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;*********************| Explore Busy |*********************;

[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]

Add : Key Item : Before : @@locQuit : "Expiry Report ": E : Display :

EBXRptMain : $$IsAccountingOn:$$CurrentCompany

[Report: EBXRptMain]
Title : "Stock Item Expiry report "
Print Set : Report Title : "Stock Item Expiry report"
Variable : SVFromDate, SVToDate, IsItemBatchReport
Set : SVFromDate : $$MonthStart:##SVCurrentDate
Set : SVToDate : $$MonthEnd:##SVCurrentDate
Form : EXRptMain
[Form: EXRptMain]
Part : PMainTitle , PExpiryTitle, PExpiryBody
Background : Released Pale Yellow
Buttons : PrintButton, ExportButton, ChangePeriod

BottomButton : FilterButton, ValueButton

Bottom Toolbar Buttons : BottomToolBarBtn1, BottomToolBarBtn8,
BottomToolBarBtn9, BottomToolBarBtn10, BottomToolBarBtn11, BottomToolBarBtn12

Space Top : if $$InPrintMode Then ##SVSpaceTop else 0.05 inches

Space Bottom : if $$InPrintMode Then 0.5 else 0 inches
Space Left : if $$InPrintMode AND $$InPixelMode then 0.5 else 0 inches
Space Right : if $$InPrintMode AND $$InPixelMode then 0.25 else 0
Option : Small Size Form : NOT $$InPrintMode
Width : 100% Screen
Height : 100% Screen

[Part: PMainTitle]
Line : LMainTitle
Invisible : $$InPrintMode
[Line: LMainTitle]
Field : Name Field
Right Field: Simple Field
Local : Field: Name Field : Set as: "Stock Expiry Report"
Local : Field: Simple Field : Set as: $$String:##SVFromDate + " to " + $
Local : Field: Simple Field : Width : 30 % Page
Local : Field: Simple Field : Align : Right

[Part: PExpiryTitle]
Line : LExpiryTitle
Border : Column Titles

[Line: LExpiryTitle]
Field : FSrNo,FSrNo2,FIName
Right Field: FMfdOn,FExpiryDt,FRemainDays, FCloValue,FCloQty
Local : Field : Default : Type : String
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal Bold
Local : Field : Default : Line : 0
Local : Field : FSrNo2 : Set As : ""
Local : Field : FSrNo : Set As : "Sr.No"
Local : Field : FIName : Set as : "Item Name"
Local : Field : FGrpName : Set as : "Group Name"
Local : Field : FStkCat : Set as : "Category"
Local : Field : FStkUnit : Set as : "Units"
Local : Field : FStkGodown : Set as : "Godown Name"
Local : Field : FMfdOn : Set as : "Mfd. Date"
Local : Field : FExpiryDt : Set as : "Expiry Date"
Local : Field : FCloValue : Set as : "Stock Value"
Local : Field : FRemainDays : Set as : "Remain Days As On " + $
Local : Field : FCloQty : Set as : "Closing Stock"

[Part: PExpiryBody]
Line : LExpiryBody
Repeat : LExpiryBody : CStkItem
Bottom Line: LExpiryTotal
Scroll : Vertical
Common Border : Yes
Total : FCloValue, FCloQty
[Line: LExpiryBody]
Field : FSrNo,FSrNo2, FIName, StockItemName
Right Field: FMfdOn,FExpiryDt,FRemainDays, FCloValue,FCloQty;
Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal
Local : Field : FCloQty : Set as: $StkClBalance
Local : Field : FStkGodown : Set as : ""
Local : Field : FSrNo2 : Set As : ""
Local : Field : FSrNo2 : Width: 1
Local : Field : StockItemName : Set as: $Name
Local : Field : StockItemName : Invisible: YES
Local : Field : Default : Color : Blue
Border : Thin Top
Explode : PBatchWise : Yes

[Field: FRemainDays1]
Use: FRemainDays
Set as : ""
[Collection: CStkItem]
Type : Stock Item
Filter : IsItemBatchEnabled

[Collection: CExpirySrc]
Type : Batch
Fetch : Name, Parent, ExpiryPeriod, ClosingBalance, GodownName, MfdOn,
Child of: #FIName
[Collection: CExpiry]
Use : CExpirySrc
Compute : DRemain :($$Date:$Expiryperiod) - ($$Date:#SVToDate)
Compute : GodownName : $GodownName
Sort : @@Default : $DRemain

[Collection: CGodExp]
Type : Batch
Child of : #StockItemName
Fetch : GodownName, BatchName, IsBatchWiseOn, Name, OpeningBalance
Fetch : OpeningValue, StkClBalance, TBalClosing, StkOpBalance,
TBalOpening, TBalCredits, StkOutQty, StkInQty, TBalDebits
Fetch : ClosingRate
Filter : BatchIngdwn, IsGodownofBalType

Compute : IsEmptyObject : $$IsEmptyObject

Compute : IsWithItems : Yes

Line : LBatchWise
Repeat : LBatchWise : CExpiry
Scroll : Vertical
[Line: LBatchWise]
Field : FSrNo, FSrNo2 ,FIName
Right Field: FMfdOn,FExpiryDt,FRemainDays, FCloValue,FCloQty; FStkGodown,
Local : Field : FSrNo : Set As : ""
Local : Field : FIName : Indent : 1
Local : Field : FSrNo2 : Set As : $$String:$$Line + " :"
Local : Field : FSrNo2 : Width : 3
Local : Field : FSrNo2 : Style : Normal
Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal Italic
Local : Field : Default : Color : If $$Number:#FRemainDays
<= 0 Then @@SV_FIELD1 else @@SV_FIELD10

Border : Totals
Field : FSrNo,FSrNo2,FIName
Right Field: FMfdOn,FExpiryDt,FRemainDays, FCloValue,FCloQty;
Local : Field : Default : Type : String
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Line : 0
Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal
Local : Field : FSrNo : Set As : ""
Local : Field : FSrNo2 : Set As : ""
Local : Field : FSrNo : Border: Thin Right
Local : Field : FIName : Set as : ""
Local : Field : FStkGodown : Set as : ""
Local : Field : FMfdOn : Set as : ""
Local : Field : FExpiryDt : Set as : ""
Local : Field : FRemainDays : Set as : ""
Local : Field : FCloValue : Set as : $$Total:FCloValue
Local : Field : FCloQty : Set as : $$Total:FCloQty

[Field: FDif1]
Use : Name Field
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Style : Normal

[Field: FDif2]
Use : FDif1
Align : Left

[ Field : FSrNo]
Use : FDif1
Set as : $$Line
Width : 5

[ Field : FSrNo2]
Use : FSrNo
Border : Thin Left
Align : Right

[ Field : FIName]
Use : FDif2
Set as : $Name
Full Width: YES
Delete: Border

[ Field : FBatchName]
Use : FDif2
Set As : $BatchName
Width : 12

[ Field :FMfdOn]
Use : Uni Date Field
Set As : $MfdOn
Align : Center
Border : Thin Left
Width : 8

[ Field : FExpiryDt]
Use : FMfdOn
Set As : $Expiryperiod

[ Field : FCloValue]
Use : Amount Field
Set As : $ClosingValue
Width : 10
Border : Thin Left

[ Field :FRemainDays]
Use : FDif1
Set as : $$Number:$DRemain
Width : 10

[ Field :FCloQty]
Use : Qty Primary field
Set as : $ClosingBalance
Border : Thin Left Right
Width : 10

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I N V O I C I N
G ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

[#Part: CMP Tax Info]

Add : Line : At End : CMP EBMLTL


Right Field : Medium Prompt
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : "Drug Lic No. :"
Option : Small Size Line
Space Top : 0.4

[#Part: CMP Tax Value]

Add : Line : At End : CMP EBMLVAL


Field : Name Field

Local : Field : Name Field : Storage : CMPEBMLVAL
Local : Field : Name Field : Full width : Yes
Local : Field : Name Field : Max : 200
Local : Field : Name Field : Line : 2
Option : Small Size Line
Space Top : 0.4

[#Part: LED Other Details]

Add : Lines : At End : LED DLNo

[Line: LED DLNo]

Fields : Medium Prompt, LED DLNo

Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Drug Lic.No :"
Invisible : NOT @@IsIndian

[Field: LED DLNo]

Use : Name Field

Storage : LEDDLNo
Full width : YEs
Line : 2
Max : 200

[#Part: EXPINV SaleSalesTax]

Add : Lines : AT END : SalesHCmpDLicno,SalesBuyerDLIC

Line: SalesHCmpDLicno

[Line: SalesHCmpDLicno]

Space Top : 0.05

Field : Short Prompt,Name Field
Local : Field : Short Prompt : Set As : "Our DL No:"
Local : Field : Name Field : Set As : $CMPEBMLVAL:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
Local : Field : Name Field : Full width : Yes
Local : Field : Name Field : Style : Normal

[System: UDF]

CMPEBMLVAL : String : 21110

LEDDLNo : String : 21111
[Line: SalesBuyerDLIC]

Field : Short Prompt ,Name Field

Local : Field : Short Prompt: Set As : "Party DL No:"
Local : Field : Name Field : Set As : $LEDDLNo:Ledger:$PartyLedgerName
Local : Field : Name Field : Full width : Yes
Local : Field : Name Field : Style : Normal

[#Part: VTYP BehaviourMain]

Option : VTYP BehaveMain EBYT VchTypeConfirm : @@IsEBYTVchType

[!Part : VTYP BehaveMain EBYTVchTypeConfirm]

Add : Line : After : VTYP PrintSave :VTYP EBYT VchTypeConfirm

[Line : VTYP EBYT VchTypeConfirm]

Field : Long Prompt, Logical Field
Local : Field : Long Prompt : Set as : "Print GST Format ?"
Local : Field : Long Prompt : Width : @@LongWidth
Local : Field : Logical Field : Storage : EBYTVchTypeConfirm1

[System : Formula]
IsEBYTVchType : $$IsSales:$Parent
IsEBYTNewAllow : $EBYTVchTypeConfirm1:VoucherType:$VoucherTypeName

[System : UDF]
EBYTVchTypeConfirm1 : Logical : 1781

[#Form : Sales Color]

Option: EBYTSalesEBYT Color: @@IsEBYTNewAllow

[!Form:EBYTSalesEBYT Color]
Delete : Print


Use : Printed Invoice
Delete: Form : Printed Invoice


Space Left: 0.50 Inch
Space Bottom: 0.50 Inch
Space Right: 0.50 Inch
Space Top:0.50 Inch

Part: EBYT Opening Page Break, EBYT Invoice Body

Bottom Part:EBYT GST analisys Bankdetails ledgerentries,
EBYTInvoiceAmtwordandamount, EBYTSingnatureClosingBalanceTerms,EBYTJuri;;EBYT
Invoice Total, EBYT Sing Off, EBYT Terms, EBYT Age, EBYT Juridiction

Page Break : ClEBYT Page Break, EBYT Opening Page Break

[Part:ClEBYT Page Break]

Lines : GIEBYT ClPgBrk

[Line: GIEBYT ClPgBrk]

Fields : Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field : Set As : "Continued..."
Local: Field: Simple Field : FullWidth : Yes
Local: Field: Simple Field : Align : Right
Border : Full Thin Top


[Style: EBFS01]
Font: Calibri (Body)
Height: 9

Font:Calibri (Body)

Bold: Yes

Use: EBFS01
Bold: Yes

[Style: GComp]
Font: Times New Roman
Bold: Yes

[Style: Party]
Font: Lucida Calligraphy
Bold: Yes
[Part: EBYT Opening Page Break]
Part: EBYT Invoice Title, EBYT CMP Details, EBYT Leading Details, EBYT Coloumn
Vertical: Yes

[Part:EBYT Invoice Title]

Line:EBYT Invoice Title

[Line:EBYT Invoice Title]

Field: Simple Field
Right Field:Name Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "GST INVOICE"
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: Large Bold
Local: Field: Simple Field: Space Left: 55
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as:If @@GetCopyNum = 1 Then "ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT"
Else +
If @@GetCopyNum = 2 Then $$LocaleString:"DUPLICATE FOR TRANSPOTER" Else +
If @@GetCopyNum = 3 Then $$LocaleString:"TRIPLICATE FOR SUPPLIER " Else +
If @@GetCopyNum = 4 Then $$LocaleString:"EXTRA COPY" Else $$LocaleString:"EXTRA
[System : Event]
appstart: system start : true : call : Myfunction1

01 : DISPLAY : CMPInfoReport

[REPORT : CMPInfoReport]
FORM : CMPInfoReport
TITLE : "Explore Busy Youtube Channel"

[FORM : CMPInfoReport]
HEIGHT : 80% screen
WIDTH : 50% screen

LINE : CMPInfoLINE1, CmpInfoline3
;;height : 30% screen

[LINE : CmpInfoLINE1]
LOCAL : FIELD : NAME FIELD : INFO : "Explore Busy" + $$newline + "" + $$newline
+"Youtube Channel"
local : field : name field : line : 3
local : field : name field : align : centre

Font: Times New Roman
Bold: no
Italic : No

Font: Times New Roman
Bold: no
Italic : No

Font: Times New Roman
Bold: no
Italic : No

space top : 2
space top : 2
LOCAL : FIELD : NAME FIELD : INFO : " Experts in " +$$NEWLINE + " " + $$newline
+ " > Tally.Erp 9 " +$$NEWLINE + " " + $$newline + " > Tally Customization"
+$$NEWLINE + " " + $$newline + " > VBA Programming" + $$newline + " " + $
$NEWLINE + " > Microsoft Word" + $$NEWLINE + " " + $$newline + " > Microsoft
Excel" +$$NEWLINE + " " + $$newline + " > Microsoft Powerpoint" + $$NewLine + "
" + $$newline + "Visit and Subscribe Our YouTube Channal! Thanks"
local : field : name field : full width : yes

[line : CMpInfoline2]
LOCAL : FIELD : NAME FIELD : INFO : "Visit and Subscribe Our YouTube Channel!
Thanks"+$$NewLine + "" +$$NewLine + "" + $
$newline + ""+ $$newline +"Press (Esc) Continue"
local : field : name field : style : Mystyle2
local : field : name field : align : centre
local : field : name field : full width : yes
Local : Field : Name Field : Line : 5
[Part:EBYT CMP Details]
Part: EBYT CMP Name Details

[Part: EBYT CMP Name Details]

Line: EBYT CMP Name, EBYT CMP Address, EBYT CMP Contact Details

[Line: EBYT CMP Name]

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: @@CmpMailName
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:GComp
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes

[Line:EBYT CMP Address]

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $$FullList:CompanyAddress:$Address
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:EBFS01
Local: Field: Name Field: Line:0

[Line:EBYT CMP Contact Details]

Field: Medium Prompt, Simple Field, Simple Prompt, Name Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Contact No"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $PhoneNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany +" "+
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Style:EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Set as: "PAN No."
Local: Field: Simple Prompt: Space Left: 5
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $IncomeTaxNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany+" "+
"DL No. :"+" "+$CMPEBMLVAL:Company:##SVCurrentCompany

[Part:EBYT Leading Details]

Left Part: EBYT Customer Details
Right Part: EBYT Invoice Details
Border: Thick Cover

[Part:EBYT Customer Details]

Line:EBYT Customer Details Title, EBYT Customer Name, EBYT Customer Address, EBYT
Customer State Name, EBYT Customer GST No, EBYT Customer Contact
Width: 70% Page

[Line:EBYT Customer Details Title]

Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field : Set as: "Details for Buyer (Billed & Shipped To )"
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style:EBFS
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes

[Line:EBYT Customer Name]

Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: @@SimpleOtherPartyName
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: Party
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Space Top:1

[Line:EBYT Customer Address]

Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $$FullList:BasicBuyerAddress:$BasicBuyerAddress
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Simple Field: Line:0

[Line:EBYT Customer State Name]

Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "State Name"+" : "+ $StateName +" "+ "Code :"+"
"+ $$getgststatecode:mad:StateName
Local: Field: Simple Field: Local Formula:StateName : If NOT ($$IsEmpty:$StateName
OR $$IsSysName:NotApplicable:$StateName) Then $StateName Else
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01

[Line:EBYT Customer GST No]

Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "GSTIN No : " +" "+ $PartyGSTIN +" "+" PAN
No :"+" "+$IncomeTaxNumber:Ledger:$BasicBuyerName+" "+"DL NO.:"+" "+
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01

[Line:EBYT Customer Contact]

Field: Simple Field
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: "Contact Details :"+" "+ @@VchContactNo
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes

[Part:EBYT Invoice Details]

Line: EBYT Invoice No, EBYT Invoice Date, EBYT PO No,EBYT PO Date, EBYT DC No, EBYT
DC Date
Width: 30% Page
Border: Thin Left
[Line:EBYT Invoice No]
Field: Medium Prompt,Simple Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Invoice No"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Width: 15
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $VoucherNumber
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
Space Top:1

[Line:EBYT Invoice Date]

Field: Medium Prompt, Simple Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Dated"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Width: 15
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $Date
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes
[Line:EBYT PO No]
Field: Medium Prompt, Simple Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "PO No."
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Width: 15
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicPurchaseOrderNo
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes

[Line:EBYT PO Date]
Field: Medium Prompt, Simple Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "PO Date."
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Width: 15
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicOrderDate
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes

[Line:EBYT DC No]
Field: Medium Prompt, Simple Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Delivery Challan No"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Width: 15
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as: $BasicShipDeliveryNote
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes

[Line:EBYT DC Date]
Field: Medium Prompt, Simple Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Delivery Challan Date"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Width: 15
Local: Field: Simple Field: Set as:$BasicShippingDate
Local: Field: Simple Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Simple Field: Full Width: Yes

[Part: BristleItemsDes]
Line : BristleStockGroup
Repeat : BristleStockGroup : BristleStockGroup

[Line: BristleStockGroup]

Use : BristleItemsDesHead

Local : Field : BristleItemMarks : Set As : ""

Local : Field : BristleItemPackages : Set As : ""
Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : Set As : $Name
Local : Field : BristleItemQty : Set As : ""
Local : Field : BristleItemRate : Set As : ""
Local : Field : BristleItemAmount : Set As : ""

Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : Style : Normal Bold

Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : Align : Centre

Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : Variable : StockGroupName

Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : SubTitle : Yes

Local : Field : BristleItemDescription : Border : Flush Thin Bottom

Explode : BristleStockItemsPart : NOT $$IsEmpty:$VchStkGrpValue

Empty : NOT @@InVoucherList
[Part:EBYT Coloumn Titles]
Line:EBYT Invoice Body Title,EBYT Invoice Body Title1
Border: Thick Cover
Common Border: Yes

[Part: EBYT Invoice Body]

Part:EBYT Invoice Body Coloumns
Vertical: Yes
Border: Thin Cover

[Part:EBYT Invoice Body Title]

Line:EBYT Invoice Body Title,EBYT Invoice Body Title1
Common Border: Yes

[Line:EBYT Invoice Body Title]

Use: EBYT Invoice Body Coloumns

Local: Field: Default: Type: String

Local: Field: Default: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Default: Align: Center

Local: Field:EBYT SrNo: Set as: "Sr "

Local: Field:EBYT Item Description: Set as: "Item"
Local: Field:EBYT Batch:Set as:"Batch"
Local: Field:EBYT Expiry date:Set as:"Expiry"
Local: Field:EBYT HSN Code: Set as: "HSN "
Local: Field:EBYT Billed Qty: Set as: "Billed"
Local: Field:EBYT MRP: Set as: "MRP"
Local: Field:EBYT Rate: Set as: "Rate"
Local: Field:EBYT Discount: Set as: "Dis"
Local: Field:EBYT Gross Amt: Set as: "Gross"
Local: Field:EBYT GST Per: Set as: "GST"
Local: Field:EBYT CGST Rate: Set as: "CGST"
Local: Field: EBYT CGST Amt: Set as: "CGST"
Local: Field:EBYT SGST Rate: Set as: "SGST"
Local: Field:EBYT SGST Amt: Set as: "SGST "
Local: Field:EBYT IGST Rate: Set as: "IGST"
Local: Field:EBYT IGST Amount: Set as: "IGST"
Local: Field:EBYT Item Total: Set as: "Total"

Border: Thin Top

Space Top: 0.25

[Line:EBYT Invoice Body Title1]

Use: EBYT Invoice Body Coloumns

Local: Field: Default: Type: String

Local: Field: Default: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Default: Align: Center

Local: Field:EBYT SrNo: Set as: "No"

Local: Field:EBYT Item Description: Set as: "Description"
Local: Field:EBYT Batch: Set as: "No"
Local: Field:EBYT Expiry date: Set as: ""
Local: Field:EBYT HSN Code: Set as: "Code"

Local: Field:EBYT Billed Qty: Set as: "Qty"

Local: Field: EBYT MRP: Set as: ""
Local: Field: EBYT Rate: Set as: ""
Local: Field:EBYT Discount: Set as: "%"
Local: Field:EBYT Gross Amt: Set as: "Amount"
Local: Field:EBYT GST Per: Set as: "%"
Local: Field:EBYT CGST Rate: Set as: "%"
Local: Field: EBYT CGST Amt: Set as: "Amt"
Local: Field:EBYT SGST Rate: Set as: "%"
Local: Field:EBYT SGST Amt: Set as: "Amt"
Local: Field:EBYT IGST Rate: Set as: "%"
Local: Field:EBYT IGST Amount: Set as: "Amt"
Local: Field:EBYT Item Total: Set as: ""

Border: Thin Bottom

Space Bottom: 0.25

[Part:EBYT Invoice Body Coloumns]

Line:EBYT Invoice Body Coloumns
Repeat:EBYT Invoice Body Coloumns:Inventory Entries
Scroll: Vertical
Float: No
Common Border: Yes

[Line:EBYT Invoice Body Coloumns]

Left Field: EBYT SrNo, EBYT Item Description
Right Field: EBYT Batch,EBYT Expiry date,EBYT HSN Code,EBYT Billed Qty,EBYT MRP,
Space Top: 0.15
Explode : EI DescExplosion : NOT $$IsEmpty:$StockItemName AND ##PRNWithItemDesc AND
NOT $$IsEmpty:$BasicUserDescription
Local: Field:EBYT SrNo: Width: 3
Local: Field:EBYT Batch: Width: 10
Local: Field:EBYT Expiry date: Width: 6
Local: Field:EBYT HSN Code: Width: 4

Local: Field:EBYT Billed Qty: Width: 7

Local: Field: EBYT MRP: Width: 7
Local: Field: EBYT Rate: Width: 7
Local: Field:EBYT Discount: Width: 3
Local: Field:EBYT Gross Amt: Width: 7
Local: Field:EBYT GST Per: Width: 3
Local: Field:EBYT CGST Rate: Width: 3
Local: Field: EBYT CGST Amt: Width: 7
Local: Field:EBYT SGST Rate: Width: 3
Local: Field:EBYT SGST Amt: Width: 7
Local: Field:EBYT IGST Rate: Width:3
Local: Field:EBYT IGST Amount: Width:7
Local: Field:EBYT Item Total: Width: 8

Local: Field:EBYT SrNo: Border: Thin Right

Local: Field:EBYT Part No: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT HSN Code: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT MRP Qty: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT Shipped:Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT Billed Qty: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field: EBYT MRP: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field: EBYT Rate: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT Discount: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT Gross Amt: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT GST Per: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT CGST Rate: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field: EBYT CGST Amt: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT SGST Rate: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT SGST Amt: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT IGST Rate: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT IGST Amount: Border: Thin Left
Local: Field:EBYT Item Total: Border: Thin Left

[Field: EBYT Sr NO]

Use: Simple Field
Set as: $$Line
Format: "No Zero"
Align: Center

[Field:EBYT HSN Code]

Use: Simple Field
Set as: $GSTItemHSNCodeEx

[Field:EBYT Item Description]

Use: Simple Field
Set as: if NOT $$IsSysName:$StockItemName then @@InvItemName else ""
Style: EBFS01
Full Width: Yes

[Field:EBYT Billed Qty]

Use: Qty Primary Field
Set as: $BilledQty

[field:EBYT Batch]
Use:Simple Field
Set as:$BatchName
Border : Thin Left

[field:EBYT Expiry date]

Use:Simple Field
Set as:$Expiryperiod
Border : Thin Left

[Field:EBYT Mrp]
Use: Mrp Field
Set as: $Mrp Rate
Border : Thin Left

[Field:EBYT Rate]
Use: Rate Price Field
Set as: $Rate

[Field:EBYT Discount]
Use: Number Field
Set as: ""
Set as: $Discount
Format : "NoZero,Percentage"

[Field:EBYT Gross Amt]

Use:Amount Forex Field
Set as: $Amount

[Field:EBYT GST Per]

Use: Number Field
Set as: If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then "" Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx
Format : "NoZero,Percentage"
Set Always: Yes

[Field:EBYT CGST Rate]

Use: Number Field
Set as: If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then "" Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx /2
Format : "NoZero,Percentage"
Set Always: Yes
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:EBYT CGST Amt]

Use: Amount Field
Set as: $Amount * #EBYTCGSTRate / 100
Set Always: Yes
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:EBYT SGST Rate]

Use: Number Field
Set as: If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then "" Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx /2
Format : "NoZero,Percentage"
Set Always: Yes
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:EBYT SGST Amt]

Use: Amount Field
Set as: $Amount * #EBYTSGSTRate / 100
Set Always: Yes
Invisible: If @@IGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:EBYT IGST Rate]

Use: Number Field
Set as: If NOT $GSTIsTransLedEx Then "" Else $GSTClsfnIGSTRateEx
Format : "NoZero,Percentage"
Set Always: Yes
Invisible: If @@SGST > 0 then yes else no

[Field:EBYT IGST Amount]

Use: Amount Field
Set as: $Amount * #EBYTIGSTRate / 100
Set Always: Yes
Invisible: If @@SGST > 0 then Yes else no

[Field:EBYT Item Total]

Use: Amount Field
Set as: #EBYTGrossAmt + #EBYTCGSTAmt + #EBYTSGSTAmt
Set Always: Yes

[Line:EBYT Invoice Body Coloumns Total]

Use: EBYT Invoice Body Coloumns

Local: Field: Default: Type: String

Local: Field: Default: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Default: Align: Center

Local: Field:EBYT SrNo: Set as: ""

Local: Field:EBYT Item Description: Set as: "TOTAL"
Local: Field:EBYT Batch: Set as: ""
Local: Field:EBYT Expiry date: Set as: ""
Local: Field:EBYT HSN Code: Set as: ""
Local: Field:EBYT MRP Qty: Set as: ""
Local: Field:EBYT Billed Qty: Set as: ""
Local: Field: EBYT Rate: Set as: ""
Local: Field:EBYT Discount: Set as: ""
Local: Field:EBYT Gross Amt: Set as: $$CollAmtTotal:InventoryEntries:$Amount
Local: Field:EBYT GST Per: Set as: ""
Local: Field:EBYT CGST Rate: Set as: ""
Local: Field: EBYT CGST Amt: Set as: $$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:CGST1:$Amount
Local: Field:EBYT SGST Rate: Set as: ""
Local: Field:EBYT SGST Amt: Set as: $$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:SGST1:$Amount

Local: Field:EBYT Item Total: Set as: $Amount

Border: Thin Top Bottom
Space Bottom: 0.25
Space Top: 0.25

[System: Formula]
SGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:SGST1:$Amount
SGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"SGST"

CGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:CGST1:$Amount
CGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"CGST"

IGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:IGST1:$Amount
IGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"IGST"

Round :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:Round1:$Amount
Round1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"Round"

[Part:EBYT GST analisys Bankdetails ledgerentries]

Left Part:VCH GST AnalysisDetails
Right Part: EBYTBankDetails, EBYTLedgerEnteries
Border: Thick Cover
Common Border:Yes

[#Part:VCH GST AnalysisDetails]

Delete:Border : Thin Box

[#Part:VCH GST AnalysisDetails]

Width:50% Page

Use:EXPINV BankDetails
Border: Thick Left

[#Line: EXPINV BankTitle]

Fields : Simple Field

Local : Field : Simple Field : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Company's Bank Details" ;;;
To Display Company's Bank Details
Local : Field : Simple Field : Full Width: Yes
Local : Field : Simple Field : Style:EBFS
Space Top:0.5
Space Bottom:0.25

[#Line: EXPINV BankName]

Fields : Medium Prompt, EXPINV BankName

Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Bank Name :" ;;; To
Display Bank Name
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Width : 18% Page
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Style:EBFS
Local : Field:EXPINV BankName:Style:EBFS01
[#Line: EXPINV BankAccNo]

Fields : Medium Prompt, EXPINV BankAccountNo

Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:"A/c No. :" ;;; To Display
A/c No.
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Width : 18% Page
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Style:EBFS
Local : Field:EXPINV BankAccountNo:Style:EBFS01

[#Line: EXPINV BankBranchInfo]

Fields : Medium Prompt, EXPINV BankBranchName

Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Branch & IFS Code :" ;;;
To Display Branch & IFS Code
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Width : 18% Page
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Style:EBFS
Local : Field:EXPINV BankBranchName:Style:EBFS01

Repeat:EBYTLedgerEnteries:Ledger Entries
Border: Thick Left
Common Border: Yes
;Scroll: Vertical
Float: No

Field: EBYTLedgerName, EBYTLedgerPercentage,EBYTPercentageSing, EBYTLedgerAmount
Remove if: $LedgerName = $PartyLedgerName

Set as : if ##SATCSDetails AND @@TaxLedgerHasTCS then $$LocaleString:"TCS : Income
Tax" else +
if NOT $$IsSysName:$LedgerName then $LedgerName else "" ;;; used to print on

Align : Right
FullWidth : Yes
AbatementVal: If $$Number:$STXAbatementRate = 0 Then $$String:"0" Else $$String:
LedNarr : (@@IsSales AND ##SALedgerNarr) OR (@@IsPurchase AND ##PULedgerNarr) AND $
$Filtercount:LedgerEntries:LedgerNarrFltr > 0
Option : LeftAlignField : @@AcctsInvoice

Use : Rate Price Field
Type : Number
Align : Right
Format : "NoZero,Decimals:-1"
Set as : if ##SATCSDetails AND @@TaxLedgerHasTCS AND NOT $$IsSysName:
$TDSRateName:Ledger:$LedgerName then @@TCSITTaxRate else +
Inactive : $$IsSysName:$LedgerName
Invisible : NOT @@InvWithRate
Border: Thick Left
Width: 4

Set as:if $$IsEmpty:$BasicRateOfInvoiceTax then "" else "%"
Set By Condition : @@TaxLedgerHasTCS AND NOT ($$IsSysName:$TDSRateName:Ledger:
$LedgerName) : If $$IsEmpty:mad:@TCSITTaxRate Then "" Else "%"
Inactive : $$IsSysName:$LedgerName
Invisible : NOT @@InvWithRate
Width: 2

Use : Amount Forex Field
Set as : $$SignedAmount:$Amount:mad:@VchOpposite
Border: Thick Left
Align: Right
Width: 8

Left Part: EBYTAmountinWord
Right Part:EBYTInvoiceAmount
Border: Thick Cover
Common Border: Yes


Field: Medium Prompt, Name Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Amount In Words"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt:Style:EBFS
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as:$$InWords:$Amount +" "+ "Only."
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Line:0
Local: Field: Name Field:Style:EBFS01
Space Top:0.25
Space Bottom:0.25


Field: Name Field, Amount Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: "Invoice Total"
Local: Field: Name Field: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: Name Field: Width:26.5
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Right
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:EBFS
Local: Field: Amount Field: Set as: $Amount
Local: Field: Amount Field: Width:8
Local: Field: Amount Field: Border: Thick Left
Local: Field: Amount Field: Style:EBFS
Space Top:0.25
Space Bottom:0.25

Left Part: EBYTTermsandClosing
Right Part: EBYTCustomer Signature, EBYTSignature
Border:Thick Box

Part: EBYTTermsPart, EBYTClosing
Width:50% Page

Border: Thick Bottom

Line: EBYTOutStandingDetailsTitle, EBYTPreviuosOutstandingBalance,
EBYTCurrentInvoice, EBYTTotalOutStanding

Field:Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: "Outstanding Details"
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style:EBFS
Space Top:0.5

Field: Medium Prompt, Amount Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as:"Previous Outstanding"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style:EBFS
Local: Field: Amount Field: Set as:$$ToValue:($date-1):$ClosingBalance:Ledger:$
Local: Field: Amount Field:Style:EBFS01

Field: Medium Prompt, Amount Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as:"Current Invoice"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style:EBFS
Local: Field: Amount Field: Set as:$Amount
Local: Field: Amount Field:Style:EBFS01

Field: Medium Prompt, Amount Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as:"Total Outstanding"
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style:EBFS
Local: Field: Amount Field: Set as:$$ToValue:$date:$ClosingBalance:Ledger:$
Local: Field: Amount Field:Style:EBFS01

[Part:EBYTCustomer Signature]
Line: For EBYTCustomer Signature, EBYTAcceptance
Border: Thick Left

[Line:For EBYTCustomer Signature]

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: "For" +" "+ @@SimpleOtherPartyName
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Center
Space Top:0.5
Line: ForEBYTSignature, EBYTAuthorised
Border: Thick Left

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: "For" +" "+ @@CmpMailName
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Center
Space Top:0.5

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: "Authorized Signatory"
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Center
Space Top:3

Line:EBYT Juridiction

[Line:EBYT Juridiction]
Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Center
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: "Subject To Delhi Jurisdiction" ;;CHANGE AS PER

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field:Set as: "Once Goods Sold Can not be taken back" ;;CHANGE
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: EBFS
Local: Field: Name Field: Align: Center
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes

Field: Name Field
Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: "Thank You Visit Again." ;;CHANGE AS PER YOU
Local: Field: Name Field: Full Width: Yes
Local: Field: Name Field: Style: EBFS01
Local: Field: Name Field: Line:0
Space Top:3

;*********************| Explore Busy |*********************;

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