerning the program risk management board.
The program level is the responsible to coordinate and supervise the overall program risk

The stages included in the risk management process are:

1. Risk identification
2. Risk assessment
3. Risk handling
4. Risk Surveillance
5. Risk Closure

The process is described in the following scheme.

Additionally, the organisation uses a data base where the risks are described, catalogued,
updated, tracked and so forth. The data base helps to the program team to carry out the
risk management process smoothly.

Rose Martin could evaluate some improvements within the methodology, especially following
some guidelines established in the standard ISO 31000:2018. Those actions are:

1. Assess if the standard methodology adopted by the company is tailored according with
their needs as organisation or it was just adopted without any modification.

2. Measure if the standard methodology is aligned with the goals and objectives of the

3. Request greater participation of the sponsor within the risk management process.

4. Decision making process must be embedded within the risk management process, for that
reason this process should be evaluated and should be transversal to the risk management

5. Human and cultural factor must be taken into account and develop a strong organisational
culture focused on the risk management.

6. Assess if the periods which are determined to evaluate the efficiency of the risk
management process is the adequate or should be modified, ensuring the proper iteration of
the process.

7. Create a communication plan to ensure that all the members of the team are involved in
the risk management process, making it transparent and inclusive.
2. Determine which stakeholders would need to be consulted.
(10 marks)

Some of the stakeholders who would be consulted when the standard methodology is being
improved and the reasons for that are showed in the following table.

Stakeholder Reason
Department of Defence The standard methodology must be aligned
with the Department of Defence policies
and procedures.
Board of directors of the organisation Organisational goals, policies and
procedures are a base to develop or improve
the standard methodology of risk
Team leaders They are the responsible of each team and
they know better the needs and weaknesses
of risk management within the teams.
Subject matter experts They could provide a different vision of the
standard methodology offering some
suggestions to improve it.
Team members Having a successful implementation of any
methodology depends on the engagement
of all the people involved in it. When team
members participate in an improvement
process they feel more commitment.

3. Describe the process you would use to mentor Project Managers involved with the
Program in the case study.
(10 marks)

Usually, a mentoring process is composed by four stages. These stages are:

1. Building the relationship.

2. Exchanging information and setting goals.
3. Working toward goals/Deepening the engagement.
4. Ending the formal mentoring relationship and planning for the future.

In the case study, I would apply the previous mentoring process in the following way:

1. Building the relationship. In this stage, I would implement a face to face meeting which
could help to build a solid relationship with the project managers involved in the program. In
that initial meeting, some aspects could be shared such as backgrounds, experiences,
interests and expectations. Additionally, a communication strategy would be discussed: ways
of communication and frequency.
2. Exchanging information and setting goals. In this phase, I would create a learning
agreement to define boundaries, responsibilities and rules within the mentoring process.
Additionally, project managers involved in the program should be supported by me to set
clear goals according with the program policies and objectives. Active listening is extremely
important throughout the process.

3. Working towards goals/Deepening the engagement. This is the focus stage in the process,
the purpose is to help the project managers to achieve the set goals. I would share some
professional experiences with them, relevant documentation that could assist them in the
process, develop training and learning activities, introduce the with some subject matter
experts depending of their needs.

4. Ending the formal mentoring relationship and planning for the future. At this phase the
mentoring process should be closed. Future needs and assistance from project managers will
be defined between me and the project managers. I would like to encourage project
managers to mentor other people.

Assessment 1 total: 40 marks

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