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REPORT ON GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHAINAGE: +109.000 ON ROAD NAME NE-A8 PROJECT: DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS IN ZONE-1 AREA OF CAPITAL REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ON EPC MODE BS Cows 2) aOR Contractor: Ws.MEGHA ENGINEERS & INFRASTRUCTURE LTD., S-2, Technocrat Indl. Estate, Balanagar, Hyderabad-500037 Design Consultant: Mis.HBS INFRA ENGINEERS INDIA PVT. LTD. Plot #8-11, Flat #102, Fortune Chambers, Image Garden Road, Madhapur, Hyderabad-500( Ng AAGESWAR. Professor January - 2018 | ny ae EN \ N PS (SATE NG) WO s¥ ([©( satanagar \& Vd eta et Eh, << é 3 Geotechnical Consultant: Ye ji M/s. AVANI ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY PVT.LTD; #5-70, 1st Floor, Near Andhra Bank, Street No. 8, Habsiguda, Hyderabad — 500007. e-mail : Report on Geotechnical investigation for Proposed Construction of Bridge at Chainage: +109,000 on Road Name NE-AB INDEX Page 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2 SCOPE OF WORK 2 3. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS 2 4 LABORATORY TESTINGS 6 6. ‘SUB-SURFACE PROFILE 7 6. TYPE OF FOUNDATION 8 7. SHALLOW FOUNDATION 9 8. PILE FOUNDATION 10 9. RECOMMENDATIONS 13 APPENDIX APPENDIX-I: LOCATION PLAN 15 APPENDIX-II: BORELOGS 17 APPENDIX-IIl: LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 26 APPENDIX-IV: SUB-SURFACE PROFILE 34 APPENDIX-V: COMPUTATIONS 33 S/ cate XE sta +37) Sf Vea Ley yf Poge1 Report on Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Construction of Bridge at Chainage: +109,000 on Road Name NE-AB INTRODUCTION M/s. Megha Engineering & Infrastructures Ltd., Hyderabad has entrusted the work of carrying out Geotechnical Investigation for “Detailed Engineering for Road and Bridge Works in Zone-1 Area of Capital Region Development Authority in the State of Andhra Pradesh on EPC Mode" to M/s. Avani Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad with reference to Work Order No. MEIL/Projects/AmaravatiWO/2017-18/1733, Dated: 07/12/017. This part of the report deals with Geotechnical Investigation carried out for Bridge at Chainage: +109.000 on Road Name NE-A8. ‘SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of work includes the following * Drilling of 2 No. boreholes at the proposed borehole locations as per the direction of the client. + Collection of soil and rock samples and carrying out the relevant laboratory tests on soil and rock samples. * Conducting Standard Penetration test (SPT) within the borehole at every 1.5m depth interval or as required ‘+ Preparation of Geotechnical investigation Report. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS Boreholes The fieldwork includes boring / drilling of 2 No of boreholes in soil. The details of 2 No. boreholes with respective depth of investigation are given in the table below. List of Boreholes with Depth of investigation Sl. | Borehole ion Reduced Level of | Depth of No. No. Locati the Borehole (m) | Investigation (m) 1 BH-4 ‘Abutment-A1 437.419 22.0 2 BH2 ‘Abutment-A2 ++37.288 22.0 The location of boreholes is indicated in the layout plan and the same is given in Appendix-l. Dr. BPNAGESWARA RAO Professor Department of Civil Engineering Indian Insitute of Technology Madras ‘Chennal- 600 036, Indla 3.2 33 34 Report on Geotechnical investigation fr Proposed Construction of Bridge at Chainage: +100,000 on Road Name NE-AB Rotary drilling Rotary drilling technique was adopted for advancing and cleaning out borehole in overburden soil between sample intervals. Standard penetration test (SPT) is conducted at every 1.5m interval or at change of strata. Drilling equipment Mechanical rigs of rotary drilling machine was used for the purpose. The rigs are well suited for the required work. The rigs are new and well-maintained. Soil Boring: The boring was advanced by rotating drill string connected by series of drill rods. The boring diameter of 150mm was formed using a drag bit (Soil Cutter) in soil, The drag bit Cuts the subsoil at the bottom of the borehole and the soil fragments were removed by drilling mud (bentonite) which is under circulation. Bentonite slurry is used for stabilizing the borehole, Bentonite slurry deposits as a thin film on the wall of the borehole during circulation and stability of borehole is derived from its thixotropic property and the hydrostatic head of the suspension. Bentonite having liquid limit greater than 400% is used for preparing bentonite slurry. Rock Drilling: The rock drilling was advanced by rotating drill string connected by series of drill rods. The formed diameter is of NX size using diamond bits connected through the double tube core barrel. The drill bit cuts the weathered / hard rock and the fragments of the cut materials were removed by circulating fresh water. Guide casing of size "NX" was used up to the weathered rock layer. Observation during drilling Sampling ‘The samples collected from the SPT sampler are treated as disturbed samples. Immediately after collection of sample from the sampler, the sample was transferred to a double walled polythene bag. A sample label is attached and the bag is tied tightly with thread to avoid any loss of moisture. Undisturbed Sample Undisturbed Samples are collected in Clayey Stratum where ever possible. Page 3 v Report on Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Construction of Brie at Chainage: +109,000 on Road Name NE-A8 ‘Standard Penetration Test: This test was performed as per IS 2131-1981. The split spoon sampler was lowered and driven under impact of a 63.5 kg load with a free fall of 75 om for 45 cm penetration at the bottom of the hole. Initial 15 cm penetration is considered as seating drive and number of blows required to penetrate the sampler for remaining 30 cm (out of 45 cm mark usually riven in soil) is recorded as ‘N' value at that depth, If the sampler does not fully penetrate into soil, then the test is terminated after 50 blows and corresponding penetration is noted down. Extraction of Cores: The core samples were extracted from the core barrels in a manner to prevent disturbances to the core. Alll the pieces of cores were sequentially numbered from top to bottom. Arrows indicating the lower end of the piece are marked on each core. Rock classification in terms of weathering and state of fractures and strength is carried out in the following manner. Tabulations given in below explain it briefly. ‘SCALE OF WEATHERING GRADES OF ROCK MASS Geologist Terms Description Grade Interpretation Fresh No Visible sign of rock material weathering; | 1 | CR>90% Perhaps slight discoloration on Minor discontinuity surfaces. Slightly Discoloration indicates weathering of rock| I | CR between 70 Weathered | material and discontinuity surfaces. All the rock % to 90 % material may be discoloured by weathering. Moderately [Less than half of the rock material is| Ill | CR between 61 Weathered | decomposed or disintegrated to a soil, Fresh or %h to 70% discolored rock is present either as a continuous framework or as core stones. Highly More than half of the rock material is| IV | CR between 17 Weathered | decomposed or disintegrated to a soil. Fresh or % to 50% discolored rock is present either as a discontinuous framework or as core stones. Disintegrated |All rock material is decomposed and / or| V | GR between Rock disintegrated to soil. The original mass structure zero to 10 % is still largely intact. Residual Soil | All rock material is converted to soil. The mass | VI | CR= Zero % structure and material fabric are destroyed. But N> 60 There is a large change in volume, but the soil has not been significantly transported, As per IS 4464 Pages Report on Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Construction of Bridge at Chainage: +109.000 on Road Name NE-AB It should be understood that all grades of weathering may not be seen in a given rock mass ‘and that in some cases a particular grade may be present to a very small extent. Distribution of the various weathering grades of rock material in the rock mass may be related to the Porosity of the rock material and the presence of open discontinuities of all types in the rock mass. CLASSIFICATION OF ROCK WRT COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Rock is also classified by strength of intact rock cores collected during drilling. Rock compressive strength (UCS) is used to define strength of rock. Following table summarizes Classification of rock based on strength as given in IRC 78, Appendix 2, and Section 8. Unconfined Rock Type Description seamen tues) in Mpa Extremely | Cannot be scratched with knife or sharp pick. Breaking of 5200 Strong __| specimen could be done by sledge hammer only. Cannot be scratched with knife or sharp pick. Breaking Very Strong_| of specimens requires several hard blows of geologists’ 100 to 200 pick. ‘Can be scratched with knife or piok with difficulty. Hard Strong | blow of hammer required to detach hand specimen. 50 to 100 Moderately | CaM be scratched with knife or pick, 6 mm deep gouges ‘Strong | or grooves can be made by hand blow of geologists’ pick. 12.5 to 50 Hand specimen can be detached by moderate blow. Can be grooved or gouged 1 .5 mm deep by firm pressure Moderately | on knife or pick point. Can be broken into pieces or chips Weak —_| of about 2.5 mm maximum size by hard blows of the 5t0 125 points of geologists’ pick. Can be grooved or gouged easily with knife or pick point. Weak _| Can be break down in chips to pieces several em’sin size | 4 a5 40.5 by moderate blows of pick point. Small thin pieces can be broken by finger pressure. Can be carved with knife. Can be broken easily with point Very weak | of pick. Pieces 25 mm or more in thickness can be broken <1.25 by finger pressure. Can be scratched easily by finger nail Storing of core samples All core pieces are placed in standard core boxes in a serial order and correct sequence from top in descending order. The shallowest core shall be placed to the top lefthand comer of every compartment starting with cores placed adjacent to the hinged section. Core boxes shall confirm to IS 4078-1980. Pages . 4 Report on Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Construction of ridge a Ground Water Table: ‘Observations were made for ground water in borehole during and after boring. Observed Ground water table is recorded on the borelog. Preparation of Bore Logs: (On completion of each borehole, the soil samples were examined and logged. The final log is n of soil samples and laboratory testing data. The following are observed and recorded in the borelog: ‘The commencement and completion date, location of borehole, elevation of top and bottom of boring, ground water table, boundaries of each soil layer that encountered, classification and description of the soil, blow count values obtained from SPT tests, collection of soil samples etc, Field borelogs are provided in Appendix. Prepared on the basis of visual exami LABORATORY TESTINGS SOILS Natural Moisture content Natural moisture content of the soil samples is determined as per IS 2720 (Part 21) from the collected soil samples using oven-drying method. Grain Size Distribution Grain size distribution analysis was carried out by sieving method as per IS 2720 (Part 4) to determine the grain size distribution. Atterberg’s Limits Atterberg’s limits test was conducted as per IS: 2720 (Part 5) on the soll samples collected to determine the liquid limit and plastic limit. Shear Test Shear Test is conducted as per IS: 2720 (Part 11 / 13). Free Swell Index Free Swell index of soil is determined as per IS: 2720 (Part 40). Page 6 x Report on Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Construction of Bridge at Chainage: +109,000 on Road Name NE-AB Rock Density Density of rock samples is determined for the selected core sample as per IS: 13030. ‘Compressive strength test Compressive strength tests were carried out on selected rock core samples as per IS: 9143. Water Abosrption Water Absorption of rock samples is determined for the selected core sample as per IS: 13030. oint Load Test Point Load tests were carried out on selected rock core samples as per IS: 8764. Laboratory results of soil and rock are provided in Appendix - Il 6. SUB SURFACE PROFILE Based on the field and laboratory test results, the general subsurface profiles encountered the boreholes are has given below. Depth (m) 1s Borehole No, oneness Description of the Soll Classific (m) i From | To ation oo | 45 45 Stiff Brownish Clayey Soil cH 45 75 3.0 Medium Dense we ‘Sand with sc Very Dense Brownish Sand with 75 85 1.0 Clay sc 85 9.0 05 Brownish Grade VI Residual Soil SM BH-1 Highly Weathered Grade IV (Abutmentat) | 9.0 | 11.0 20 ony ngatnered Grace fy - Moderately Weathered Grade Il 11.0 | 13.0 20 Greyish Green Chamockite - Highly Weathered Grade IV . 130 | 40 10 Greyish Green Chamnockite Moderately Weathered Grade Il 40 | 160 10 Greyish Green Charnockite . Faia Page cht fet 3) od Report on Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Construction of Bdge at Chainage: +109,000 on Road Name NE-AB Slightly Weathered Grade I 15.0 | 16.0 1.0 Greyish Green Charnockite - Highly Weathered Grade IV 160 | 175 16 Greyish Green Charnockite - Slightly Weathered Grade I 175 | 19.0 15 Greyish Green Charnockite - Fresh Grade | Greyish Green 19.0 | 220 30 rade | Groyis : 00 | 30 3.0 Very Stiff Brownish Clayey Soil | CH 30 | 60 30 | Medium Dense Brownish Sand with | 10° Inclination factors (1-02 /:90° * 1-0/9) = Inclination of the load with vertical : Page ® 84 Report on Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Construction of Bre at Chainage: +109,000 on Road Name NE-A8 The Safe bearing capacity (SBC) is the maximum intensity of loading that the foundation will safely carry without the risk of shear failure of soil. Safe bearing capacity can be obtained by dividing the Ultimate Bearing Capacity (UBC) with a factor of safety of 2.5. SBC = qq /2.5 In the design of bearing capacity calculations the water table is assumed at foundation level and water table correction factor has been applied accordingly. ‘Settlement Criteria The settlement in sandy soils are calculated using SPT values as per Figure-9 of IS: 8009 (Part 1). For building structures for isolated type of foundation allowable settlement of 50mm ls considered for sandy soils as per IS: 1904. The computation of bearing capacity and settlement calculation is provided in Table-1 of Appendix-V. PILE FOUNDATION The pile capacity is arrived based on Method 2 as per IRC 78, Appendix 5, Section 9 with pile embedded into rock stratum, Separate evaluation of shaft friction and end bearing forms the basis of this approach. Safe bearing capacities of piles are calculated for 1200 mm dia bored cast-in-situ piles. The estimated pile capacities are as per IRC 78 code with available soil and rock data from the boreholes. The actual capacities are to be arrived from pile load tests. Pile Vertical Capacity in Rock Method 1 This method is adopted when cores of the rock can be taken and unconfined compressive strength directly established using standard method of testing. This method is adopted for all the Piles which are embedded into Rock stratum. Ql= Ret Rat = Kip X de X 1X Ay + Ac X Cus Qutow = (Ref3) + (Ree) Where Q, = Ultimate capacity of pile socketed into rock in Newtons. Qutew = Allowable capacity of pile R, = Ultimate end bearing Ra = Ultimate side socket shear Kp = An empirical co-efficient whose value ranges from 0.3 to 1.2 as per the table below for the rocks where core recovery is reported and cores tested for uniaxial compressive strength. Page 10 Report on Geotechnical investigation for Proposed Construction of Bridge at Chainage: +109,000 on Road Name NE-AB (CR +RQD)/2 Kop 30% 0.3 100% 1.2 CR = Core Recovery in % RQD = Rock Quality Designation in % For Intermediate values, Kp shall be linearly interpolated de = Average unconfined compressive strength of rock core below base of pile for the depth twice the diameter / least lateral dimension of pile in MPa ‘Ay = Cross-sectional area of base of pile d,= Depth factor = 1 + 0.4 x (Length of sooket / Diameter of socket) However value of d; should not be taken more than 1.2. Cus = Ultimate shear strength along socket length = 0.225 x sqrt(qc) but restricted to shear capacity of conorete of the pile, to be taken as 3.0 MPa for M35 concrete in confined condition, which for other strengths of concrete can be modified by a factor sqrt(fck/38).. Method 2 This method is applicable when cores and / or core testing results are not available or when geo-material is highly fragmented. The shear strength of geo-material is obtained from its correlation with extrapolated SPT values for 300 mm of penetration as given in table below. Shear Strength / Consistency | Moderately | Weak | Very Weak Approx. N Value 300-200 | 200-100 | 100-60 Shear Strength /CohesioninMPa | 33-19 | 19:07 | 07-04 Qu = Re + Rar = Cus Ne Ay + Cus As Quon = (Re/3) + (Rad6) Where Q, = Ultimate capacity of pile socketed into rock in Newtons. Re = Ultimate end bearing Rar = Ultimate side socket shear Cw = Average shear strength below base of pile, for the depth equal to twice the diameter / least lateral dimension of pile, based on average ‘N’ value of this region. Page 11 ‘ 8.2 83 84 Report on Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Construction of ridge at Chainage: +109,000 on Road Name NE-AB Cu, = Ultimate shear strength along socket length, to be obtained from table, based on average ‘N’ value of socket portion. This shall be restricted to shear capacity of concrete of ‘the pile, to be taken as 3.0 MPa for M35 concrete in confined condition, which for other ‘strengths of concrete can be modified by a factor sqrt(fck/35). ‘Ay = Cross-sectional area of base of pile A= Surface area of Socket The extrapolated values of ‘N’ greater than 300 shall be limited to 300 while using this method. Pile Lateral Load Capacity in Rock ‘The socket length in the rock is calculated as per IRC 78 from following equation given below. ua laa mp, bf aa® 3} Where Ls = Socket Length H = Horizontal force at top of the socket M = Moment at the top of the socket Diameter of the Pile 1 = Permissible compressive strength in rock which is lesser of 3 MPa or 0.3390. From the above formula by knowing Socket Length provided and Permissible compressive strength in rock, Pile Lateral Load capacity at the top of the socket is arrived. Uplift load carrying capacity The uplift load carrying capacity is calculated with the expression of shaft resistance / skit friction and applying a reduction factor of 2/3. The weight of the pile is also taken acting against the uplift. Pile Uplift load carrying capacity is given by 2 P= ag, Self Weight of pile The computation of Pile Vertical Capacity, Pile Lateral Capacity and Pile Uplift Capacity are given in Table-2 to Table-4 of Appendix-V. DEPTH OF FIXITY All the piles are proposed to be embedded into completely weathered / weathered rock stratum. Therefore depth of fixity length shall be taken as length of pile between bottom of pile cap to top of completely weathered / weathered rock stratum. rs sate (Ze ar Page 12 Report on Geotechnical investigation for Propesed Construction of Bdge at Chalnage: +109,000 on Road Name NE-AB 9, RECOMMENDATION Based on the subsoil profile and the type of structure i.e., Bridge envisaged, option of both ‘Open foundation and Pile Foundation can be considered based on the structural design requirements and practically of construction of the Bridge. SHALLOW FOUNDATION * Based on the sub-surface profile encountered for construction of Bridge at Chainage: +109,000 on Road Name NE-A8, Shallow Foundation can be considered. ‘+ The recommended net safe bearing capacity along with founding depth for borehole locations drilled is given in the table below. e |e = Se é s_ § 2-| §3 Biles | és € 3¢| st ge a 32 | 32 $3 3s 2 g | 33| 35 sag 92/258) 222f2 592) 3 toll faq Seite asians ah| 3 33 | 23 BEE 55 Se5) 25 BES 2S : 3" | ge gees |gs | FP \bs | 52 5 é|é gF° 8 jee | 83 65 | a5 é eg BHA szato| s04t0| 92.205/ 70 | 50 | 20 | o09 | ese | 250 | erowen Send (Abutment-A1) . . r . cue Sm BH2 Very Dense (Abutment-A2) 37.288 | 30.288 | 32.385 | 7.0 49 241 92.9 | 66.6 | 35.0 Swit Cla PILE FOUNDATION ‘+ Based on the sub-surface profile encountered at Bridge at Chainage: +109.000 on Road Name NE-A8 location deep foundations can also be considered. ‘* Deep foundation in the form of Pile Foundation can be considered for all the locations of abutment and pier. ‘+ Bored Cast insitu RCC Piles are recommended for proposed construction of Bridge. * Based on the load coming on to the foundation a group of 4 to 6 piles of 1200 mm diameter piles can be adopted. * Centre to centre spacing of piles shall not be less than three times of the diameter of the shaft. ‘* All the piles are embedded into weathered rock. Both skin friction and end bearing capacity are considered in computation of pile vertical capacity. ‘+ Details of pile termination and pile capacities for pile foundation is summerised in the table given below Page 13, y heed seeujbuz [eo]UYo9}099, ‘UVWNY HSSALVS ‘9 EAT, Cs Sf ely Oe e “uoneoyjpads 11.62 ‘S| J8d se auop oq pinoys salid yo uogonujsuos oy, “Kypedes peo? jesye7 2} Aypede jeomsen eid 40} papuewiluods! axe (y Wed) LEZ S| PIEPUEIS eIpU| @4) YM BuIpI099e selId UO payonpUCD eq 0} 1S} PEO| Olid “esdejjoo Aue noyy ejoye10q paljup Buy BulUIeye4 UI paysisse osje YoI4M Sse001d BUMP oy) BUUNp JO}eM Jo Uuoneinouj9 40) pesn sem Jepmod syuojUeg “e[oYel0q pallup auN UIE}=! 0} pasn seq sey BulseD ou BulI|Up ejoyotog Jo sseooid ou BuNg “winje2}s OS UI Pevep/suco Usaq JOU se UORDNY UPS SPPOWEYD USAID 7 sikei Al 2pesd) Osz | LHe os os 008 | P40 | O'OL | Ov | OZ | OF | BBZEZ| SEZ EE | BBZ'Ez| BEzZE | Z-HE | ZY OUNNGY | Zz paveyeem AUBIH spewed Uses YsKe1d oe - 4 pep paiowjeoy, | 092 | 98 | oF | 0s | 09 | vor} og | oz | os| of | eirsz| corte | Givez| civze | Ha | Lvdueunnay| 1 ‘Aeielepoy) 9° 2 2 9 2 2) 3] 2 s| 2 9 a| 8 ° 9 3S s € Dp pg ef Eb leglellef | 2/2 #2 last] § | 8) 2 . g 2lg2 92/28/8222 \2e/e3|2 22/225) 2% 238| o§ | 2 & 2 22/22/22 2/82/85 /e2 | 33) 2 | 22/228) Fe ge#| 92 | 3 B le é Sash |83/22/S3 25 g/23| 8 a3 /z2c| os |es8| § 3 Z & 2 gilge|2$|ee\es e2|22\S2| 2 | 22|828| £2 |z2| 28) 8) 2 |e 3 gee e228 |22|22|35|28| 2 28 [252] 33 [sze| 2 | = & B/2c/8e 3p /s8/ | co | we | fowl or ve srmme | macnn | en | 8, Jats) ay tegen susiny oko om ets | 8Y-2N 3WWN avOU NO NIVHO LV 3DGRIS 40 NOUONYLSNOD GaSOdONd ‘SUNLONULS BOOW 9d NO HSIQVud VUHONY 40 JLVIS 3HL NI ALRMOHLNY INBNdOTSAIG NOOR TWldv JO VEUV I-3NOZ NI SOM 3OGNIG ONY GVOU YOd ONIZBNIONS GITIV13G :193° Od ‘907 ONITIRIG OALVONOSNOD :aF-aTEVL izebeg x40 |ucsrouven| oo | co | os | o cs o | ot | oz | ow 0 |weiousien! 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oor | oor | oor | om | o o | on | ov | ov weve | wo |uomoumeo| so | a | a | a | a | ov | ow | oe a | womoey | 0 | wosee [wose-o | won aL | wou vomaesrert | sono | sey lumerzinaca| ata fe stemrana] “et eo mo Teel | pamcony eed aoe (wean wee £ empvonsieg Teds AL oN ung oN moi pens serous Aeey sdk, Vea Rowe eeu ouNeg ean Ha 8Y-3N AWYN AVON NO 000'601-+ 'JOVNIVHO LY ZOORIG 4O NOLLONYLSNOD G3SOdOUd ‘FUNNELS GOW Od NO HSAQVUld VUHONY 40 LVS 3HL NIALINOHLNY 1NaNdOT3N30 NOIDA TWilev 40 VEU F-3NOZ NI SNOM 3OGRIG ANY GVO YO4 ONBANIONS OSTA -LOIONd ‘907 ONITING GUWaNOSNOD :8z-3TEVL APPENDIX-III LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Page 28 keteg ses cpg spud Se ee ee cc ce ice Cor - [| -)-t-)- | [re feo [oe |e fe [ala |e] om | so | ow | oe | ome —L-f- i os [ow [ec | re |e |v [elalw| om || wl] ow |= [ou|er|we| o | os |ow| oe | se | ow | se leleale|ezfon| - | o | we 2s | ew | ee co | ee |e |a|w| em | so] «| ov | ve co | ea [om |av| | a | wo [ew | vs vs | eo [ow |a|o| exon} - | oe | we > ~T- me frw[es | «a | | oo |w|x|e| ez |solm | | vm wimmonns | emia | ead [ene oem cmonne | amd a 2] 8 5 nel @ gi 2 3 2 8 3 a5 | 28 R 2) £1) 28 lw | oo} oo |e gl zl 5] ¢ 3 o| 8 a8 | Fz 8/8 é suid | uniaan | asavoo} («| & 5 sil@\e) 38 2/22/2/8)8] 26 a0 sawo| 2 [a%/o8) ® | 8] 3) 8] 8 ge 34 3 & | 22 | $ lens 5 |85/28| 8 e]zi/z2] 8 ag] e/a) 2/3) “2/8 z/ 3) —] 2 /£/s|a] & ei 8 fie} e] 8 awe g| 3 a|e 8 {sal uv3HS- NOLLNGRMLSIO 3ZIS NIVHD & 8V-3N SWWWN GYOU NO 000'60L+ :ZOVNIVHO LV 3OGnIE 4O NOLOMALSNOD G3S0dowd ‘suNLONALS ‘300 4a NO HSaOVtid VUHONY 40 ALVAS 3HL NI ALINOHLNY INENAOTAAIG NOIDSUTWilevo 40 VAUY |-3NOZ NI S)UOM 3OQILE ONY VOU Hos ONBINIONS GFTIVIIG "1937 Od ST IdWVS TOS 4O SL7NSIY 1831 AMOLVHOAVT JO AMVIWINS :VE-STEVL ‘TABLE-1B: LABORATORY TEST RESULTS OF ROCK SAMPLES PROJECT: DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS IN ZONE-1 AREA OF ‘CAPITAL REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ON EPC MODE ‘STRUCTURE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHAINAGE: +109.000 ON ROAD NAME NE-AS. oreo | oer leone nn | aattttEoy | oensty | conpressive | POINT LOAD i m ar trom) | StRENGTH apn | NOE Terao oy a ane ane ear] 0-108 | 86 2a - - a weno |e om 7a - a | a-0 | 88 2828 - - anr | ta-va0 | 2s a8 2240 - - or | weno | a ost 228 - : ans | wa-w0 | a 080 7028 : > a | we-wo | ae 2028 : our | wa-wso | a 088 2884 - - ant | wo-ws0 | 7 on see : oui | 0-100 | 7 as aera : = oer | wows |e 088 20s : : war | sews |e 008 2708 : 35 oar | e190 | 100 008 2708 sea = ows | at99 | vo | 008 2 a ent | two-a0 | me | 00s 208 03 - our | moa | 47 08 784 7 aut | m0-720 | 0 | coe 05 50 : ona | m0-m20 | var 008 70 : 32 Page 28 629004 sna on TD Te = Le oe [ee ee ee foe | oe | one pete beet be Powe Pow [se frm fe fe pap Po] eo pon oop one . - L- 7 os yy | er oe zo “e a wz | oy om so ve os tHE : ~Let-lb= tew | pre [ee [oe be] be pve bso oe [eve : Tec Tre [om [re Des ee Dm Le bebo few [of be | one tevaces | OY | soni tovea) our st emacs if owen ses, 3 z= Bal elEl al elelelotie | [3 ar ; SEE] EL aye] GB] Eft) [wt ate] oo] Ea] el a | ale] g| § 22) 34) 5 2] 33 | 5 [ers $)fel28} 8 |g} i] 2] 6 og) 2/48)2)/3 | "2 | ¢ z| el zl a | é}e fale Fl § ele] &| 3 one a] 5) ale 8 isa. uvaHs NOLLNGRILSIO 3ZIS NIVHO = ‘8¥-3N WYN GVO NO 000'601+ ‘FOWNIVHO Lv 3DGNa 4O NOLONYLSNOD G3SOdOud ‘FUNLONULS BOW Oda NO HS3AVud VUHONY 40 ALVIS 3HL NI ALINOHLNY LNaWdO TSAR NOIOZY TWild¥o 40 V34V [-3NOZ NI SHNOM 3OGRIG GNV GVO UOJ ONRISSNIONS GFIVISG :193¢0Ud ‘SA TAMVS TOS 4O SLTNSTY 15. ANOLVHOAV 4O AUVWNS :Vz-STEVL ‘TABLE-28: LABORATORY TEST RESULTS OF ROCK SAMPLES PROJECT: DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS IN ZONE-1 AREA OF ‘CAPITAL REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ON EPC MODE ‘STRUCTURE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHAINAGE: +109,000 ON ROAD NAME NE-AS sorsvote | oer ogee, | aatATEoy | oensty | _conpressive | POINT LOND NO ~ (tain) | STRENGTH (pay | pay a samo eam ana co wie | 0-0 | 2 108 71 aie | raow0 | 4 i Te : > oa | woo | 10 oes 78 : - ea | woo | v2 ore 220 : > ore | woniso | 18 oat 98 - - an2 | 1o-wo | 1 ona eet : > a2 | woo | 7 085 798 > > ora | 0-180 | 2 ons 08 > > ore | wots | 4 087 2068 38 ere | wows | _s ow 27 20 : ore | 35-190 |e oa 260 4 ona | 190-200 |e 090 7088 > wa | wom | 7m a7 788 - 38 ona | momo | 7 o7e zee #8 - wa | ozo | 70 022 ware - 48 Page 30 APPENDIX-IV SUB-SURFACE PROFILE Page st estes se Em er en st me EEY son amen] mer an fw ee ane 2s Uf ar ne 0 we] oe i a f lm OE z r i im z a en ma APPENDIX-V COMPUTATIONS Page 33 ‘Table-1A: COMPUTATION OF NET SAFE BEARING CAPACITY AS PER IS: 6403, PROJECT: DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS IN ZONE-1 AREA OF CAPITAL. REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ON EPC MODE STRUCTURE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHAINAGE: +109,000 ON ROAD NAME NE-AB {Lcation: H+, Abutment Ad 1 Trpectratwe erm Soar 2 |Foundaton Sata Very Dense Sand 3 iype orFoundaton Ieoates 4 fret otountation (8) 650 5 flenatrtoundaten cy 248 62 [Reduces Loval ofthe Canal Bed Leva 32308 {Reduces Lovato the Foundation sare 6 [bent ot Foundation, 20 In 7 vege SPT coved Wate Below fourdaon ep and Zone of infuence 1.519 100 rm epth ‘ta [ef Item Fricton by colaing SPT N° Value wth Phi values as per gure ofS: ‘ao foeos.¢ 1 |Lumitng Ange of ntemal Fon taking Grain Size and tne factors into consideration, ¢ vio ewe © [concave stengtn ot Sal, 0.00 sam 10 [ont weignt or overburden So 18s frieum 11 |overburden pressure so 107 12 [Rearing Capacty Factors Ranoe 19 [Peamg capacty Factor, n,(Table 1 of 6409) 51.08 14 [Bearing Copacty Factr, Ny (Tabet f 6409) 04 18 [Bearing Capacty Fact Ny (Table + of e403) est 16 [pep Factor, q@2xoye)xsqrnyn] 1.12 17 [Depth Factor, . 18 [oeom Facter. 4610) eee, 1 (01 xDYB)xSqHey)] 1.08 4 < 10) eae, 1+ (04 x0/8)xSqtmN)] 1.08 10. |snape Factors. Consant= 1402871] 140 20 Shape Facer consents t+02°8/t} 140 21 |Shape Factor 5, Consant=1-04'8/t} 070 22 frcinaton Factor. =(-a/097] 1.00 23. [nna Factor i, =(s-a/s07] 1.00 24 {relation Factor, sear} 1.00 25 |Water Tobe Corecton Fact, W corstnt] 080 28 |umimate Bearing Capacity Component, USCA = eNetedk| 000 27 |utmate Bearing Cepecty Component, UBC2 =a\Net) S4ei 7828, 28 [uma Bearing Capacty Component, UACS FOSBYN,sdLW) 15205 28 {Net Utimate Bearing Copsey, UBC user +usce+ uses} 277.33 20 |Net 886 wh Facer of Suey of 25 susc/2s) — so9s Sey] ene Page 4 ‘Table-1B : COMPUTATION OF NET SAFE BEARING CAPACITY AS PER IS: 6403 PROJECT: DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS IN ZONE-1 AREA OF CAPITAL REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ON EPC MODE ‘STRUCTURE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHAINAGE: +109.000 ON ROAD NAME NE-AB Location: 842, Abutment.A2 1 Prype orFature Geral Sear 2 (Foundation stata Very Dense Sand 3 ype erFounsation teoated 4 ices ot touncston (8) 650 Im 5 Length ortoundaton(\) sm 2 |Roducos Level ef the Cane! Bed Level 18> [Reduces Love ofthe Foundation 8 [Deon ot Foundation, In 7 [bverage SP corected N" Value Blow the foundation depth and Zone of infuence of 1.5 to 100 8 m depth tafe tema Ficton by clang SPT N" Value wth Ph values as per Figure ofS: woo feos. 4 8 [Liming Angle of rteral Friction taking Grain Sie and other factors info consideration 4 seo foo 2 |Conesive svengtno Sl, 0.00 frisan 40 unt weigh ot overburden So,» 195 |rieum 11 [over buen prestur sot 178 12 [Bearng Capacty Facors Range 13. Bearing Capacty Factr, Ne (Tablet of 403) st98 14 [Bearing Capscty Factor, Ny (Table 1 of 403) seus 15 |Bearng Cepscty Factor, Ny, (Tabe of 403) coat 18 [dept acter. HO2xD/B)xSatmp)] 443, 17 [bop Facer, = (116 < 10) hoe, 14 (01 xOVB)xSqHIN)] 1.08 18 [Dept Factor 4, PUI < tee, 1 +04 x08) Sq] — 1.08, 19 |snape Facer. 5. Constants 1+02°8/L 440 120, |snape Factor, «, Constants 1402B/t] 140 21 [Snape Factor, 5, Constants 1-04" Bit 078 22 fhncnatin Factor, =(1-a/ 907] 1.00 23 {hncination Fate, =(-ar907| 1.90 24 |incration Factor, (earg] 100 25 ater Table Corecton Factor, W Constant] 050 25 |Utimate Bearing Capacty Component, UBC FeNesedie] 000 risa 27 |iimate Bearing Capacity Component, UBC2 Fa Net) Sede) 8030 frisam 28 | imate Bearng Capacity Component, USCS FOSBYN, 4,0) 15205 frigm 28 et mate Bearing Capacity, UBC susct+usce+uscs} 23285 | frisam 90 Net Swen Factor ot Satetyof28 suscr2s| 9208 ream Say] 929 |rsgm Page 25 ‘Teble- 1G: COMPUTATION OF NET SAFE SETTLEMENTS PRESSURE AS PER I PROJECT; DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS IN ZONE-4 AREA OF CAPITAL REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ON EPC MODE ‘STRUCTURE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHANAGE: +108,000 ON ROAD NAME NE-AB tno. [ooserption Ue 1 [Bornole no oa 2 [tecaon Ament 3 [fvpecrFounsason Tsostea 4 fora tte Fostna 650 ™ 5 __[terah of ie Fostng eas (2 [Reduced Lavlo the Canal ad Level wae 1 [Recuco Lovet ofthe Foundation soaie [Depth of Feundstion ©) 20 = 72 fFoundato Sratum ‘very Denso 7 Average SPT coneclodW Value below te foundalon depth and Zane of ence of fsto203 m depth iad 8 _[Setteent/ Unit Pressure fom Fipwe- oS: 6009 Par-)aaUnA) 0.000048 [m/v 1 [Ssanbetwoen tha wo adjacent foundations a = [Aiowatio Satamort/ Deri Sattomont As par IRC: 70-2014 USD lsat cert setioment between the oondatone a armel, 00 [supported spans shall ot excood In 400 a the distance etwaen he 0.0025, ™ leundatons tom the consideration of oeabe icing qual unless rovion has been] made for rectcaton otis saterent 10 25 oa 11__[Atowabl Setar olted Type of Foundtion fr Sandy Sale (St) 2 tm 2a [Dranixs) 022 120 __[satlx60 458 120 _ [Lower valu of GAL), sgHOBVD) 022 (U8 92 14 [Depth factor corecon (As per Fa. 12 of S:8008 part) coresponding lo UB and oto joer value of OisartLe8),sgA(x8\0) 15 Rltty tector corecon (is prclause @52 ofS B003-pat for = [ney beam ana ib af or 2 man i +16 _[Alowsble Settersent ate epping Depth Factor and Rigi Facor= af =of/( 50 om [Perth tctorx Ripe Factor) 17 _ [See SetomonsPreesue (SSP) 15708 in 18 [Sate Stiement Pressure (SSP)=(17)/10 3708 co 18 [Maer ttle conection factor ta ahalow Gop fw) 080 20 safe Seterent Pressure ater apoyng Water table coecton faetor= (18) x19) os om? 21__ [Unt Weight ot Overburden So 18 wn? 22_[Overburdn pressure of ol = (@1)-1) 18 tn? 23 [Net Soe Seierent Pressure = (20)-(22) ess tin Page 96 ‘Teble- 10 : COMPUTATION OF NET SAFE SETTLEMENTS PRESSURE AS PER IS: 8009 (Part) ‘PROJECT: DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS IN ZONE-1 AREA OF CAPITAL REGION [DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ON EPC MODE ‘STRUCTURE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHANAGE: +10,000 ON ROAD NAME NE-AB ‘SAN. [Deserption Unit 7 _[Bareate no oo 2 [lecaion Aire 3 [type or Foundaton tae &_ [hath te Fotna aa = 3 [tena of te Foctne eas = a [Recuced Level ote Canal Bod Lovel 32388 th Reduced Lovl othe Foundation 30288 Ge [Dept of Foundation 0) Ey 7 72 [Founded Statum ‘very Denso 7p [fweiage SPT careciodW Vale below te foundation dep and Zone of tence a [50 2.08 m depth, {8 _[Settement/ Unt Pressure tom Figure ofS: 6000 (Par) 0000048 [emi em) [Span betoen the to elaent foundations a = [Atouatle Setterent/Diteretel Sattoment As per RC: 70-2014 7063.24 [sicatea rental etsemon between te foundalonso sively ‘0 [supported pane shal ot excoed tn 40 of he ctance between the Wo 0.0025 m founsaons rm ne considera oleate ring qualty unless provision has been) [nace for rectcaon ef his sateen 08 m5 mon 15 __[Alowatie Seterent for lelated Type of Foundation for Sandy Sale (6) © mm Yea [Disx8) 028 Tab fageoGvO a0 26 [Lover value of rR), oaAVO) oo +4 [Best factor correct As per Fi. 12 15.8008 part) coreeponding to UB and aes 3 vate of Der), eLx8)O) 15. [Rey tector carecton As per cuse 0.5.2 oS 6000 part) or [neavy beam and sla a ora mative pl 16 _[Afowsble Settemont ater pping Depth Factor end Rigily Facor= af ==//( [Dept factor Roe Facer) ose mm 17 [See Setlorent Pressure (SS) 13708 un? 18 _ [Ste Settement Pressure (98°) = (17/70 19708 on 19 [ater ttle conection fc at a shalow pth) 080 20 sae Settement Pressure ater eppiying Water able corecton factor = (1) x (18) os in 21_ [Unt woght or Oveburdn Say te 22 [overburden pressure ofeat™=((20- 1) 06) un 23 |Net Soe Setomont Pressure = (2) -(22) es nt Page 37 aie ‘Tablo-2A: PILE VERTICAL CAPACITY IN ROCK (METHOD Il AS PER IRC 78) PROJECT: DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS IN ZONE-1 AREA OF CAPITAL REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ON EPC MODE. ‘STRUCTURE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHAINAGE: +109,000 ON ROAD NAME NE-A8 'SLNo, [Description SF+EB [Unit 1 [Borehole Ne. oz) 2 [location ‘Abutment-At 3 [Diameter of Pile D 12 Im 4 [Grade of Concrete a5 [Skin Friction in Socket Length Portion 1 [Depth of Embedmentin Weathered Rock 30 2 __[Thickenss of Socket Length Porton ignoring top 0.3m thick rock socket porto _L 27 Im 3 [Surtece area of Socket = p xO xL as 10.48 [mt 4 [SPT Value for 300mm Penetration along the socket length N ‘300 [shear Strength corrspoding to SPT N Value 33 ‘(MPa lutimate shear strength along socket length to be obtained from table, based lon average 'N’ value of socket potion. This shall be resticied to shear 5. feepacty of concrete of the pile o be taken as 3.0 MPa for M35 concrete in | cus 30 |p fined conaiton, which for othe strengths of concrete can be modified by a 3 sqrthv36). 6 [timate side socket shear= cus x As Raf 3054 [wn 7 _ [Factor Safety for socket sheer Fat é 8 [Safe Ukimate side socket shear = cus x Ae/ Fat Raf ‘509 [MN [skin Friction in Socket Length Portion 0 809 {Mn [End Bearing in Rock Stratum 1 _ [SPT Velue for 300mm Penetration below the base of ple forthe depth twice he diameter / feast lateral dimensionaf pile " S00 2 |NeFactor Ne 8 [sub = Average shear strength below base of ple forte depth equal to twice 3 [he diameter /least lateral mension of ple, based on average 'N' value of | cub 33 |Mpe his region. 4 {cross-sectional ares of base of pile=p/4 xD? Ab 13 5 |Utimate End Bearing = cub x Nex Ab Re 339 fun 6 [Factor of Safety for End Bearing Fe 3 7__ [Safe Uitimate End Bearing = cub x Ne x Ab/Fe Re 1120 Jun End Bearing in Rock Stratum Limited to § MPa Le, 5.65 MN (Re) ® 685 (vn ‘Safe Ultimate capacity of pila socketed into rock= Re+ Raf ww tor iw (Combined Skin Friction and End Bearing in Rock Stratum) | mE Page 38 ¥ ‘Tablo-2B: PILE VERTICAL CAPACITY IN ROCK (METHOD ll AS PER IRC 78) PROJECT: DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS IN ZONE-1 AREA OF CAPITAL REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ON EPC MODE ‘STRUCTURE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHAINAGE: +109.000 ON ROAD NAME NE-AB [SINo, [Description SFEB [unit 1 _ [Borehole No. BH 2 [Location ‘Abutment AZ 3 [Diameter of Pe 5 12 |m 4 [Grade of Concrete mas [Skin Friction in Sockot Length Portion 1 [Perth of Embedmentin Weathered Rock 30 2 _Thickenss of Socket Length Portion ignoring top 0.3m thick rock socket porto 27 |m 3 [Surface area of Socket= pxDxL a 10.18 (mt 4 [SPT Value for 300mm Penetration along the socket length N 300 [Shear Stength corspading fo SPTN Value 33__|wPe |Uttmate shesr strengin along socket length to be obtained from table, based Jon average 'N' valve of socket portion. This shall be restricted to shear 5 feapaciy of concrete ofthe pile, tobe taken as 3.0 MPa for M35 coneretein | cus 30 [Mpa [confined condition, which for other stengihs of concrete can be modified by a factor sek). (6 _|Utmate side socket shear= cus xAs Rat 3054 [un 7_ [Factor Safely for socket shear Fat @ '& [Safe Ultimate side socket shear = cus x As / Fat Rat 509 (MN [skin Friction in Socket Length Portion 0 ‘509 [un [End Bearing In Rock Stratum [SPT Value for 300mm Penetration below the base of pile forthe depth twice [he diameter / least atrial aimensionot ple " 300 2 |NeFactor Ne 8 lcub = Average shear strength below base of pil, forthe depth equal to twice 3 [the diameter /teast ateral dimension of ple, based on average''N’ value of | cub 33 |Mpa tis region. 4 [Cross-sectional area ofbase of ple = p/4xD Ab 1431 |e 5 |Utimate End Bearing = cub xNex Ab Re 33.59 [un 6 [Factor of Safety for End Bearing Fe 3 7-_|Safe utimate End Bearing = cub x Ne x Ab/ Fo Re 14.20 Jun End Boaring in Rock Stratum Limited to § MPa Le. §.65 MN (Re) o 365 [wn Sate Uitimate capacity of plo sockoted into rock = Re + Raf ov 1074 {wn (Combined Skin Friction and End Bearing in Rock Stratum) wore tomas Page 39 TABLE-3: PILE UPLIFT CAPACITY IN ROCK STRATUM PROJECT: DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS IN ZONE-1 AREA OF CAPITAL REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ‘ON EPC MODE ‘STRUCTURE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHAINAGE: +109.000 ON ROAD NAME NE-AB sh BHA BH2 No, _[Peserition (Abutmentsaty | (Abutment.azy | Unit 1 {kin ition Ran) 3054 3084 tonnes 2 [Diameter ofthe Pile 12 12 m 3 |Minimum Length ofthe Pile 80 10.0 m 4 [Area of Cross-section ofthe Pile 143 1.43 sqm 5 |Vokume ofthe Pile 9.05, 14.31 cum 6 [Density of Concrete 24 24 tonnes/cum 7 |setr weight of Pite 2 7 tonnes lUptit capacity of Pile, P 8 |(218 af) /2.5+ Self Weight of Ple 836.0 oad fonnes Tle SOCKET LENGTH AND PILE LATERAL LOAD CAPACITY EMBEDDED IN ROCK AS PERIRG 78) PROJECT DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS N ZONE-1 AREA OF CAPITAL REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE STATE OF ANDMRA PRADESH ON EPC MODE ‘STRUCTURE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT CHANAGE: #102000 ON ROAD NAME NE-AB sure. fosctpin oe) | cetzcagy| Un 1 [hereon re atop oft socket) os os uw * 0 tenes 2 Lena Lever am a 50 79 m 3 _omerttthe op ofa socket 125 178 co 4 [pameteror Pe () 12 12 m verge Unconed Compresie Stength ae 50 20 wa 0 feb compra sore hock we 7 “7 wea 7 beet ena Calcustonequredtn Rock) a ot ost 7 [oximerxo) 378 320 re lergemetro-eencexmneroymaec | gy 20 ” 8a Socket Leng prove 30 30 ™ bel yw - CB Wee vest - win \vearceswana RAO © Professor ° ing iment of i Engine " ea of Tents Has

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