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Effect of Fine Content on Compaction Characteristics of Sandy Soil

Conference Paper · December 2005


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2 authors, including:

Prabir K. Kolay
Southern Illinois University Carbondale


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Effect of Fine Content on
Compaction Characteristics of Sandy Soil
Prabir K. Kolay
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Nurul Wadiah
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Abstract: The present study investigates the effect of fine content (i.e., sample passing 75 µm)
on the compaction characteristics of three sandy soils (two river bed and one quarry sand)
collected from three different places of Sarawak, Malaysia. Those three sand samples were
reconstituted with various proportions of fine content (i.e., 5, 10, 20, and 30%) on the basis of
mass replacement for the tests. The compaction test has been conducted by using standard
Proctor compactor. Results shows that for the two riverbed sand samples, with the increase of
30% fines, maximum dry density increases by 9.36% and 4.12% and OMC (optimum moisture
content) decreases by 18.88% and 24.6%, respectively. While for the quarry sand, with the
increase of 30% fines, maximum dry density increases by 9.67% and OMC decreases by 43.5%.
These results may be useful to simulate the insitu compaction methods.

Keywords: Compaction; Riverbed sand; Quarry sand; Fine content.


Generally sandy soils are used as a fill material in construction and their engineering properties
can be improved by compaction. Usual study on compaction concentrates on the energy of
compactive effort and water content. It has long been recognized that compaction changes the
physical properties of soils and also may result in a change of workability of the soil that will
ease handling during construction. For example, properly compacted well-graded gravel may be
15 times as resistant to deformation under a bearing load as the same material in the loose state
(Hilf, 1991).
Compaction must be tailored to the soil type, moisture condition, and subsequent
environment of the compacted product. Thus, the ability of the engineer to identify the soil type
accurately is the prime importance. Cohesionless soils are relatively pervious even when
compacted. They are not affected significantly by water content during the compaction process.
Instead, properties of cohesionless soil are a function of relative density (Terzaghi, 1943;
Burmister, 1948). The peaked curved relationship between dry density and water content may be
ill defined or nonexistent for clean sands and gravels. Most obviously it is evident that greater
energy input results in greater densification. But, logically, as higher energies are used, greater
compaction results and further densification becomes increasingly difficult. Thus, for these type
of soils the Proctor density curve concept may be questionable; though in practice engineers and
professionals still using the Proctor concept on the ground that the fill materials normally contain

some fine materials. Comprehensive studies on the effect of fine content on laboratory maximum
density and optimum moisture content of sandy soils appeared to be very limited. Most of the
earlier studies were concentrated on the effect of compaction energies and moisture content on
the dry density of soils (Lambe and Whitman, 1969; Hilf, 1975; Mitchell, 1976; Carrier, 2000).
It seems important, for practical purposes, to know the effects of fine content on both the dry
density and necessary water content for a minimum compacting effort. The effects of structure
are as important, in determining engineering behavior, as are the effects of initial porosity and
stress history (Leroueil and Vaughan, 1990).
Another important aspect is the liquefaction potential of silty sand which increases with the
increase of fine content. Some researchers (Yasuda et al., 1994; Koester, 1994; Thevanayagam et
al., 1996; Prakash and Guo, 1999; Salgado et al., 2000; Carmine et al., 2001; Lien-Kwei et al.,
2002) have studied the liquefaction potential of sandy soil with the inclusion of different
percentages of silt or non-plastic fines. The results show that the liquefaction strength of
reclaimed soil increases as the relative density increases. In addition, under constant relative
density, the liquefaction strength decreases as the fines content increases.
A significant volume of research work has been done by various researchers on the various
aspects of the compaction properties of coarse-grained soils. However, the study on the effect of
fine content on the coarse-grained soil is very limited. In practice, the uses of coarse-grained
soils are enormous and the obvious reason may be its reliability as a good foundation soils in
most of the cases. However, natural sands generally contain significant amounts of silts and /or
clay. Thus the present study aims at investigating the effect of fine content on the compaction
characteristics of the sandy soil. The sand samples having varying fineness were collected from
three selected locations in Sarawak, Malaysia and reconstituted specimens prepared in the
laboratory with varying percentages of fine content for testing.

Test Materials

Sand samples have been collected from three selected locations (i.e., Batu Tujuh, Damai, and
Batu Kawa) in Sarawak have been designated as Sample-1, Sample-2, and Sample-3,
respectively. Both Batu Tujuh and Damai sand samples were a type of riverbed alluvial deposits,
while samples from Batu Kawa was a type of quarry sand obtained from nearby sand heave.
Samples fractions finer than 75 µm sieve (No. 200 sieve) have been separated through a stack of
sieves. The fine samples collected from Sample-1, Sample-2 and Sample-3 have been designated
as Sample-F1, Sample-F2 and Sample-F3, respectively.
Mixing every fine sample (i.e., Sample-F1, Sample-F2 and Sample-F3) in various
proportions with the respective initial sample (Sample-1, Sample-2, and Sample-3), to get the
specimens for tests.

Experimental Investigation

The particle or gradational analysis of the original samples and fine samples mixed with different
proportion to the original sample were determined according to the guidelines provided by
ASTM D 422-63. The specific gravity of the original sample and fine sample mixed with

different proportion to the original sample were determined as per the ASTM D 854-92. The
standard Proctor compaction characteristics of the original sand and the reconstituted sand
samples are evaluated as per the guidelines provided by ASTM D 698-91. The internal
dimension of mould was 105 mm in diameter & 115 mm in high and the rammer weight was
24.4 kN.

Results and Discussion

Sieve Analysis (Original Sample)

Sieve analysis has been done for all three original samples and the results are presented in Fig. 1
and Table 1. From the table, it can be noticed that the Sample-1 has wide range of distribution of
particle sizes and coarser particles, compare to other two samples, which consist of 13% gravel
(> 2.0 mm) and 87% of sand (0.06 mm to 2.0 mm). Sample-2 has approximately similar sizes of
particles, and very small percentages of gravels i.e., 0.05% gravels and 99.95% of sand, whereas
Sample-3 contains 1.02% gravels and 98.98% of sand.

Sample-1 Sample-2 Sample-3
% passing




10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
Particle size (mm)
Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of the three original samples

From Table 1 it can be noticed that all three original sand samples results a uniform type of
sand as Cu value less than 5. Sample-1 has highest Cu value of 2.71 indicate that, the sample has
wide range of particle sizes, followed by Sample-3 (2.13) and Sample-2 (1.75), respectively.
Percentage of fines (i.e., sample passing through 75 µm sieve) in all three samples is less than
10% (i.e., 2.33%, 0.51 % and 8.62% for Sample-1, Sample-2 and sample-3, respectively) thus no
hydrometer test needed. The fineness modulus (FM) test results have also been presented in
Table 1. It can be noticed that Sample-3 is the finest and Sample-1 is the coarsest. According to
Unified Soil Classification (USC) system all three original sand were poorly graded (SP) sand.

Sieve Analysis (Reconstitute Samples)

The fine samples (passing 75 µm sieve) have been collected and designated as Sample-F1,
Sample-F2 and Sample-F3. These samples were mixed with the original samples with various
percentages; i.e., 0, 5, 10, 20 and 30%, which contribute to five (5) reconstitute samples for each
original sand sample. For the reconstitute samples sieve analysis has also been conducted and the
results have been presented in Table 2. From Table 2, it can be noticed that reconstitute samples
designed have wider range of particles sizes than the original samples. It can also be observed
that with the increase of fine content, the particle size distribution of Sample-1, Sample-2 and
Sample-3 have been shifted to poorly graded to well-graded sand. While for Sample-3 with 30%
increase in fine content the same has been shifted to well-graded sand to silty sand. The physical
properties of the reconstituted samples have also been presented in Table 2.

Specific Gravity (Gs)

Specific gravity tests were done for each original as well as reconstitute samples and the results
are presented in Table 2. From Table 2, it can be noticed that, in general average specific gravity
decreases as the percentage of fine content increases. Sample-1 shows the highest value,
followed by Sample-3 and Sample-2. The particle sizes are observed to affect the value of
specific gravity. With the increase of 30% fines the specific gravity decreases by 6.06%, 6.05%
and 8.33% for Sample-1, Sample-2 and Sample-3, respectively.

Compaction Test

Compaction tests were carried out for all three original sand samples (i.e., Sample-1, Sample-2
and Sample-3) and reconstituted samples. Results for Sample-1, Sample-2 and Sample-3 with
different percentages of fine content have been presented in Table 2. It can be noticed from the
Table 2, that maximum dry density increases and optimum moisture content decreases with the
increase of fine content. The values for dry density are higher for the sample contains highest
percentage of fine content (i.e., 30%) fines, while the lowest dry density occurs for the sample
with 0% fine content. This phenomenon is same for all the samples.
Higher dry density is observed for specimen with largest fine percentage, i.e., 30% fine. It
may be attributed to the fact that the sample has wider range of size particles, and contributes to
smaller void ratio within particles and compactive effort applied together with adding of water
content will force the particles slide one another to better arrangement. Adding of water content
was trapped by the smaller particles, and held the particles together. Thus, just small amount of
water content needed for maximum density. Water trapped resulting high frictional resistance
that opposed the compaction force. As void ratio is smaller, compaction would result for higher
density. This situation continued until the densest stage is reached, where no more densification
is possible and minimum void ratio was achieved.
Compaction test result shows that Sample-1 exhibits the maximum dry density for the
original as well as with different percentages of fine content (as tabulated in Table 2), followed
by Sample-3 and Sample-2. The Sample-1 also shows the lowest value of optimum moisture

content, OMC, (as tabulated in Table 2), followed by Sample-3 and Sample-2. The results have
also been presented in Fig. 2 to Fig. 4.


Dry density (g/cm )




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Moisture content (%)
BT-00 BT-05 BT-10 BT-20 BT-30

Fig. 2. Compaction test result for Sample-1 with different percentages of fines

Dry density (g/cm )

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Moisture content (%)
DA-00 DA-05 DA-10 DA-20 DA-30

Fig. 3. Compaction test result for Sample-2 with different percentages of fines

Table 1. Physical property of the original sand samples
Location Specimen Specific Grain size analysis USC Fineness
of sand Designation Gravity, D60 D30 D10 Uniformity Co-efficient of Group Modulus
sample Gs (mm) (mm) (mm) co-efficient, Cu curvature, Cz (FM)
Batu Tujuh Sample-1 (BT) 2.64 0.57 0.35 0.21 2.71 1.02 SP 2.53
Damai Sample-2 (DA) 2.60 0.42 0.33 0.24 1.75 1.08 SP 1.78
Batu Kawa Sample-3 (BK) 2.64 0.34 0.22 0.16 2.13 0.89 SP 1.45

Table 2. Physical and compaction properties of reconstituted (mixed with different % of fine content) samples
Specific Grain size analysis
Sample & % Spe’men USC characteristics
Gravity, FM
designation fines desig.
D60 D30 D10 Uniform. Co-eff. of Group γd(max) OMC
(mm) (mm) (mm) Coeff., Cu Curv. Cz (g/cm3) (%)
0 BT-00 2.64 0.53 0.35 0.23 2.3 1.0 SP 2.39 1.71 14.97
Sample–1 5 BT-05 2.63 0.53 0.34 0.19 2.8 1.15 SP 2.36 1.82 14.93
Batu Tujuh 10 BT-10 2.51 0.52 0.3 0.16 3.3 1.08 SP 2.29 1.83 12.03
Sand 20 BT-20 2.50 0.45 0.24 0.07 6.4 1.83 SW 1.97 1.84 11.97
(BT) 30 BT-30 2.48 0.45 0.2 0.005 8.2 1.62 SW 1.87 1.87 11.94

0 DA-00 2.60 0.41 0.32 0.19 2.2 1.31 SP 1.76 1.55 20.97
5 DA-05 2.57 0.42 0.31 0.18 2.3 1.27 SP 1.71 1.64 15.03
10 DA-10 2.54 0.41 0.3 0.16 2.6 1.37 SP 1.61 1.69 12.08
Damai Sand
20 DA-20 2.50 0.38 0.23 0.06 6.3 2.32 SW 1.44 1.70 9.01
30 DA-30 2.44 0.38 0.17 0.045 8.4 1.69 SW 1.26 1.70 11.85

0 BK-00 2.64 0.45 0.36 0.3 1.5 0.96 SP 1.97 1.70 13.36
5 BK-05 2.63 0.42 0.32 0.18 2.33 1.35 SP 1.76 1.73 12.16
Batu Kawa
10 BK-10 2.60 0.4 0.28 0.06 6.67 3.27 SW 1.57 1.73 11.97
20 BK-20 2.55 0.28 0.18 0.035 8.0 3.31 SW 1.23 1.74 11.77
30 BK-30 2.42 0.27 0.16 0.025 10.8 3.79 SM 1.10 1.77 10.07


Dry density (g/cm )





0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Moisture content (%)
BK-00 BK-05 BK-10 BK-20 BK-30

Fig. 4. Compaction test result for Sample-3 with different percentages of fines

From the Table 2, it can be noticed that with the addition of 30% fines the maximum dry
density increases by 9.36, 9.67 and 4.12% and OMC decreases by 18.88, 43.50, and 24.6% for
the Sample-1, Sample-2 and Sample-3, respectively. Varies size of particles mixtures clearly
observed to be more compressible than the sand in narrow particles size distribution. Besides,
there’s a chance where amount of bigger particles breakage could happen, during compaction
forces applied to specimens. It obviously helps to increase the density of compacted sand.


In the present study an attempt has been made to understand the effect of fine content on
compaction characteristics of sand. From the laboratory investigation carried out, the following
conclusions can be made:

1. Higher the values of fineness modulus (FM) of the sand show higher maximum dry
2. With the increase of fine content, the specific gravity values decreases for all three
original sand samples.
3. As expected, this preliminary study figure out that increase of fine percentage increases
the maximum dry density and need less water content to reach densest stage, which might
be useful in landfill construction.
4. For riverbed sand samples, with the increase of 30% fines, maximum dry density
increases by 9.36% & 4.12% and OMC (optimum moisture content) decreases by 18.88%
& 24.6%, respectively.
5. For quarry sand, with the increase of 30% fines, maximum dry density increases by
9.67% and OMC decreases by 43.5%.


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