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1. What is your experience of reconciliation or forgiveness?

(this could be you who sinned against others and

was forgiven by those whom you have hurt or this could also be you forgiving and accepting the person who
hurt you in the past).

Since I was a little child, I & my siblings used to tease each other, throw things and make faces until the other
one cries and be scolded by our mom over it. These scenarios are very common in most households today. I can
say that our childhood was awesome because before I become of who I am today, I was a product of Flores De
Mayo, Sunday school, Catechist, Youth President, and now as a member of the mission team.

As I grow up, the closeness that I & my older sister have built has barriers that keep us away from each other. I
think when we grow up, the responsibility to secure your future is the most vital thing to do. We tend to forget
the pieces of the past that makes us of who we are today because we’re so busy chasing the future and forget
to stop and thank God over it.

Thus, as years pass by, being misunderstood, felt unloved, and fighting over small things is one of the reasons
why I see the world as a burden and not as a blessing. I take for granted the gifts that God had already given to
me. It is the gift of life, friends and most importantly the gift of family.
The bond that I & my sister constructed vanished in just a single snap. I don't know where it started or what's
the reason behind it. I would describe it as a lamp that flickers in the dark and suddenly it turns off, forever.

Perhaps, I just saw the struggles that she encounters and not doing anything about it. Maybe, I was just used to
pretend that everything was perfectly fine even if it’s not.
The day that we discovered that there were days that my ate just wanted to sleep and wish that she would
never wake up was a nightmare for my family. To be honest, I was devastated, I thought that we will lose her at
any time. I just knew that it's a wake-up call of God, that we should reflect things for us to learn & grow. During
those times, I felt sorry for not being good enough as a sister, daughter, or even a friend. And I thought that
moving on and running away from that situation can heal the past but I was wrong. I didn’t fully understand
what’s going on until I raise the white flag and let God control over my life. Surrendering to God all the burdens
that I carry seem to have a bigger difference than leaning on my strength.

2. How did that experience of forgiveness, peace and acceptance become instrumental in your life now as a
youth minister?

As a youth minister, I learned that we should emulate Jesus on how His love, acceptance, and forgiveness freed
us from every chain of anger, doubts, self-pity & brokenness.

Being part of this ministry taught me that we should be the one that has a heart full of compassion,
gratefulness, forgiveness and accepting the fact that we have our lapses. And sometimes being lost in the
battleground is one of the ways of God, to show us that we should let Him do his part. For we are lost and now
has been found. Forgiving who hurt us and be forgiven by those we hurt won't make us less of a person but
rather than makes us who we are. Now I have completely understood that some mistakes take us to places that
God had already prepared, not to hurt us but to teach us that His plans are greater than anything else. It’s never
been too late to start again nor too late to reach out to God. He listens 24/7, and now would you dare to take a

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