Shanker Dev Campus: Faculty of Management Tribhuvan University

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BBA Program



One of the special features of BBA program is the provision of internship. The internship
program is a systematic and organized effort to provide opportunities to observe, to study,
explore new facts and understand realities how organizations function. It aims to apply
knowledge and theories to practical work situation. It helps to makecomparisonbetween
theoretical knowledge and practical working environment.It helps to acquire appropriate
skills and techniques directly applicable to their career.It also provides the opportunity to
develop interpersonal communication skill as well as report writing skills.
Selection of an organization is an important and initial phase of internship.Students are
advised to approach suitable organization for internship on the basis of their interest and
specialization. College administration and concerned subject teacher will advise/guide you on
the selection of organization and area of study. The subject teacher will support you to plan,
to collect information and organize the report. It is advised to collect information for your
report writing from the very beginning so that you can prepare and submit the report by the
end of the semester. You can collect the required information through observation, interview,
questionnaire, library visit etc.

Problems of Report Writing

First and most difficult part of report writing is to concentrate too much on internship and
forget about the report writing. BBA program has the provision of internship in 8th semester.
In this semester, you have additional responsibility to complete the internship of 8 week as
well as submit the report within the semester duration. You have to complete total 15 credit
hours course including3 credit hours internship during the semester period. You have equally
responsible to submit assignment, complete presentation and securing good result in the
internal exams besides internship.
- Most of the internees do not think about writing the report during the intern period.
After completion of intern, they think about the report writing. Ultimately, it will be
difficult to submit the report within the stipulated period of time.

- Too much concentration on internship ignores to relate work and knowledge = theory
and working environment.
- No experience. This is the first time students are on their own - out of spoon feeding.
Many students do not want to go into the water as they do notknow swimming. But
without going into the water how do you learn swimming.
- Difficult to decide field, topics, area and subject of study.
- Over ambitious or no ambition.
- “Re-inventing the wheel.”
- Anchoring with past mistakes - to repeat last mistakes. Copy last report = To tie cat.
- To afraid to discuss with concern teacher and supervisor of the intern office.

Selection of Topics

There is no cut and dried method to teach you to select topics of report writing. Best advise
the writer can give you is select one and discuss with your adviser. The subject is advised
to be small, clear and better to have relation with theories taught in the class room. Many
theories were taught in your class. Every subject is full of theories. Test how the theory is
applied in the particular organization.The main aim of the internship is to relate and compare
the theoretical knowledge and actual working environment.
First step.Identify your subject of interest. It can be related with Finance, Marketing,
HRM, Organization behavior or Information technology.
Second step. Select particular chapter/topics from the subject which attracts you
most. Every chapter has taught you some theories. Select one theory you like most. For
example if you have selected HRM, select the chapter you like most. It may be retention,
selection, evaluation, etc. If you have selected performance appraisal, you may focus on
“techniques of performance appraisal”, “performance appraisal and productivity”etc. Do not
select the topic which is difficult to evaluate, not possible from your level, and require long
Third step.Evaluate the usefulness of your study to the organization.
Fourth step.Dependent factors and independent factor. For example retention of the
staff is based their salary, work environment, availability of alternative jobs, etc.
Fifth step.Prepare a plan to collect information. You can collect information by
observation, survey, questionnaires,interview etc. The primary as well as secondary data and
information are collected as per the requirement of your topic of intern report.

Sixth step.Plan how you are going to present the collected information?

Report Writing

The Internship Report is not a research report. It should focus on the organization, the work
you have performed and your contribution to the organization and lessons you learnt during
your intern period. The students should follow specific format and methodology to prepare
the report. The size of the report depends upon your subject matter, the tasks you have
performed, activities done and the things you have learned in the organization.
Common Mistakes you do
o Not to relate objectives and lesson learnt
o To copy only information from company profile or broachers. Not to identify
strength of the company.
o Not to utilize the opportunity to learn. Report writing is an opportunity of learning.
o Not to mention what you have done.
o Collection of primary information and not to analyze.

Report format

The report has divided in to three sections, as follows;

- Preliminary pages
- Main body
- Supplementary section

Format of Preliminary Pages

The project report includes preliminary pages in the following order – the declaration,
supervisor's recommendation, endorsement, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of
tables, list of figures and abbreviations.
Title page

The title page is assumed to be page “i” but is not numbered. The title is typed in all upper
case. All text on the title page is center justified. Do not use acronyms/ abbreviation, art
work, decoration, boarders in the cover page. The title better to be as short as possible - Fit in
one line. (See Appendix A: Title page)


Students’ declaration about the originality of work. (See Appendix B: Declaration)

Supervisor’s recommendation

A recommendation letter from the supervisor for approval of the project work report. (See
Appendix C: Supervisor’s Recommendation)
Internship completion letter

This letter is provided by the organization where you were assigned for internship. The
organization will provide the letter at the end of completion of your internship. The letter
should be written in the letter head of the concerned organization and duly signed and
stamped. The photocopy of such approval letter should be attached in your intern report. The
original copy will be with you. This will be helpful further for the job opportunity.

Acknowledge them who have really helped you to prepare the project work report.
Table of contents

Insert table of contents double space down from heading. All headings and subheadings are
capitalized and punctuated exactly as they are in the text. The table of contents is double
spaced except when a heading or caption wraps to a second line. (See Appendix D: Table of
List of tables

Triple space down from heading.

List of figures

Triple space down from heading.


List the abbreviations and acronyms in alphabetical order.

Format of the Main Body of theReport

The main body contains four chapters.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Introduction of the industry and organization
Chapter 3: Analysis of activities done and problem solved
Chapter 4: Conclusion and lessons learnt.

Chapter 1: Introduction
In introduction chapter you will include following sub chapters:
Background.In this section you should write subject and internship. In this part you
have to write the background of your internship, its importance and so on.
Objectives of the study.In this section you mention the objective of your study. Most
of the time you devoted in the organization and the job you did is the objective. The
objectives should be linked with the lesson you learnt or conclusion (Chapter Four). About 4
objectives are enough at this level. The objectives should be particular and measurable. The
result of the objectives can be shown at the conclusion chapter. “To know administrative
system of Nepal”; To understand banking system of Nepal”: “To study the banking policy”,
are not objectives. They are too vague, too complicated. You cannot proof what and how
much study you did. Your objectives may be “To apply knowledge and theories to practical
work”, “To see the differences between theoretical and practical knowledge of the
organization”, “To learn about the corporate culture of an organization” etc. Your objectives
can be divided in to two parts. The general objectives of the study are related with the
objective of the internship and specific objectives are related with the objectives of the report
you prepare after the internship.
Methodology.In this section write down how you select the organization, in which
department you were placed, how many weeks you work in different department, what
activities you have performed in the departments etc. If you were involved in any research
mention how you collected data, sample size, how you analyzed it. Mention the statistical
tools you used.
Limitations of the study.In this section you can write the limitations which directly
and indirectly affect for your intern study. For example, due to the short period of the intern
duration, the study was limited only for auto loan.
Chapter 2: Introduction of the Industry and Organization
In this chapter you introduce the industry. If you were as intern in Bank, introduce the
banking as well as the historical development of the banking in global and national
perspective. Always start from wide prospective and end to the industry.
You have to give introduction of the organization you are assigned to perform the job of
internship. This chapters includes the background, capital structure, its achievements,
products and services, it’s sales and offers etc. The company will provide the information.
Collect as much information as possible. (Start collecting information from the second week).
But at the same time try to analyze the core competency of the company, mantra of company
success, catch the sole of the company.

Chapter 3: Analysis of Activities Done and Problem Solved

This is the important part of your intern report. In this chapter, you have to write all the
activities you have done in the organization during the intern period. Write down the tasks
assigned to you and how you performed and fulfilled the tasks. Learn to relate knowledge and
work done. If you were assigned to solve problem during the intern period, it is the
opportunity to you to show your capability to the organization. Write down the problems
what you have faced and how you solved them.
Chapter 4: Conclusion and lesson learnt

In this part, write down the conclusion of this report. This is the lesson you learnt, your
experience. It is the fulfillment of the objectives you have mentioned in the Chapter 1.
Suggestions and recommendations are not necessary but if you see something very urgent
you can mention them in separate headings such as; Recommendation to organization,
Recommendation to internship program, etc.

Supplementary Section

The supplementary section consists:


Include all sources used in the study, using APA format for citation. (Visit

Include material too detailed or lengthy for inclusion in the body of the study
(e.g.,questionnaires, maps, photos, and letters of permission). Each appendix shall have to be

Format for the Internship Report

The following guidelines have been provided for the preparation of the internship report.
Use only white 82 by 11 inch paper of good quality.


Project work reports are typed in Times New Roman using 12-point characters. However, the
students may reduce the font size within tables or figures to fit within margins.

Spacing and justification

Text must be 1.5 spaced, except for quoted passages that may be indented and single-spaced
for emphasis and within the Table of Contents or List of Figures/Tables when a heading or
caption title wraps to a second line. Text must be justified (align text to both the left and right

Leave uniform margins of at least 1 in. (2.54 cm) at the top, bottom, left, and right of every
page.Combined with a uniform typeface and font size, uniform margins enhance readability
and provide a consistent gauge for estimating report length.
Page numbers

The preliminary pages (preceding the first main section) must have lower case Roman
numerals starting with the declaration page that is numbered “ii”. The title page is
unnumbered, but the implied number is “i”. The lower case Roman numerals are placed
within the footer (bottom center).
The first page of text (Introduction) uses the Arabic number “1” and pages thereafter carry
consecutive Arabic numbers, including the pages in the Appendices and References. Arabic
numbers are positioned in the upper right-hand corner, one inch from the top and one inch in
from the right edge of the paper.
Headings and subheadings

The following is a general heading level outline to be used. Each new primary heading must
start on a new page.
Heading level one.The primary heading or heading level one is center justified, and
all upper case. Triple space to text (e.g. HEADING LEVEL ONE).
Heading level two. Heading level two is left aligned; the first letter of each major
word is capitalized, and has spacing setat 12 point before and 18 points after (e.g. Heading
Level Two).
Heading level three. Heading level three is left aligned; the font is underlined and in
sentence case. There is a double spaceto the following text (e.g.Heading level three).
Heading level four (paragraph heading).This heading is indented with the
paragraph. The fontis underlined and in sentence case. The heading ends with a
period.(e.g.Heading level three.).

Length of the report
The length of the Project Report will be around 8,000 to 10,000 words(approximately 30 – 35
pages). The length is exclusive of the materials included in the preliminarysection and
Data can be presented in tables. APA format should be followed to present a table as shown
Table 1
No of Students in BBA of ShankerDev Campus
Semester No of Students
First 96
Third 93
Fifth 90
Seventh 89
Number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order referenced in the text
(Table1, Table 2,etc.). Place the number and caption above the table.
Insert each table after the paragraph where it is first referenced. Tables may be placed on a
page with textor on a separate page. Tables may be placed horizontally or vertically within
the page margins. If placedhorizontally, the caption should also be horizontal. Keep tables
from breaking across pages unless thetable is too large for a single page.
Data may also be presented in the diagram, charts, graphs, photographs and drawings
According to APA format, a diagram is presented as follows:

First Third Fifth Seventh


Figure 1. No of Students in BBA of ShankerDev Campus2019.

Number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) in the order
they arereferenced in the text. Place the number and caption below the figure.
Insert each figure after the paragraph where it is first referenced. Figures may be placed on a
page withtext or on a separate page. Figures may be placed horizontally or vertically within
the page margins. Ifplaced horizontally, the caption should also be horizontal.

Longer quotations should be block indented 0.5” left and right. Such quotations should be
presented asfollows:
Perhaps it would be well, if some institution were devised, and supported at the
expenseof the State, which would be so organized as would tend most
effectually to produce adue degree of emulation among Farmers, by rewards
and honorary distinctions conferredby those who, by their successful
experimental efforts and improvements, should renderthemselves duly entitled
to them (Nicholson, 1920, p. 92).

Numbers and abbreviations

The general rule governing the use of numbers in manuscript writing is to use words to
express numbersless than 10. Numbers at the beginning of a sentence must be spelled.
An abbreviation or acronym should only be used if the full expression is excessively long or
if theabbreviation is well known to students in their subjects. Define an abbreviation the first
time it is used
Note: The report will have to be prepared by following the specifications mentioned in this
guideline. Forspecifications not mentioned in this guidelines please refer to Publication
Manual of the AmericanPsychological Association (APA) (6th edition).

A list of bibliography will have to be presented as an appendix to the report. The students will
have tofollow APA style for presenting the bibliography. Selected samples have been
presented below forreference.
Table 2
Selected Samples APA Style for Presenting the Bibliography
Type of entry Example
Books with single Pradhan, R. S. (2006). Research in Nepalese finance (2nd ed).
author Kathmandu:Buddha Academic Publisher and Distributors.
Note: do not give edition if it is the first edition.

Type of entry Example
Books with 3-7 authors Paudel, R. B., Baral, K. J., Gautam, R. R., &Rana, S. B. (2012).
Fundamentals of financial management (4th ed.). Kathmadu: Asmita
BooksPublishers and Distributors.
Note: If there are more than seven authors, give the name of first six
authors, mark with … and give the name of last author.

Edited book Bhattachan, K. B., & Mishra, C. (Eds.). (2000). Development practices
inNepal. Kathmandu: Tribhuvan University, Central Department
ofSociology and Anthropology.
Note: Drop 's' from Eds in case of single editor.
Institutional author Finance Association of Nepal. (2015). Nepalese financial system:
Prospects & challenges. Kathmandu: Academic Publishers.

Author and publisher is American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the
same American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC: Author.

Journal article with Shrestha, H. P. (2009). Mountain tourism in Nepal. PYC Nepal Journal
volume and issue ofManagement, 2(1), 12-28.

Article in a journal Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology

with continuous page journalarticles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,

55, 893-896.
Article in edited book Sharma, S. P. (2000). Market-led development strategy in Nepal. In K.
B.Bhattachan& C. Mishra, (Eds.) Development practices in Nepal (pp.
53-68). Kathmandu: Tribhuvan University, Central Department of
Sociologyand Anthropology.
Note: The editor’s name appears in normal order, i. e. first and
middlenames followed by surname (K. B. Bhattachan, not Bhattachan,
K. B.).

Article in a magazine Henry, W. A. (1990, January 9). Making the grade in today'sschools.
Time, 135, 28-31.

Article in a newspaper Lal, C. K. (2012, November 2). The notion of Nepaliness, Republica, p.
Note: p or pp is given only in newspaper, not in journal or magazine.

Master's dissertation Chaudhary, C. N. (2015). Capital adequacy of commercial banks in

Nepal(Unpublished master's dissertation). Public Youth Campus,
Faculty ofManagement, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Ph. D. thesis Paudel, R. B. (1994). Industrial finance in Nepal (Unpublished

doctoralthesis). Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University,

Type of entry Example
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Journal article writtenby more than Harden, K. P., Lynch, S. K., Turkheimer, E., Waldron, B. M., Martin,
sevenauthors and available N. G.,Emery, R. E., . . . D'Onofrio, B. M. (2007). A behavior genetic
in electronic version investigationof adolescent motherhood and offspring mental health
with doi (digital object problems. Journal ofAbnormal Psychology, 116, 667-683.
identifier) doi:10.1037/0021-843X.116.4. 667
Note: always give doi instead of retrieval address if doi is available.

Journal article in Sillick, T. J., &Schutte,, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-
electronic version esteemmediate between perceived early parental love and adult
without doi happiness. E-Journalof Applied Psychology, 22(2), 38-48. Retrieved
Note: do not give date of retrieval unless it is essential.
Dissertation in Barua, S. (2010). Drought assessment and forecasting using a nonlinear
electronic version aggregated drought index (Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University,
Melbourne, Australia). Retrieved from

Independent writing Anderson, C. A., Gentile, D. A., & Buckley, K. E. (2007). Violent video
(not book or article in gameeffects on children and adolescents: Theory, research, and public
journal/ magazine, etc.) policy.doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195309836.001.0001
available in electronic
version with doi

Independent writing Engelschall, R. S. (1997). Module mod_rewrite: URL rewriting engine.

(not book or article in In Apache HTTP server version 1.3 documentation (Apache modules).
journal/ magazine, etc.) Retrieved from
available in electronic
version without doi

Ordering the entries in bibliography

Follow the following common rules while ordering the reference list.
 Alphabetize letter by letter as the head words are ordered in the dictionary. Remember the
rule“nothing precedes something” (Example: Brown, J. R., precedes Browning, A. R.,
even thoughi precedes j in the alphabet).
 One author entries by the same author are arranged by year of publication, the earliest
first. Example: Shrestha, L. S. (1996) precedesShrestha, L. S. (1999).
 One author entries precede multi-author entries beginning with the same surname
Example:Aryal, R. L. (2001) precedes Aryal, R. L., & Pandey, A. J. (1999).

 References by the same author (or by the same two or more authors in the same order)
with thesame publication date are arranged alphabetically by the title (excluding A or
The) that followsthe date (Example: Karki, H. B. (2010). An experiment with the
god.precedes Karki, H. B. (2010). The passion for drink.
 Works by different authors with the same surname are arranged alphabetically by the first
initial (Example: Manandhar, A. L., &Shakya, J. (1999). precedes Manandhar, S. E.,
&Thapa, R. J. (1998).
 Finally, although the above examples are not indented, APA style requires that all
entriesmust be in the hanging indent format with the first line flush to the left margin and
all otherlines indented as shown below.
Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations.
Consultancy Psychological Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36.


Each project work report shall have to be an original piece of work. Plagiarizing all or part of
a project work shall make the entire document unacceptable.If a project work report is found
plagiarized even after its approval and award of the degree to students, the project work may
be disapproved by the University any time, and as a consequence students’ degree may also
be quashed, if the court of law orders the University to do so upon someone’s complaint with
sufficient proof.


The student should submit two copy of report to the College. One copy of the report is sent to
the office of the Dean, Faculty of Management and another copy is kept to the college for
further reference. You have to submit also the soft copy of the report to the college.
The university authorities evaluate the total internship work on the scheduled date of the
college. Your college and supervisor has no any right to increase your marks. Your
internship work is evaluated in to following three dimensions:

Table 3
Evaluation Schemes of Internship
Evaluation dimensions Weight
Report 50%
Quality of work 10
Format 20
Presentation (language, tools used) 15
Conclusion and lessons learnt 5
Organizational evaluation (Confidential report) 25%
Presentation of report (External evaluation) 25%
Total 100%

The organization evaluates you on the basis of the performance you have shown in the
organization during the intern period. 25% is a great mark which adds your academic value.
You will be evaluated on the basis of regularity, punctuality, problem solving skills, co-
operation and so on. So, to obtain the greater marks from your superior on the intern, you
have to show your talent and capabilities in the organization during the intern period.
The University assigns an expert to evaluate your report and presentation. The expert will
evaluate students’ presentation in the following five dimensions:
Table 4
Evaluation Schemes Presentation
Evaluation dimensions Weight
Grooming 5
Presentation skill 5
Organization of presentation 5
Questions answered 5
Overall impression 5
Total 25

Appendix A: Title Page

An Intern Report

Name of Student (First Name/Middle Name/Surname)
ShankerDev Campus
T.U. Registered Number ………
Exam Roll No……….

Submitted to
Office of Dean
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Name of the Place of Submission

Month and Year

Appendix B: Declaration

I hereby declare that the internship report entitled TITLE OF REPORTsubmitted to the faculty
of management, Tribhvan University, Kathmandu is anoriginal piece of work under the
supervision of ………………………(name of the supervisor),ShankerDev Campus,
Kathmandu and issubmitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
degreeprogram of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). This internship reporthas not
been submitted by any other university or institution for the award ofany degree or diploma.

Name of Intern:

Appendix C: Supervisor’s Recommendation


This is to certify that the internship report:

Submitted by

Name of the Student


Title of the Report


Name of the Organization

has been prepared as approved by BBA department in the

prescribed format of Faculty of Management. This internship report is
forwarded for examination.

_________________________ _______________________
Internship Report Supervisor
BBA Program

Appendix D: Table of Content

Title Page … … … …… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … i

Declaration … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ii

Supervisor’s Recommendation … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … iii

Internship completion letter … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .... . iv

Acknowledgements … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ...v

Table of Contents… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …vi

List of Tables … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …vii

List of Figures… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … viii

Abbreviations … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … i x

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION … … … … … … … … … … … … … ……….…. 1

Background … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ………………….. ...1

Objectives … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …………………. … … … .3

Methodology … … … … … … … … … … … … ... ……………………………….. . 5

Limitations … … … … … … … … … … … … ………………………………………6


Introduction of the industry … … … … … … … … … … … .. … ………………..…7

Introduction of the organization.. … … … … … ………………..… … … … … ….11


Activities done … … … … ... … …. … … … … ... … … … … .. …… ………..… 16

Problem solved… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ………… .24


Conclusion … … … … ... … …. … … … … ... … … … … .. …… ………..… 28

Lesson learnt… … … … ... … …. … … … … ... … … … … .. …… ………..… 31

BIBLIOGRAPHY … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 32

APPENDICES … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 33

(Note: the page numbers assigned above do not indicate the size of the chapter, section,



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