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Brief introduction to Social Work

Social workers aim to protect vulnerable people from abuse, neglect or self-harm and to
help to enhance their well-being and quality of life. Drawing upon a rich knowledge base
and theoretical perspectives derived from the social and psychological sciences, social
workers aim to promote positive individual and social change.

Social workers operate within legal frameworks for protecting and supporting vulnerable
people. For example, local authority social workers working with children and families use
child protection policies and procedures to intervene in families to protect vulnerable
children and provide support, while those working with adults aim to ensure that their needs
for care and protection are met.

Social workers practising in statutory contexts such as local authorities or NHS Trusts
commonly assess the need for care, support and protection of individuals or families,
develop care plans and provide or manage the provision of care. They are also responsible
for implementing policies which aim to safeguard vulnerable children or adults and ensure
that people have as much choice and control over services they use as possible.

Social workers work closely with other professionals, often known as 'inter-professional
working'. Mental health social workers, for example, often work in teams alongside
community mental health nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists.
However, inter-professional working is common for all social workers.


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