C Programming Interview Questions

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92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers C programming Interview questions and answers C language interview questions solution for freshers beginners placement ticky good pointers answers explanation operators data types arrays recursion preprocessors looping series factorial palindrome code programs examples on c++ tutorials and pat © program examples C imtrvew quetons and anewers ata ype questions Variable naming rls questions Opeators questions Conra tow questions Looping questions Pointer questions Sing questions ‘Structre questions ‘commad tine argument Cty questions ‘examole ofrcursion ne programming forums ‘ata types tutor ne Storage classes torial in Looping aor ine ncton tuts ne ‘Array tutor ne Preprocessor tuoi ine {progam exastes |r Eonoete Uist C interview questions and answers © interview questions and answers for freshers. It is basic c language technical frequently asked interview questions and answers. It includes data structures, pointers interview questions and answers for experienced Interview questions and answer of C with explanation for fresher ~é Write ac program to print Hello world without using any semicolon Explanation: Solution: 2 void main()( if (printf ("Hello worla")) { , Solution: 2 void main()( while (!printé ("Helle world") { Solution: 2 void main()( switch (printf ("Hello world") { , Hide 4 Swap tho variables without using third variable. hitps Awww cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew-questions-and-anwers. html hhanaling strings switch case if else printf advance linux objective meq faq online written test prime numbers sat ME ME Bo HEIR 2 sue: er 2 972072019 ‘ite a scant intanin wich acct (Cprogram par Arstong rumba ‘ro 100 ‘Cite guostors ad ancwers Looping questns in card answors ‘Chace even umber prime rumber ot Spt number ino dg in programming programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers Explanation: Hineludecstdio.n> int main() int a=5,be10; //process one arbeas printf("as td b= t",a,b)s H/process two a5; 0 aeacbo (bea): printf("\na= $d b= $",a,b)7 //process three a5; 07 seats atb; printf("\nas $d be Sd",a,b)s //process four arse belo; aebesaniy accbel; printf("\nas td be 3d"a,b) 7 //process five a5, belo; bea, beab,a-a-by print£("\na= td 8a")ayb): return 0; , Hide 4 nat is dangling pointer in c? Explanation: Dangling pointe: If any pointer is pointing the memory address of any variable but after some variable has deleted from that memory location while pointer is still pointing such memory location. Such pointer is known as dangling pointer and problem is known as dangling pointer problem. initially: hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers hater: For example: What will be output of following ¢ program? Hincludecstdio-n> int ‘call (); int main() ant tptr: ptreeali (Qs flush (stdin) ; printf ("$a","ptr) return 0; , int * call (yi dat return ax; output: Garbage vatue Note: In some compiler you may get warning message returning address of local variable or temporary Explanation: variable x is local variable. Its scope and Lifetime is within the function call hence after returning addzess of x variable x became dead and pointer is still pointing ptr is still pointing to that location. Solution of this problem: Make the variable x is as static variable. In other word we can say a pointer whose pointing object has been deleted is cailed dangling pointer. Hincludecstdio.k> hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers int teal; int main() int *ptr; ptreeall (Qs #flush (stdin) ; printf ("sa",*ptr); return 0; int © call 0s static int x25; return ox; 126 outpu Hide 4 What is wild pointer in c? Explanation: A pointer in ¢ which has not been initialized is known as wild pointer. Example: What will be output of following © program? int main() int "ptry peinté(Mu\a", pte) s BEIntE("SA, *PEE] return 0; , output: Any address Garbage value Here ptr is wild pointer because it has not been Enitialszed. There is difference between the NULL pointer and wild pointer. Null pointer points the base address of Segment while wild po.nter doesn’t point’ any specific menory location. Hide 4 What are merits and demerits of array in c? Explanation: Moric: (a) We can easily access each element of array. (b) Not necessity to declare too many variables. hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers (©) Array elements are stored in continuous memory location. Denerit: (a) wastage of memory space. We cannot change size of array at the run tine, () It can store only similar type of data. Hide 4 Do you know memory repr: ntation of int a Pxplanation: Menory representation of: signed int a=; (an Turhe © compiler) signed short int a7 (Both turbo © and Linux gcc compiler) Binary equivalent of data 7 in 16 bit: 00000000 00000111 Data bit: 0000000 SCd0C1i1 (Take first 15 bit form right side) Sign bit: 0 (Take leftmost one bit) First eight bit of data bit from right side i.e. oooo112 will store in the leftmost byte from right to left side and rest seven bit of data bit i.e. 0000000 will store in rightmost byte from right to left side as shown in the following figure: Hide What is and why array in c? Pxplanation An array is derived data type in ¢ programming language which can store similar type of data in continuous memory location. Data may be primitive type (int, char, float, double..), address of union, structure, pointer, function or another array. Example of array declaration: int arri5]7 char arr[5); hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers float arr(5]; leng double arr(5)+ char * arriS]; int (art) (07 double ** arr [5]; Array is useful when: (a) We have to store large number of data of similar type. If we have large number of similar kind of variable then it is very difficult to remember name of all variables and write the program. For example: //PROCESS ONE, int main() int iat, int int int iat, int int iat int, int qi int 17 Lat avg? avg> (axto+ogvef f+am+raja+rani+xxx+yyy+ptqte) /127 printf ("so avg); return 0; , Tf we will use array then above program can be written as: /TPROCESS HO int main() int arr(J=(2)2/5)7/8,0/11)5,50}7 int iyavgr fox (int L-07i10) peint£(" "WO"; else Lf (x==25) prints(" CHREEN) + else peint£(" FOUR"); white(y-)s return 07 Output: ONE ONE, Hide hitps hw. cquestions.com/2010/Oiedntervews-questions-and-answers. html 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers 4 What is the meaning of prototype of a function? Explanation: Prototype of a function Declaration of function is known as prototype of a function. Prototype of a function means (2) What is return type of function? (2) What parameters are we passing? (3) For example prototype of printf function is: int printf (const char *) .); Zoe, ite xetusn type is int data type, its first parameter constant character pointer and second parameter is ellipsis i.e. variable number of argunents Hide 4 Write a ¢ program to modify the constant variable in ¢? Explanation: You can modify constant variable with the help of pointers For example: Hincludecstaio.n> int main() int, 05 int ptrsaiz sptre (int *)207 printl("sa,i)3 return 0; What is pointer to a function? Explanation: (2) What will be output if you will execute following code? int " fancion()7 int main() auto int +x; ant + (ptr) 07 per-efunction; xe (ptr) 7 printf (Mah, =x) 5 , hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers int "function () static int acl0; return fa; , output: 10 Explanation: Here function is function whose parameter is void data type and return type is pointer to int data type. Stipes) 0) =(*efunctyion) () //ptrsefunction > xefunction() //from rule *epep > esa So, "Ks thas a =O (2) What will be output if you will execute following code? int find (char) ; int (*funet on (}) (chae) 5 Ent main () Unt x: int (=ptz) (char) sper) (OR); printf ("a",x) 7 return 0; b int find (char c) { return c7 , int (function ()} (chaz) { return find; , output: 65 Explanation: Here function whose name is function which passing void data cype and returning another function whose Parameter is char data type and return type is int data type. sctipte (at) (Hfunction ) (A!) //ptrefunction 0) 7istindsfunction ise. return type of funecion () Soxe ( efind) CRN) find (A) //From rule*ep-p 6 (3) What will be output if you will execute following code? char * cali (int *,float *); Ent main() char tatrings Sat a2; float p62.01; char *(=per) (int*, float *); ptreacall; String=(*ptr) (6a, 6b) ¢ pEinte("$s", string) 5 return 0; 5 char teall (int *4,float +11 static char ‘stre"o-pointer-blogspot.con"; strestre*s+ (int) ("3) return str; , Output: inter. biogspot.com Explanation: Here cali 's function whose return type is pointer to character and one parameter is pointer to int Sata type and second parancter is pointer to float data type and ptr is pointer to such function. sts atreti+ (iat) (3) S"ccpointer-blogspet.com” + *éa+ (int) (*6b) 6 Sterpoinéer.piogspot.cony + a+ (ine) (b) wenpointer . blog som” 42-4 (int) (2.0) nGcpointer:bloyspotscon” 4 Winer blogspoe.com” (4) what will be output if you will execute following code? hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers char far * display(char far); int main() char far* string="cquest ionbank-blogsp: char far *(*ptz) (char far 7); per-adi splay; String (*ptr) (string); printf ("ts", string); b Ghar far ‘display(char far * str) { char far * cempestrs temp=tenp=13; stemp="\0" return str? , Output: cquestionbak Explanation: Here display is function whose parameter is pornter to character and return type is also pointer to character and ptr is its pointer. tenp is char pointer tenp-tenp+ 3 temp="\0" Above two lines replaces first dot character by null character of string of variable string i.e. "equest Lonbank\Oblogspot -con™ As we know %s print the character of stream up to null chazacters Hide 4 Explanation: struct ABC( int float bs char ¢7 int main() struct ABC =ptre(struct ABC *)0; pies printf ("Size of structure is: $a",*ptr)y return 0 Hide 3 wnat is NULL pointer? Explanation: Literal meaning of NULL pointer is a pointer which is peinting te nothing. NULL pointer points the base address SF segment, Examples of NULL pointer: Le int tptrs(char *)07 2. float *ptr= (float *)0; hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html +180 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers 3. char *ptrs(char *)07 4. doubie' *ptr= (double *) 0; 5. char *ptr=/\0" 61 int pte=Nunb; wnat is meaning of NULL? Answer! NULL is macro constant which has been defined in the heard file stdio.h, alloc.h, mem.h, stddef.h and stdlib.h as Hdefine NULL’ Exampies: ()What will be output of following © program? Hinclude "staio.n" int main() LE CNUEE) printf("l know preprocessor"); else print£("r don't know preprocessor"); , output: I know preprocessor Explanation: ‘NULL = !0'= 1 in if condition any non zero number mean true. (2)What wil] be output of following © program? Hinclude "stdio.n" int main() iat fy static int count for (Z-NULL; i<-5;) ( counts? i printf ("ta", count) , 3 outpu (a)What wil] be output of following © program? Hinclude "staio.n" int main() Hinder NOLL Hdefine NOLL 5 fenait printf ("$d",NULL+sizeof (NULL) ) + , output: 2 Explanation: NULL = sizeof (NULL) + sizeoot (0) 70-2 //aize Of int data type is two byte. We cannot copy anything in the NULL pointer. Example: (4)What will be output of following © program? Hnclude "steing.n" int main() char *str-NULis stropy (str, "c-pointer. blogspot.com") + peintt("ish, str); return 0; , output: (null) Hide hitps hw. cquestions.com/2010/Oiedntervews-questions-and-answers. html 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers 0) What is difference between pass by value and pass by reference? Explanation: Inc we can pass the parameters in a function in two different ways. (a)Pass by value: In this approach we pass copy of actual variables” in function asa parameter. Hence any modification on paraneters inside the function will not feflect in the actual variable. for example: Hincludecstdio.n> int main() int a=5,be10; swap (a,b) 3 printé ("sd Be", ayb): return 0 , void swap(int aint b)( int tenp: temp =a; 10 (o)Pass by reference: In this approach we pass mewory address actual variables in function as a parameter. sence any modification on parameters inside the function will reflect in the actual variable. For examp Hincudecstdio.h> int main() iat, e107 swap (éa, ab) 5 printf ("sd $0"/a,b) 7 return 0; , void swap(int taint *b){ int ‘temps temp be tenp: output: 10 5 Hide D Waal is size of void pointer? Explanation: Size of any type of pointer in c is Independent of data type which is pointer is pointing i.e. size of all type of pointer (near) in c is two byte either it is char pointer, hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 13160 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers double pointer, function pointer or null pointer. Void peinter is not exception of this rule and size of void pointer is also two byte. Hide 4 IM sa ateteronce between uninitialized pointer and mult Explanation: An uninitialized pointer is a pointer which points unknown menory location while null pointer is pointer which points nul. value oz base address of segment. For example: /foninitialized pointer (int #07 //Nuil pointer Hinclude int *reNOLE; — //Sull pointer What will be output of following ¢ program? Aineludecetzing-a> Hinclude int main() char *p; //Uninitialized pointer char *@-NULL; //Null pointer; stropy (p, "quest ionbank") ; strepy (a, "ocuestionbank") 5 printe("ts &s"/pea)s return 0 cquestionbank (null) can you read complex pointer declaration? Explanation: Rule 1. Assign the priority to the pointer declaration considering cedence and associative according co following table. hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 14150 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers Operator _ Precedance Associative 0.0 *, Identifier Data type (Ot This operator behaves as bracket operator or function operator. [Jt This operator behaves ae array subscription operator +: This operator behaves as pointer operator not as multiplication operator. Identifier: Tt is not an operator but it is name of pointer variable. You will always find the firs: priority will be assigned to the name of pointer. Data type: It is also not an operator. Data types also includes modifier (like signed int, long double ete. You will understand it better by examples: (1) How to read following pointer? char (* ptr) (3) Answer: Step i: () and [] enjoys equal precedence. So rule of associative wil! decide the priority. Its associative is left to right so first priority goes to ( 4 Step 2: Inside the bracket * and ptr enjoy equal precedence. From rule of associative (right co left) first priority goes to ptr and second priority goes to *. Step3: Assign thizd priority te [) Step4: Since data type enjoys least priorit; fourth priority to char. so assign hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 15150 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers Now read it following manner: pir is pointer te such one dimensional array of size three which content chaz type data. (2) How to read following pointer? float pte) (int) answer! Assign the priority considering precedence and associative. float (* ptr) (int ) 421 3 Now zead it following manner: ptr is pointer to such function whose parameter is int type data and return type is float type data. Rule 2: Assign the priority of each function parameter separately and read it also separately. Understand it through following example. (3) How to read following pointer? void (*ptr) (int (*) [2],int (*) void) Answert Assign the priority considering rule of precedence and associative. Now zead it following manner: ptr is pointer to such function which first parameter is pointes to one dimensional array of size two which contentint type data and second parameter is pointer te such function which parameter is void and return type is int data type and return type is void (4) How to read following pointer? int (* (ptr) 251) ( Answer: Assign the priority considering rule of precedence and associative, hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 16150 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers int (* (* ptr) 151) O era 2 a) 5 Now read it following manner: ptr is pointer to such array of size five which content are pointer to auch function which parameter is void and return type is int type data. (5) How to cead following pointer? double* (*(*ptr) (int) (double **, char c) Answert Assign the priority considering rule of precedence and associative. double * (* (* ptr) (int) ) (double “, char c ) 7 6421 3 5 Now zead it following manner: ptr is pointer to function which parameter is int type data and return type is pointer to function which first parameter is pointer to pointer of double data type and second parameter is char type data type and return type ispointer to double data type (6) How to read following pointer? unsigned **(*(*ptr) (8) (char const * Answer: Assign the priority considering rule of pr: and associative, unsigned * *(* (* ptr) [8] (char const *, 8 76421 3 5 Now zead it following manner: ptr is pointer to array of size eight and content of array is pointer to function which first parameter is pointer to character constant and second parameter is variable nunber of arguments and return type is pointer to pointer of unsigned int data type, Hide hitps hw. cquestions.com/2010/Oiedntervews-questions-and-answers. html 17180 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers 2) hat are the parameter passing conventions in c? Explanation: 1. pascal: In this style function name should (not necessary } in the uppercase .First parameter of function Gari is passed to. the first parameter of function Gefinttion and so on. 2. cdecl: In this style function nane can be both in the upper case or lower case. First parameter of function call is passed to the last paraneter of function definition. Tt is defauit paraneter passing convention. Examples: 1, What will be output of following program? int main() Static int ae25; void edee! convi) 5 void paseal conv2() 5 conv (a) conv2 (a) return 03; , void cdecl conv? (int a,int b) ( , Yoid pascal conv2 (int a, int b) ‘ , print£("td 8a",a,b)s print£("\ntd ta",a,b)s 1250 outpu 025 (2) What will be output of following program? void edecl funt (int, iat); void pascal fun2(int, int}; Yat main() Ent as5,be5; fun (a, ++a) 5 fund (b, +¥b) 7 return 0; , void cdacl funl (int pint g) printf ("cdeci: $4 $d \n"y,a)e void paseal fun2 (iat p,iat @) peintf("sascal: $e! §a",5,a)7 , output: sdeel: 66 pascal: 5 € (3) What will be output of following program? void cdecl funl (int, int); void pascal fun2 (int, int); int main() int 5, fund (a, t+a) ; fun? (b) +75)? return’ 0; » void edecl funl (int pia ¢) printf ("edeci: 84 8d \a",p,a)s , void pascal fun2 (int p, iat ¢){ printf ("paseal: 8a’ §a",p,a) hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 18150 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers , output: edeel: 6 pascal: 5) (4) what will be output of following program? void convention (int, int, int); int main () Tae convention (a,tra,att)s return 0; , void convention (int p,int gint £){ printf("sd $d $0"/5,4, 0) 7 , output: 775 (5) What will be output of following program? void pascal convention (int, int, int); Tne man) Ent as5: convention (a,+a,a+) return 07) void pasca: ‘convention (int p,int q,int 1) { printf("td 8d 8a")p,4,013 , output: 5 6 6 (6) What will be output of following program? void pasca convention (int, int); int main() the as: convention {a,#+a)s return 0; , void pascal convention (int a, int b){ printf ("sd 8a",a,b) 5 output: 1 2 (7) What wi11 be output of following program? void convention (int, int) + int main() the convention (a, a); return 0;) void. convention(int a;int bb) printf("id $d",a,b)7 , output: Hide 2 wnat is far pointer in c? Explanation: The pointer which can point or access whole the residence memory of RAM i.e, which can access all 16 segments is known as far pointer hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 92072019 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers print£("$d", sizeof ptr); return 0; output: 4 (2)Wwhat will be ow © progran? int main() ant £ printf ("ed 8d", 2izeof | return 07 tr) , sizeof (*ptr)); output: 4 2 planation: ptr is far pointer while ‘ptr is near pointer. ()What itl be put of following © program? int main() int far *p, far print£("td Sd", sizeof (p) ,sizeof(a))s es: Offset address printf ("8ep" ptr); return 07 hitps Awww. cquestions.com/2010/Oiesntervew.-questions-and-anwers. html 20160 programming Interview questions and answers: C interview questions and answers ovtput: SFDB:FFFA Here HFD# is segment address and FFF4 is offset address in hexadecimal number format. Note: §fp is used for print offset and segment address of pointer in printf function in hexadecimal number format. In the header file dos.h there are three macro functions to get the offset address and segment address from far pointer and vice versa. 2. FPOFF(): To get offset address from far address. 2. BELSEG(): To get segment address from far address. 3. MK_FP(): To make far address from segment and offset Examples: (1)What will be output of following © program? Hinclude "dos.h" int main() int 1-25; int far*ptrsai; printf ("8X 8X", FP SEG(ptr) ,FP OFF (ptr); , output: Any segment and offset address in nunber fornat. respectively, xadecimal (2)what will be output of following © program? Hinclude "dos-n" int main() int 1525; int farsptr-ei; unsigned int s,or SEP SEG(PEE); rFP_OFF (ptr); printf ("8Ep",MK_£P(s,0)) 5 return 0; , Output: BED9:EFF4 (Assume) Note: We cannot guess what will be offset address; address and far address of any far poi segment r These address are decided by operating system. Limitation of far pointer: We cannot change or modify the segment address of given far addzess by applying aay arithmetic operation on it. That is by using arithmetic operator we cannot jump from one segment to other segnent. If you will increment the far address beyond the maximum value of its offset address instead of increnenting segment address it will repeat its offset address in cyclic order. Example: (q)What wi21 be output of following © program? int main() ant 4; char far *ptre(char *) OxBB00EFEA; Fox (i907i c Fong ¢ pant } pint , ete } in) (Coes oxam sad Thnk youre a he ings youre remy god They the persanally was. 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