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APPLICATION FOR EXTRA ORDINARY LEAVE (EOL) – to be used by the Faculty members

1. Name :

2. GPSRN :

3. Designation :

4. Department/Division/Unit :

5. Period of EOL :

6. Purpose of EOL :

7. Describe in brief in what way the above purpose will enrich your background and /or will benefit BITS
upon your return to BITS:

8. Address/contact details during EOL:

9. Terms & Conditions of EOL

a) EOL is always without pay and allowances.

b) The family members of the faculty will normally be provided only minimal access to on-campus
medical facility. Medical reimbursement will not be available to self and family during the period of

c) The faculty member will contribute his/her share of PF as well as that of BITS to his/her PF
account on month to month basis during the period of EOL.

d) The period of EOL will be counted for the purpose of increment.

e) If the faculty decides not to return to BITS at the end of EOL (i) the faculty member will be
required to pay significantly higher rent for on-campus house if retained during his/her EOL (ii) the
faculty member will normally have to pay back the amounts received from BITS on account of
children’s education or pay to BITS the equivalent of tuition and other fee waived for education of
self, spouse or children at BITS.

10. Undertaking: I hereby accept all the terms & conditions mentioned at Sl.No. 9.


Date: Signature of the

--------------------------------------------------------------(for Admin. Office

Eligibility for EOL:

a) EOL will normally be available only after 3 years of service at BITS

b) The total period of EOL (together with sabbatical leave) is limited to 20% of time spent at BITS

c) One would normally be required to spend 3 years at BITS before he/she can avail similar EOL/Sabbatical
leave again.

d) EOL without pay up to 2 years at a time can be sanctioned

In view of the above the applicant is eligible for EOL/ not eligible for EOL

Date: (Dy. Registrar)

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----------------------------------------(for Controlling Officer/HOD use)---------------------------------------------

□Recommended / not recommended

□It is certified that alternative arrangements have been made for sharing of the academic, research
and project activities and other Institutional duties and commitments of the faculty member during
his/her absence

Date: Name & Signature

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

□In view of the above, it is recommended that

…………………………………………………………………. may be granted EOL without pay for the
period …………………………………………………. subject to the terms & condition as mentioned at
Sl. No. 9.

□Not recommended. Remarks (if any) :

Dean (Administration) Head of the Department Associate Dean (SRCD)

Associate Dean (AUGSD) Associate Dean (AGSRD) Associate Dean (Faculty

Approved / Not Approved


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