All-Human-Experience-Suffering EDITED

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All human experience suffering. Human misunderstands the meaning of suffering because he/she makes it in a negative way.

depends on our view, on what is the purpose of it. When we think of it negatively, probably “suffering” means misery, sadness and hardship, on
the other way around when we think it on a positive way “suffering” means test, growth, lesson and happiness.

Suffering emotionally is deeper than suffering physically. We suffer physically because of our own fault although sometimes is just an
accident. Physical pain can overcome through medication and can fade after a week, depends on how serious it is. Emotional pain is caused by
death, love and such. It could take a lifetime to recover (some). Suffering emotionally can lead to suicide. Some of those who suffer emotionally
finds it good because it is the easy way for them to escape from suffering. But suicide is not good and never will be, to overcome (answer)
suffering. We can lessen or overcome suffering by searching out for help, we have God, family and friends.

Arthur Schopenhauer a German Philosopher states that human life is full of suffering, until we meet our desires. Our desire to obtain
something can lead to suffering. We set goals or we aim something to attain happiness. Upon fulfillment of our desire, we realize that it fails to
attain happiness (happiness fades away so easily). We replace it or make another set of goals. And the cycle of suffering begins again. Example,
Maxwell desired to be the most wealthy in the Philippines. Maxwell is now a millionare but he desires more. He become desirous, competitive
and selfish. Years passed he fullfiled his desire to be the most wealthy man in the Philippines. After months, he felt alone and all the people
around him are just a mask, using him to gain more profit. He felt deceived he suffers on his own selfishness and so much desire. To escape on
his suffering he made another set of goals to fulfill his loneliness and suffering begins again. To overcome suffering human should less his desire
to avoid so much suffering.

“Suffering gives us a greater appreciation of the moments of comfort.” -Ben Klempner. If there is no suffering, the accomplishments are
non-sense. There is suffering, to teach us, appreciate of the moments. Suffering happens as a result of God testing us. All of our suffering has a
reason. It ended up making us stonger and we can learn from it.

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