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General :-

Presentation of a Design Document is a very important step for any Structural Designer, because
whatever Ideas he has in his mind are presented in a clear format, which others can read -
understand - and act on it. Thus, if the design documnet is not prepared with proper attension then
even after using a Strong 'Concept' for Structural design - the final product at site may go wrong
because of poor understand of the desired features of the product.

Thus the 'Design Documnet' forms an important step for a Designer. But often it is found taht the
designers put lot of latent and energy for preparing 'Conceptuals' and leave the 'Presentation' of
design document halfway only.

It may be understood that there are certain principles of writing a design document. In the Presenet
Document the author has made an attempt to discuss the various dimensions of presenting a
'Structural' design document. Especially keepig in mind the 'Old Style' and the 'Latest modern Style'
(due to advnacements in Electronic media) the author has tried to have a golden blend of these both.

Introduction :-

While preparing any Design Document 'Transperancy' and 'Completeness' are two key-features, which
any Designer has to keep in mind. Also the designer should keep in mind that the Design is presented
not just for 'self' but mainly for other to understand what aspects / steps / check are considered in the
design. Hence the design has to be 'Clear' - 'Step-by-step' and there shall be no confusion about the
'Input Data' considered - 'Process' adopted and the 'Outcome' derived - which is used for final
execution at site.

Before starting writing / presentation of any Design Document, the Engneers (Senior - Subordinates)
alongwith Draugtman shall have a small discussion about the 'Necessary' and 'Complementary'
features of the Design and Related drawings. This team shall also discuss about the Input data,
process used for analysis / design and the final result obtained by them.

Once the 'Key-steps' are discussed then only the final presentation of the design shall be started - so
as to avoid the rework / revisions. The aspects explained ahead may be addressed / included in teh
Design document.

Face sheet, Index and Transmittal sheet :-

The 'Face sheet' or the 'cover Sheet' of the design is noting but the front page showing :-
* name of the design,
* number of that design,
* Name of Designer, Checker and Approver,
* Date, Revision History,
* Name of the Client, Name of the Project,
* Logo of the Company
* Number of Pages enclosed etc.

Many reputed organisations have there own formats of the Design-Face sheet and the Design
After the face sheet a Detailed 'Index' may be added to a design. Each step in the Design may be
given numbers and sub-numbers called as 'Clause numbers' viz. 1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.1a, b, 2.0, 2.1,
2.1.1. . .etc 9.8, .

The numbering helps to keep the track of changes in various steps. It also saves time required for
searching any particular step within the design.

Along with each Design a 'Document Transmittal' sheet may be circulated. Which keeps a track of
'How may times / and to whom copies of the said design, drawings are issued'. 'Issue Control' register
may be maintained for all the designes issued from your own office.

The Face Sheet / Transmittal sheet - is often accompanied with a page called as 'Design check list'. It
is a simple but most powerful doccument. It 'talks' / indicates the completeness of the design.

In case of Complex Designs - the checklist shall clearly mark on it the requirement of 'Verification' (i.e.
thrd party check / proof check) and 'Validation' (testing) in line with ISO 9001:2007 (clause 7.3.5 and

Preamble :-

Preamble is nothing but the Introduction to the said design. It shall clearly describe the 'Scope' of the
Design, what are the Limitations (and why so), the Plan - section - Elevation of the Unit planned to be

Many times it is observed that the Fresh engineers try to avoid / neglect the Preamble. But if properly
written, it could generate the back ground for the further calculations. In case required the Design
Basis Note (DBN) may have to be linked thr' the preamble.

While writting Preamble - care must be taken while using worlds like 'SHALL / WILL / SHOULD /
MUST / MAY' etc. The designer shall check with the 'Contract Specs' and DBN frequently while
composing the very first section of the design i.e. 1.0 Preamble.

In preamble the designer shall clearly state the method used - Sttaic / Dynamic / linear / non-linear
analysis - WSM / LSM (ASD / LRFD) design. Client's special (project specific) requirements, if any shall
be stated in Preamble.  

Design Data / Assumptions :-

Once the Preamble is finalised the designer may present the Design data available or the design
assumptions made in the document. The Safe bearing capacity of soil, (obtained from soil
investiigation report) Grade of concrete and reinforcement mentioned in Specs. , Equipment data,
Connectors (bolts / welds) etc may be stated in design data (tangeble). Whereas the unknown
parameters like - capacity of Person, effciency of equipment, allowable stresses, deflection, wind data
etc. may be added in 'Assumed data'.

The list of reference codes and standards, reference drawings etc. shall be mensioned in the design

Format for Design Document :-

There is no standard format for the Design Document as such. Each reputed designer has his own
format. But the must common / necessary features of the page showing Design Calculations is
explained here.

The page showing design calculations must show follwoing data as 'Header' -
name of the design, name of the project, page numbers, date, revision number, name of the designer,
name / logo of the company etc.

Usually the follwoing data is added as 'Footer' -

Path of the Design (if prepared in electronic copy / soft copy), date / time etc.  

In the main containts -

the Left hand side border is provided with numbers '1' '2' '3' etc to each row. and also each column is
named as 'A', 'B' 'C' . . etc. This helps in tracking / addressing / pointing out the errors in design while
proof checking the document.

Especially when the document is prepared using Ms.Excell software the above format is very useful for
the designers. Sometimes (in fact now a days popularly) when MatCAD is used the format may be
slghtly modified.

The right hand side column is often used as 'Summary' and 'Reference' column, where in the designer
notes down the conclusions / rsults which he obtained within that particular page. Also if any special
formulae / value is used for external reference, the same can be 'Referred' at the place itself, by
mentioning the clause number from the external source.

Actual Analysis and Design :-

After the Preamble and Design data / assmptions is given the actual analysis and design may be
presented. The 'Numerial' values may be presented (written) one below the other for easy / quick
refrence. The variables may be written in 'Red' text and the same may be 'Linked' / connected using
formulae (if the design is prepared electronically). 'Linking' of the variable cells is very-very important
step in the design.

Each step in the design shall be provided with clear sketches / diagrams - so as to make the reader to
understand the design in a better way (get a feel of the Design). While preparing the design - the
designer shall not keep a room for ambiguity / assmpution. What ever is a desired criteria - shall be
stated at respective places in the design (no matter whether the consultant agrees / disagree with it).
This is a step towards clarity and transferency of the document.

In case of electronic copy - the Sketchs may be directly drawn in Ms.Excel / MathCAD, of even drawn
in AutoCAD and imported to design document. If not possible the designer can draw them by hand
and add the scanend copy to the design.


Units / Unit Conversion :-

While presenting the design the designer shall follow consisten units. viz. M.K.I / C.G.S
This helps the checker to increase speed of checking. Also it avoids confusion while unit conversion
'UNit converters' may be used to convet the input values as per your desired requirements - viz. F.P.S
to M.K.S.

Now a days SI units are followed for International mobility.

DESIGN and Sub-Designs :-

In certain cases the main 'Big' design document may be split-up in smaller Sub-designs. viz. In case
of bridge design the design of footing (piles) / pile caps / piers, piercaps, pedestals, bearings, Girders,
crash barriers etc. may be presented in defferent documents.

But care has to be taken that the values (variables) considered in them are compatible to each
other !!

Design Summary :-

As stated earlier the summary of various results may be given in the right hand column of the design
page. All such values may be collected and presented at the end on the the design document for ready

The design summary is helpful for 'Estimator' while finding out the 'BOQ' and even for Draugthsman
for generating the drawing sheets.

In the design summary the drawing numbers showing related output shall be given.

Annexures :-

Often the design document is required to be supported / upended with additional information /
calculations. Such information / calculations may be from other sources / software (viz. data from
vendor / client; data from Staad software etc).  

The Annexures shall be properly refered in the Index and the main calculations, for the completeness
of the loop

Revisions / Modification of Design :-

It is hard to accept - but it's a fact that Design even though presented with most accuracy and
intellegence - may undergo a few revisions, after getting checked from the client. In certain cases the
client apply huge pressure to revise the document.

The designer shall not resist to update / modify / revise the design unnecessarily, unless the checker
is going out of 'SCOPE' of the said project / work.

The revision history shall be properly documented, on face sheet. The chekc prints (marked in Red-
Yellow ink may be preserved in case requred).

Use of Excel Spread Sht / Software :-

The use of any program shall be done carefully after understanding the limitations / assumptions
behind them. The use of 'Macros' / sub programs can be done. But when the fresher is asked to use
the program he / she shall be made aware about the macros / VB / su-program etc.
Good Practices :-

* As a good practice the Design shall be presented in clear, visiable format. Good hand-writting style,
good (and correct) sketches, relevant information shall be embeded in the design. The Text shall be
clear, key-values may be 'under-lined' or highlighted with marker pend in the design. Graph sheets
may be used for drawing proportionate sketches in the design.

* The final copies shall be 'Locked' so that no one can tapper them.

* One printed copy of the final document may be kept in record. (In case the office believes in 'Paper-
Free' concept - then a non-editable PDF copy may be kept in record marked with water mark as
'Controlled copy'

* facilities like - Digital Signature etc. are now a day available for making the work smooth. (provided
the designer use them properly).

* The pictures for desgn software can be added to design using 'Print-Screen' option

* Avoid duplication of information

* Use professional language (followed internationally)

* Use only correct and Latest Formats / information / codes etc.

* Books like 'Steel Designer's Manual', Gaylord and Galord etc. has shown the samples of Design calcs
in their respective books.

* In addition to all these - any good practices may be encouraged.


Hope this information will help you to produce more and more valuable design douments. Now you
can speak through your design.

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