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— Pact te pees“ by i bord A a wllyod Welobey- ~ = Atle: of oT yoke ha Pet One Fecloey =p 5 nan ata ited —_ p41 — Sie Andee Lan Welber Act Ore. Seni One ~py 4 _ Thinkof Me - py 3| Wheve int World Fane 2- eee of Music.) Aa : The a of thu Dpera p 2 fhe he aL yo — State leant gla _ _ A. _ Act 1 - Seene§- Tw lB Ha na ig Timo Donna - P5104 : eae “hat Muto” - =p4 To Etaed kt Ow- 14% 7 Svante - 150 =e 7 _ Macjuevade -157 - = _ Phostonis. Later 4 2 4) Plan N45 The Opera reiuarat pec ; . ‘1SWu wee somthin hue agt in) eo ee Vntect Trio- Phantom, Raoul ‘ate 94 78 bn Toon fevSrmrs — 99233. y i the Point. of _noretutn) ~ Ae — (angi's death tmsic_ = py 254 Tract dawn twin rnurdver se BA} 13.8. 86 CAST Auctioneer Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny M. André ) M. Firmin ) — Managers of the Opera Populaire Carlotta Guidicelli, a Singer Christine Daag, a Singer Don Attilio Passarino (in “Don Juan") Meg Giry, a Dancer The Phantom of the Opera Ubaldo Piangi, a Singer ~ Mme. Giry, Ballet Mistress M. Reyer, répétiteur M. Lefévre, previous Manager Porter Joseph Buquet, Head Flyman ‘Chorus of slaves, Bidders, Porters, Opera-Goers, Angry Citizens. Firemen and Policemen. THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyrics by Charles Hart __ Additional lyrics by Richard Stilgoe Musical Staging by Gillian Lynne Harold Prince ‘TIE REALLY USEFUL GROUP PLC. 20, Greek Street, London. W1V SLF CAMERON MACKINTOSH LTD. Ceilidh House, 46, Museum Street, London. W.C.2 Fest ACT ONE - the same in 1861 NEW ‘Scene One Scene Two Scene Three ‘Scene Four ‘Scene Five Scene Six Scene Seven Scene Eight OLD One Two Three Four Five Five A Six Seven ACT IWO- Six months later ‘Scene One ‘Scene One A Scene Two ‘Scene Three ‘Scene Four Scene Five Scene Six Scene Seven Scene Bight ‘Act One Profogue (3) Rehearsals for ‘Hannibal’ by Chalumeau Christine's Dressing Room ‘corridor backstage Christine's Dressing Room The labyrinth underground and the Phantom’s lair Box Five and the stage of the Opera House ‘The Managers’ Office next morning, ‘Overture to ‘Tl Muto" ‘A performance of Il Muto’ by Albrizzio, the following night ‘The roof of the Opera House that night The foyer of the Opera House A gloomy corridor backstage “The Managers’ Office two days later A rehearsal for ‘Don Juan Triumphant’ three days later ‘A graveyard in Paris that night Before ‘Don Juan Triumphant’ "Don Juan Triumphant ‘The labyrinth underground ‘The Phantom’s lair Act ONE fraloque page + PROLOGUE The stage of the Opera Populaire. The contents of the Opera House are being auctioned off. Prominent ie the “Hannibal” poster. An AUCTIONEER, PORTERS, BIDDERS and RAOUL. eye's seventy now, but still bright of eye. ‘The action commences with a blow from the AUCTIONEER's gavel~ AUCTIONEER gold. Your number, Sir? | Thank you. | Lot 663, then, ladies and gentlemen: a poster for this house's production of “Hannibal” by Chalumeau. PORTER Showing here- AUCTIONEER Do I have ten francs? Five then. Five 1 a0 bid. Six, Deven. Against you, Sir, seven. Eight. Eight once. Selling twice. Sold, (GAVEL DOWN) to Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny~ Lot 664: a wooden pistol and three hunat skulls, from Lot t83i production of "Robert le Diable’ by Meyerbeer. the tance for this. Ten, thank you. Ten francs still. Fifteen, thank you, Sir. Fifteen I am bid. Going at fifteen. (GAVEL DOWN) Your number, Sir? Lot 665, ladies and gentlemen: @ papier-mache musical box, dk the shape of a barrel-organ- Attached, the figure of a At tne Gn Persian robes, playing the cymbats- This item, discovered in the vaults of the theatre, still in working order, ladies and gentlemen. : PORTER (holding it, up) Showing here. (HE sets it in motion. It gives a jangling, faltering rendition of the ‘Masquerade’ theme) AUCTIONFER May I start at twenty francs? Fifteen, then? Fifteen 1am bid. (The bidding continues. RAOUL Cyektually buys the box for thirty francs) -4- Ace One Froleqve page 5 AUCTIONEER (Continued) or thirty francs ‘tp the Vicomte de Chagny. ‘Thank you Sir. (The box is handed across to RAOUL. ‘with wry interest, He studies it as attention focuses on BIM for sold, f 2 moment) (CRrool wishes . : a $e = 7 Every de.mub — ex- QA cok leevtorspieee in.dleed. iend. Your velevee lining ardup Lenk gyre fegucine lead. ALL you still plac ahen ell Ge. resk op usevedezd 7 __ ——_—_—— Ack one Froleque page & (attention returns to the AUCTIONEER, as HE resumes) (1muisie. continues under) AUCTIONEER (continuing) Lot 666 then, & chandelier in pieces. Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera: a mystery never fully explained. We are told, Ladies a ayatery ens that chia is the very chandelier which figures in the famous disaster. Our workshops have restored it and fitted parts of it with wiring for the new electric light, so we may get a hint of how it may look when re-assembled. Perhaps we a5, frighten away the Ghost of so any years ago with = Tittle ‘iiumination,, gentlemen? i (Auctions Bat er) a — a = =__ ——————_ co (the PORTER switches on the two arms te’ the chandelier. There isan Shormous flash, and the MUSIC of the PHANTOM begins) - == = Tam SS Ad Ow Proique * page 8 To Act L scene | Bn G =>? * HANNIGAL” a= = = = Acr ONE Scene One paged Rehearsals for "Hannibal" by Chalumeau. We have reached the great choral Seene in which HANNIBAL and bis SnMY return to save Carthage from the Roman invasion under Scipio. HANNIBAL is SIGNOR PIANGI; ELISSA, Queen of Carthage (his mistress) is CARLOTTA GIUDICELLI. The two A Yeading SLAVE GIRLS are played by MSG GIRY and CHRISTINE DAAE. MME. GIRY is the ballet Mistress. M- REYER, the Répétiteur, is in charge. We join the opera towards the end BE ELISSA's (CARLOTTA's) great aria. SHE is alone, having been sent s present by the approaching EANNIBAL. PIRIOTTA holds a bleeding severed” fead, wearing a Roman bay wreath. CARLOTTA (climax 0) oN ofrowagart OO) peak £A . * os (a0Me) is ——§ 0 (a STAGE HAND carries & ladder Seross the stage. OTHERS are SGen still constructing Parts Se°tne scenery. Hammering and = ——— shouting ts beerd) == Ad Ore SceneOre Page 2 b- $ With fasting ad Barring and song, + with Seastingard Yanc-ing and sora, a Soa ty oo Ss night in ee —le-bra=tion We, greet the vierto-rious ‘throng re-tymad fo aing sb A : = ton We geal te i liius Hong recta) fo bing sal 1 cngit in cele bea \Orm Arty -|0- overs a184 Adi Ora Sean One pages vation va=tion Offstage) = = =~ 5 Tha Trmpdtsof Carthage re-sound Hear Romans now afd trem-ble (offerege) ae FE Sis ite trumpals of Carthage re-somd Hear Ro-mans now an) Trem-ble F F tare drug Horsi-bal comes ———— F desrtha Seams Hannibal comes: a. Harketoour step onthe. grove venta bons Hareni-bal cores Varklbour Sep onthe grow) Haortha Proms Haribal comes aA ST 5 Ory qty eo. me fe Act One, Scare Ore page p RARE (The offstage CORPS OF DRUMS. ca crashes in, and approaches. = 5 Se TentEA SAMNTGAL ona Litter) — —— ee finite lan we love Ss = A t a Ke % Titos Derr Ss a ‘i . DiarowE i" = —— Thrextenadorce more by Roma's Far renthing opaip = fEnceanvtren] me -|Q- Act one Scene Onepage S (interrupting him) "Rome". We say I (densely) Is very hard for me. r LEFEVRE, the retiring er of the Opera, with MIN and M. ANDRE, to whom EE has just sold it) REYER Signor ... if you pleas "Roma". PIANG: Si, si. Rome, not Roma. (practising) Rome .-. Rome (Ente: Manag: M. FT REYER Once again, then, if you please, LEFEVRE This way, gentlemen, this way. Rehearsals, as you see, are under way, for @ w production of Chalumeau's fannibal". (Segsing a hiatus in the rehearsal, LEFEVRE attempts to attract attention) Ladies and gentlemen, some of you may already, perhaps, Firmin .++ new managers are politely bowing, when REYER interrupts). If you wouldn't ~ LEFEVRE (bowing apologetically) Proceed, proceed «++ LEFEVRE (sotto voce) Signor: "Sad to return ..." LEFEVRE have met M. Andre and M. (The . |_REYER I'm sorry, M. Lefévre, we are rehearsing. mind waiting a moment? My apologies, 4. Reyer. REYER Thank you monsieur. (Turning back. to PIANGI). "Sad to return Signor ..+ (The M, Reyer, our chief répetiteur. Rather 2 tyrant, I'm afraid. rehearsal continues). ®. Act One Stene One page & Pimiel [Reaty Py A They are in the way). ree ore — es ee == = 2 — ———— — : Sadterducte frdtteladwe love “Thread once morelay Reme's far reaching \ (oulw) : — Se z x —— r ( = SF = a = = LL | = = = ==——— = = Ss any thd — SSS = oF = | nm + = — = —- Ss =e 7 righ rejoice your army has come home (We descends and takes, ELISA, 10 | A his arms. THEY turn to watch th ss ~ dance. Most of the SLAVE GIRLS ee =, Sj are on their feet, witn finger eS = EH cymvals at tne reddy - ae ~ LEFEVRE, ANDRE and FIRMIN stand lcentre-stage watching the ballet ae = UG -[4- aM Mm nara ate ACT ONE Scene One page + AcT ONE Scene! page B x (ax) J —~ _“< i — ; Set (B); : . 4 = ft =. se —t— = 3 = = D> => See (me) ‘The ballet continues under all this dialogue) o : LEFEVRE (indicating PIANGD Signor Piangi, our principal tenor. He does play so well opposite La Carlotta. GIRY (exasperated by their presence, ‘bangs her cane angrily on the stage) Gentlemen, please! If you would kindly move to one side? LEFEVRE My apologies, Mime. Giry. 7 (Leading ANDRE ond FIRMIN aside) Medame Giry, our ballet-mistress. I don’t mind confessing, Me irmin, I shan't be sorry to be rid of the whole blessed business. FIRMIN I keep asking you, Monsieur, why exactly are you retiring? LEFEVRE (ignoring this, calls bis attention to the continuing ballet) we take a particular pride in the excellence of our ballets. (TREY dance on. CARLOTTA and SR- PIANGI also attempt a rather portly dance of seduction while the GIRLS qhirl round them and MME. GIRY assists CARLOTTA with the steps. - MEG becomes prominent among the dancers) -|6- Act ONE Scene One. page 7 ANDRE Who's that girl, Lefévre? LEFEVRE e ner? Meg Giry, Madame Giry's daughter. Promising dancer, M. André, most promising. (CHRISTINE becomes prominent. SHE has absent-mindedly fallen out-of- step) F GIRY (spotting her, bangs her cane again) Concentrate, girl! You! Christine Daaé MEG (quietly, to CHRISTINE) Christine ... What's the matter? a FIRMIN Daaé? Curious name. LEFEVRE Swedish. ANDRE Any relation to the violinist? LEFEVRE Bis daughter, I believe. Always has her head in the clouds, . (The ballet continues to its climax and ends. The CHORUS resumes) -l4- Ad Ore Sena Ore page. 10 *¥ — = > rs Bd velcore ts Hannibas guests the e-le-pharks of Carthage As BA unlcavele Hanaitns gpeits tHe: elephant of Car-thayp, As 7 = Bd pe-coveld Honribdé Hannitbds gveststhe e-la~phails of Coreg A As Bid uekcmel Harvicbals Hamni-bald peits the €-le-phuils of ie As) Ti MgO gies on ew conquering qiedts Dito sods Hanai-ble Friends ————— Hanni-balt Friends ei Dido sans “guides on our conquering qadts Hants rigs ‘= gare ner yet Dire Sends Hanni-bals Friends Tengo gis or conguring gt 7 I, (eau) ge | ist si Ad Ore Scene One page IT! (The ELEPHANT, a Lite-size mechanical {Splica, enters. Two stage-bands are revealed, ting it from within. By the end of the following du and chorus, PIANGI has been 14: fn triumph, onto its back) ue arms thy love e-hart in | ' SSS SS ——ae 5 + E(ad lib) i = —h ————— ———+-J > fae 74 + am |B Am | Eom Fe E | \ Act ONE Scene ONE page '2 Ho splendour Aa (ad lib). 4 Ne, cree mele ttase sectesk of Charms ray heart and soul sutton —der The (=) th 4 ) + Ht 4 t = et =e eumpaing ele-phaits sour) hear Romans now an) ‘trem-ble Hark Tortir separ 7 Ss T tampthing ebepladt so hear Ro-nant now ard Tremble sala oh ae — oa one a | ——— = | TF comphng clephats sand Me Ronn mw and Teenie Tak sar ap avd! { “oe ee Ee ES Bi oo : = “ =a _——————. “romping, e-le-praits som pear Rommas nov an) Tremble Hyd step ove mrt ft 4t Som FE fe Fe cF - oo | SSS SEs -20- Act One Scene. One page [5 _gound Hear drums (ground Hearth dum round Hear the deans Hlanti.bol tomes — =a you He te dams Han. bal. ones . Fad £17 Erin] Ent nt Ear Eas (Big chorug finale, at the end of which, LEFEVRE claps his hands for silence) LEFEVRE Ladies and gentlemen - Madame Giry, thank you - may T have your attention, ples ‘he you know, for sone weeks there have been rumours of ay imminent retirement. an now tell you that these were all true and it is my, noe introduce > you the two gentlemen who now oun ‘pera Populaire, M. Richard Firmin and M.Gilles André + Some bowing her presence felt) Gentienen, Signora Carlotta Giudicelli, our leading soprano for five seasons now. (Polite bow trom ANDRE and FIRMIN) anpae of course, of course. I have experienced all your greatest roles, Signore LEFEVRE ‘And Signor Ubaido Piangi. (another bow) WM WM FIRMIN ‘An honour, Signor. ABZ cr omen -2I- AcT ONE. Scene 1 page I+ ANDRE (keen to impress) If f remember rightly, Elissa ha3 a rather fine aria in Act Three of "Haaniba. T wonder, Signora, if, as a personal favour, you would oblige us with a private rendition? (Somewhat acerbic) Unless, of course, M. Reyer objects ... CARLOTTA (flattered) My manager commands ... M. Reyer? REYER (a polite bow to CARLOTTA) My diva commands. Will two bars be sufficient introduction? FIRMIN Two bars will be quite sufficient. REYER (ensuring that CARLOTTA is ready) Signora?. CARLOTTA Maestro. (SHE nods. REYER plays the introduction on the piano) -2Q- ActOone Scene! Page (5 Moderato ; [N) cane : mf Thitkofme Think of me fond-ly + plays thepiono ) ; mF OR iN et % 5 a Re-mamber me, RES ese prose me youl when weve sid ged-bye, * & re Gee % SS Se SS | 4 ty, When you find “pakonwea. gi yulonbegurbedtactondbe fret Tf you 2 pe ) 2 Ste ees FFF oy CH Ditm ATOR Din Ais =a8F Act One Scené ONE page 1G Moderato’ i = —— - everfind a mo —menk Spare. a thoudet for me. ——7| s ; OV\Pismaseo) (accel) (As CARLOTTA is singing, the drop of the Sylvan Glade crashes to the flo: . cutting her off from half the cast) ‘ees SS Ee iY . cae me ‘ik rman ly (sensing the PHANTOM'S presence, terrified, whispering: a zs =r : = $ * = Q Hes hee the Phantomof the | Flu masso {accel ) —94- ' Act One SCENE ONE page 17 ag ooo op— ea Wes here: the phantom of He z 7 meg Sw D phan — bo is withus 165 the ghost or @ wets with vs the ghost The phantom oJ Dy Ve d ae ~25- ACT ONE SCENE ONE PAGE |B 2 Good heavens will ypu srawalibHe, courke-y ? He is withus ibgsthe ghosk, He is vith us itstherpost a ahaa — fi a Franny, Gpoken) Mademoiselle , please! -Ib- AcT ONE Scene One page 19 PIANGI (looking up, furiously) You idiots! (HE rushes over to CARLOTTA) Cara! Cara! Are you hurt? LEFEVRE - Signora! Are you all right? Buquet! Where is Buquet? PIANGI Is no-one concerned for our Prima Donna? LEFEVRE : Get that man down bere! (To ANDRE and PIRI: Ger thas The files. He's responsible for this: BUQUET, holding a length of rope, LEFEVRE Buquet! For God's sake, many what's going on up there? -Qt- Res one SCENE ONE fage-Z0 8 (Tiu READY m “pp Frense mon-siéur,detloaRad ane. As Gods-mey 2 - Tit READY. BN #P a 4 lathessl nas uot akmy past Aaelasearudteena are nd ita isyell tan Grricksuny © Ratio mstoea ghost @ Gees Fiemin’ me Fy Bete the Phantim oF the opera Act Ore Scone Ore page 2: moeTO PID masro CcaliaVoce) (AnpReé) heavens! ‘have never known sich in = so-lence Sig-no-ra, please , = = = b= be = ge axpRe These things do happen - CARLOTTA These things do happen? You have been here five minutes, what do you know? Si, these things do happen ~~ all the wine. rer the past three years these things do happen. (70. LEFEVRE) * And did you stop them happening? No! ageorma (Continued) . (10 FIRMIN and ANDRE) And you -- you're as bad as him. "These things do happen! Well, until you stop these things happening, this thing does ot happen! Ubaldo! Andiamo. (PIANGI dutifully fetches her furs from the wings) PIANGI Amateurs. (PIANGI and CARLOTTA exit) LEFEVRE (after 2 pause) I don't think there's much more I can do to assist you, gentlemen. Good luck. If you need me, I shall be in Frankfurt. (HE sweeps out. The COMPANY looks anxiously at the NEW MANAGERS) -29- ACT ONE Scene One page 22 anprE La Carlotta will be back. crry You think so, messieurs? I haveamessage, sir; from the Opera Ghost. (THE GIRLS twitter and twirl in fear) FIRMIN God in Heaven, you're all obsessed! GIRY He merely welcomes you to his opera house and commands you to continue to leave Box Five empty for his use and reminds you that his salary is due. FIRMIN His salary? GIRY Monsieur Lefevre paid him twenty thousand francs a month. Perhaps you can afford more with the Vicomte de Chagny as your patron. (Reaction to this from BALLET GIRLS. CHRISTINE takes hold of MEG, nervously) 4 ANDRE (to GIRY) Madame, I had hoped to have made that announcement, myself. GIRY (ignoring him, to FIRMIN) Will the Vicomte be at the performance tonight, Monsieur? FIRMIN In our box. ANDRE Madame, who is the understudy for the role? REYER There is no understudy, Monsieur - the production is new. - MEG Christine Daaé could sing it, sir. FIRMIN ‘The chorus girl? -30- Act One Swene | page 23 CEVERYONE glares at her, but SHE continues tentatively aac She's been taking lessons from a great teacher. ANDRE From whom? CHRISTINE (uneasily) I don't know, sir... FIRMIN Oh, not you as well! 2 (Turning to ANDRE Can you believe it? A full house ~ and we have to cancel. GIRY Let her sing for you, Monsieur. She has been well taught. REYER’ (after a pause) From the beginning of the aria then, Mam'selle. | Tnkof me thakofme ford-ly when weie Sid goa- : = - ~ Fort a 4 % = =F = = Fam: bedi this 15 doing reBag ves ose EEE Fn Re-menberme . -vexpimerwhile lease promise me youll ty 41 50 Erk a z $ J A % % wr -3I- ne overs are Ad Ore Scene Cre page 24 SSS - ging log beleyprfenttauxand be fee IF you ania ara B Fe Bmt = = —— = Ge * == = = 2 —— een mo. ment Spare @ Hag for ae. 72 erm te 7 oh (Bm? ExF G A | ou OF o nH oe ovara ates Act ONE Scene One page 2S ts == co ° oF as un. dran.ging-as the. ae SS SS Be Hl Cn &% GF = a a a — Ya Bub if you canestll re. member, stop ond think of me Zz = 5 SS a Fee Cnt | Fe Gm ay | i= = Se Sri we FF Think of all the things we've shared and seen don't of Bt Piha Whe 5) | Phe 7 -33- ACT ONE Scene One page 26 : iene) Re — thinka-bouk the things which might have been Think of me Fr =e = Seb oid) || Ot 1 | | Fm wt 7 OF = 4 ae Sr SSS ae SESS =—————— == —— thinkofme ua.Kéing si lant and resigned Lma.gneme — try.ingire tard) 7 - + ot! i mi aia = TB a Yep | = ———— ios ——— SSS put you from my mind Re call thase days look back an all thosefines Hnnic af he : 2 jo = a lee e a cE —| Cm 4 ! tor tt i ee . + 7T 7 ~-34- Aer One Scenté ONE page 2# Pep Co rt F : Hi (Applause, bravos. Prominent among the bravos, those of the young RAQUL {n the MANAGERS box with VARIOUS ARISTOCRATS) zt . rar Le £ € =S= £ } i take “ine i ———— r " tomik be — catebbeCh 7 Uwthata chance youre really Act oné Icede on€é face 28 cantly 2 y but shenu he = mem- bev her # — L — eee —<— 3 -3b- Aer one Seene one PAGE 27 cH Awe Te awoke ‘emenberhns we wed to be and please, promise me that Some. mes Aer Yes, you did well. ONE Scene 2 page 1 (Tne gold curtain closes upstage: BALLET GIRLS, from the wings, gush Rround CHRISTINE who bands each 2 flower from her bouquet. REYER stiffly gives bis approval. Members.of the CHORUS, backstage, are heard jubilantly singing odd Snatches of the HANNIBAL chorus, contrapuntal and echoing. THEY Continue to be heard intermittently throughout this scene. GIRY (to CHRISTINE) He will be pleased. (to the DANCERS) and you! _ You were a disgrace tonight! Such rondes de jambes! Such temp de cuisses! Here ~ we rehearse. Now! (SHE emphasises this with ber cane) (the BALLET GIRLS settle into rehearsal, GIRY keeping time with her stick. Variations of this continue through- out the next two scenes until the PHANTOM sings “Angel of Music". CHRISTINE moves slowly, downstage, away from the DANCERS, as her dressing room becomes visible. Uaseen by her, MEG also moves away and follows her. As CHRISTINE is spout to open the dressing room door, SHE hears the PHANTOM's voice some- Shere benind her. The DANCERS* music has faded out) (CHRISTINE, bewildered by the voice, enters the dressing room. MEG, following, has not heard it. Music continues until MEG enters the room. CHRISTINE turns in Surprise, and is relieved to see her) - 38- Act | Sere 2 payee 2 ) mer =e Se What in the wld have you baen ding Realy you were perfect : = ® 4a —— — = id 1 Tonly wich L Kreryourse.ccet Who is this ney — tu-tor? j =e = = Gate seeN CHRISTINE abstract) vitha sue) Fatler ee spoke of an arapl | used fodieam hid op=pear Rs ang op-pear \ ee = Sap Em eb Cm 7 = —— Ad | Scene 2 page 3 (ore serieut) (stad) agin) Now as! sing! can sensehim Ard! know hes here. fn &b Gt Ab fe — Cleese) Hare inthis room he calls ma softly Someuohere imide Wing ge rg let Fy [o> eye [ab B ae iE ———! ——s — = = Simthow | know ez alas ithe He theomseen genius! | == == —_— Fp tig Fab = Brgy | gb | aa! == ——z = ~40- Ah ie overs aie (Pia masso Ad! Sere 2 page + [mee (oreasy ) ce ——————— —s —— = — as Christine you mas hare been rearing, Stories like this cart come teve 2 a oe 0 ae Grn (Reber) E' Gr Mm: i=: =F = arauarce =— = (re herself ) = : == S = ae —: Chitinase Bikitg in AD-Qes ditt not ike yov | oo = = SS 5: Go. Ee eM re | [ = = — SS SS (E\SrRSTIE (nctheasing tg, estate) $F Aneel af Matic guide adgatan' eG inital Pe% Ale AH me, onare ame Act Ore SconeTwo pize S (, =. Pu mes bee — (hack {=== SEE = : An-gelof mu-sic hide no longer Secret an) stiuwge an-gel Hes; re BE SSS : ' = = t= = Se-cret and cage an veel 5 | Aneggl of mu-sic hide 0 longer = == —— i$ = > % my My |b 8% |oy oe (THEY look at each other. The moment is broken by the arrival of GIRY). _ = -42~- vane are Act Ore Seene Two page & iy Meg.Giry. Are you a dancer? Then come and practice. (Exit MEG) My dear, I was asked to give you this. MUSIC STARTS) (SHE hands CHRISTINE a note, and exits. CHRISTINE opens and reads) CHRISTINE (bewildered) A red scarf ... the attic ... Little Lotte ... Gleanwhile, RAOUL, ANDRE, FIRMIN, etc. are seen making their way towards the dressing room, the MANAGERS in high spirits, ‘bearing champagne) ANDRE A Tour de Force. No other way to describe it. (mesic sto0s) FIRMIN a relief! Not a single refund! | SOME FIRUIN ay. ANDRE. Richard [think we've made quite 2 discovery in Miss Daaé! FIRMIN (to RAOUL) Here we are - Monsieur le Vicomt (They have reached the dressing room) v &) Stowhy <=> = = @® ae A te rane ara Act ONE SCENE Two page F RAOUL, Gentlemen, if you wouldn't mind. This is one visit I should prefer to make unaccompanied. (HE takes the champagne from FIRMIN) ANDRE As you wish, Monsieur. (THEY bow and move off) FIRMIN They appear to have met before .., RAOUL knocks at the door and enters, with : (Old Scene 4) RAOUL Christine Daze, where is your red ‘scarf? CRRISTINE Monsieur? RAOUL You can't have lost it. After ail the trouble I took. : was just fourteen and soaked to the skin ... CHRISTINE Because you had run into the sea to fetch my scart. Oh, Raoul. So it is you! RAOUL Christine. (THEY embrace and laugh. SHE moves away and sits at her dressing cable) ACT 1. Scene Two PogeB (Old Scene +) "You remember thal oo?” (itt Gbte letherminduder — Lit-de Lite hough" am | gander o¢ 23 L a SSS SS Q a a (= = == —— = = ™ 2 = == —— 1 i or ge gob-Lins of shes or of riddles of frocks (sehen 2” Adler = = === = ba. Ln’ "I or of choc-olaes__ | ea (jae) Those picnics in beatic.” "st aero = = — ; — =— SSS bao Se = epee: bg —— = y Ack 4. Scene Tura pi page 9 (ak Scene 4) (D] Ceiterepting) GH "Ne eda 1 dave best” Lek sad * ls hen [in aslo in rye playing she vida.” ey, : ‘Spelen) Aswe red each ‘ny wep eer eel = SSS encgel of music sings shy. The anzgel of music sings Songs in my he & _ Tha amgalof musicsinas sings in my heat Act 1 Scene Two page 10 (ad sene 4) SoleVIn Slowey STOP ON: Wet go & Supper!” (Uiderscore’) —_—— F (Violin under) CHRISTINE (Turning in her chair to look at him) yn, child I will ",’ Well, father is dead, been visited by the Angel of Music. Father said, "When I'm in hea’ send the Angel of Music to yot Raoul, and I ha RAOUL : No doubt of it - And now we'll go to supper! . CHRISTINE (firmly) No, Raoul, the Angel of Music is very strict. RAOUL I shan't keep you up late! CHRISTINE No, Raoul — RAOUL =” : | You must change. I must get my hat. Two minutes ~~ Little Lotte. 5 CHRISTINE (calling) Raoul. (Quietly picking up her hand mirror) Things have changed, Raoul. : (Tremutous ausic. SO CHRISTINE hears the = G PHANTOM's voice, @ seemingly from benind her dressing room mirror) ‘wis —~ -4F- Act 1 Scene Tuo Page ll {21d Stene 4) (Pamnitom's voice) MALth supprescest Tage. ) F insolent boy shis save offashion Badeingin yor slory | aT Hating Fi» (sell bow) Areal, i hear you PHANTOM uy | * gnoct falc egpagslor diginnay “Pingh | Sprak | lisfen Stay bismy sde, gre me! Argel, mys] wos weak forgive me | Lu _ \= += = = HS a ie, orara ares Act 1. Scene Taso page 12 (aid Scene 4.) CHRISTINE —-—- Exfer at last master PHANTOM (masterful) Filtering cH wovshl ow me See whyin shoot =| ct. Ey? cH. PHANTOM i = —S = Look at yourfuce inthe mirror lam there in ‘side | ih, = = Fi = i cin ae Ga A | Se Al — SS = = > = = # zs S. (©) cuastine (ecstatic) ©Aralofmvsic gid an gvarian Graitlome yw glory! §— Angel of music ~ 4 at. D AA |DO™ ID AD nate. . overs sina Act 1. Scene Two page 1S (aid scene 4} \ CHRISTINE hide ro longer Come tome Stange an-gel i Marron sic Lamyason-glof mu 4% 10 Ay zs S (CHRISTINE walks towards the glowing shimmering glass. Meanwhile, RAOUL has returned. HE hears the VOICES and is puzzled. HE tries the door. it is locked). y RAUL H] (eeddere) Whase is that vaite? Whe ig that in there? y PHANTOM, Come To mra-Ancgel of music : qo ee "= $ AN Mm ore ares a Tr = Cr Ad | Scara2 page 4 (did Scene +) (Inside the room the mirror opens. Behind {t, in an inferno of white light, stands the PHANTOM. He reaches forward and takes CHRISTINE firmly, but not fiercely, by the wrist.” His touch is cold and CHRISTINE gasps). 1 amyour angel of m—sic Come Tome, angel of mu —sic r er (CHRISTINE disappears through the mirror, which closes behind her. The door of the dressing room suddenly unlocks and swings open and RAOUL enters te find the room empty). RAOUL (shouting) 1 Angel! wo (Pounding imsic. Blackout. ‘The journey underground begins ...) 1 -SI- Act ONE SCENE “THeee page |. (cidsemes) 1 ‘The PHANTOM and CHRISTINE, her scarf flowing behind her, take their strange journey to the beneath the Opera. Candles rise from the lake. We see CHRISTINE and the PHANTOM in a boat which moves slowly across the misty waters of the underground lake. Dm ‘Omar B |? CHRISTINE A) z a 7S ==. In skephe smglsme indreamshe came —Thifvcice:shich | ss + S = = calls me and speaks my name nd 201 Bream again? Foe aqw | BR Gugy |S Act One Scene Three page 2 (Od Scene 5) the phan — om ofthe ope-ra is there Ts eS inside my mind am ‘DnBrntaB} B? ; oa 3 Ww puantom 5°! _ SSS ee = Sing once a grin with me ovr steapge dv- cHesn > ~Sst “Thaswho have Seen your face raw back int t | t = SS = ypu wear veo st | ES = = Its me they hear img, spirit Am 2 Em + —— == =55- URISTIME SSS ; == zs and myyoice in one com-bited . The phan PHANTOM SE Se = B= eS . The phan — | 1 jn one. com bined and ype Yoice Arf \D ahi ofthe operaic there im-de my mind ys ~ SMawsion = ; ee mlm ofthe ope-rais there ik or re Conus a — rates Ad Ore Scone Three pase € (Old Scenes) fe J puswtom : - __ =e see a Alnall ypur fanfansies yyy al-ways brew thi man ge Fm CHRISTINE suman Aid in this lacurtisth — whereright : Ary mthis la-byyriith — where nicht is Poe U 8 Oo —57- aM ie ove are Act One Seana Three page 7 (did Scene S\ cHastine — The phan tomosthe op-eraic here inside my | — Emafthe op-e-ra is here ineide yu ‘Tha phan. “Fin Fm Ensim aa He's thee the phan-tom of the rand “Sng fv me. Sing my angel ef uci ovare ante Act One Scena Three page 8 (Gd seme 5) Phawtor Sing forme, F EF b Te ae (ano: $08 metic (SHE begins to vocalise strangely, the PHANTOM perhaps joining her. ‘Their song climbs gradually in pitch, becoming more and more extravagant, until finally they Teach the end of their journey.) (At this point we have arrived at the PHANTOM's lair. Downstage the candles in the lake lift up revealing Giant candelabras outlining the space. The boat ture into a bed. a huge pipe organ. There is The PHANTOM sits at the organ and takes over the accompaniment) ® a . at | Sere 3 Pe F (Old Scene SY + (Cnisiie)_g-s fk ——_ mf T have brovght you To/the. Seakof sweet Mysi's throre | Te as Fothis kingdomwhere all must pay homage To mu-sic Berto: be soe! r You have come here — For ora purpose and —=— zg = es Bop ee (Sig Arey [Ben Mek y= Act Ore Seare Three page 10 (old Scene S) RE Sicst heard yow Sng | have ned}. you uithme To serve eto sing formy mu-sic my | : —S—— g Fry, igh Ai, Se [Face Ere [PMA By > fe = : = —— S SSS 7 Night time sharp-ens heightens each sasa-tion (Z = 7 a = = pee a | : TS = eee Sa —— = eS Darkness sties and wakes im-augi-n0-fon Silently the sens-es a - a Me overe a18e a See = ie Se ee | ey | ore te a AS — So = = Slowly, gently right onfurls i splen-200", Gragp't , sense 7 = 7 = = = == =e = A, — 7S == fathomusicofthe night ———— dese your Y Lis-ten ; : + — eee oe el EiGpee a , -623- AdOne, SereZ page 13 (Old Scene S) 23 eyes and surrender t your dode— est dram! Auge yur Germ = G4 Ad Ore Seana S page IM (Old Scene S? 5 : Tos os daceness of themu-sie of the nig aT Ad One Stana 3 page 16 (Ad Scene 5) di Op essed you knew be-So egies of i pan i Ach Ore Seana S Pays 17 (Old Scene 5) Ad Ove Seana 3 page 19 (0d Scene S) $4 (During all this, the PHANTOM has conditioned CHRISTINE to the coldness of his touch and her fingers are brave enough to stray to nis mask and caress it, with no hint of removing it. The PHANTOM leads her to a large mirror from which HE removes a dustcover and in which we see the image of CHRISTINE, a perfect wax-face impression, wearing a wedding gown. CHRISTINE moves slowly towards it when suddenly the image thrusts its hands through the mirror towards her. SHE faints. The PHANTOM sings to her body while arranging the bridal veil on her head). aM. -F0- v- overs e184 AS One Score Mee page 20 (Old Scene S) PHaNTom C] Yovelonecanabemysogtike fluff a 2 Fe a Ff cts = A * : ——SSE Halpme wakche music ofthe night mn | i \ he GP pa th | Dm C ct a ee (rsfeian) ore -F{~- ae, vee e108 Ad Ore Scone 3 page 2) (did Scene 5) (THE NEXT MORNING. Strange music. ‘The PHANTOM, in his Wandarin costume, is composing. CHRISTINE lies on the bed under gauze. As the light brightens, we see him seated at the organ, playing with furious concen~ tration. HE breaks off occasionally to write the music dow. There is a music box, in the shape of a barrel organ, beside the bed. ‘ously, its lid lifts as CHRISTINE wakes up. The music keeps her in a half-trance) | th gub__1 = ee LIS (cur Jov we i) > “70- = Re, ovara a108 Ad Ore SaneTwee paye 22 (ad Scene.) (SJ comsrne Th, READY 1 re member there was = SS mast Swieling | mist vpowra vast glassy lake “There were i (SRE rises during the musical inter- Sade and approaches him from behind. e: pat) Stene 3 page 22 (ad Scene 5) 7 CHAISTINE Whowas'that sapein He Fe mask? shidows? \whaseistheface he i) fet y feu Gn? i SF crne PHANTOM springs Of and rounds of She clearly sees nis her furiously. S| one face. The audience does not -as he tS standing in profile and in shadow) ~ (Prenton) : Oy, PHA Tau stam tren fuseusly = = == —— = Se \ (pus8GRO Dana wv! You litle prying Pan-Bo =a PY Vif dene ‘ee , £ =— wong FA cro e t p ( Ad! Scene page 24 (Oid Scene 5) You titling Deli - = ————— tt ei > = Uo (HE becomes calm and addresses ___ HER at first with irony, then —_——_—— wre warmly) ° SS Sa SSS Saas _ ane orard 4104 Lie a Govoke Ad One Scene B ~ ‘page 25 (Old scene's) PHANTOM gente Co Yen if can you even dare to locker bearty — think of ne $F Ts Oo Boe \Gng » Be Gm? OK» |Gngy FG | Cn EPC |. = == —_—_— tis lodhsone —gar-gaile who bums in hell, bot se-cref-ly uparns for \ Gngy Fe G | Cm Gn Gm rr 7 a-- FG + =o + wl. poto RIT QO), reneo Ze ————— — — SS Guo ere ArT eumpo + i D7 Goco I Cm EP | Grey, (D4. 7 = —_— —Fb- overs are Ad Ore Sere Z page 26 (Ad Scene S) === love ypuill learn To see, to Find the man be-hin) the = = —— PHANTOM Gm De | Gms Dar | Engh. FE | = SSS at ~ carocass oho sams atbenitbut secretly earcot bew-ty Cm Cn | Grgh ~~, | D--| FH ; $ foc RTH XJ anna secrebly se-crelly (oh Chistve om mat) ® ¢ (A moment's pause, as their eyes meet) - i, nH te oven ares Act ONE Scene B page 2F (dldsenes o— ==—— N i HH Se (HE holds out his hand for’ the mask, which SHE gives him, HE puts it on, turning towards the audience-as HE YI Sings)= ; 4 SS [= = Come we mut re-torm Those two fools who run my thaitre will be [I] -p» missing wov . (Tae lair sinks into the floor as os 184 YOY the PHANTOM and CHRISTINE exit) So if | ——— PF Qa , Aer One Scene Four page | (old Scene SA) (BOUQUET appears in Box Five, a length yf fabric serving as a cloak and a ‘piece of rope asthe Punjab lasso. fe nae showing. oes Camm Gr low on the stage Leve : ee few b Like plow parte ig (Hare) +H edy | a Pg > —= =B2- Ane overs aie Act Ore, Scene Five page 3 (old Scene 6) we .¢ ©) u: Ardre please dont'shovt Hips. F' = ===> EEELEEES==== Dam—na-ble. Willthey al walk oi? Thisis dam-aa-ble A te rare ar0s Act Ong, (HE has been sorting mail on his desk. Finding the two letters from the BHANTOH) » Sane S page 4 (Old Scene 6) & e & ‘ jeggtore fe £ Ohtsrens pies she, [2 mapz> Dear Andre, whit achanming goa! Chris iy . sion Qo Me [Be Dp 3%, Fine enjgga gree sie-cess — Wewere hayd-ly be-reft when Car. leteta left FOF Se | T I Emle' En? gen BS Me ‘gm Gm 23R auB0z> Ctheenige Te chomvswas encrancicg but the was a lanen-ta-ble Da Ce orga ata ae m>D2> Gesding Adt Ore Sane 5 page S (ad Sone 6) = Dear ——a- == ===: == Firminyut abrieg re-nind-er thy sal-a-ryhas nit been Ad Ore Scere S payeS (Old Scene 6) G i SS SSS Whacaudhaetegl to Sad His Sonemeuihe place bain : i == — =—S——- + foul rave eral ts Sed tS Sanecrewitha poe. ile bain. Thezare} pt: = + ts a Se pe SS ving By [Cm Gb’ | Fab Fri a ee Se === sh mpoe> Mote fet is he? Optm gst tes i bath Sigaed 0.5... Ly 2322 sé Gp lat sry | eb 7 s ah cm ebay Ayah s? Bole oe rave sie eels Ach One Scene S page 7 (Cid Scene 6) & g z See Using out pos. 1. Lion. Hes 2 foray tee specie le] i — : In ad dation hess ancy bed = 62. f é pat 2 lage cebawer noting plinerte is dearly item ane You mean Carll.) = peck a lane no. bhingplaner'e is denchyquiein— Sane (THEY are interrupted by the arrival _—— > i ‘of RAOUL, who brandishes another Whee is she? Iwenllladoaeue Of the PHANTOM's notes) AMS ae care e108 Ad ore’ Scere S prge & (Old Scene 6) of What ofthis nonsense? — a7 eSS= a ‘Shes rat uth yosthen? overa aia AtOne Seow S ppd (Ad Scere 6) (Realizing bis mistake, HE corrects himself testily. (RAOUL hands the note to ANDRE, gD Recitutia ) “whe reads it) . Do nat feardor Miss Do-ae the angel of mu-sic has her vnderhic wing {Coun voce) ‘Se __ = ye . = B9- / Ad One Scene 5 page |O (old Scene 6) a CARLOTTA bursts in. SHE too has a Yetter, which has cheered her no more than the others). > Where. Ne clengt toseehera-goin «(The MANAGERS look systifted) (Gein) RAFT WHE Feta? (Ford J Yourpreciaus pation uhere is he? 1 have your Ieler ‘Ab weleame back (Atémeo] Whit iProw? Adt One Scene S . page Il (aid Seene 6) ISerhich | rtther vestent” You iit sedi? Asif hewoild oe got Gotmnt) Arddibupvsenite OF course nat a Youdeetetellnenhit his isnibthe later ypu sent? Iahtgngon? eue nat Act One Stere S page 12 (id Scene 6) S| (oar voce) sith Tinned oh seit? “Your Saye athe pera Poparlarecre nmered, Chrttine ee Date vill ke suing on ypor behalf ‘night. Ba pre- ee poe oS baa = _3_ . - ESS SSS 2s SSS See 5 oa Saaremaa i ord fora greit misfortine, saliyou ab-feme to takeher place ” = a | A. —=a fat == — = = 7" ~92- nH ie vera aime Z Adt One Scene S page 13 (aid Scene ¢) Td) (The MANAGERS are beginning to tire (92) Cee NE Laue : m>oz> Saf Farfoomany roles For my taste ord noityphona butsChns. dine Far'too many colic for my “teste, and mast ton a. bout Chris.‘ane. Meno’ ~ ~ = [ee re Dm Fe | BY Ge! ec ¢ > ® Ua2) rectanoo mavz> heard smewecane is MissDa- aes mame [Z} deylay) BIE heard sce we.come. is Miss Da-2é’s Name, Frat hen dig ll is cob (A curious pause. ALL are avare that the room now also contains GIRY and MEG). “Ea iss Da.oehaste sumed oO L REC! TawDo Dm eb ZB i a ~93- 3 ae oer ata Adi One Scone S page 14 (Old Scene 6) Uberepecitlyische now wedlany uly burned! [ thoyghtit best that'she weihome Willshe sing? Wilshesig ? Norone Siwrsheuillsee ro-are —94-- Ad One Scene S page |S (dd Scenes) a Letneseeit snichingt) please | ANDRE’ Ld me see't ! ve Hore | have a. nite FIRMIN (Opens, letter and reads. ——— Dissolve into PHANTOM's voice) ——————— Gentlemen, I have now sent you several notes of the =—————— most amiable nature, detailing how my theatre is to be run. You have not followed ay instructions. T shall give you one last chance. Chiscine Da-oé hes returns Toupy And | am, anxious her cacteer should pro- _| = CDF -9S5- oes 4104 Ac Ore Scere S page IS (oid Scene 6) 2 : ‘= ——_— SS = "gee Inthe newpro-duertion of Mu-to you wil therefore cast Carlotfa as the = = = = =H =— == =z — S SSS ole = Fe [= ‘which Miss Daa plauscalls for Sharm andap- geal The Sy -~9— AH im, 144 ares 5 ®) Act One Swe S page !7 (old Scene) Faas SS SS eS SS = role of the page-bou is Silent which makes my — cystaing in Se bp ie := = = I shall watch the performance from my normal seat in Box Five, which will be kept empty for me. Should ‘these commands be ignored,adisaster beyond your imagination will occur. FIRMIN I remain, Gentlemen, = Your obedient servant, 0.6." : MEG (to herself) Oh, Christine ... —9F- RH Me over a0 Ad Ore Scere S page 18 (did Scene 6) (Q)a Teneo % % Chrissie | tfealaplouto halp Christine I krow who sei this, the, roe ht ever next This isin-sane (parting an accusing Seger) = 3) A” Viento, her ber! Onde Omsk. tT : fa Gadlla. ngetest) * Sig-no-ra This changes nating | * 8) ; “Tiss a joke ie] ieanie)_ (tothe athens) ‘~E 2) Inde? Conypubelinetic? ) #) ey ) = . =>” = oO ° ~98- Adt Ore Score 5 payp, IF (odscene 6) (Cour VOE \ Youareaurdtar Sig, ~no-ra Wedoittke odes Meno exncuncing ito ) amlvaguilte — Themanis mad. Miss collate ~*~ CouA VOCE z ere iW Bux tsbyig 2p. ~la ual be plait edd oll balay xd atone Ackone. Sene S. Rage 20 (Old Scare &) 5 Creat ron.nonvog -Lio'u. di re la.scia-Fe— wima,cifeopade m—o di—°® giky fal 7 Wi aaa # CART, ay Yu hwerewiled re You hove re- gay | = E E == “sean hs word, beware bo thasé, the ange wees the an. get Knows ‘RAOUL, = | : ‘hy did Chistraply — fom og = -100- oo? ol == a ‘Sigro-ra partons Plasse sigao-aun beseech yp , fe = "| ‘Signore pater us Phassigromaunbecrechyyy - lol * Ad One, Scare S page 22 (ld Scene 6) gay p “, See ey 4\“rate oserhicata Disigazi_o—to Abandon = 18 nen ecan = FEE 2 SS = Sigrov sha orus!Dost bea marty» our 4 “A 4 SS 4 ee === Se ” Stqrorasngfirus! Dotbea martyr. ow —— SS SS vaheredRstage ? : hatrensrpie Hen, = Ses =r : 7 UxTrecanprihein | ° e Fe 5 =e ss canal Krosthe arg eae Uhitounsteltin eee Em > A/e ’ - z sim) -|02- Ack one Scene S page 23° (Old Scene 6) ca moment of anthem ti aa a 100k ww A CRRLOTZA, a the MANAGERS ech Be Can eTaie one of her bands) Teed? Your public nerds you ! We oedyea we? a = ___ Abgdho Wedypord rtherha deus ile : Dupe itera ins jew aoe ‘Srp “Fewer yal re. -103- rT Act One Scene S page Z+ (ald Scene 6) F (The MANAGERS adopt their most R persuasive attitudes, THEY play their trump card: ) a ~4 ranvz> Prine, Dorm fist 1a-2yof the stage! Your deo-tees arecriteir kness To m— qt Prima ‘Dorna frit lady of the Stage! You Qevo-Tees are onthair knees fo im— c Stmile. c ec c Am i 136 mnoz> z r plore ue Canyau bow off whentrare shouting yoor name ? : ~plore you 7 Think of howthey ~ yan G G Phinma ‘Denaa en-chaitusonce again Think of wow Pri-ma_ Dona errchait vs once again c a -|04—- Act One Sere S page 25 (Old Scene.6) mpoz> Canypide-ny usthe trivmeh in Ardefte apeves rood te thea~tre Comypo Ber us the ‘eiumgls tn 2-3 co 5 leis (canLoTTA registers her acceRcance? S | whersalf, in tromeh) (othe MANAGERS continue ©? cajole eo as the MOTHERS reflect variously 0m | the situation) => Pri-ma Donna yor" por yore? = —* — 7 STOR Sing Prima Donna once, moe Z-IP-P Bore Sng Prima Dowd once nore Christine spoke of an an-gpl coh? -105- Ad On Stax 5 paye 26 (did Scene 6) Yeileoka savb, it theta public who as E * 4 q ‘Song shal ive a= gain - we Think of your pubelic Tose uho hearour a Think of your plo-lic “Fa who ear your a (arin in fe has has heard -106- Ad One Scene page 2F (Did Scene 6) Tink of ther coy os unm 2yring SNP 20 nmin) _ Fallowuheette line ht ore Tengo an an-gel We gd oor PT as patsdd “oie Tienyp fan an-gel “Seite linet phe fer an-gd of mv— Sic Wics of the an-gd_ oF Gu 1 = Oe =| | AY = : [7 bear ov Prima Donna yur songshlnever Ae Yl singoegain aroTouns * SSS SSS 7 “Zedagladiecare a al Tears SE = 1" Zaleg iis 0 0 al Tears = = == Facet OF mad) — On (Or — vers! ms, = = Fest ancreplor a ma-ranf ‘Voie og hell or of Yea —ren? == Zs TE gn _ pag tte Bolt Bek e 2 F F F -|0F- Ad Ore Scere S Pause 28 (oid Scene 6) tay or esdcng = va — Ton SSE how yoil! chine iw thot imeel__@N= “e onthe, Co) da amide maser re-gy-lan CC-cureneres ny SARS (i ca = rate mats ct egi-ar 06 “SI eNerO sve-y Fr cor crmat, cynetic De— mans as R ras claim her © Sure = Bilis or Yam - no —— ten? Whch ‘ty ch fe [a y in wri am — Ten 4 ttt ~cutaing vil F/a ( _F7 8 we == 7 core Sing Pri ——ma__‘Oen = ‘ence. more, {| = a : ‘EF Suredlgtherl be, Farther scenes, ‘wore thant. | Fy SS = * ‘Surely Feral be Further scenes, sioese than This, I ty, SSS SSS rar’ sake... 1 =F tae Pere demands awe Ce |, == SSS i Hall Stike back 4 Fate ad errands are P€] = Foot his Mann Trak, be —fore hase _Ye~ mands are tS og = al —<—< ] De Gr o E Ev t -103- Ad One Scone 5 page 27 (Old Scene 6) = = Seay SBE ———— a ofr —v— eee === A aa SS = => == ‘E> ighad belie a Siva hoppy fo re-live a chorus gil whos gene and) slept with the poston? Roadandtresoubriteen- SSS SSS = Figg eS —— MT wid Belinea Deve happy relive & Thoeasgl what ene ond slept uth the potion? Rawlantthesabrel er| pr — tect — od Chris — Tine rast ba “Pa et D " ‘Chis — tine must be pro — tet — ecto ed Spy ~de— ee QP ae Bb 3° Sea: nan cor Ob bendeon a —— TA Ay anc te ferry evr Fe mathowbenith br, Yo Read ey oth A, Waa = [~ Tunrddin hoes vt Al be ayy Semon he ‘mud have been uth Fer Youd never gat anaoay with = 109- Act One Scere S< eye 30 (old Scene 6) ST ainaplagbat fe lovlyvmgand ma fern ate "AE just has ef Dory stances doe Fag pl bit ly on igh ee “Jat te ofiry_ audience 08ers in Hegre 0 Aad in box five sneugoeil Spirig 0 gareyovcect pet wy Gm 2 oo Shae ota, Fees neal spon jarous Priva Dor Te eases a “6 Fock perfect opera ei —— ma “Donna Fre word is at yor) A "Nl i) Mi te ey Gado paced opera Pi; — ma ‘Don-na Fe word is ot wr =a Gr Gf his cones onthis op era for F his, cnrse is ony e~ Ab F eB -i10- Ad Ore Scere 5 page 31 (Old Scene 6) Te and colle and Srenzes! Stith angest theif will each the hyah-est fe in ‘seagh of per Set ‘A ndtin waits am) how it Hes be cheat — A nation waits and hovit hikes 1 be chet — 2 Taine pag Fe page-boy _, Car~ Iot — Ta plays the of = core hen a of — come Shot ypo re eB By? 20 = #2e> 5 SG Zapt up “te. sige withthat age =o vap—peft » Sing Zigt op te See oth Hat gt od_rep—pot Sind Zig vp ha Staph thd cyto rp —Poty_ Sig Zit vp He Stage vith age rap pert, Sing Zig ve re Sage with That age-old rapqpod, Sing Zit up tte Shige nith that age-old _ rep apo. Sing E Bh Ge oo “WI ot ee Ad Ore Scere Fie page 32 (Old Scene 6) ya 2 ‘Doma: ON Denne once ‘Donna Sy tn VOC These Taman aren nd oder peso whocorl eS UN ae Tl five PLANTOM roves == ae tears the ae Ganeiate, aes ete IL MUTO" overture) mae scene changes and RAOUL, axon TEg Finuty take their seats) == Act one Scene & page! (oid Scene) act Scene 6 overture to ,"I1 Muto". RAOUL, ANDRE and FIRMIN have taken Meir respective seats ~ RAOUL in Box Five, the MANAGERS in a box opposite. RAOUL Gentiecen, if you ould care to take your seats I spall fe'siteing in box five. axpad ‘So ypu relly think Hak te wise M'sieur. - RAOUL, uy dear André, there would appear to be 20 other seas available, other than Box Fivi f (ihe overture comes to an end) oe Ne ee iv r= i= > a ovate anes Ace L seme t fe | A PERFORMANCE OF "IL MUTO" BY ALBRIZZ10. the front cloth rises to reveal 2 salon, A canopied bed centre stage. The COUNTESS (DONNA BIANCA) is played by CARLOTTA. SERAFIMO, the page boy is disguised as her maid end is played by CHRISTINE. At this point, THEY are hidden behind the Grapes of the bed which are drawn. In the room are TWO EPICENE MEN: one Q HAIRDRESSER and one a JEWELER. The SEWELLER is attended by MEG. There Ye also an OLDER OMAN, the COUNTESS’ confidante. ALL apart from MEG are gossiping with Felish about the COUNTESS’ current |daison with SERAFIMO. == ovare 4108 _. Act Ore Scere, Seven prge3 Rit A ftemgo Sitrles ledys bourdgor hades ‘Shane, shane, shana ! (THEY laugh conspiratorially. During the final trio, the canopy drapes part and we see the COUNTESS kissing SERAFIMO passionately. As the recitative begins, the lights and music dim on stage, and our attention turns to the MANAGERS in their box) (NOTE FROM H/P: ANY ADDITIONAL SINGING FROM THE CHORUS COMES FROM OFFSTAGE) By (ov sace) COUNTESS. Fenoce at HE OC0R, SacoFionupur diquse's perfect — Why vubocarthi INTHE BOX ANDRE othing like the old operas FIRMIN Or the old scenery «++ ee ——_—————_—————————————————— ———————————————— -U6- ae orga a1 Add Ore Scare Seren page COONTE. (The COUNTESS admits DON ATNLIC. He is an old fool). TON ANDRE Rio [Rack ) The old singers ..+ a - ——— FIRMIN a] Tae old audience .-- ANDRE Every seat sold! FIRMIN Hardly a disaster beyond all imagination! (THEY chuckle, and nod to RAOUL in the opposite box. HE. acknowledges THEM) Qn ATTILIO fea up uthypr new ev fide) Togh Td InppiyfteFemad thre, The ET is! oe _ + (Spoken) a | i | ! eee aa = TF it vas «188 Pe & Ad Ore Sere Seven Page S 1 us- pact myuping bie isun-trvetbne | shalnit lewebitshil Kid» over there toob- x a = = ; ~ a tx —— E y Adi o,Aldi-g Serafina a wayeith ts el — za pt joor ant retendini = sapere ents ane, pigtensing $2aRI*InG GEtchad ene setsen) aseveher! Addi__o } a = a= (SHE rips off SERAFIMO's skirt E to reveal his manly breeches) - = = ————— hy nabs od grak bot kiss me J may hu banks nce, ( A Teanga) tedecato), = = SS ee orl == —= =e 71 -3- ane overa arms ‘COONTESS eee Poor feolhemakes me Iquh hahahahaha Ad Ore Scene Seven page © Hohangha hahahaha Ha haha he hahahaha a ComnTest FE SS == 7 z Tre ltatogta bike bet-ter half s = SS eS SS Poor ool he Beesit krow Hebuhoho ho re SS = [ Por fale doen brow co = SSS + F fer Jal be Dest kaw Hohohoho ho 5 + = ee eB SS = : for folhe kerb krow Hotoloho ho 4 SSS ‘ z —— i = j te wt 2% al ] aie NA (ccaclae | F . == = SSS See -|19- aM. oars ame Act Ona Stera Seven page. 7 COUNTESS ia ss Hf hobeotetichhepnaey. e-ver go, Hf he earth e-ver Qo, ip hebewhebhhaneer e-ver ga Lf he kasthetivthhadnever e-ver go, hebeutetwhhd never ever g i Did | notinstract that (CARLOTTA lets fly a few fiorituri. BowS waste be Rep emety ¢ ‘The PHANTOM's thene - "He's here" - begins to loom in. Suddenly, trom $ nowhere, we hear the voice of the PHANTOM} -120 - oa, (A chilling pause. General reaction of bewilderment. CHRISTINE looks fearfully - about her.) CHRISTINE It's him... I know dt... it's Bim soe CARLOTTA (Finding scapegoat in CHRISTINE, hisses at her) lent, little’ toad! (But the PHANTOM bs PHANTOM'S VOICE Perhaps it is you who are the Your part is si A toad, Madame? (again general unease turning to alarm. A f from the audience. CARLOTTA and ‘Ebe CONDUCTOR confer and pick up from the opening of the scene) TQ area sa heard HER) toad .++ At Ore Scere Seven page 9 (Vidliteso Chie wa ) CF foores Sera-fimo a-way uilhthis pretnce You tannot speak bit = = = : — — (Instead of singing, SHE emits ae — SS great croak, like a toad. iss me in ey husband's “caome’: A Stuns’ Silence. CARLOTTA SAK. Gea amazed as anyone, but regains herself and continues. + More perturbing, however, is a new sound: the PHANTOM is 7 F laughing - quietly at first, thea more and more hysterically) = s : & Poor ool he makesme laugh Hahahahaha Ha cavax chaaie cle mb -|4a- overe a1 Act Ora Scene Seven page 10 ‘This time 2 growing (As before. nation from the wave of con! audienc The PHANTOM's laughter ri: ‘The croaking continues as the chandelier's lights blink on and off. The PEANTOM's laughter, by This time overpowering, now crescendos into a great cry!) PHANTOM'S VOICE Behold! She is singing to bring down the chandelier! J Non passe pds. Keane yaeee Cora, cara... here... Z3 ali right... Come .. oe Zim here. (CARLOTTA looks tearfully up at the UANAGERS' box and shakes ber head) CARLOTTA = 1 camak go on... PIANGI (ANDRE and EIRMIN rush gut of box onto stage. ANDI ushers the now sobbing CARLOTTA into the hands: of REYER, who leads her off, while FIRMIN addresses t! audience) -|a3- oe coin Act Ore Scene Seven page |! PIRMIN ~ Ladies and geatleen, we apologize. The performance will concinue in ten'minutes' time ... E (HE addresses Box Five keeping one eye on the chandelier as it returns to normal) yn the role of the Countess will be sung by Christine Daag. ANDRE (improvising) Yes, well — In the meantime, ladies and gentlenen, we shall be giving you the ballet from Act Three of tonight's opera. (To the CONDUCTOR) Maestro -- bring the ballet forward. The ballet -- now! (The MANAGERS leave, the stage 5 ig cleared and music starts again. : the BALLET GIRLS, who have been ; ee eerraastearyaves ' (Bauer) 120" ta." aaty begin the ts ES Sounety voskes —p Acr ONE Scene SEIEN page 12 — stmpre Stage estiten [phantom Shadows] Ups behind the drop, a series of threatening shadows of the PHANTOM. MEG is aware of then and dances out of s ‘when that culminates in one gigantic 5 oppressive, bat-like shadow, the body of JOSEF BUQUET falls on the stage, causing the sylvan glade to fly out. =— RAOUL rushes out of bis box. — Silence. Then pandemonium. — Pounding music begins) CHRISTINE (calling for help) Raoul! Raoul! (RAOUL runs on stage and exbrac her. THE MANAGERS pick up the corpse) RAOUL (to CHRISTINE) Christine, come with me... (Leads HER away) -as- Ene : AcT ONE SCENE SEVEN PAGE IB CHRISTINE No... we mist go up. To the roof. neu be Soe there. (CHRISTINE and RAOUL hurry off) PIRMIN (Attempting to placate the audience, as STAGE-HANDS, POLICEMEN etc., crowd onto the stage) Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain in your seats. Do not panic. It uasan saident...... Simply an accident ... (Lights fade on the confusion, as the pounding music carries us into the next scene.) -|26- tom. ACT ONE Scene Eight page |. act 1 Scene 8 ‘The Root of the Paris Opera. Skylights, chimneys, a dome surmounted by statue of "La Victoire Ailee" -- the same as that which tops the Proscenium. It is rosy twilight, with an evening star. Two pigeons, about to settle for the night, are disturbed by the arrival of CHRISTINE and RAOUL. CHRISTINE leading for SHS knows the way. Gradually, during the scene, night falls. The 5: come out, but are soon obscured by clouds so that we are unsure whether that really is the cloaked PHANTOM hiding behind Victory's wings. -19 - Son Skins = mee bE ~123- th Ack | Sere Page (ed). R we musk = Yee Cy howe. you draught us here. ? don't take me. nek ‘dere : L, I forge His ws king nightmare. This Phentm /s 3 ~The Phan tam of be Op.era will -[30- a Akl see Age S a SSS) (ab Le. Bel- ue me. bhece. iso Phantom othe Ad One Seane Eiahl page 6 CHRISTINE ts thisman —whohuats 2 kill ? | cant es— cape Sromhim RAOVL + Thy gedjubo is thisman, — “Thismask of eeath? Whose is this peRte —t ans: Aaigy°* | by, i peice! og ch ve le 3) Ang vee oe where aight is Loveever will, Avinttis lo-bipetath voile wovhear ih erenabeedh@A in tit Va-byeriath —whare nah S| . i i fear Ebee- | Amp ees [a%er-- - ¢ OE, Dy - fe “+ -(32- Act One Scene Exit page # CHRISTINE : blind the Phan Tom of the o-peraic RAOUE He phan —— mathe opera ir 7 See incide ma HD =a naside your rind Hereis 7? phantom of the op eta % ~133- ove area Act Ore Scene Fight page 8 CHRUTINE, (in: \zensely Roaul, he Bren Ware, fobis wordof un-end-ing night te: a . 7 sz a aaa jem Se Te awolbubeete ellght divsches into Yarkress, —— aveness | ig. — ae = zs = we 3 = ray s- oe re S pr F ve i lon ye Ly _ {es = : : L ee : ; . a 1 Reoul Wve Can | eve for mogt nat sient 7 ja 82 a — : se es te iP igs =[B4- RM Mm overs a4 Act Ore Scere Eight page 9 CHRISTINE. 5 é 7 Can | evar 28 -cape froma face sodis-tor'ed fumed iT was gael : . wel. Rd: te “EP: oe = == ——— ae hardly a face inthat arkness Darkness . Bi ids . We os) SS =e rancelike , then ro rng en more « extakic} = = = Voice Silidmy spin with a strange sweet so inthat night ‘there was music in ms! a ae ; Z = = 3 24etJ, — A —————— trorr Y ll t plooe nm ogra e188 Ad One Scere Eighh page 10 CHRISTINE boo | Whduow i ind afd thgh mse my Sol beganTo Sear! Ard | head asl nererhaud be RAOUL at | Ag, C%e 1 | i eI epee 6 {2 & — = == = ~fore Yek in'his exps, all the Sad.ness of the See = =F hear was adream andadthing, more a ere ae: eS = = o 2 S rece [en fe | % -136- AM Me ovara ares Act One Scene Eight page II CHRISTINE world. Tha glead-iag eps, that bik theabea and 2 lore Chridine Chridting CHAUTINE (Scared) Gollan) What was that? PHANTOM (unseen Christine RAOUL: 3, (A moment, as their eyes meet. The mood changes) ~1aF- Gimistine poten) On Raoul, = AY Oh Chrishne - Raout : poke oo Ack! scere8 Age (3 \ AO cal OL ude -ae fears Trahere aching conbaren yoamy r sl * Nomare talk of darkness forget these —— Seg GOTO we erty c seg asic |S Ack! sere 8 age I+ at -— F 7 rewand alias Fro-mire me tnakall yousay 1s ine, Thak'sall_| ask ot Ps Sal = | \ S te 5 4 d = ee fe ne be.pur helcter Let me be your light youre sage ro-aneuill pind your our “ Cerdetec! Cebinn ez He = 3 -|40 - =\4l- Ack | Scene.8 fage. | 4 _— + dove.cre lipe-tire. (ek me lead you prem yur Sclibde ou eed meuith you oe ee ce == = 2 == — a — L +f t 2 . -142- S Berets Ak (ene 3 fase. /8 (Fae mass) ae | =F tbe Ge me, Grak’s alt | Sk F Ary. whee qu goletme go too ave. Hat's all | ask of “> # RE— | ag-obor piglre +2ITR SS =—=—_—_ SSS (poco tek) ( 5 le = oO Q a . (They kiss. J (Tae ieee qe hear offstage, the distane, . —— Sound of a street barrel-organ- CHRISTINE —— starts from her reverie) ~l44-- [CHASTE FZ rmustgo thejlbsendershueTam Wait FaronaReol Chestinal lowe--you quord me dnd yoitl gademe “Grey hurry off. The PHANTOM emerges) eed ®)iFnam —— t === eee aL TL gaoayoorss music, made yane Song take wing And nad hawyoiecepaid nf ]! é = == | = P rd Qe ate F an = —— =e a= =—-= 7 shied 18 and betayedume Hewes bounds leveyou w hanheheard. yoo oy ox ‘ Cc | B % (|¢ $11 tt, = + = —_ — = be ye > yee 2 ~~ 446 — [Speen]: Christine --~ Christine. .(oFfatge) S yesltstare meee a acl Shave waite one Tr a = = 1 Cheve each, day ik me each night each == = = \. Chere each day Sthone goth rahe each vmoening r A \ > € t EEO ae eee gape * Pie Eqizy ® maw {Pierre Le FE Yo sallesca ke day yoodidinet (avraret All that the Phantom asked of > LA Teme] = ———+ = _w _2 SS — $f Cond het | Scene €ight page 23 Sa SG the Foot of the Opera HOHE SSS Qigappears, we kerr loud applause, The opera curtain closes and the PRINCIPALS appear through it for thet bows, | CHRISTER Ca a erousty dressed in CARLOTTA’S Sa SS costume) -|49 - F5ETZinawoms comers PIANO REHEARSAL CTE = - sen 2h PRO. ENTBACTE) \en.Prano = enteacte) 5 = £ ee. Pumuo ~ wvTACte) ue ka | Seve Ae one vce erede 1 Act Two Scare Ore page | (The staircase of the Opera. A geuze Bio half conceals the tableau of guests at the Opera Ball. The guests (whom we cannot yet see clearly) are in fancy dress - a peacock, a lion, a dragon, Mephistophilis, 'a highwayman, aclown, knights, ladies, Louis I - XVI, Napoleon, an executioner. Enter M. ANDRE. He is dressed as a skeleton, in an opera cape. Almost immediately M. FIRMIN arrives. He is also dressed as a skeleton in an opera cape. The two po skeletons see each other and approach nervously). NS ANDRE” @ Mi sieur Firmin? “Te Reaoy” FIRMIN Mi sieur Andre? . o (Each raises his mask to the other. ~ They recognise each other. Relief and laughter). — = SSS . The prologue Too bright new Ss Act Two Scere Ore page 2 @ 4 = == == = = = ugar | Well one Joes ones best Here's fo vs Ah SSS = we _ ke night Jim impressed Heesfous. | | Te vets \ ee %. Ant I =| @ Te Bok tn Ane iA 5 = ~ 7 o SS n fe Fl \ mist say alhe sane That it 0 shane that phadtomellow ign here ! J Ale Ale Mt -155— Ack 2 Senel eS (THEY laugh, but their laughter betrays a slight nervousness. For a moment We hear a ghostly echo of the music box. Suddenly the gauze lifts fully to reveal the staircase of the Opera House. The Opera Ball begins. Among the GUESTS are FIVE carrying strange percussion instruments: a monkey with cymbals, a toy soldier with a drum, a triangle, a tambourine, bells. There's a large barrel organ onstage. Together, THEY play weirdly throughout, and from time to time are heard by themselves.) @ S| “Barre Ogan” 1-1 A -|56 - Ack 2 Scena 1 Rige 4+ =o ES arene Haag ueohe Masquerade Peper aces cee Masquerade. Hide your fare, so =e ee —— en paper SS Masquerade, Hideyorree, soe | | SS | Masquerde paper Sacexon parade Masqverade Hiewreface | | =e eS See Spee Se >t te ‘ Thaswermbe Paper x Faces on parade Masquerade sapere | i ~ ee = = pe SS aoa c+ Ges | Tre Saal E be = = —— a —— ; = = \ a = + = + e “IST Act Two Scene One page S world will never Find you Masqveride every Sree a defferen shade La world will ever Find yow Masquerade every fucea Iifered she es reiee Fiupy ras 4) voor wil reversing yoo. Masqveride — every eH) a cS cS =F Ces Tiasyuere lookaron) thereban-o-ther mask be-hind ov Fiashot tssiende Jookarovid theres an-o ther mask be-hind gov Mas qverade Lpokaroved Hares an= other mask be-hiid you Mas qieende lock arom) theres an- » ther mask be-hin) ypu A == = Act Two Scere One page 6 © HORUS severally Se manve, splash of puce, Fool and King , ghoul and gpase, green and + = > SS SS FS SS be > + = = = = +> <> SS SSS i black, qieen aid priest, Trace oF rouge, face of beast =. Ps ; ——=: == ——— —Se +7 Be Ses Nt E E = SS = = = Qe ——— ; = ——— = zi Faces Take yortorn onthe mer= =o) eal & SS S| thea ride onthe merge round in gn in-Hv-man: = = eee Rit Lt ee Y a - } Sg es Ve = : = = — SS - H ‘S20 of sriles arouid. you @ Masquerade scathing Shadows breathing lies A . Sea of. siles arom) you @ Mesaverade stthig stdous Dreiiy, lies Th [ So ses ardlyoo Orage sting “Sioa being Tas ee SS = ———= a! Se ofsriesa-cunyp) Diasqeedde. sedhig Sh Shadows bresthing Les = loo = L Gid z -Ce- | Dm - ~ > Act Two Scene One page IO = ~ 2 = Ie masquerade, yovcan ool any fiend who ever hres YY rhasgreride Leetng oS kb Masgverade ~ = == Fr worcangoal any frond who ever krew ypu Masgerade Leeting | . A ie Masyvernbe Leering | =e Leer: Mesmemade vcard any Friend who ever keew ypy Mas Ge rie spucenfeol any read who ever know you Masqvera “FN Cc Cr %&%- i+ le 2 GiRy P= === Sst satyes, Peering eyes Masqvenide Romar hie, bita fuce vil sill PUTSVe YOW Lohita a = = lh, = SSS. Sdlyes,pozring eyRt Masquerade Remand hide ba face wil stil poesve you v 2 i e SaTyes, peering gues apg = == a by (The ENSEMBLE activity becomes background, y PIRWIN, UEC, i CuRLoTTA cose Te eva Fr the fore, glasses ts bona) = + = ie, (t= ———— S> + ae a > Se = . Act Two Scene One page Il tm Wabdingus wiington 1 Makes wv glad Takes up pro. Alte cree 2ela créng White crowd Ardab oorfeses are the rights Ardatowfearsare inthe vy oP of E- (y—si-an peace, ‘Ai wecan bree at Arwecan bretthe at ayer Ad aan Act Two Scene Ore page 12 ' What a chan Whitey Act Two Scene Ore esi 3 CHRISTINE sf Thinkof iF a A ey a Sess ed ve leased wat a masque. fade Ddlessed release ae (TREY clink Slasses and move oft. tHe b RAOUL and cuRzsrENE SHE ds scniring a new acquisition’ ¢ $n theageneat ring toa Rose: aa maton SEE has attached to chain around her neck) Seritergyeset Look, wortitire bie, Tut kof t Bit whyisit secret Sima Me M Ac Two Scere One, Page 14 Place, ttn feht Wa he te icrgih What haewe ts hide? Chishieypiefree When ul that? I an en % 4 | Bm Ms ey =— ee == di oot ar- ave ——- _— = ———— Seereit, nsta cere! Chritng whiforeyou a feaid of Lei not EH orer ae Aerfito Scene one Paws 15 1 Please pre — tend Youwill understind in vgue beam on-ly hope un. der. Stand in Eure. EA , le? anbne =P (orchestral chorus, in which CHRISTINE dances almost coquettishly, almost jittery as she goes from man Selman oplesthtcelusny/or\besiperscers seem to be replicas of the P and each spins HER with increasing” force. Eventually, RAOUL rescues HER and holds her tightly. SHE is frightened. SHE doesn't recognise HIM. HE whirls HER back into the dance as the music heads towards its climax) ~ ent /Sceve ONE Ree? 1 1 2222> > — re ab ° 3 OER (a = ince Pet’ Tise Scent ONE Pease 13 SoS se masqverede paper fuconponde Magee Hideyprdce,,sothe See SS Massperade FaceenPnrade Minsqernde — Hidewpreface sothe ~. ss a > L as . = 2S = Thaspernde Paper Gocesonparade Masquerade Hideyprcface sothe fee. ENO, : fe = = Fe , D/C FE = = + = world will never Find you Masqyerdde every Face o differt shade, odd wil rever Find yor asqyersbe every face Difeved’ shade 8 wae wall never $7) upy == worl) ell never find yo Ss Act Two Scere One page 19 —> (Tee) ) Tasqrrate Zackarovid “heres an-o srermasle bei yy fs. qye rade Lick around teresa. 10 ter mask behind you tas. que-tade Look around theres mask be ehind you ge sae Lank =n es 0 another mock ba. hind ypu ES ia aaa Gagne 4,5 “*% % > R —e ee = Se aS Mhasqprade — heads — Masqyersde stop and stare atthe —— = —_— es =z Masyersde goncos.ingheads Masyperide top on she ake ee a = — SS Masque rade "gln.cestuning heads Masayeride stopand stare at the ees + = Ee | = esizedt ThasqverSe— glan.cestunting heads Masqueive. stp and tare a the > J | (Deums + Pere) i nS | | = a Act Two Scere One page 20 Sen of smiles actound you Masprerade grinning yellowssp sinning reds sea oFswiletartend ym — Matyunde gtinnig, yellessspining reds 1 einer = : ¥ Sea oF tmiles arround you Masyuarade grinning yellows Spinning reds oe: wits = . Sak Suileanmdg? — Maswecde ‘sig olesepinneng reds. 2 Ry eb - Bh, abe tReyovy Fill lekthe specte-cle as-tbund you a P a Mespurede tekeyour Filllebtke oe ——— s J —_——__ Sl — aS For mthis darkness Lhave seenhim a: gain — fd Se our Phantime H's ume - IQlh- ® Ack Tio Scene (4 AgeS (Starts crom herdaze and bun ‘y Som ee (ast 90) “f | a = g = 7 (Ste moves age tat Ye’ Srtoundira blackness = wom =] 7 “much Monsieur. Real: Nb wee! GP: Feo use| = a (And, before HE can question HER further, SHE has disappeared) RAOUL (runming after HER) Madame Giry ...1 -182- Ad Two Scene Tw page | THE MANAGERS’ OFFICE (The PHANTOM's score lies open on the ANDRE is impati through it. papers, letters, etc.). desk. FIRMIN i: Zy-dierous! Haveupo seen te score? tly flicking jorting through ‘Signor, Sirota 2 Phase understand E| (RAOUL, and CHRISTINE enter. > = J CARLOTIA bristles). Hares oor Ite lover Yorhave secured the largest Anis Doadautethe lady of-thehoor -187- Cap Bex) Adt Two Scena Two Shay Page & OTT Christine Daoe, she dosithuethe woe inthis dn Thon, (Cellet etn he ny ae as rg) Suitheonebehidtis” Chiitine Dace hind this: 1 ap. pros wehave ro choice Ad Two ea Two page 7 “as aa Bare you! Jove woran how Dare opt This isat mySaut! | Aa, Tal Imm natofool | Yosthink lm blind? t las — in 3 Yostwort ony, part inthis plat? G te Corleta. ay 4 E Whit desshesay ? Ay as | Dot uly nok, % = SSS ™ pr — + Migs Dace surely, es pet ccc. Sion buts -(89- Ad Two Scere Two page & ae 1 cametsngit Duty or not! Shes bucking! You haves duty (she 1s prevented from replying by the arrival of MEG and GIRY, the latter bearing another note from the PHANTOM). cf? PO Chast, Crit yo et yea rae ys G, Ry | Presnon-sieue onier roke Born ~ (The MANAGERS gesture: “read ik", As she reads, ALL react variously, as they are singled out). “190-00 akes Tg voice aracually © 4 = — See E 5 == 2 Te nuns one veh It nt heathy won ef Pangis + hn = a 5 -_ 4 ype zieenig) 7 * 3 -1491- overs A108 Ad Two Scere Two pase 10 RAL SS = === office, nit the arTs- —— =— "te —= =— H] , (Siow and sinister) Jat dll do her best its trve her | 1A fs HisCvidne D*0€. NO abache che - E- |Ghage OF M | ieringaSalmstogh Sold uh axed She has mehstll | hn Big - Pb Bit | che Ernltnge FRGE | cin t Chm -192- overs 4108 Act Two Scere Two page I RALL——— | | 1 Gouge | Teen peal it br ce-ctom me ber eater, tar Feacher \ hy Act | eck] hg | i ee a as a Se sets = 7 , . a "7 (ALL look at CHRISTINE) (spoken) Your obedent frend ins “Ana Aree)". “5, curistine.: | cant... | wort Qe tte L i ae Soret — =z } oF. £| = eee == RADUL (Half te nce) =f 3 - =3 Ar S = = we hate oben blind and yétthe onswer is Staring vs ivthesce— + eS Saas == ———— = | Q(De) if = es ——= 5 a = : a4 ovare aioe 5 At Two StereTun Page 12 379 34 Ure Vistering Cine fies om - SEU 9° on = = ss This covld bethe chance to ensrme cur clever Sieg) * hur GJ vale po v We Shall play his gare perforn his liprke butremenber we holtHe ace, Fo or &: Dm Spor = 194 1S ones a188 “ ACT Two SCENE TWO PA 85 it str by He celeas) We make certninthe doors are| tas Da-ae. Sings he is cer-tainto a Pb, te > baered | ee Ee — ——— =) io menace — frere I Wemakere tain theyve. a f mp i -195- (ALL have, been listening intently, RAOUL/ANDRE/PIRMIN GURY As the first to express a reictio; soso (Savouring their Act Two Scene 2 CHRISTINE reaains si1ece7 eos withdrawn Meno mosso victory) Page q end Im nabS9 Sure Theevttain falls His eign ual end Neb ittuamrks The curtain falls His reigp will * 4 “awed The coitus fle His rein and ‘ey Meng mosso rey) Yowshik b> bata ‘eunding on Gite G, z = Ry! = Monieuyselieme Trae i no way @ tum. lag he Ge -196- Act Two Scene Tivo Page IS a = hdp__._ us. Famed hep__ us Deaitmake ex.cses Sa-stead of vam.ingus hep — us Gey Men. sieur can't 8 "a, Kap. calditbe that yale enti de ? (fe Raout) Mon steurbe lieve me Linctend no ill burt mes Bb -193- Ad Tuo Seea Two paye 16. ‘A Tempo) Sho _therebehind tic. Chr! This is alher dona! PAN, THicishetath! Gwvtine Danae tp Reaull Ay % . set utente wil luo) F “Roy rag faa pa er, 7 Tcishicvedong Gry + Slemsbe cardul we have seen him kil | a eb o> Chae oTra| What alonry con che hepe fb. gain IF Pong, Shek cra —ay A a Yr SH-cePd you Free us al This so calla) angel has to Sal) 1 ie Me fev Sx ced yp fee eS all This So ced rege has bo fal! Kou, CE ee ee Hear mg wornng! Hear his punry! mo - Be A é Sikkies Ad Too Score Two page |7 oa us "onsting Brough He hobbol with "Fup dont sep M go ma pare ‘dort Fatal tegrs masene! Goan! Dip ce ine bro Ste Skis raving Gran’ Dio! che m-bro— 9 hiswit is Se “Ths wel his Safe Say yor pretty bled on —ael of | detth Ty mon —ser beg 20 not Bo Th 2 2 Bb (silence. ALL look at ber) = 194- Two Scene Two pase | CO) cuasrine ee Go Tue Scene Tio Page ° SS ————| re D Ral aa dortmakemedo this, Reo itscaree me Stastecbmal soy ae L PS ine == — = a ie Ss = ae pr gE i ~-2eal by fire Hell “okene| koow, well be pared forever, He went leFma go = == = = “ = Nhat oveusedbodream Inow rea), Tf he Findemeit wort ever end aa) Fal be Dom . te over ares Act Two Score Two page 19 — SS —— = = always be thre Singing, Sons in my head, hell aluays be there singing sys in mg head f = : | — 6 CARLOTTA Crovaors) Shet mad... RAOUL CteyinaTe ronson), (ALL stare at HER) Youssidyourself he was no-thing but a We 42 Come = + Em) 2 ® a T -201- noe ova 4108 AdtTue Scena Two page 20 SSS et [to risk mu life fo winvthe chance’ live? [O) (versterter. eto > z = Shays Tine SSS SSS *T batoaythieman who once inezire® my vice’ Oo becomeisprey? 00 | have any cnice? He — J e a e F [B= SS Tic ata oe fe mere al ht gpd 1 brow Tent rebse afd yt Tish T cold OA Gm Gry -202.- ovens 4104 fat Two Scare Two page 21 MN ie God if T agree whit horrors iit for me in “this He phaifom? opera 2 e° B% o—|F Bu (lading uithher verges) Chie» Crtig, oot tink-hitl oat care bit every hepe and 2 oe a - a sb B i With a great surge, the orchestra takes over. CHRISTINE, overcome by her conflicting emotions, turns her now face avay and hurries out. > = 1 prayerredion you i : * Poe |e la% | Gm -203- ane a1Bt Act Two SceneTwo page 22. RIT ————~ apace Re see ee F? a strides forward, looking out front. RAOUL ind addresses an imaginary PHANTOM). Sp if Tobe war béfveen vs! Bx tis tne, myclover griend, the disaster wall be ypurst- | 2 2 2 az = = z= = az - es. bs. shebehebe be je a ~ = 7 TS = (As Lights fade, ATTENDANTS stretch a red, velvet rope across the downstage area. OTHERS bring -on gilt chairs. CARLOTTA, PIANGI and GIRY move downstage to take their places for the next scene). | =204-- over 4104 Act Two Stene Three page | (a guste call for "DOR. Juants see pupervises the 2esrntng of the Reve piece from the PLA: Present, are FIANGZy CHRISTINE, CARLOTTA, SSS Eiay and CHORUS.) q eg. 3 aS =e s 6) Hide ypor sur? now wooded kenight! Yoor vain-glo-rious gascon- A {| : == Hide pur Supe rs ieee right! Yar vain go— fous 12.100 yb tty be Lit arene apis ttt Tog suet w wanted Eng! Wor vin Jom rot j a ys eid pbhe ae wt - pi hahaa | = = fide your Sword aus monded Kniaht! Your Vain glo — TUS gps.con— peat = << ‘bape Snal Fig. Fryar pHBeigh ‘pce yoo paid A ES aoe Aa See ——————————— Sigtt Fors pide ‘a price ype pad ro -e- st Sy = -205- ne vane ate At Two Scene Thee paged CHALSTINE = = : z silken covchad hay,filled baen ‘path havebeen his bafle fed Shay wee Orta == & (ore = i Ag Be = = L % = = Those ko angle with Donan —— le = x. (Stepingthem) (He demonstrates) = *y ace a Sl aenaisas Tibi bap dhtrcin (ofag)ifie | Ege) No,no! Cherus-reitplkae. — Thare who tangle wih Don’ angi 1 en Sigror Pian -hareis the phate a Frease? Fi, -206 - Act Two Scena Three page 3 ge = _ 5 : =a : (Grim) No, Nexrly -bitno. Thase who Tan Tan Ton (sou wg) : i i Se ———S— “Those who Tale ith 2A Som 3 tS . 1 . (sect : ay wong) eo a Those who Tangle pith DonTvan, CARLOTTA (to the OTHERS) y is better. At least he make it sound like GIRY (to CARLOTTA) Signora - would you speak that way in the, presence of the composer? CARLOTTA (deat to the implications of this remark) ‘mae composer is not here. And if he were here, I would s+ GIRY (cutting in, ominous) Ara you conta of thot, Signore «++? REYER So, once again, if you pleas sever Signor Piangt - after (HE gives the note and counts in) Five, six seven (omg ein) )>— _————— G = FF ob turd uthDorTien _203- ae cova a8. Act Two Scene Three page * . (CARLOTTA talks through this, and gradually EVERYONE starts either to talk, or to practise the ‘ phrase simultaneously) CARLOTTA PIANGI Ah, piu non posso! (trying again) What does it matter What notes we sing? THOSE WHO Ta ren PAN GIRY | Howe patience, (to CHRISTINE) Signore, Is right? REYER nT Cen (attempting to lomone w: know restore order) ities rine” SERISTINE uadies s. or wrong! Signor Bangs... No~one will care! Not quite, Signor: If you please... THOSE WHO TAN «++ TAN «6 (REYER thumps the piano keys, then bangs the lid of the piano. Both tricks fail. HE leaves the piano, (PIANGT_ 100! miserably at CARLOTTA, GIRY catches CHRISTINE'S PIANGI eye) and attempts to (to CARLOTTA) LEOPORELLO attract I do my best ... Signor, perhaps I attention using but I do not can signals) understand ... crry CARLOTTA (to CHRISTINE) Don't listen to You sing the part them, caro. well, Han'selle. REYER Settle down, now., PIANGT CHRISTINE settle down’... Here is no beauty... Thank you. * Tete) No music . orry CARLOTTA I am sure that (mocking) you will do more THOSE WHO TANGLE than justice to WITH DON JUAN! the role. (screams) CESSATE CESSATE MI TORTURATE LY ANIMA time.the members of the CHORUS are behaving in a similar ————~ manner. - 208- Act 2 Scene 3 fagesS At the height of the mayhem, the piano suddenly begins to demonstrate the music, ungided. It plays with great force and rhythm. ALL fall silent and freeze. One by one, THEY start to sing the piece robotically and accurately. As THEY continue to sing, CHRISTINE - the only one unaffected - moves away from the group.) (Prominently visible upstage and behind the scrim is the statue of her father on top of the mausoleum, violin in hand, beckoning her.) Act Two Scene Three page © poe ttt rept it Ror seein gorthe Bait onger bogue of So. Ae as ue tet + 2) FF See : SSS aiden forthe Urilon yur bye of Sto-Uen Suet vu ee pay oT — SS SSS i Thvillon your Tongue of stolen sueete You ill | Z a = SST Se a4 forthe Thrill on yom Tinaie of stolen sweets, You will | — Ess ye | i ve = Ror young maiden garth. Unni on gr tongue of. Sp lenSaehs _ You watt! Bem ce ee nee 2 | or yg in den fr ia“ Ope GE GS Tan Soca —— me ; | | . -2l0o- vere ree Act Two Scene Three page 7 \ “ huetepate bill Tangd inthe winding sheds. Al SS = = FS = hae reste til “ind in Pe siding “pci | ou I r TI = ; T° hee topaytie BU Tinlad in te winding sheets Lb we Re Trae pay the GL Tangled in the win ding Sheets —__ (pra) eee \ 7 RM Me ove arae ACT TWO SCENE TIREE PGE B aE = TT. TOT. c = ——___ —__— (As the ensemble becomes background, =—_ CHRISTINE, transfixed’ by the ghostly — = figure , Sings independently)~ Haig q, NE In sheep he sang f> me in deans he 7 or er = ™————— = : = [== came that voice which calls To me a speaks - Qla- Act Two Scere Three page 9 G)(appassionata) : = : nana orchestes en [" 2d Pope as (The orchestra takes over and the scene begins to change. Trance-like, CHRISTINE moves slowly towards the beckoning figure. We hear the distant sound of bells) | CHRISTINE i H ceere 7 & > == =} 7 (an) © Lille Lotettouptt of even a rahcg @) “2 be = = she ! = . ——— fe \ — i " (abd) Po = = Z -Q13- -——- or overs aie Act Tio Scene Three page. 10 nd father promisdd her that i would send herthe an gel of music : I Hor futher promisd) her Hor father promisd) her | ~Qig = WISHING YOU WERE SOMEHOW HERE AGAIN Music by ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER Lyrics by CHARLES HART Additional lyrics by RICHARD STILGOE Andante a B (CHRISTINE You were once my SS] were once a Fm Eb cm D friend and ft then my world bs © Copyright 1986 The Realy Useful Group ple. Allrights reserved, International copyright secured 38 pit mosso G Am/G Wish-ing you were some - how wish -ing you were some - DIG c pic Bm? Em —s™ —r- sometimes it seemed if 1 just dreamed, Bm? Em D D7 G 3 Wish-ing I could hear your ‘ Am/G DIG = rit ten. Fs SSS ; ———— Wishing you were some -how here a gain, knowing we must say good - (gen pao fee] oe ee | ey lees eae ee St t - a yo —=— SS == atempo FT 5 F/Eb Dm? Gm I —3— for + give, teach me to live, Dm? Gm FT Bb F/Bb a tempo tears, no more gaz. - ing F7/Bb EBD P7/Bb Bh é molto rit. years Help me say good : bye! Ack 2 Sunt fige6 (Bewildered, CHRISTINE Looks uPy and murmurs breathlessly) Ir Has z ive ANGEL OF ‘FATHER Pa 0 My" geomeag grimy gidance B Fig 8 cues. Ne staring 2 Angel ch speak what] PHANTOM (more and more hypnotic) ~ feiaidor phaitom ho is itthere Poo Tom = Have wpuforgelten your ee chee % Ge |C Ge |\C Cost |C &% -220- over 418 Ack 2 Sere Age Ge, Ng ts end. (ess long.ings echoin this whisper PHAN bie ebrene ees) Fn : _— 7 —— oa SS = f (RAOUL appears in the shadows and ; : RAO a For a moment, transfixed) Teo long ype. wan. dered in —— = re Ge le % |S = SSS (increasingly mesmerized) Tn ; = « Wilymy wind bets of RAOUL's presence) (unaware -22l- Det Too Seane Foor Page 3 CHRIS = “on SS = garnst you —— yet the, Soul o — beys : — = a You resist yet your Soul & — beys —— fiaout == a e theanms of her 2 i | Fimay? Dml ca w CHAS = ace aan Ain : f ~ Angebot mus - ve | daried yoo Turning Fromtrue beawty — PHAN ; ~fom js Angd rus ie you desied me Foininghamtue beasty — b . ——— Arcee = Ss | F Angel Angelorbemen Gtilhecallsher \ur ——————— ing her back from tre (ee Bb Be > ld wile & 6 i Bey -222 - Ack 2 sere + Bge4 ep Bey (The music becomes menacing, 25 Galerie moves towards the figure in the doorway) -223- wm Acr TWO Scene. Four page 10 L (beckoning her) wv £ a j 7 Tam your an—gel of m—sic Come. tome! Poy = == _____| # f\"F= z 7 = —— —— in He yo SS S| eit | (suddenly calling out over nl the ever-threatening music) Magy An.gel of dark - ness cease this or.ment i ' be 1 \ = é $= DOWNBEAT FRO! Goss alee Fac num@ereD Ageowl 1S A Dyum e353 (Y) el -2Ah- (inexorably, the PHANTOM ArT TWO Scene Four page tl continues to beckon CHRISTINE) %, —— ae 7 rs Fam your an — gel of mu Sie Come tome an—gel oF a = (aa desperation) h ou may deliewe, His mar... Bis beg Chnstre, Christine, Listen & me whabevt/ Y! es nok your father. (She nas t Raut, who a her protectively. ———j_ The Panwtom Toe Pi ibs B nny 1 Sudden! apie, 1 which ‘apa Sac Ak a movement him, @ Fig (addressing the Let her go, for Gas Sake, tee hergo! Christine! Raoul 1A (coming out of her trance» Gisting turns and mouths the Ac Two Scene Four page 12. Ra, ML Capen) meget, Monsieur 7 \ (reesaL2] tet (i = ee a v =—— ! 5 -226- Act two Scene Four page |S Tspoken) RaouL.AD*) =S= = Let's see. ton. sieur bows far you dare ge (spoken) Mace, deception were wokrce ? \ i (Freda 3] | a WA | | = —s _— (aaoun bas begun to wally slowly and = Biurely, towards the P mM, the = = eevalis always landing just abead Sa of him) —— fy A ip 7 Thok's ‘ight. thal’s right mon.sieur Keep walking this way a = — a - 22% - Aer Two g cene Four page i4- z yl Praaoresen Hay, You cant win her ove by making her your prisoner, Yin here, Vin hese, tmonsieus> Che. P= sit i ‘Sangalo daa} a . ge. 36 rents py, came.on, mansieur don't Shap, dor (cont) me ——— SES (RAOUL is almost at the PHANTOM's feet. A confrontation is imminent, when CHRISTINE suddenly rushes across — To‘ RAOUL) cressraes Raoul! Don't be. f26b, ——————— -223- (and with this, HE hurls the pyramid Cand its from its perch. Simultaneous)> of chen of Lightning. The two mourning eatues move. Before we have a chance Stttee - or hear - the skulls crashing onto the stage +++ BLACKOUT. = We immediately hear the oboe 'A' of the next scene.) Ack 2 Scere. 5 age | ACT. 2 Scene 5 ‘The Opera House on the night of the premier of "Don Juan Triumphant". An oboe sounds an 'A‘ and the orchestra begins to tune up. A whistle sounds - the CHIEF FIRE 7 OFFICER is ireviewing two FIRE MARSHALLS in tin helmets. A work- light on a stand illuminates: THEM. ‘The orchestra continues to tune and warm up throughout the scene. Also present are RAOUL, ANDRE and FIRMIN, supervising the proceedings, and a MARKSMAN, at present hidden in the pit. CHIEF You understand your instructions? FIREMEN (severally) sir! CHIEF When you hear the whistle, take up your positions. [shall then instruct you to secure the doors. It is essential that all doors are properly secured. FIRMIN (to ANDRE) Are we doing the right thing, Andre? ANDRE, Have you gt a beter idea ? CHIEF Monsieur le Vicomte, am I to give the order? RAOUL Give the order. (The CHIEF blows his whistle. The FIREMEN fan out, leaving RAOUL, the CHIEF and the MANAGERS on stage. ‘The orchestra has now completed tuning and individual players can be heard practising fragments of the “Don Juan" score.) RAOUL (to the MARKSMAN) 2 you in the pit - do you have a clear view of this box -230- Ack 2 Sere S Page MARKSMAN (appearing from the pit) + » Sire RAOUL Remember, when the time comes, shoot. Only if you ave to = but shoot. ‘To kill. MARKSMAN How will I know, Sir? . RAOUL You'll know. (The MARKSMAN repositions himself, to improve his view) FIRMIN Monsieur le Vicomte, are you confident that this will work? Will Miss Daaé sing? RAI p pon't worry, Pirmin. André? ANDRE We're in your hands, sir. CHIEF My men are now in position, Sir. RAOUL Go ahead, then. (sounding his whistle again, the GSfer shouts into the auditorium) CHIEF Are the doors secure? (exit doors are slammed all over the puilding, the FIREMEN answering one py one: "Secure!" "Secure!" ete ‘me orchestra falls silent. A\ PHANTOM (From routere) A short pause as we hear the. echo of the last door. hore the phattom of the ae A Firgren Start Torun Phe voice * an Me oan are 2 (ALL look around apprehensively. Ack 2. Scene S PS FIREMEN start to run in the direction of the VOICE) PHANTOM'S VOICE (from somewhere else) I'M HERE: THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (Again, THEY follow the VOICE. This happens several times, the PHANTOM'S VOICE darting more and more bewilderingly from place to place. Finally it is heard from Box Five, and in the confusion, the MARKSMAN fires a shot. Another echoing pause. RAOUL rounds on the MARKSMAN furiously) RAOUL Idiot! You'll kill someone. I said: only when the time comes! MARKSMAN But, Monsieur le Vicomte ... (Tae PHANTOK'S VOICE cuts in, filling the building. ALL look up) PHANTOM'S VOICE No "buts"! For once, Monsieur le Vicomte is right ... [B\, tenon > PIOCKINT ‘Seal myfale TonGht | ho To. have eo the, fon shot bit the (a tense pause) | i Jokes wearing “thin let Be au-di-ence in lét my op. era be- ae =232- RH Me. ova 4108 Ack2 sene& gel - (The "Don Juan" overture begins. ALL disperse as scene and lights change.) Ae fl ag - (The stage of the Opera House. The 7 set of the final scene of “Don Juan Triumphant". A huge Gustav Dore hall with an arch upstage. Behind the arch, which has curtains, is a bed. A fine Table centre, laid for two. PASSARINO, DON QUAN's servant, is directing the staff as THEY make the room ready. ALL have-their faces hidden. THEY are a crowd of sixteenth century ruffians and hoydens, proud of their naster's reputation as a libertine). i a TI ul -233- nH te oven e104 Ac Two Store Six page 2 vibe yy gh jg he ghee the sire may serve the 2am mas—ter fakes his Here the, sive may serve tha Gam mas Ter Takes his ! T z = # tia He sive may sevethe 2am met =f ks | a : ! Here ‘the sie may Seve the 2am mas Ter Takcs his RIT at ba 4 sa— cri & ficial ‘ane ut-lirs one_ des sa — cri = $1-cial amy =! vt- via on des | vi-lers one_dzt sa —eri —Fi-cial Tams Se b 41 sa —cri —fi-cial Tage vf-lrs one Jes + S 1 RITA! he. sys + if du i -234- RH Mm rere 416 Ad Two SareSix page 3 WW ATEnPO TE ~ Boor gg mien Sorte Hil onywr Tage of can corral s Forte hill onyportinwe OF | ——t [_ air —i92, Cay Poor young, maiden A => E f SS ~psicsing, bet Fe gong mien te tril ongourtorge of | = —— = = = == Tparaimg” Blt — GP) Poor wpa, maten fiche thrill onupwrTongye oF —= ——- forte > =par=ig leat Poor ea maiden forthe thrid ony Bigye OF Ae =H < ; Toad nthe Youll have pay the Bil 7 stolen sweets = Yow will hee. 0 pa ‘he tn he | fat! Ie Tn Jenn Ypowll have pay the bil A cam “Fan gled in the | Youd Fave To PY i Tanase in The | mod i g ‘. n” * 5 a me 28S — Act Two Store Six page — F cane — r ‘OTTA = ind-ing eels ee py gee sie Ss = — z vinding shee GF Serve tena amsenve the maid) Al + : = et Se lar Hy ; vitscing_ Beat F f Seetenal adsereetie. maid T === SS | vindeng sheet $ Seve Famed ad arn ie am 7 == - = vind= ing sheats H Serve Fameal andsevethe aid ak se ee He ay = ae SS Capel Es a 1 py yt 1 ary, yi id SSeS He = —— ‘Serethe mader sothd’ — uhen Tables, plans ard maids are aid = = = = | Sevethanater sort Gas plansand raids ore [aid | = ——— —— = + ———— = 8 Sevethemaster so thi when Tables, plans an) maids are laid ae aS ; iS — peas = eee = 1 Serve hemaser so hat when Fables , plas and mas are — *1aid ovr 4184 Ad Tuo Scena Six page S ad Pesos s : ‘Don Duan “trieumphS once —gan > A pn Dean “Tri —omphs once a — gain 2 — Sawn TH—inght once | —N \ gS os Ton San i—anphs one | ea o = = (SIGNOR PIANGI. aS Don Juan, emerges SHGNOR Pingtherarcn. WE clicks nis fingers. MEG. & gypsy dancer, fottuettes decnab i les Sor aa] foltoes sey coquettisniy for hie as pirquetees cecepurse. SHE catcnes HE tnrows "Sig and Leaves. HE throws ghother purse) - Ion Svan) ae Paseo rind ith-ful frend -23F- Act Two Scone Six page & Don SVAN = = Once oxgtin recite the plan + oa z= = — F 1 7 Yur young quest be — liewsLm you iz = B 4- — ; = oN SVAN ‘When ypomdl yoo wore my lank vith my i Fang Bing Ltte master, you the man ZL 3 + mt -233- ovate 418 RX Ast Two Scene Six poge 7 on} ‘She bebives he Dies sein he mrastets borrow p)M2 Scare you Bid your foee EA p> Fuccie well soffond quaff steal inguin uth iS mine When itt late ond modesty On| = * Farts to meow withthe wine zp \ Tovconahone! Lseporvice, sianthedoor lie —| fi =o | | == : -234 - ae overa 4108 Act Tivo Scere Six ‘page & ON Fok) | shally Come he wisn Tube auhere? of conse ny room” (ens Tete akore) Ps ia ae Partinghast ed chonce Fa i SSS Aig} Ph 3 == = _ Saas —<<—<$=—=———— (pox JUAN puts on PASSARTTO.S clothes (DON, gveureained alcove “Bere {he bed awaits. = 240 - Act Two Scene Six page F ‘Although we do not yet know ity Punjab Lasso bas done its work, SIGNOR PIANGI is no more. Ye see DON JUAN, it will be the PaaNTou. It is important that this, PeeTnot become clear vocally, until iter on in the following number. the and When next Before the singer playing PASSARINO Beroyorry too much, we hear AMINTA COHRISTINE) singing happily in the distance.) DON = SuAN laugh (ottstage) AMINTA, = (Cherstine) t 3> pie3 (onstage) Act Two See Six page 10 ‘oat Master? "a == 7 Cael Pree ba prey, (PASSARINO exits. AMINTA enters. A pretty: AuMgnturous girl, oF SHE would aevebe here. SHE takes off her loak and sits down. Looks Shout ner. No-one. SHE starts on a leg of chicken. the PHANTOM, disguised as DON JURE pretending to be PASSARING. emerges. pretenduears one of the servant robes, face. the cowl of which hides Mis His first words startle AdTwo Scone Six page | DR) teartom EB) %v hove come here In porsutt of yor Yeepeit urge, — In prisittf tnd .@ — | =| | (=a F = = pits ye == | By vahuhdtfnavbasen silent, Slat have boaftypy Tilo poco mag : = == Leet | EP SSE” PSE” [a oa es Gh, | He Bee ——— Z Sai = bp! : | SS re Fava mete ——_‘Ingpurmipie ak rey sve-ambeb me, Bappdal de Jeeeer cor! (ates === Speers Saaee Aer Cy \ Pace oy | Eng 4 Atg Argy a rca rea er - =143- RH onan ana Act Tuo Scere Six page 12. ‘ 3 o my Plfely seccntt nome Nooupvare here wtthme ro sean) touagie e ci 20 Eg Ory Oo Cre ee : : 2e —ci-de9 Post tepontof no return — Grp or ie TE Nobackuard glances The gunes we'e plays til now ove at an ey |e ene ~ 244 - AH Me vara ares Act Tio Scena Ste page 13° TEMPO POCO RIT: ptt? a as agit eb“ or akon” linea) 7 = |i Cy Cae Tv Cc = $l Neuse re-sist-ing A — ban-Bon though and Jet the drm descend .... Emer ee eb a AT SSS What rages Fire sh So the sool?lhaich 2e-sire Un-bcks Hts Boor? Whe sud se + “ap ib eb oh hey Bm —— =e = =z i 245 — Am . onan ares Aet Two Score Sixx page 1a gor? fF a P a my Quetion lies before us 2 Past thepowtof no ce-tuen, or Fm io 6 "(bs) |e) | HF = Te fing! Thres-hold , what warm unspoken secrefsuillwe karn be~ EF —=|D eb? A ayotdthepintof nore ~ tom? | mE Yo hae bmi? me | Pr Cup art ne evans ate Ad Two Scene Six page IS : otha monortichere wos nn ny Torthat monet whose speech disap pees into | == z SS |r = Boyy Fr Bigb Bapy Opp retes —— = = | sicbree, sib = E_have come hoe Hartly kroving the === : = Ste ee = mE |Gn i Bit \ehy Ping | Ve et 2S rr RT == “aH v1 reas-on why fn ma, mind Wie at— ready imagined our badies ertwining Fam Gtn Cy Paty Em Dn Bn | Fin Gm = aa t- —— ne ove a1 Ad Two Scare Six page |6 waht Noe de-cided 4 Ye letand now | am here vith yoy no second tha Thy perce les and si- ar Pra Or ogg Boye lA | de-cided back Hepoitof no cai ) . rai EF back now Our pastion-play has now of lost be—- gun = > b> Ap =148 - overs «186 Ad Two Scene Six page 17 SSS alhougi of vigit or srong Ore Final nie How *~ + -— = SS == ae fi <> —_— > ‘e m : joel, ———— —— . long shod we Tuo wit before wee one ud Whom ule blo be-gjn To Pr ee” ap Av? est er = 5 ————————— = i race Tasleeping bud bait in-to bloom? (then wil-the lores last con —-svme = —— cena Bm @b Gis) Pe > AcT Two Scene Six page |& S . boty — fost the point of no re-twn Ahefinal tresshald the Week the pik of no re-tun —Trefcnal tresheld the | a Gm Dt qn et . a a badge x crossed, 60 stand ondwalch it bum Weve passed the poinkof no etondand watch ié bun — We've. passedthe poinkof no 7 wossal, 50 sha 22 ae D eagle & - 250- Ack 2 sere Agel? ~ (By now the audience and the SECURITY MEN have realised that SIGNOR PIANGI is dead behind the curtain, and it is the PHANTOM who sings in bis place. CHRISTINE Knows it too. As final confirmation, the PHANTOM sings:) | am) “Fag pk hag — =a Sag you'll Sharevithme oe. love oe If het or fa HE takes from his finger & ring and . holds it out to her. It is the same si-tude Ting = CHRISTINE'S engagement ring - Uhien he had torn from her throat at the beginning of ACT 2. Slowly SHE takes it and puts it on her finger). mo te —— (we never reach the, word ' (Me grime quite Clee’ sg INE Gace to the audbene: As. PHANTO! PHANTORCES OF LAW cLOoy ‘in om the the Fying skull, the 2 Ris cloak around cee screams) CARLOTTA what hes bappened: 57 darling? Pi be cl Qoveating PLANGI'S Sody gazrotedy S cinst the back Of © enair, nis head gruesomely tiited to one ing out, wnite eo qips, and ® trickle ot face, Pests extended scream (perbaps biocdpe) leads to "THE CHASE) =aS2- ane ova 4108 Ack 2 Senet ge | rrr (40) act 2 Scene 7 THE CHASE. On stage - same as previous scene, except we see the action through the house curtains. POLICE, STAGEHANDS, etc. rush onto the stage in confusion. Also: ANDRE, FIRMIN, RAOUL, GIRY and MEG. ANDRE. Oh, my God ....oh, my God ... - - EIRMIN We're ruined André - ruined ... GIRY Monsieect stu emnne| ereaete arent (CARLOTTA runs on, wildly rshing owt Pang’s Oh my dartangymy darting... whohas clone this... ? 2 a (aysterical, she attacks ANDRE) You! Why did you let this happen? Why . (SHE breaks down, PIANGI's body is carried off on a stretcher) No... no... (weakening) Why . Who has done” this ...? GIRY I know where they are. RAOUL Can I trust you? GIRY Monsieur, you must. But remember: your hand at the level of oor eyes! But why ... RAOUL, GIRY The Punjab lasso, Monsieur. First Buquet. Now Piangi. MEG Like this M'sieur - I'll come with you. GIRY Ne, Meg! You stay here. Come M'sieur. Hurry or we $0 be too late. BLACKOUT. -253- a. Ad Two Scene Seven page 2 2x (A\)_ nae oe Meanwhile, down below, the candles that light the lake rise from the floor. We see the PHANTOM and CHRISTINE in the boat, crossing the stage) -254- At Tim sere Age 5 HALF TEMPO) : (PANTO) — Dromdtico (falta himeale = Pua =: Tor = = amore more Tothe dungeon of my black desepair! Dounwe (have tém 0, (Agitato> cb T E (*) SS alvge toe prion afmy mind! Dowthit path into Darkness Beep as | ‘accel ) =— = = = gb Aba =—— + -255- Act Two Stene Seven page 5 (He rounds on HER, bitterly. A Sreat outburst of rhetorical self- E\ Pity) = boar = == te = SS = z Los sade bade chuind inthe cl eid pice? Netanya sn i ha ase SS == ; == ft tty | DP " wickets of my abhor ent fai | CHE hears the off-stage voices CE: of a mob and moves off again) SHOR $ 1 Track down Hesmuc-det-er he — rasst be foun) \ f — ® Se - 256 - nA Me. onare rae At Two SceneSeven pige 6 “ Hound-ed out by ev—ery one! Met with hak-red ev- ery -uhe ! — SSS SS Se No Kit wor® from anyore! No compassion anywhere Christine, RAOUL and GIRY appear the lake). Act Two Scere Seven page 7 DAoge a pat —— pa 5 —t et é (TEEY hold their baads up. Just ap = hand af the kvel af your eyes well, for a noose descents ove RigUL tnd Eis able to free besociss = =" : a @) % the eg pe eyes ® . Your hod at the lve! ob your eyer egatge _© Your had thle ahyoireyt ® Your hand athe level ofypur eyes Yoor haw) d'the level Ofer ever (Mais taunting chorus continues as make their way down. THEY Meet © pack of rats. GIRY screams and jowers her guard. ‘The rats and the RATCATCHER pass them, GIRY raises her hand again) Giny the lake, Monsieur, This is as far as RAOUL Madame Giry, thank you. (SHE turas to go back up the slope. RAOUL looks at the water. HE removes his coat and plunges his torch into the lake. In the blackness we hear him dive in: Tue MOB of PARIS appears at the top of the zig-zag slope. THEY come down to jake edge, their torches flickering ely ~ but not as bravely as RAOUL'S tay DiAcgue| a DrALogue a Ack 2 Scenz + fag 8 & CHORUS (nit) Al Track Boun'this morderer he mastbe >Lowid Track oun this murderer he muftoe| *Huxt out this ani-mal iho runs Te ) iB 3 i) ~ The creas “the phasor of th 3 ground Tio img hes preg onus bit noo we know the pag of the opera is Al ) x7 - 259 - Mee 2 Senet fags F Phaifom ofthe opera i here Deep oun” be Tow 4 cHos 3 deep Boun =low opera is here esp 2oun "be low opera He's here the phasfom of tre Hee. te phantom g He op. en (THEY turn back up the slope. : Perhaps there is another way in. The gate to the lair rises from the oon) floor, shutting the boi as the rest of the l me

\ ree Tso Scene & Page ¢ acT_2 Scene 8 CHRISTINE. THE PHANTOM'S LAIR ‘The wax doll of CHRISTINE sits crumpled on a large throne. The PHANTOM drags CHRISTINE roughly out of the boat. SHE frees herself and backs away as HE stares blackly out front. Braving her terror, SHE addresses him fiercely. Act Two Scene Eight page 2 al8\ 5 Slower . zr | 7h eS === = = flesh ? | 4 oh ‘4 == ESS == = S = 4 “SruuaMe] That fla which comemnsma by walow in blood Bp sill — SSS my Has also dered mathe joys of the flesh, ThieSace,the in. fection whict a = = ——s . i | ee =e = ; is (HE turns, takes the bridal vetl from soisensourlove This (HE dummy, and moves slowly towards HER. SHE turns her back om him). (ss 4 : as ate OT nc AcT2 Scene @ page S ~ (E\ raion | fuse chiveaned po dehpa tag vast my pain — ecg wpe Cathie Oo O y ayy Slob % bp Amp | ey 40> py AB oP o' Y a 2 Ot > (Now standing behind HER, HE places the veil on her nead). (HE turns HER round) te — =—— = z <4 oS ee = = ie Ply cane foe, Tim ara aides fle An eer ty ofthisbene yor eyer + == i oo , 4 3 yan meal ee eel ae eo oo oo eo oh lg Bb Oe = == t ES = eayeerine ae a ES ————— =a his hant-e) face bolls ro homer-forme now tin goo | ( \ ——- a ovara atm Ad Two Scene Eight page & Sa : Twel = = = | AZo" Fhat the, tre deTorction hes (A stunned silence. It is broken, ‘as the PHANTOM suddenly senses RAOUL's presence. RAOUL climbs out of the water) An an = PHANTOM, {m) (HE raises bis hand. Tne tron ence falls to the floor, cutting off RAOUL'S path) Wat ney ear vehoea goat Cease coring soit, sents =r Raoul... = a 3 9 <35 (=) .——# ————= == === SS L324 TENTEM (mock-coorteous 2ew ts Raoul) “Sit This ic in-2e an unparalaled deli! 1 had eather | +e . SS 2 7 ~ esa 3 7 (on) ' | l = = ~ O64- Ret Too Scene Ejgit page s hoped that, ypu woul fae And pow my wish comer “rye Youhave tuk mide my nyght a : SSS 4 aa we Aft (phenging, grasping the bare of the gat Free her! ‘Douletypvikeony-te fer! — Hareuonno pity? | (to CHRISTINE, dryly) Foy Puan Tor Your (Agitoto) Act Two Scere Exgit page 6 Meno Masso ATepo ees SSS | a Please Roos! urees | fry SSS ee LS as | L. love her Doerthetmean nding ve (ExpansveLy) Fan Tom lover nakes 0 passcrate plan | er Show-Sone compassion | (snarls furiously at RAOUL) | epee == Pans —<——— [= Tom — The world shonehra compassont re. | Att Two Seane Eiit page ” € (calming) (to PHANTOK) te Le EE puts sk back on, gestures Chistve Chniftie létme see her ind Phe feace rises. RAOUL enters) (ary again) a Puan = Tom ‘1 . 1 bem goat sir Mon — sizw | bid.yor | Pap Tom, vabcome! DIP you think that | wovld harmher? Why stovld — | make her Cri/y- D Gms Dp- |Gpb- Fe | CEP CR (So saying, HE takes the Punjab 12850 ~ and, before RAOUL has a chance to move, catches him by the neck. The end | pay Sorta Sins whidhare yours ,>' ao A FOr ter we Sine J Fy FG [Ce Bb Cn | Oy fie = ~ -26t- Act Two Seen Eight page 28 of the rope, of which the PEANTOM ha: Tet go, remains magically suspended ; in midair) ae z = = Ay + ; = me rt SS horses now ——Raise upyour hand To the lavel of your Bes Nathing, cay Save yos ng: ae Le | \ [Dee toes to he) : & me fore Ss : Tel Lipa. with me. i now ex oe pattaps Sprifine seta ney Wp + = ic oe @ > (Ubsrie ¢ marcorts } = SS =e —— Sua hsfeecdom uth yper love! Re-use meand you send por loverte his death | Doe C 1 = | = ae a = = ; reo $ =F = = - 268 - o1are ates Ack Two Scene 8 ge I (CHRISTINE looks at the PHANTOM in disgust) (77 “Hs INE The Tears Inighthave shedfor spor | m3 Aan Torn ~ This stheehnice This isthe point ef no return [S} o_O —P- 232 pent dif = > ! AL aa Hi i 7 = = “we Se SS | 4a Grow cold ondtorn fteoarof’ hate | | (despairing) ‘ee == = SSS | christina Sor e aS ES i —— a Lage -269 - ones are Act Two SEENE EIGHT CHRISTINE (looking at the PHANTOM, 4 STINE. oie tuba} but to cee =r 4 *. Ss =e dd ball fr you ond all. for no-Han Fre ——— well my fat-Len ~gie me please for-gue me —— Gm Gn = ; SSE Tne j= + a e i-dol and false frend one by ane ve watched iL-lu- sions shat-tered) Fit, 2 : " Fo laiefar bniog back tno lab pings we esp pHa) | "Yee — Zina) 7 Gryey -s ; Past all hope of cnes for help ho pom on | Say you love him and my life f Gm T |D%q Gm -270- Ad Two Scene Ejght page |! Paw é Tom Sahiing, For etther way you choose you comot win! Rep Ma o-ver Either way ypv choore hehas to win & e * F = 7h end your days with me, or 3oyov Sendhimto his grave ? a (78 Pmnwron)| es “oe SSS ‘Why mate her: Ee = a == == == » mm 6 | ag A Dm ) + (= = = ae br -2QFI - vane e108 ACT TWO SCENE EIGHT Pace 12 © Op, oy uf NES Pag, WN Tom An. gel of mu —_ sic fast repaint of no rechurn | lige you te Feri] Ab => a Ln, toe mart? liken ill yaw see Sha Toe The final, Gwesheld His Life ras Be pte which yo uke ide Cristine say rolfottrmyifcaonfor my she = Setee Leste, t , . Stat, Wt ATLae Pi Ay ——— - — = ee = SS Yea. .Son An — gdlof my —Sic you de. | p SS earn | Youve possadthepont of no re — Turn! ae eS = ; = ye Ferree : : | \fagitse hardto fee yp ~ \ . \ f s — fe pb ae gb ee) = + SS +e oy 2°— Hau = SSS ==: SS f coldly at CHRISTINE) (a pause. The PHANTOM looks You'tiy my pationce es == — a — = SSS SSS ~ 7 —27RB- | (She reflects tor a moment, then Ack2 See 8 Pip with resolution moves slowly towards the PHANTOM) CHRISTINE (quietly at first, then with growing emotion) i = ——— Fititul credtore of Sarknass What Kind of life hive wou | Pr i Tom = make upur choice wy Gr Peco rit One ” t = seb known? Cagieme covrsog to show you Youare not along — i Gm eb he Yui o) (Now calmly facing HIM, SHE takes off his mask and kisses him long and full on the lips. The J embrace lasts a long time. RAOUL watches in horror and wonder. a = : es a == = + —— Fp ay les & » wn lo ces 2 = ae Aes lap Nop [Dr Ap |S ay [oP AD | U ——— = = TTT: - 2714 - Act Two Scere Eight page IS es pe AB, \ph ee ptadd Did | me. 7, } Z Tr tue moment is broken, as we hear the approaching MOB offstage. Phy Ton} | Take her forgélme, For i 08 i _— SS vl Te = SSS SS Lf “7 2 |Z ma Be Ao7 i ———=——— : FT F F Fr Fr ‘The PHANTOM takes a lit candle and holds it above RAOUL's be A tense moment. But the rope suddenly falls harm) PHANTOM has burnt the thread b: which the noose was held. Resigned, HE addresses RAOUL) Act Two Sane Eight page 16 gat all of this Zea realore for. Hoit vt this an—i-mal = Who is this mon— ster this murdering beast 7 Py + = ea — or — SS | ~agh all youve seen Go now — Dont lef them find you | Az es | Who rons to grovnd | ce = === Rewerop for : = ——— a ~~ e —— 1 Fe : nity pet fof be tefl ev 3 & : ¥ SE EE EES SSS EES Ad. Two Scere Eight page 17 flan Tom 4) i Takethe boat. Sweartome — neverfotdl 4) A Tg Pe Leer — 1 Sig = =H Piano), Rerregefae Bu quer fang. Retegeber = | = ass 2. ——-— 7" red L ia fs et etl EE Sas oe eee rer TF ) Tasecretuo know ofthe angel in hel we knew bit now ACT TWO Scene Eight page & a —— bonefieo. pernis Hee deep down be (RAOUL and CHRISTINE cove towards the boat. The PHI mockingly at his mask. the musical box and listens as it plays the "Masquerade - 2783 ne overs are Ad Two Scere Eigt page 19 (tothe mask’) — Masquerade. A (sm) EM + = = ~ ip = SSS eh Tom Faces onpardde topo ——- world will ne- ver ge = === == fm > 5 A i ze == SE an SSE EE Christine | == Sind spo “kes of he ag 82 inst othe paston taal Laz (ee of he sa gi won) = Act Two Scene Eight page 20 T ‘Ske leaves, The phartlom putsthe nny oy 8 (Very ender) con he Singer nf Az E>] °o° oo CHRISTINE + a | . (to RAOUL, not looking ee ee all as the boat pulls amay, Say yor'l shave yithie ore love one Ifetirng upstage in the shadow) Bp Gch Ae | OP BR Ea ue | eee = ere ou Se SSS = eer Say the word ard | will folow yow ‘Shave each day with me, each | oa | Mey hr > [eh ch, ab | ah - Br? 7 as Act Two Scene Ejght paye 2! Night each morning — Cpokingatter her) ~ > @) Yovatone can memysongtake Hight Its | : i eh - AP. | De Ge Dip | = Slower Qj over now the music of the night. Vv Flan Tom eM lo My | ay lob My paver FT ees apn Se —— ow | Ghee | Gb- ah. | gh cho? -Q31- nH te ova are I il Al Ad Tuo Scone Eight page 22 = re ae ER |om ¢ (Tae PHANTOM roughly removes the wax dummy from the throne and tosses it in the corner. HE takes his place on the throne, sitting on his cloak, which is pre-set. ‘The MOB is heard getting nearer. HE lowers the portcullis. The MOB including MEG, appears above, climbing down the fence. When THEY have reached floor level, the PHANTOM gestures and the portcullis raises. As the MOB enters the lair, HE wraps his cloak around him and disappears. MEG crosses to the throne and picks up his mask in her small hand). CURTAIN = a ll ~282- i onan ara ACT 2 CURTAIN CALLS (Stage band I -283- AcT 2 CURTAIN CALLS page 2 aon Masquerade —hide youpace So be Masqemde paper fa ces on pa-made. Masquerade pager fa.cesenpa. rade. Masquerade ndevartace So te ge Masqerade— pager faces orrpa__cade, a Masque sade. om Ee Masque nde payer fa cesen pa rade Mas ue de de pu fate ole cb 8M Fn Ab 2d. ; 5 = Z vidio se pads, Masqade every ura dig per Sade | i sould wall never pnd yeu Masse nde — euery pore dp puck sade | swotld wil ne. ver Find you Mase rade euery face dip ferent shade, = tt " re —— ae i Iv eb cb Bly Fn, = ——S tH = _ -1aA PEA eR re ry pays Se Mase nde_lok anda. roter Was lhl you é aS = = cad i Masque. (ade lok a.rund Revie. rather mask behind you | 7 = == eS eee Ss | q Magee ak ord ano. er a ed ou i 2 tte ep anaes Ab - |e cb Bley Eee 5 == = E = 7 er . Ben Bn Tes eee “oy Sep 8b F &b Cm lent Be | : Se: = ———— Sy pene : - iz canna pee pont ahs | 6m Eben DAC ey Ao pee

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