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Biological Science

New Animal Enclosure Needed!

The Australian Zoo is moving to a new location. The

Zookeepers have got lots to do so they need your help
to design new animal enclosures for the Australian
animals who live there. Would you be able to help?

You will be given 5days to work on it. Your task is to Choose an Australian animal, an create a new
By the 5th lesson your design should enclosure that will cate for all the animals needs.
be completed. Things to consider:
- What does it’s natural habitat look like?
When finished we will present our - How much space do they need?
designs to the class in a showcase. - What do they eat and drink?
Place your enclosure on your desk - Where will they sleep and rest?
along with anything else you would You must use a carboard box, some natural materials and label all
like to include in your display. your elements. You may use any craft resources that are in the
classroom or art room.

May include other things such as information sheets or a list of other animals that
could be suited to live there – not compulsory but if you finish early you may work
on other elements

Extra Recources:
- Habitats video Link:

- Australian Animals Encyclopedia:

- Animal Factsheets:

- Australian animals and their habitats:

Curriculum Links

Living things live in different places where their needs are met (ACSSU211)
Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017)
Exploration of different materials, media and/or technologies, when creating artwork (ACAVAM107)
Display of artwork (ACAVAM108)

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