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Catcher Fisheries Departement B, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science,

Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. H. Soedharto, SH, Tembalang Semarang. 50275 Telp/Fax (024) 7474698
Abdul Fatah Hidayatullah
NIM: 26030118130098

Fishing vessels are the main vehicle for fishermen to go to fishing ground and
transport fishing gear, especially purse seine. The type of purse seine vessel
certainly uses purse seine fishing gear. And at this time there are many types of
vessels in port ports on the North Coast of Java The types of Purse seine fishing
vessels are most common in the Java sea area and operate in the Indian Ocean in
the western part of Sumetera Island and in the Maselmbu Sea.
Purse Seine (trawl ring) - This vessel is in operation using Purse Seine (Pukat
Cincin). This equipment from Kapai consists of a crane that is equipped with a net
drum to pull and lift the net to the deck and winch for spreading and pulling nets.
Purse seine is also a catching tool that catches fish that is schooling fish, so it
must have a large capacity and design that is in accordance with the fishing gear
it carries.

Keyword : purse seine, indian ocean

I. Introduction

Pukat ring or commonly called purse seine is a fishing gear made of a

rectangular shaped sheet at the top mounted buoy and the bottom is mounted
ballast and wrinkle (purse line) which is useful to unite the bottom of the net so
that the fish cannot escape from below (vertical) and side (horizontal), usually
large meshes are adjusted to the size of the fish to be captured. The size of the
thread and the mesh of each part are usually not the sam

Purse Seine is also called "ring trawl" because it is equipped with a ring
for which "ring straps" or "wrinkle straps" are done inside. The function of the
ring and wrinkle / drawstring is very important at the time of the net. Because
with the presence of the wrinkle, a net that will not have pockets will be
formed at the end of each arrest.
The principle of fishing with purse seine is to circle the horde fish with a
net, after which the lower net is pursed, thus the fish are collected in the
pocket. In other words with the compatibility of the scope of motion of fish.
The fish cannot find themselves and are finally caught. The function of webs
and nets is as a barrier wall, and not as a fish rodent.

II. Underlying theory

Purse seine, first introduced on the north coast of Java by BPPL (LPPL) in
1970 in order to collaborate with fisheries entrepreneurs in Batam (Mr. Djajuri)
and succeeded well. Then it was applied at Muncar (1973/1974) and developed
rapidly until now. At the beginning of its development in Muncar, there was a
social conflict between traditional fishermen, fishermen, entrepreneurs who
used purse seine. But finally it is acceptable too. This purse seine is indeed
potential and the productivity of the catch is high. In its development, it
continues to experience improvements not only in the form (construction) but
also materials and boats / vessels used for its fisheries.

It is called a trawl ring because the bottom of the net is fitted with a ring
that is useful for attaching a purse line. Purse seine is so named because the
nature of the fishing gear encloses the horde then the purse line is pulled so that
the fish are confined. Purse seine has the same general shape and parts even
though there are various purse seines.

III. Discussion

Fishing vessels are vessels that do not have a fixed shipping line and the
design of fishing vessels must be adjusted by means of operating fishing gear.
The main dimension ratio is used to find out the fishing vessel characteristics
and identify technical performance especially on purse seine vessels. The main
dimension ratio in question is the L / B, L / D, B / D ratio where the smaller
the L / B it will adversely affect the speed of the ship because the higher the
value of the motion, if the L / D value is getting bigger it will impact the
weakening of the longitudinal strength of the ship and the greater B / D value
will provide good ship stability but the propulsiveability will deteriorate. The
ratio of the main dimensions of the sample purse seine vessels will be
compared with the reference values made by Ayodhyoa (1972), Iskandar and
Pujiati (1995) which can be seen

IV. Conclusion

purse seine is a fishing device made of rectangular sheets at the top that
is fitted with a buoy and the bottom is mounted with a ballast and wrinkle
(purse line) which is useful for uniting the bottom of the net so that fish cannot
escape from the bottom (vertical) and sides ( horizontal), usually large meshes
are adjusted to the size of the fish to be caught
V. References

Ayodhyoa AU. 1972. Suatu Pengenalan kapal Ikan. Bogor (ID): Fakultas
Perikanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Iskandar BH, S Pujianti. 1995. Keragaan Teknis Kapal Perikanan di

Beberapa Wilayah Indonesia (Laporan Penelitian). Bogor (ID): Jurusan
Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan, Institut
Pertanian Bogor.

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