International Market PART I: Interview

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PART I: Interview
1. What is globalization? What are the pros and cons of globalization? Why do you
think so many people oppose it?
Globalization is the increasing interaction of people, states, or countries through
the growth of the international flow of money, ideas, and culture. Globalization is
primarily an economic process of integration that has social and cultural aspects. It
involves goods and services, and the economic resources of capital, technology, and data.
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people,
companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade
and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the
environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity,
and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
Pros of economic globalization:

 Cheaper prices for products and services (more optimized supply chains)
 Better availability of products and services
 Easier access to capital and commodities
 Increased competition
 Producers and retailers can diversify their markets and contribute to economic

Cons of economic globalization:

 Rich are richer, poor are poorer

 Destruction of the environment
 Neglect of human rights
 Some cultures may lose their distint features
 Political globalization is overly Western-dominated

2. Do you think if would be a good idea if all barriers to trade were removed from the
world and people could freely export and import without customs duties or any other
problems? What impacts would such a change have?
It would be both a good and bad idea since it will be easier for people to trade and result
in more income for the country. But there will be more opportunities of crime since
people can trade without restrictions.
3. Do you think it would be a good idea if people could live and work in an country
they liked without restriction? What impacts would such a change have?
It will be a good idea if there are several restrictions since without restrictions, it will be
more dangerous. People from less developed countries can live in better developed
countries. Since they have less income which cannot cope with the needs there, they will
create a smaller community making slum areas in the developed countries. People will
find new ways of making money illegally which will increase crime and even terrorism.
 Helps them access a better standard of life and employment opportunities
 The world becomes one big melting pot of multiculturalism.
 Better spread of ideas and technology
 Countries mutually help each other in infrastructure projects

 increased crime
 environmental sustainability and pollution of the natural resources
 easier spread of diseases; easier network of drugs and illicit trades.

4. How would you react if a multinational employing several hundred people in your
area announced they are moving to another country where production costs were

5. Do you think imported goods are better quality than locally produced ones?
Why/why not?
It depends. Imported goods are usually better if it is electronic devices, cars or clothing.
Local goods are better in foods, Balinese carving etc. Local goods are starting to compete
now especially since the government is starting to encourage people to buy local goods.

6. One frequently quoted example of globalization is McDonalds. Some people say that
McDonalds restaurants are a bad thing because they mean that everybody will eat the
same food; others say that they are a good thing because you are always able to eat
something you recognize, know and like. What your opinion?
The globalization of McDonald’s positively and negatively affects the culture of
different nations. The upside would be that it is a restaurant that I would recognize, and
know what the food tastes like. The downside would be that it is a chain restaurant that is
not unique in its food. If I travel overseas, I am going to spend my time dining at new
places. The cuisine is part of the experience in a different culture. I would not choose to
dine at a McDonald’s, because this is a restaurant that I can eat at basically anywhere.
7. Do you think globalization will reduce or increase the poverty gap?
The main problem is, that the rich countries are in a much better position to make
use of the opportunities globalization provides, at the cost of the poor countries, than the
poor countries are. Also, in the poor country itself, there are usually a few individuals
who manage to make the best use of the new opportunities, at the expense of their
countrymen. These two generally ensure that the net result for the majority of the poor
country's population is that they are worse off than they were before.

PART II: Independent long turn

Situation 1
Recent figures released by the General Statistics Office of Vietnam showed that
Hanoi's trade deficit with Beijing reached US 24.3 billion in the first nine months of
2017 - an increase of more than 21 percent compared to the same period a year earlier.
Severe trade deficit in the current account can adversely affect the sustainability of the
balance of payments, putting pressure on the exchange rate, foreign debt, inflation,
thereby threatening macroeconomic stability and post-crisis growth.
What measures should be taken to improve balance of payment between Vietnam and
With China and the neighboring countries, Vietnam has certain advantages. There are
advantages and conditions for further development of economic cooperation relations in
general, as well as trading in particular. We must continue to exploit the potentials and
opportunities because this is a very big market.
Besides, agricultural restructuring to increase exports to China, the technological content
of Vietnamese exportations to China is poorer than most countries in the region, leading
to Vietnam's export turnover in this market being less than most ASEAN countries. Trade
balance disparity status between Vietnam and China absolutely can be improved if
Vietnam seeks the way to change the structure of exports in this market, or improve
technological content, quality and price of products.

Situation 2
In his presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump vowed to "put American first"
and "make America great again". These impressive slogans contributed enormously to
his becoming the 45 President of the USA. As soon as Trump took the office, he signed
an order to formally withdraw the US from the Trans - Pacific Partnership, a 12 nation
deal that had been negotiated under former President Obama and even considered
breaking the free trade deal with Korea and NAFTA.
What might be the reasons for Trump's decision to pull the USA from free trade
agreements? Are there any more viable solutions to "make America great again"?
1) The number of jobs and amount of wealth and income of the United States have given
The TPP would make it easier for US trading competitors to ship cheap subsidized goods
into U.S. markets — while allowing foreign countries to continue putting barriers in front
of US exports.… The TPP creates a new international commission that makes decisions
the American people can’t veto.
TPP included a side agreement obligating members to “avoid manipulating exchange
rates to gain an unfair competitive advantage,” and it mandates that each country disclose
currency interventions.
2) In my opinion, there are many more viable solutions to make America great again.
One of them is Quickly Adopting Renewable Energy. The green technology exists – now
it’s time to put the resources behind these environmental advancements to make clean
energy mainstream. There’s no reason renewable energy shouldn’t be the way to power
America moving forward, so long as we stop letting the massively wealthy coal, oil and
gas companies stop interfering with progress to try to prolong their business models.

Besides, green energy is great for the economy on the whole. Surely, there may be some
growing pains during a shift to solar and wind power, but that’s true of any transitional
period. With climate change looming, all other improvements to the United States are
pretty irrelevant. What’s the point of making America great again in other respects if our
polluting ways soon make the planet inhabitable? No one will be able to enjoy an
otherwise “great” country.

New words Meanings

viable khả thi
veto phủ quyết
manipulating thao túng
mandate ủy nhiệm
intervention can thiệp
disclose tiết lộ
1. What is the purpose of business, in your opinion? Is it just to make money?
A lot of people say that the purpose of a business is to make a profit, but not.
Profit is just a measure of a business purpose and it is only a short term existence. The
main object of business is to create and retain customers; find out what needs that your
customers want to be fulfilled today; determine how well your products are meeting the
needs of your customers.

2. Are some jobs more ethical than others?

Personally, I think there are some jobs more ethical than others. There are nurse,
doctor, police, judge,… For example, Doctors, like some other certain professions, they’ll
serve with intergrity and do no harm. But not all doctors are perfect. They sometimes
make mistakes and some even knowingly do unethical things. But compared to other
professions, they are still trustworthy overall. Unethical business is Tobacco, addictive
products, toxic products.

3. How ethical do you think these professions are? (accountant, banker, police officer,
lawyer, nurse, dentist, teacher, taxi driver, car sales excutive)
In my opinion, the ethicalness of the jobs in a decreasing order as follows: pollice
officer  nurse  dentist  banker  lawyer  teacher  accountant  taxi driver 
car sale executive.

4. Why is corruption more common in some countries than in others? (corruption –

tham nhũng)
Corruption is widely acknowledged to be a serious problem in many countries. In
many developing countries, laws, regulations and traditional practices give government
greater power to determine who receives government services and under what conditions.
In some cases, people are obliged to bribe policemen, doctors and teachers to do their
assigned jobs. The power to threaten, to withhold services induces them to offer bribes,
and the result is a high level of corruption. While in high income countries generally have
low level of corruption. Corruption varies among coutries primarily because of
differences in economic incentives. An implication is that corruption can be reduce by
taking the profit out of corruption.
5. What are the consequences of corruption in your opinion?
- Lack of quality in services: in a system with corruption, there is no quality of
service. To demand quality, one might need to pay for it. This is seen in many
areas such as electricity, distribution of relief funds (quỹ cứu trợ),…
- Decrease in foreign investment
- Delay in growth: A work which can be done in few days may be done in months
time. This leads to delay in investment, starting of industries and also growth.
Even if started, company growth hinders link to official getting delay due to
the need to provide bribes or other benefits.

6. What examples can you give of businesses bahaving badly?

Wal-mart regularly faces lawsuits from employees accusing the company of
forcing them to work overtime without any payment and denying them health insurance.
7. What ethical issues does the food industry face?
That is the supply of food is not enough quality for the consumer to be profitable.
Including dirty or harmful materials, too many additives, higher fat compared to standard.
8. What ethical issues does the financial sector experience?
Corruption, fake papers, figures, fraud, provide false information to gain profit.
9. What ethical issues affect pharmaceutical companies?
- Put profit before cures and health.
- Make inaccurate inflated claims about the effectiveness and safety of their
- Test new products on animals
- Sell drugs at a too high price
- Sell drugs with poor quality.
10. Why do you think companies are becoming more interested in corporate
- Social responsibility is important to a business because it demonstrates to both
consumers and the media that the company take an interest in wider social
issues that have no direct impacts on profit margins.
- A healthy social responsibility policy can impact buying decisions where
customers seek to make an ethical purchase.
- Being part of a scheme that helps disadvantaged people can help boost the spirit
of employees, this can lead to greater productivity among the workforce.
11. What can employees do to try to change the behaviour of businesses that are
behaving unethically?
Directly give the managers comments when discover unethical bahavior =))
12. Do you think child labour should be banned? What about if it puts them into worse
- Child labour does not decrease poverty, it exacerbates (làm trầm trọng hơn) it.
Poverty is a vicious cycle. Poor parents will have many children. They receive
little education, learn few skills, probably compromise on their health and
nutrition and growth into poorly-skilled adults who are incapable of gainful
employment. Then they also have kids and the vicious cycle continues.
- The only to get rid of poverty is to educate these children and equip them with
skills to survive when they are adults.
13. Would you pay more for a product if you knew the company was more ethical than
- I will pay more for a product if the company I more ethical than others. Because
I believe this action will encourage company more ethical. At the same time I
want to show my support for them.
14. What can be done to stop companies behaving unethically?
- Create a code of conduct (quy tắc ứng xử): A code of conduct provides
employees and managers an outline what behaviors are unacceptable and what
measures are taken if an individual violates the code of conduct.
- Welcome an Ethics Speaker: Schedule an ethics trainer to discuss ethical
behavior and explain why it is important in organisations, regardless of the
size or industry.
- Hire for Values: When business owners hire employees, many seek to bring on
individuals who have the education and experience that prove they are skilled
workers, capable of handling the tasks at hand. Employers who want to
prevent unethical behavior also look at candidates' values to ensure they
match the company's culture.
15. Situation 1: In 2000, FS company, a foreign steel maker, discharged toxic
industrial waste illegally into the central ocean of a country called Dreamland,
causing massive marine life destruction. Thousands of fishermen living along the
coastal area of country alomost went out of business when consumers stopped
purchasing seafood from the area while the local tourism sector was brought to its
knees by this environmental disaster. FS was the only jointventure in the region,
creating thounsands of jobs for low-skilled and professional workers, and the major
tax contributor of the country’s central area.
What should be done by the government of Dreamland to settle this environmental
- The government has to strictly punish FS company. In this case, there is no
tolerance with FS because environmental destruction is a severe problem. It
not only affects the life of citizens, animals, plants at the moment but also is
harmful for the development of Dreamland’s economy in the future.
- Dreamland could solve this situation by stopping the corporation of FS
immediately, punishing by law and claiming compensation for the damage to
this country. Furthermore, government should subsidize their citizens,
regenerate the environment and attract another source of capitals.
16. Situation 2: You're the manager of a coffee house called the Morning Cup. One of
your best employees desires to be promoted to a managerial position; however, the
owner is grooming his slow-thinking son for the job. The owner's nepotism may
hurt a valuable employee's chances for advancement, but complaining may hurt
your choices for promotion. What will you do to deal with this situation?
- Because this is a sensitive issue and affects to many benefits of many people so
I should consider carefully. Firstly, If I complain, this might be harmful to my
own chances for promotion. It is benefit directly related to me. Therefore, I
will agree with the owner that his slow-thinking son for the promotion that my
employee is seeking for and I also explain with the owner that this action may
cause some problems and persuade him a period of time for him to do this job.
If after this period, the performance of the coffee house is not good, I will
advise the owner reconsider. In that period, my employee will support the
owner’s son. It seem a final challenge for this employee.
17. Situation 3: Bob and John are good friends. As Bob and John are walking through
a parking lot late one night, ther see the car of an acquaintance, Richard. John
hates Richard because Richard has recently started dating John’s ex girlfriend, and
there is reasonable evidence to support John’s belief that Richard was actively
pursuing the woman while she was still dating John. Unlike John, Bob does not
hate Richard. John, in a moment of crazed anger, picks up a heavy rock, runs away
from Bob and toward the car, and throw the rock at Richard’s car, breaking the
front window. The car alarm immediately goes off, and John runs away from the
scene as quickly as possible. Howerver, someone else who is in the parking lot
recognizes Bob, and runs up to Bob before Bob has a chance to escape the parking
lot. The eyewitness knows that Bob had nothing to do with throwing the rock, but
the eyewitness wants Bob to stay and report the crime to the police, and give the
name of the person who threw the rock.
Should Bob stay at the scene of the crime and give John’s nam to the police?
- Yes. Bob should do that. Because:
- John’s action comes from individual emotions which must be deal directly
between John and Richard.
- After throwing the rock at Richard’s car, John has run out of the scene, leaving
Bob there. This could, in some case, make Bob be the crime. It means that
John only thinks for hisself, not for Bob  selfishness.
- Bob can report to the police that he does not see the crime well and tells John to
make an agreement with Richard, say sorry and compensate him.
Unit 11

1. Leader is the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.

The first leader who come to my mind is Ho Chi Minh. He was a key figure in the
foundation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945, as well as the People's
Army of Vietnam and the Việt Cộng during the Vietnam War. Without his lead,
we wouldn’t have a life like today. He spent the whole life to find a way to liberate
his nation. We all appreciate what he did for the next generation.

2. A great leader always inspire trust for people around them. They will never satisfy
with their results and continually look to evolve and improve. Beside that, they
communicate openly and with humility.

3. Qualities of leaders: vision, inspiration, momentum

- Vision: Leaders must create a picture of where the organization is going and each
person’s role in this process of change
- Inspiration: leaders must inspire the people they work with
- Momentum: leaders must create momentum and make sure that people are moving
forward with various projects that are under their control
4. The answer is yes. We always have two types of that people. In a society, if we are
all the followers, who will lead us to a better life, who will lead a country so
leaders are important, they will guide their people to a right direction. And if we
all are leaders so what we will lead. So for the balance of life we always have two
types of people. The natural leaders and the natural followers.
5. The biggest challenge is we cannot control the corruption. It is strongly increasing
in administration system of Vietnam. All they want is money, they will do
anything to make money and don’t care about their citizens.
6. Honestly I don’t want to become a leader in Vietnam. In this era, leader is just for
people who have power from their parents and normal people don’t have a chance
to compete with them. And being a leader means you will have responsibility for
many things so being a follower is better than a leader.
7. Follow other people is not a bad thing but if we always copy or do what they do,
it’s not a good thing. We follow a person because we like them or he/she is a
pattern that we want to become but we need to to follow that pattern a right way.
Don’t just copy them, we need to create something new from them to make us
better or we are just a shadow of them. It will restrict your creation and you will
not be yourself anymore.
8. A bad leader is lack of vision, they have poor vision with their life, their job. They
just care about themselves and don’t accept their failure. They cannot inspire or
communicate well with people around them.
9. I will bring more outside activities and less homework for students. Our children
nowadays always stick with subjects and don’t have time to play with each others
so they are lack of soft skills.
Independent long turn
a. As a CEO, I will check our worker’s profile. If they have children I will allow
them to go to company 30 minutes late. Otherwise, he or she must quit the job.
b. As a CEO, I will go on the holiday and celebrate my spouse’s birthday. Business
is the job of whole life but this is the first time in two years, I am on holiday with
my spouse’s birthday.
c. I will call to junior manager to take care of my drivers and I will grab a taxi to the
1. Are you a competitive person? Why?
Absolutely. I am a competitive person.
Because I am always so passionate about whatever I do and I want to be the best at it.
Are men more competitive than women?
Yes. Because men are usually stronger, more aggressive and more ambitious than
Men usually want to beat their colleagues, and women tend to be more afraid of
competition than men.
2. Competition is good for us:

- It makes people have a deadline and a goal that is made to complete

- It helps you to find out how well you can do something under pressure.
- It encourages innovative and creative thinking
3.Why are some people very competitive?
- They might have elevated confidence
When a person believes that he can win he can become more competitive than a person
who isn't sure about his ability to win.
- They might be very ambitious
Ambition can fuel competitiveness especially in the life areas that matter to him.
- They were raised in a competitive enviroment
4. In what way is education a competition in your country?
Competition is an implicit part of education, in which grades are regularly assigned and
students ranked against each other in class reports . Students try to get higher mark in
exams and especially in University entrance examination.
With teachers and educational managers, they always try to have better position in their
5. Do we learn to be competitive or are we born competitive?
I do not believe it is natural . It is something we have to deal with as we begin to live in
the world – having to ‘compete' with others as in school, or in the work place, as we
move into adulthood.
6. David Sarnoff said: “ Competition brings out the best in products and the worst
in people”. What does this mean? Do you agree?
I agree with this.
Well, businesses compete to maximise profit - and as such compete to win the consumers
favour by making the product best for them. Competition ensures that businesses never
forget that the customer is always right, and David Sarnoff was right in saying that
competition brings out the best in products.
Competition can bring out the worst in people, especially when some businesses seek to
stifle the competition that makes life hard. It also creates a competitive cut throat market
where as long as you make profit.
7. Dr T.P Chia said : “ A competitive person is always a winner. An uncompetitive
person is always a loser”. What do you think?
dựa vào câu 2
8. What are benefits of competition between businesses?
- Competition leads to innovation
Competition puts pressure on businesses to constantly innovate and upgrade the quality
of their products and services, which benefits customers
- It leads to collective learning.
In some cases, seeing what your competitiors do well can teach you things about your
business. Their practices help show you what should and what shouldn’t
- Better knowledge about customer preferences
As far as there is high competition, you get better information about customer preferences
or requirements.
9. What are the drawbacks of competition between businesses?
 Increased pollution

 Unfair trade
 Social and ethical issues - child labour and bad work conditions.
 High risk of unemployment
10. What are some ways that businesses compete with each other?
- Businesses compete on price
- Businesses compete through better services and products offered to their consumers as
well as better technological advances to their competitors.
- They also compete by engaging in social activism to draw positive attention from their
Long run
Situation 1:
Traditional taxi companies, especially Vinasum and Mai Linh company, are
losing the fierce competition with Grab and Uber, two Internet -based taxi
companies. Particularly, both Vinasum and Mai Linh groups report a huge drop
in after-taxi profit of 50% over the first half of the year 2017, and about a third
of their workers have been made redundant. Traditional taxi companies have
urged the government to limit the operation of Grab and Uber but no action has
been taken by the authority to rescue traditional taxi companies.
What should be done by traditional taxi companies to reserve the situation?

Some solutions for traditional taxi companies are as follows:

- Reducing the price:
Apply flexible hourly rates to be competitive with Internet -based taxi companies

- No surcharge
In addition to the promotion programs, traditional taxi companies should commit to
not add more price when traffic congestion or peak. The price is always fixed, no
extra rush hours.

- Firms should train drivers to better serve, continually apply technology to

improve service quality. Specifically, car-calling app, to improve the performance,
transparency of freight rates and distance.
To encourage users to book a car through the app,companies can apply more
promotional code from 20,000 to 30,000, similar to Uber or Grab and accept paying
by smartphone, no cash, via electronic wallet.

--> Traditional taxi companies should change quickly if they do not want to lose
on the playground that is still considered "traditional" of their own.
Situation 2:
Sunflower is a popular newspaper for the VIetnamese youngsters. Two decades ago,
Sunflower used to sell 2 million copies of daily basis. Unfortunately, in the advent of
Internet, a rising number of yong people choose to follow online news rather than
read traditional newspapers and Sunflower has seen a gradual drop of 10% in its
circulation year on year.
What should be done to help traditional newspapers with the competition with on-
line newspapers?
With the explosion of media, the traditional newspaper industry needs to have innovative
ways to survive:
- Traditional newspapers should change the size of the newspaper to help readers have
certain convenience, as well as focus on how to express lively and beautifully: the
content should be represented by other forms other than text such as diagrams, pictures,
boxes, information to match with the reading, the reception of people ...
- Instead of expanding the scale, traditional newspapers should focus on training more
talented and skilled reporters, transfer the application of science and technology, invest in
modern facilities and high level of professionalism, content renewal and reporting
methods, gradually change the form of the newspaper in a highly aesthetic way to suit the
tastes and trends of readers.
Thus, the traditional newspapers can overcome the fierce of competition and survive in
the public.

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