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Dr. Nihal kumar, BHMS, Pune

 Aph. No. 1 :- Physician mission

 Aph. No. 2 :- Ideal cure

 Aph. No. 3,4,5 :- Physician’s qualification

Aph. No. 3 Aph. No. 4 Aph. No. 5

Perception Epidemiology Causes

Disease Medicine Application Exciting Maintaining Fundamental

 Aph. No. 6,7 :- Manifestation of disease

Aph. No. 6 Aph. No. 7

Unprejudiced observer, Removal of totality of symptoms
Portrait of the disease means removal of disease

 Aph. No. 8 :- Restoration of health

 Aph. No. 9-17 :- Vital force

Aph. No. 9 Aph. No. 10 Aph. No. 11 Aph. No.12

Propertise of V.F. Material body with V.F. V.F. in disease state Disease due to internal
Derangement of V.F.

Aph. No. 13 Aph. No. 14 Aph. No. 15

Materialism in medicine Disease manifestation Affection of V.F.

Aph. No. 16 Aph. No. 17

Removal of dynamic cause Removal of symptoms
By dynamic cure, medicine

 Aph. No. 18 :- Symptom totality
 Aph. No. 19-24 :- Knowledge of remedies, drug, proving & Formal
derivation of law of similars

Aph. No. 19 Aph. No. 20 Aph. No. 21 Aph. No. 22

How medicines cure Drug proving Pathogenetic symptoms Contraria contraribus
Curative in medicine curanter (Antipathy)

Aph. No. 23 Aph. No. 24

Demerits antipathy Only similia similibus curanter

 Aph. No. 25-29 :- Homoeopathic law of cure

Aph. No. 25 Aph. No. 26 Aph. No. 27

Merits of homoeopathy Homoeopathic law of cure Curative power of medicine-
Symptoms similar of disease

Aph. No. 28 Aph. No. 29

Confirmation of law of nature How homoeopathic cure takes place

 Aph. No. 30-34 :- How medicines are stronger than natural disease

Aph. No. 30 Aph. No. 31 Aph. No. 32

Regulation of dose Medicine acts unconditionally Natural diseases affects

Aph. No. 33 Aph. No. 34

Medicines are superior than Dis-similar diseases does not
Natural diseases-cures cure but similar diseases

 Aph. No. 35-42 :- Law of dis-similar

Aph. No. 35 Aph. No. 36 Aph. No. 37

What happens when two Existing stronger repels Allopathy-chronic disease
Dissimilar diseases meetsn the weaker remains uncured

Aph. No. 38 Aph. No. 39 Aph. No. 40

New stronger suspends Routine examples Complex diseases
The weaker one
Aph. No. 41 Aph. No. 42
Natural + Artificial= complex Dis-similar diseases complicates
One another

 Aph. No. 43-51 :- What happens when two similar diseases meets together

Aph. No. 43 Aph. No. 44 Aph. No. 45

To similar diseases cure They neither-repel, suspend How they work
Nor form complex

Aph. No. 46 Aph. No. 47 Aph. No. 48

Example Lesson Experience to teech

Aph. No. 49 Aph. No. 50 Aph. No. 51

Minute observation Why-for cure we should Advantageous of similia
Not depend upon nature

 Aph. No. 52-60 :- Different system of medicine

Aph. No. 52 Aph. No. 53 Aph. No. 54

System of treatment Why homoeopathy is best Allopathy is based on guess work

Aph. No. 55 Aph. No. 56 Aph. No. 57

Allopathy temporary relief Antipathy Antipathy-examples

Aph. No.58 Aph. No. 59 Aph. No. 60

Antipathy disadvantages Examples of disadvantages Disadvantages of increasing

 Aph. No. 61-62 :- Ideal system of medicine

Aph. No. 61 Aph. No. 62

Disadvantages of antipathy &
Advantages of homoeopathy

 Aph. No. 63-69 :- Primary and secondary action

Aph. No. 63 Aph. No. 64 Aph. No. 65 Aph. No. 66

Primary & secondary Explanation Examples Homoeopathic medicines
Action primary & secondary action
Aph. No. 67 Aph. No. 68 Aph. No. 69
Antipathy primary & Advantages of homoeopathy Disadvantages antipathy
secondary action

 Aph. No. 70 :- Summery

 Aph. No. 71 :- Miniature organon (three points necessary for curing)

 Aph. No. 72-81 :- Classification of diseases

Aph. No. 72 Aph. No. 73 Aph. No. 74 Aph. No. 75

General survey of disease Types of acute Artificial chronic These are most
Acute & chronic disease diseases incurable

Aph. No. 76 Aph. No. 77 Aph. No. 78

It is only when the still Pseudo chronic diseases True chronic disease
Sufficiently powerful that the
Injury can then be repaired,often
Only after long time, if original
Disease be at the same time
Homoeopathically eradicated.

Aph. No.79 Aph. No. 80 Aph. No. 81

Knowledge of syphilis, Fundamental cause psora Development of psora

 Aph. No. 82 :- Individualization

 Aph. No. 83-104 :- Case taking

Aph. No. 83 Aph. No. 84 Aph. No. 85 Aph. No. 86

Physician- Recording of New symptom Physician
1. free from prejudice symptom on fresh line observation
2. sound senses
3. attentive

Aph. No. 87 Aph. No. 88 Aph. No. 89 Aph. No. 90 Aph. No. 91
Details of Use of general Precise & Obsrevation Past treatment
Symptoms expression special? & recording
Aph. No. 92 Aph. No. 93 Aph. No. 94 Aph. No. 95 Aph. No. 96
Recoding- Private? Investigation of Recording of Reccording of
Acute symptom maintaining cause long suffering hypochondric

Aph. No. 97 Aph. No. 98 Aph. No. 99

Recording of indolent case Record only patients language Recording acute case is easy

Aph. No. 100/101/102 Aph. No. 103 Aph. No. 104

Investigation of the epidemic Investigation of Utility of nothing down in writing
Disease in particular psora the picture of the disease for the
Purpose of curing in the progress
of the treatment.

 Aph. No. 105-145 :- Drug proving

Aph. No. 105 Aph. No. 106 Aph. No. 107 Aph. No. 108
Investigation of Knowledge of Drug proving Drug proving- healthy
Pathogenetic power medicine on sick individual
Of medicine

Aph. No. 109 Aph. No. 110 Aph. No. 111 Aph. No. 112
Own credit- Allopathy-effect of Aggrement with Primary & secondary
Dr. hahnemann drug on healthy person poision drug effect action of drug

Aph. No. 113 Aph. No. 114 Aph. No. 115 Aph. No. 116
Exception Primary action in Alternating action Prove drug on groups
Narcotic moderate doses & not on individual

Aph. No. 117 Aph. No. 118 Aph. No. 119 Aph. No. 120
Idiosyncrasies Individualization Individualization- careful drug proving
Of drug drug action

Aph. No. 121 Aph. No. 122 Aph. No. 123 Aph. No. 124
Drug doses for Prove simple drug Method of preparation Single drug proving

Aph. No. 125 Aph. No. 126 Aph. No. 127 Aph. No. 128
Drug proving Qualities of prover Drug proving on prove only dynamic
Diet both sexes drug
Aph. No. 129 Aph. No. 130 Aph. No. 131 Aph. No. 132
Small dose First dose acts- Increasing the dose Drug proving of weak
Record symptoms medicinal substance

Aph. No. 133 Aph. No. 134 Aph. No. 135 Aph. No. 136
Through drug Drug proving on Confirmatory All symptoms of drug can’t
proving? Many person reproving be noted on one person

Aph. No. 137 Aph. No. 138 Aph. No. 139 Aph. No. 140
Comparison of large Alteration in health Illiterate prover Literate prover
& moderate dose during drug proving

Aph. No. 141 Aph. No. 142 Aph. No. 143

Ideal prover- Investigation of effect Materia medica pura
Physician himself of medicine

Aph. No. 144 Aph. No. 145

Building of material medica Remedy

 Aph. No. 146-154 :- Method of selection of medicine

Aph. No. 146 Aph. No. 147 Aph. No. 148

Idea about employment Homoeopathic specific Natural disease caused by
Of medicines to get perfect remedy dynamic inimical agency
Homoeopathic cure

Aph. No. 149 Aph. No. 150 Aph. No. 151

Chronic diseases takes Indisposition Important diseases have a
Proportionate time to cure number of symptoms

Aph. No. 152 Aph. No. 153 Aph. No. 154

Acute disease For choice of remedy striking, Homoeopathic medicines
Selection is easy singular, uncommon & symptoms cure acute disease without
Of the disease should be considered much disturbance

 Aph. No. 155-160 :- Dose
Aph. No. 155 Aph. No. 156 Aph. No. 157
Appropriate dose Homoeopathic agg. & potency Homoeopathic agg. &
Medicinal agg.

Aph. No. 158 Aph. No. 159 Aph. No. 160

Homoeopathic agg. Smaller the dose slightest the agg. Removal of symptoms
In acute disease without disturbance

 Aph. No. 161-171 :- Remedy reaction

Aph. No. 161 Aph. No. 162 Aph. No. 163 Aph. No. 164
Homo.- agg. In Partial selection Appearance of Few, rare, similar
Acute & chronic of similimum accessory symptom symptom & their
disease cure

Aph. No. 165 Aph. No. 166 Aph. No. 167 Aph. No.168
Unhomoeopathic Rare use of selection Wrong in selection Follow up
medicine of unhomoeopathic acute disease-antidote

Aph. No. 169 Aph. No. 170 Aph. No. 171

Analogous medicines Follow up Use of antipsoric medicines

 Aph. No. 172-184 :- One sided diseases

Aph. No. 172 Aph. No. 173 Aph. No.174 Aph. No. 175
One sided diseases & Definition Classification One sided diseases with
Imperfect selection of internalcomplaint

Aph. No. 176 Aph. No. 177 Aph. No. 178

Careful initial examination Selection of medicine in Effect of medicine-cure
One sided diseases internal one sided diseases

Aph. No. 179 Aph. No. 180 Aph. No. 181

Effect of medicine- Appearance of accessory Accessory symptoms
Recovery symptoms-natural disease due to medicine

Aph. No. 182 Aph. No. 183 Aph. No. 184

Discovery of remedy What to do Continue as previous
Till complete cure
 Aph. No. 185-203 :- Local diseases

Aph. No. 185 Aph. No. 186 Aph. No. 187

Definition of local Acute local maladies- Chronic local maladies-
Maladies external causes internal cause

Aph. No. 188 Aph. No. 189 Aph. No. 190 Aph. No. 191
Misconception- Clarification of Management- sign of
Local maladies misconception local maladies improvement

Aph. No. 192 Aph. No.193 Aph. No. 194 Aph. No. 195
Follow up Local diseases- External application Antipsoric
Treatment man as a whole treatment

Aph. No.196 Aph. No.197 Aph. No.198 Aph. No. 199

Selection of Local diseases- Topical employment Partial selection of
Medicine syphilitic & sycotic of medicines similimum & local

Aph. No. 200 Aph. No. 201 Aph. No. 202 Aph. No. 203
Internal dynamic Effect of late Local maladies Local maladies &
Remedy Treatment allopathic treatment external application

 Aph. No. 204-209 :- Chronic diseases

Aph. No. 204 Aph. No. 205 Aph. No. 206

Types of chronic diseases Chronic disease manifestation Determine the miasm &
Treat accordingly

Aph. No. 207 Aph. No. 208 Aph. No. 209

Effect of treatment Perception of obstacles Formation of the portrait
Taken till today of the disease

 Aph. No. 210-230 :- Mental diseases

Aph. No. 210 Aph. No. 211 Aph. No. 212 Aph. No. 213
Mental one sided Present characteristic Each medicine brings Selection of homo
Diseases difficult symptom are helpful change in state of mind medicine in such
To treat for selection of remedy & disposition diseases
Aph. No.214 Aph. No. 215 Aph. No. 216 Aph. No. 217
Treatment of mental Mental & corporeal Somato-psychic type Disease portrait=
Diseases diseases are same mental+ physical

Aph. No. 218 Aph. No. 219 Aph. No. 220 Aph. No. 221
Past h/o of the Comparision b/w Selection of medicine Management of
Patient past & present symptom in chronic mental disease acute mental disease

Aph. No. 222 Aph. No. 223 Aph. No. 224 Aph. No. 225
Radical treatment When not treated with Mental diseases of Emotional diseases
Of Acute mental antipsorics the disease doubtful origin
Diseases aggravation

Aph. No. 226 Aph. No. 227 Aph. No. 228

Treatment of Behavior with the patient Complete cure of emotional
emotional diseases of mental diseases diseases-antipsorics

Aph. No. 229 Aph. No.230

Behavior of physician Radical treatment of mental
With the patients diseases

 Aph. No. 231-244 :- Intermittent & Alternating diseases

Aph. No. 231 Aph. No. 232 Aph. No. 233 Aph. No. 234
Intermittent disease Alternating disease Typical intermittent Non febrile typical
- Febrile diseases intermittent diseases
- Afebrile

Aph. No.235 Aph. No. 236 Aph. No. 237

Management of intermittent Appropriate time for Time for prescribing
Fever administration of medicine medicine when there is
Short attack of disease

Aph. No. 238 Aph. No. 239 Aph. No. 240

Repetition of same Every medicine causes Intermittent fever &
Medicine different peculiar fever antipsoric medicine

Aph. No. 241 Aph. No. 242 Aph. No. 243 Aph. No. 244
Intermittent genus Psoric intermittent Treatment of pernicious Endemic
Epidemicus fever intermittent fever intermittent fever
 Aph. No. 245-258 :- Homoeopathic posology

Aph. No. 245 Aph. No. 246 Aph. No. 247 Aph. No. 248
Diet, regimen & Mode of employing Repetition of How to increase the
Mode of employing remedies in chronic the dose power of medicine
Medicine disease

Aph. No.249 Aph. No. 250 Aph. No. 251 Aph. No. 252
Antidote Acute disease & Repetition of medicine Removal of obstacle
Wrong selection in the same potency in the way of cure

Aph. No. 253 Aph. No. 254 Aph. No. 255 Aph. No. 256
Signs of agg. & How to identify whether Follow up- Sign of wrong
Amelioration it is agg. Or amel. Recordings similimum

Aph. No. 257 Aph. No. 258

Favorite remedy Never be prejudised to
Any remedy

 Aph. No. 259-263 :- Diet & regimen

Aph. No. 259 Aph. No. 260 Aph. No. 261

Diet & regimen during Investigation of obstacle Regimen in chronic
treatment in cure diseases

Aph. No. 262 Aph. No. 263

Diet in acute disease Allow desired diet to the patient

 Aph. No. 264-272 :- Homoeopathic pharmacy

Aph. No. 264 Aph. No. 265 Aph. No. 266

Genuine unimpaired Employment of correct Medicines- vegetable
medicine medicine & animal kngdom

Aph. No. 267 Aph. No. 268 Aph. No. 269

Medicines- indigenous Plants Medicines- exotic substances Dynamization of drugs

Aph. No. 270 Aph. No. 271 Aph. No. 272

Methods of dynamization Physician- knowledge Administration of remedy
Of pharmacy
 Aph. No. 273-274 :- Law of simplex

Aph. No. 273 Aph. No. 274

Single or complex medicine Advantage of use of single medicine

 Aph. No. 275-283 :- Strength of the dose for homoeopathic use

Aph. No. 275 Aph. No. 276 Aph. No. 277

Large dose is injurious Effect of high potency Minimum dose

Aph. No. 278 Aph. No. 279 Aph. No. 280

Potency selection Homoeopathically selected Signs of correct selection
Medicine perfect cure

Aph. No. 281 Aph. No. 282 Aph. No. 283

Signs of restoration Homoeopathic aggravation Unsuitable medicine in
Small dose is not harmful

 Aph. No. 284-285 :- Route of administration

Aph. No. 284 Aph. No. 285

What part of the body are susceptible External application of medicine
To the influence of remedies

 Aph. No. 286-291 :- Ancillary measures

Aph. No. 286 Aph. No. 287 Aph. No. 288/289

Electricity & galvanism Mineral magnet Animal magnetism & mesmerism

Aph. No. 290 Aph. No. 291

Massage Bath

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