New Doc 2018-10-03 21.16.20

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= sume: thr ~ ™ - E Semester 2016.17 EF E Attomne } j In. - INDUSTRIAL & PRODUCTION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY FIRST PRE-FINAL EXAMINATION 2017-18, SECOND SEMESTER ‘WORK SYSTEM DESIGN TIP-353 MM: 20 TIME: $8 Mii ‘Attempt all questions. Assume any missing data /information suitably if required. Bs S$ Mn, | 1. Explain the following. (253-6) | (a) Poor quality production may reduce the productivity. Why? (b) Advantages of productivity measurement. (6) Difference between “make to order” & “make to store” policy of manufacturing, 7, Refer the given data given in lacks of Rupees. Calculate all partial “[iTyear [iilyear I productivity measures and total productivity for all the three years. 23_ 1122.34 Comment on the calculated productivity measures by comparing 2 [1973 | }, | them. Also compare sales per rupee input for the three years. (7) | Manpower | 4.485 4.965 ___| f Capital 2 _[49. 21.761 23.49 [Raw Material | 19.2 Others | 283427 3. A product consists of three components “A” ; “B” and “C” . These components are made and then assembled to ‘make final product by following the given operations in the same order in which these are numbered. Draw a process 12 usual symbols and put delay wherever required. Comment on the possibility of efficiency 130.68 _ flow chart u improvement of the system. fo} a Operation _ _ | Time (Min) | Do initial finishing of raw material of part 25 Turning of part A "es| a8 17 | Thread cutting of part A 7 Microscopic inspection of part A Milling of one side of part B Slot making on other side of part B 7 Drilling in part B Internal thread making in part B Part A is assembled to part B Inspection & testing of assembly of A & B initial finishing of raw material of part C Edge preparation of part C Inspection through measurement of part C Edge preparation of assembly of A & B for welding | Welding of a assembly of A & B to C Final Inspection & testing IDUSTRIAL AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Steamy ‘ronsats ‘WORK SYSTEM DESIGN (TIP-353) ‘ SECOND HOURLY TIME: 1 HOUR Ecanerice —c, M220 NOTE. ALL QUESTIONS CARRIES EQUAL MARKS, QI. Describe in brief process of word sampling. Work Sampling ‘ a S won Discuss the importance of job evaluation and merit rating. =, — @. Explain the concept and scope of ergonomics. SHOW and why is a time standard used as a basis of wage incentive scheme? INDUSTI RIAL AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING DEPaRT COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY “ene ‘WORK SYSTEM DESIGN (Tip-353) FINAL EXAMINATION TIME: 2 HOUR NOTE. M.M:40 Ql. ATTEMPT ANY 6, ALL QUESTIONS CARRIES EQUAL MARKS. ° G0) JC DEFINE PRODUCTIVITY. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF LOW PRODUCTIVITY? HOW CAN THE PRODUCTIVITY BE IMPROVED? . 2, DEFINE WORK MEASUREMENT SYSTEM AND EXPLAINS ITS SCOPE IN INDUSTRY? WRITE NOTE ON OBJECTIVES AND APPLICATION OF ERGONOMICS IN WORK STUDY? ecw, WHAT IS MERIT RATING? WHY ITS USED IN TIME STUDY? 5,DESCRIBE IN DETAILS DIFFERENT ALLOWANCES GIVEN ON THE BASIC ‘TIME FOR PERFORMING AN OPERATION .EXPLAIN TO ARRIVE AT STANDARD TIME. %\ 6, EXPLAIN PRINCIPLES OF MOTION ECONOMY. AH EXPLAIN ANY 10 THERBLIGS WITH COLOUR AND SYMBOLS. Q8. WRITE BRIEF NOTE ON, “a oq (10) SPMTS Ly é SIMO CHART ve |G DIAGARM ‘MIM f\ Mdnwn

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