Sharon: 1. Who Are The Addressees of The Invitation? 2. What Activity Will Be Held? 3. When Will It Be Held?

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Rearrange the parts of the personal letter

below to make a good letter.
1. Best Wishes 2. Sharon 3. Dear Susan
4. P.S.: There would be Sekaten in
I. Read the text carefully and answer the November. Could you come to enjoy it?
questions in full sentences.
5. Jalan Argulobang 19 Yogyakarta

6. Mei 22nd, 2019

7. Thanks for being the creator of such great

meals and for being a good friend all those years.
I realize that we have lost contact for too long
and would like to renew the friendship as soon
as we are able. Let’s get together soon.

8. While I was making one of my favorite

recipes today, crispy fried chicken, I was
reminded of who the original creator of this
1. Who are the addressees of the invitation? marvelous recipe was, you. I don’t remember
2. What activity will be held? if I ever thanked you for giving me this
3. When will it be held? wonderful creation.
4. What would the addressee possibly do
after receiving the letter? IV. Choose Letter A, B,C, or D for the correct
5. Do you think it is a formal invitation or answer!
informal invitation? 1. Likha : ... Hanin and Nuha still in the
II. Complete the dialog with the words in the Ella : I saw them leave the classroom
ten minutes ago
Likha : OK, thank you
1. Adi : I’m having a little party at my home
A.Does C. Do
on Saturday. Can you come?
B.Did D. Are
Husni : …, what time is it?
2. Manager: Have you made the report of the
2. Santi : There is a bazaar at the city hall
Secretary: Sure,…. What else, Sir?
today. ….?
Manager: How about the next project of the
Yuyun : Yes, I’d like to.
month. Have you compiled it?
Secretary: Oh, it’s still in the process. I’ll
3. Anton: I really like the computer
finish it soon.
exhibition. Would you like … with
A. I have been very busy lately.
B. the secretary hasn’t typed anything.
Budi : I’m sorry I can’t.
C. I have postponed it for a while.
D. I have just already prepared it.
4. X: Could you come to my home tonight?
Y: …, but I must do my assignments. 3. Bob : Pat, look! ………………..
Pat : How wonderful she is.
5. Mrs. Sunjoyo : Will you drop in my Bob : That’s why a lot of people want to
house some time? see her performance.
Mrs. Karta : I’m afraid I can’t. …. A. the girl climbed the wall quickly
B. The girls will sing
a. Would you go there with me C. the girl is climbing the wall quickly
b. Thanks, anyway D. The girl must sing
c. Yes, I’d love to E. the girl has climbed the wall quickly
d. I’d like to
e. to come along 4. Angga: Have you ever been to Kalimantan?
Yayan: Not yet but I …………there next
A. have been D. go
B. will go E. went
C. have gone
5. Andi : Watch out! ……. 12. Dara : …Tiara come last night?
Bian : My goodness! Thank you for reminding Sandra : at 7 p.m.
me. How careless I am.
A. When did
A. The car has just passed B. What time did
B. The car is passing through C. How did
C. The car passes through D. How long did
D. The car will pass E. What did
E. The car is going to pass

6. I… the man who helped your mother

A. meet D. meeting
B. met E. will met
C. meets

7. My son said that He ….me a birthday present

two days ago.
A. sends D. send
B. sent E. sending
C. will send

8. Father ….. the newspaper in front of the TV

every morning.
A. read D. was reading
B. reads E. is reading
C. will read

9. Anita … John when she was reading book in

the library.
A. Meets D. was meeting
B. Met E. has met
C. Meeting

10. Tian : … your sister read novel “Pride

and Prejudice”?
Soni : Yes, she has. She said that the
story was very interesting.
A. Do D. have
B. Does E. Has
C. Did

11. Cita : Bengawan Solo

overflowed and caused flood in Bojonegoro.
Raras : How it could happen? …

A. Do it rain yesterday?
B. Why did it rain yesterday?
C. Did it rain yesterday?
D. Could it rain yesterday?
E. Was it rain yesterday?

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