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Challenges to good clinical rounds Beigzadeh A et al.

Original Article

Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism

Identifying the challenges to good clinical rounds: A focus-group

study of medical teachers
YA M A NI 1*
Department of Medical Education, Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran; 2Medical
Informatics Research Center, Institute for Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran; 3Integrative
Functional Gastroenterology Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

Introduction: The use of clinical rounds, as an integral part of *Corresponding author:


clinical teaching to help medical students acquire essential skills Nikoo Yamani,
of practicing medicine, is critically important. An understanding Department of Medical
of medical teachers’ perceptions concerning the challenges of Education, Medical
Education Research Center,
clinical rounds can help identify the key areas of focus to better
Isfahan University of
foster professional development of medical students. This study Medical Sciences, Isfahan,
explored the opinions of medical teachers of Kerman University Iran
of Medical Sciences about the challenges embedded in clinical Tel: +98-31-36688789
rounds. There is a paucity of studies regarding the topic under Email:
investigation in our context. Please cite this paper as:
Methods: This qualitative study was conducted using a Beigzadeh A, Bahaadinbeigy
conventional content analysis method. We held a focus group K, Adibi P, Yamani N.
discussion with eight skilled bedside teachers, chosen using Identifying the challenges
purposive sampling, from Kerman University of Medical Sciences to good clinical rounds: A
focus-group study of medical
in February 2018. The focus group lasted for approximately
teachers. J Adv Med Educ
2 hours. The session was audio-taped. We analyzed data by Prof. 2019;7(2):62-73. DOI:
considering the verbatim transcribed document of the audio- 10.30476/JAMP.2019.44710
recorded discussions using conventional content analysis method Received: 13 September 2018
for theme development. Informed consent was obtained from the Accepted: 31 December 2018
Results: Medical teachers described many primary challenges to
clinical rounds. Some of them were multiple students on rounding
practices, time constraints, priority of research and patient care to
teaching, and lack of participation and enthusiasm. We categorized
these varied challenges into 5 specific areas related to (1) system;
(2) teachers; (3) learners; (4) patients; and (5) evaluation issues.
Focus group participants expressed some suggestions to mitigate
barriers such as having fewer students on the rounds, addressing
time constraints through planning and flexibility, and the provision
of medical education award.
Conclusion: Clinical round practices are valuable but replete
with a spectrum of problems. Many challenges affect the quality
of teaching in clinical rounds that should be taken into account
by bedside teachers in order to improve the quality of rounding
practices. The identified challenges can be used in redressing
bedside teaching to have more efficient rounding practices.
Keywords: Clinical, Focus group, Medical teachers

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Beigzadeh A et al. Challenges to good clinical rounds

Introduction value of post-take ward rounds in Chichester,

C linical teaching is the fundamental

component of medical education. It is
in this setting where most of tangible and
findings showed that skills of history taking
and physical examination were covered through
teaching during the rounds (7). In another study
intangible skills of medical students are formed on fourth-year medical students concerning
(1). One of the most important settings where their opinions on bedside teaching (BST) in
these skills can be acquired is by the patient’s Iran, results revealed that BST was an effective
bedside where medical students with the way for learning principles of history taking,
presence of the medical teacher learn many physical examination, communicating skills,
aspects of medical knowledge as well as history evidence-based medicine, and interpretation
taking and physical examination skills. These of para-clinical findings (8). Although bedside
skills are the cornerstones of clinical medicine. clinical rounds are considered to be valuable in
Evidence indicates that physicians can collect clinical medicine, several studies in our context
60% to 80% of the information relevant for indicate that our clinical teaching is replete with
a diagnosis just by taking a medical history, challenges. Research findings suggest that bedside
leading to a final diagnosis in more than 70% of rounds are viewed as inefficient (9), unfavorable
cases (2). This information indicates that a large in its current practices (10, 11), lack of discipline
part of diagnoses can be predicted by only these in its conduct, and multilevel learners’ presence
skills. By the same token, learning medicine in rounds (12).
at the bedside through interactions among the We postulate that in our setting, clinical
healthcare team with patients not only fosters rounds continue to be the major method of
the medical students’ ability to perform physical teaching medical students in the absence
examination skills, but also helps medical of advanced clinical skills laboratories and
students to gain more experience when it comes simulation-based medical education. Therefore,
to clinical data gathering and clinical decision due to the importance and the educational value of
making. It is in this run that better patient round teaching for the professional development
management can be obtained (3). Moreover, of medical students and due to the embedded
evidence shows that a spectrum of essential skills barriers pervading the clinical teaching, there
is needed within the clinical context to provide is a need to identify the challenges that medical
the best plan of care to patients. These skills are teachers are faced with during teaching medical
best attained when conducting clinical rounds students on the rounds. In this regard, obstacles
with medical students. Teaching in this setting are identified and decisive actions towards
provides the opportunity to acquire proficiency improvement can be taken into account to better
in medical knowledge, communication skills, foster professional development of medical
technical skills, patient management skills students in the clinical setting (12). Therefore, we
and team-work skills expected of a physician conducted this study to explore the perceptions
towards his/her professional development (4). and experiences of medical teachers of Kerman
The significance of teaching medical students at University of Medical Sciences concerning the
the bedside was also formerly accentuated by Sir challenges of clinical rounds.
William Osler, the father of modern medicine,
which introduced bedside teaching to modern Methods
medicine. His statement on bedside teaching is Taking into account the “qualitative research”
highly acknowledged: “To study the phenomena in the field of medical education as a well-
of disease without books is to sail an uncharted established method, focus group discussion
sea, while to study without patients is not to go (FGD) is a very popular data collection technique
to sea at all” (5). in qualitative research (13). We used focus group
Different studies show that clinical rounds to explore and identify the challenges to clinical
have an educational value in relation to knowledge rounds by involving the clinical teachers of
acquisition, history taking and physical Kerman University of Medical Sciences. In
examination skills, to name a few. In a study this regard, we focused on capitalizing group
on 134 learners investigating their perceptions discussions and communication among our
regarding internal medicine ward rounds in research participants in order to answer our
Pakistan, the authors found that knowledge research question and generate data. Evidence
acquisition was fairly covered through teaching shows that focus groups are often used early in a
during the ward rounds (6). In a similar line, in research project, and even employed as a starting
a study on house officers, senior house officers point, to lay the foundation for subsequent
and registrars investigating the educational research. Focus group is a principal method

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Challenges to good clinical rounds Beigzadeh A et al.

of investigation to be used as an explanatory diversity within the population in our study,

or exploratory data collection technique (14). obtain varied perspectives and to delve deeply
In this case, our study is a basis for a broader into the issue. It should be noted that the number
action research to be conducted by the authors of participants in a focus group depends on the
of this paper to improve clinical education on amount of information that needs to be gathered
rounding practices in Kerman University of (14). Focus-group literature recommends an ideal
Medical Sciences. Moreover, the authors of this group size of four to eight people (16). Our group
paper have conducted a comprehensive review stayed within this range. The letter of invitation
concerning the challenges of clinical education containing the purpose of the study was sent by
in Iran and a systematic review concerning the the manager of the Educational Development
challenges of clinical rounds which are under Center (EDC) to participants. We only recruited
review in other journals. Our systematic review the medical teachers 1) who were responsible for
has revealed that there is a paucity of studies on a significant amount of internship and residency
the barriers of bedside teaching in an Iranian program as well as coordination and planning
context; thus, more research and investigation are of teaching rounds, 2) with at least five years
needed accordingly. As a result, we carried out of clinical work experience, teaching medical
this study to identify the challenges of rounding students on rounds, 3) employed as geographical
practices in our context to find the key areas full-time faculty members, and 4) willingness
and focus on the most important factor/factors to participate in the study. Apart from the focus
affecting teaching in clinical rounds. group technique to gather data, we had an
This descriptive exploratory qualitative additional data source, a small questionnaire, to
study using a conventional content analysis collect demographic data of the participants.
method was performed in Kerman University of We conducted a FGD with skilled clinical
Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran. As our main teachers to obtain their perspectives on the
focus in this study was on clinical rounds and research question. At the beginning of the focus
its challenges, herein, we describe our context group, clear explanations of the purpose of the
as “the inpatient clinical rounds”. The clinical session were expressed to the participants and in
rounds in our teaching hospitals consist of third the case of any questions concerning the focus
year medical students, interns (doctors in the fifth group and the topic under discussion, more
year of education), residents and a medical teacher explanation was provided by the researchers.
attending the bedside. Before the initiation of During the focus group intervention, group
each rotation, students are involved in history discussions were led by one of the members of
taking and physical examination activities. At the research team as moderator to stimulate active
the time of bedside round with the presence of engagement of participants in the discussions. By
the medical teacher, the main findings regarding the same token, another member of the research
history and physical examination as well as team played the role of an observer in the running
clinical data are put forward and discussions of the focus group. He took heed in picking up
among the members of the healthcare team begin. non-verbal nuances/interactions by participants,
Medical teachers help students to come up with the interaction between participants, jotting down
differential diagnoses and a management plan notes, and taking into account the information
accordingly. The main goals are education and being shared among the participants. This was
training of students as well as patient care. done to provide an additional dimension to the
We conducted a FGD with medical bedside data transcription and interpretation. In the case
teachers on the fifth of February 2018. We of any concerns about the issues put forward,
used purposive sampling technique to employ the moderator of the focus group clarified and
the participants in our study. In this technique, elaborated the point, as needed. We tried to make
participants are selected on the premise of participants at ease, and facilitate interaction
a purpose in the mind of the researcher and between group members. We asked the participants
the sample is then selected to encompass the not to be concerned about agreement with other
interested participants and excludes those who people in the group. We encouraged them to
do not suit the purpose (15). In this regard in freely express their opinions regardless of what
order to gather rich data, a heterogeneous group other attendees had expressed. The focus group
of participants (ten skilled bedside teachers) from discussions lasted for approximately 2 hours.
diverse backgrounds with bedside experience and In order to get rich and in-depth data, we
familiar with the clinical context of rounding used the questioning route or a discussion guide
practices were invited to provide new insights to increase the likelihood of open, interactive
into the topic area. We chose this sample to reflect dialogue. To develop the questioning route, we

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Beigzadeh A et al. Challenges to good clinical rounds

first generated some questions based on the the focus group arranged a time to debrief and
experiences of the research team concerning the share their experiences and add an additional
rounding practices, and then the compiled list of layer of data on the spoken words produced by
open-ended questions was shared by the experts the participants.
in the field of medical education before the outset We reached saturation or informational
of the focus group. Feedback was received on the redundancy as no new challenges were emerged
structure of the questions and identified areas from our group discussions. Strauss and Corbin
that needed clarification. At the time of focus state that saturation is met when what is explored
group discussions, we avoided questioning the and discovered does not necessarily add anything
participants and letting them answer the questions to the overall findings of focus groups (19). We
one by one. We made our participants at ease to believe that, with the sample size chosen and
disagree with each other (if any) and express their purposive discussions, saturation was obtained.
opinions by group discussions. Our goal was to Literature indicates that in a focus group,
make interactions among the participants. diversity of participants and depth of information
The final questioning route consisted of the are important for data saturation, not for a large
following questions: number of participants or focus groups (14).
● What are your experiences related to bedside As every qualitative research, our study
teaching during your training days? underpins and adheres to quality criteria of
● What are the obstacles embedded in clinical credibility, transferability, dependability, and
education when teaching students on rounds? confirmability. In order to meet credibility,
● Are there any ways to overcome these researchers had varied field experience and
challenges? prolonged engagement in all processes of the
A qualitative content analysis was performed study. In addition, the processes of data collection
according to Graneheim and Lundman (17). The and analysis were checked and discussed by
session was audio-recorded and deciphered by one the research team. Concerning transferability,
of the members of the research team. Analytical researchers tried to provide full descriptions of
process started by using verbatim transcription the context of the study. We also tried to have
and identifying the participants’ views. In this enough discussions regarding the findings with
regard, the transcript was read thoroughly previously published works. It should be noted
several times to gain a general idea of what was that considering various perspectives and the
discussed during the discussions and highlight use of direct quotations during the description
the same phrases or words connected with the of findings all helped with transferability of the
study objective (identifying units of data). The study. For dependability, we adopted the code-
unit of analysis, which is highly important in recode strategy. In this regard, we coded our data
a content analysis, is a “segment of text that is twice by two members of the research team. We
comprehensible by itself and contains one idea or then compared data to see if any differences
piece of information” (18). Thereafter, each data were identified. With regard to confirmability, a
unit was condensed and assigned a code. Similar qualitative research expert was invited to check
and different codes were identified and integrated, the coding and analyzing processes.
if feasible. Then, categories were emerged by Participants were aware of the session being
grouping the codes (meaningful units) expressing recorded, and verbal informed consent to the
similar or different concepts. At last, we applied audiotaping was obtained from all participants.
a general theme for the emerged categories. All They were fully autonomous and had the freedom
transcripts were independently coded by two to leave the study as they desired. The objectives
researchers, applying as many codes as possible of the focus group were clarified at the beginning
for each data segment. All coding and categories of the session. Participants were assured that the
identified were negotiated with research members obtained information would not be used for any
to ensure inter-rater reliability. Any ambiguities purpose except the research and their identity
or disagreements concerning the coding were would remain confidential. This study was
resolved by discussion between two coding approved by the ethics committee of Esfahan
researchers and in the case of not reaching a University of Medical Sciences with the code
consensus, a third member of the research team number of IR.MU.REC.1396.3.165.
was negotiated. Observational data or field notes
which were gathered by one of the members of Results
the research team who attended the focus group Of the ten invited bedside teachers, only eight
as an observer were taken into analysis as well. participants took part in the research. Among
In this regard, the moderator and observer after this batch, 5 were males and 3 were females. The

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Challenges to good clinical rounds Beigzadeh A et al.

invited batch included 6 internists, 2 pediatricians, occur. To augment the efficacy of bedside teaching,
1 surgeon, and 1 obstetrician. The mean age of there must be systematic investigations upon
participants was 46.6. In terms of academic rank, the current practices from the perspective of all
4 were assistant professors, 3 were associate stakeholders, especially teachers and students in
professors and 1 was professor. The content the clinical setting. As we had obtained the opinions
analysis of the transcripts revealed an extensive of medical students in another study regarding
list of challenges and they were classified and the challenges of clinical rounds, we designed
subcategorized into specific challenges for another study in the format of group discussions
clinical rounds. Our content analysis yielded five with medical teachers to identify the problems
major categories related to the system, teachers, embedded in our bedside teaching context from
learners, patients, and evaluation issues. The list their perspective. Our content analysis identified
is shown in Table 1. five major categories of challenges. Each category
of challenges and some suggestions formulated
Discussion by our medical teachers are explained in more
Teaching at the bedside has an invaluable details and some sample quotes of focus group
educational merit for medical students in relation discussions are also discussed.
to knowledge acquisition as well as history taking
and physical examination techniques. This is the System related factors
time when most of clinical encounters and training After analyzing the findings, we found that
between a medical teacher and medical students our participants considered varied challenges

Table 1: Challenges to good clinical rounds based on responses from the focus group discussions, elicited from the medical
teachers of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, February 2018
Category Main category Sub-category
System-specific - A large number of medical students at the bedside
- Having fewer rounds with residents
- Low quality of interns’ clinical rounds
- Inadequate students’ training hours
- Insufficient time allocated to bedside teaching
- Uncertainty about the concept of a standard clinical round
- Wrong implementation of clinical round
- Wrong routines embedded in clinical education
- The priority of research to bedside teaching
- The priority of patient care to bedside teaching
- Being incognizant of responsibilities at the beginning of the career
- Lack of facilities and budget
- Lack of educational aids for rounding practices
Teacher-specific - Lack of expertise in clinical teaching
- One-sided discussions on clinical rounds
Challenges to clinical rounds

- Specialized discussions on rounds not appropriate for students and interns

- Theory-based medical education on rounds
- Medical teachers’ lack of enthusiasm
- Simultaneous teaching of a heterogeneous group of learners
- Lack of teachers’ time dedicated to teaching
- Lack of teachers’ attention to affective domain of learning
Learner-specific - Multiple tasks and responsibilities of residents
- Not giving responsibility to students and interns
- Lack of students’ participation on rounds
- Passive recipients of medical knowledge
- Students’ lack of enthusiasm
- Immaturity of medical students to commence a career in medicine
- Students’ lack of justification for their roles and responsibilities
Patient-specific - Lack of priority given to patients
- Distrust of patients towards medical students
- Patients are not justified concerning medical students
- Lack of enough good patients in clinical rounds
Evaluation-specific - Lack of attention to teaching quality in teachers’ evaluation
- Lack of feedback to teachers upon performance assessment
- Lack of appropriate criteria for teacher evaluation and teacher promotion
- Improper evaluation of teachers’ performance by medical students
- Inappropriate student assessment methods
- Lack of a standard for evaluating students’ clinical performance
- Evaluations are theory-based
- Fallacious students’ evaluation by clinical teachers

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to clinical rounds. They felt that there were reform plan in Iran in 2015, as one of the
fundamental problems and these problems priorities of the ministry of health and medical
impeded teaching during the clinical rounds. The education, there has been an increase in the
main problems in the participants’ discussions number of patients visiting the educational
were the large number of medical students hospitals to receive the clinical care (24). This
attending bedside rounds which has a direct effect has had a direct effect on the training of medical
on the quality of bedside teaching. The large students due to the priority of patient care to
number of students attending the rounds has been bedside teaching and also in terms of allocating
a matter of attention in studies in Iran (11, 12) insufficient time for bedside teaching and
and other countries (20, 21). This major problem inadequate students’ training hours. Participant
hinders the effectiveness of bedside teaching and number 7 acknowledged: “I am willing to stay at
was repeatedly mentioned during FGD by our the hospital in the afternoon, but I have to finish
medical teachers. Many studies have suggested everything until 11:00 a.m. because all the things
a decline in the number of students in clinical for the patients such as discharges, radiology,
education (10, 11, 22) which underpins what our and lab data must be finalized at that time. This
focus group participants proposed. There was a leads to not having an efficient clinical round”.
unanimous agreement among medical teachers This indicates that our medical teachers have to
concerning the large crowd of students around a manage a large number of patients, balancing
patient in rounds causing low quality and fewer service provision with the educational needs of
rounds with interns and residents. Participants medical students, which has made teaching at
number 4 and 7 stated: “The large number of the bedside more challenging and time restricted.
students is a huge problem especially in our Research confirms our findings as the priority
ward that at times we feel redundant, too”. “Our of patient care to teaching (25, 26), and lack of
teaching round with students is too crowded. This sufficient time for bedside teaching (23, 27, 28)
causes others not to hear me at the bedside as have been investigated in other studies. By the
they are standing far away from me”. same token, several studies indicate that time
Another important problem declared was constraints and the large number of patients
the wrong implementation of the clinical round limit the effectiveness of clinical rounds (7, 23).
surrounded by a lack of standard concept for These findings are consistent with the results of
round practices and wrong routines in the clinical our investigation.
setting. In other studies in Iran, it was stated that Bedside teaching must be a high priority for
the current practices of rounding were unfavorable the system. Research highlights that in order to
(10, 11) which corroborate our finding. accommodate this important matter, the system
Coming back to the former challenges can provide institutional incentives/rewards (20,
mentioned earlier, the timing of the rounds 29) for those involved in the teaching of medical
and routines of daily activities in the hospital students, and responsibilities or competing
were barriers to effective bedside teaching. demands on teachers should be reduced or
Participant number 4 stated: “Work hours, eliminated (21, 29). However, our medical
entrance and exit time, our meeting times, and teachers stated that they preferred to do more
our teaching time at the bedside are all wrong”. research than bedside teaching. In this regard
There were suggestions, such as modifications participant number 3 mentioned: “If I do some
to mundane routines of the hospital and research activities instead of teaching, I can
having bedside rounds in the afternoon promote much faster. Does teaching have a
instead of morning rounds, put forward by our reward for me?” The demand of research duties,
participants. In a study by Claridge in 2011 patient care and administrative responsibilities
on the educational value of the rounds, it was may create a major hindrance to bedside teaching,
concluded that morning rounds were more if not properly managed, and all the stakeholders
effective than afternoon ones (23). This finding incur some expenses.
is incompatible with our result. We believe that Another obstacle articulated concerning
morning rounds can be allocated to patients, the the system factors was related to facilities and
time when work round can occur with senior educational aids in the clinical setting. Research
students such as residents and fellows. On the findings show that before the initiation of the
other hand, afternoon rounds can be specifically clinical round, there are important issues
designed for teaching rounds with students which need to be taken into account. These
and interns that need more systematic training can be related to logistic provision for proper
provided by their medical teachers. implementation of bedside teaching (12). This
In a similar line, due to the health system was one of the problems expressed by our

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Challenges to good clinical rounds Beigzadeh A et al.

medical teachers as they needed educational expressed in a study (34). Participant number 3
aids when doing the rounds. Participant number mentioned: “When I was a medical student, my
1 stated: “We have problems to see x-ray films best teachers engaged me in discussions. Talking
at the bedside. We used to see the patient’s about medical facts and figures bores the students
radiography using a negatoscope, but our on the rounds”. Our medical teachers were
new PACS system is not as efficient as the old unanimous about conducting rounds by having
one”. Participant number 8 declared: “During participatory discussions in order to involve as
a round, we have to move to a classroom to many students as possible. In a study by Faidon-
use the whiteboard or show a slide to students”. Marios et al. on the educational value of ward
The use of technological aids in education is rounds, they found that seniors rarely asked
inevitable and traditional teaching methods are students questions to involve them on rounds or
being replaced by new technologies and medical gave feedback (35); this is compatible with what
educators are keener on using technology-related our medical teachers stated.
aids. Our participants believed that the use of Another identified challenge was teachers’
smart phones to see radiographies of the patients lack of interest and enthusiasm. Our participants
at the bedside was a better way to patient care stated that disinterest has been internalized in us.
and student teaching. Evidence also shows that Participant number 8 said: “In early times, one
mobile technologies have become ubiquitous teacher taught four medical students. Currently,
in medical education and have captivated great we are forty teachers, but we cannot do the work
attention among medical community. The use of for four patients. We want to leave the hospital
smart phones during the rounds allows access soon at 11:00”. Several studies highlight that
to the Internet and learning materials which teachers are not enthusiastic in teaching (7, 31,
enhances learning (30). 36); this also supports our finding. One important
strategy for motivating teachers can be the
Teacher-related factors provision of medical education awards among
Our participants cited problems that are many other ways of teacher motivation.
addressed numerously in previous literature Another area of attention was given to
reports. These included lack of expertise in specialized topics articulated by medical teachers
clinical teaching, theory-based teaching on at the bedside. Participant number 7 stated: “One
the rounds, lack of enthusiasm, and the use of of the most important problems is specialization
specialized discussions as well as one-sided of discussions on the rounds. I regret when
discussions at the bedside. Lack of teacher interns and students must listen to such topics
expertise in terms of the paucity of bedside which are to no avail”. We assume that when
skills (9, 20, 29, 31) and experience (32) have it comes to teaching junior students, topics of
been repeatedly stated in other studies, which is patient care should revolve around more general
in line with our results. As most of the clinical related subjects of medicine in comparison to
teaching occurs at the bedside and subsequently when senior students attend the bedside. Several
by the medical teacher, there is a need of faculty studies in Iran have stressed the specialized
development programs to equip teachers with nature of discussions on the rounds with medical
the required skills in our context. We believe students (37, 38).
that medical teachers should take part in faculty A difficult task for medical teachers is to
development programs, especially training find a balance between work responsibilities
in medical education, when they start their and clinical development of students and
professional career. However, we should not they often have to teach multilevel learners
consider it as a general rule of thumb, but many with different learning objectives (39). In our
teachers need training in teaching when it comes context, our medical teachers are also faced
to teaching medical students. This matter is with simultaneous teaching of a heterogeneous
highly important as many studies emphasize the group of learners on the rounds. This obstacle
need for faculty development training to educate is in line with other research reports in which
teachers on bedside rounds (20, 29, 33). the presence of multilevel learners on the
Based on the elicited responses from our round is an obstacle and medical teachers find
participants, teaching at the bedside is mostly group heterogeneity a challenge (40). Another
theory-based without much engagement of important challenge the focus group discussed
medical students. Teachers are dominant and take was the lack of teachers’ time dedicated to
the lead most of the time and students are only teaching. Our medical teachers are faced with
observers of rounding practices. The importance the challenge of patient care and teaching
of active participation on the rounds has been students simultaneously in a time constrained

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environment. Factors such as the high number learning. Conversely, in some settings in our
of patients and different responsibilities play a context interns and students are not given any
pivotal role and impede effective teaching on responsibility. It is important to know that when
rounds. Literature shows that in order to tackle students and interns are not given the patient
the problem of time when teaching medical care responsibilities, there is no opportunity
students, teachers must adopt various time to assess them and provide feedback on their
efficient strategies (41). performance. Participant number 3 mentioned:
The last but not the least, another challenge “The underlying problem is our lack of trust in
was lack of attention paid to affective domain interns as we want everything to be meticulously
of learning. Participant number 5 stated: “We done. So, we put the responsibilities on residents’
never teach students how to deal with patients’ shoulders. We never reprimand interns for their
concerns. Being a doctor means having actions. We only reprimand them for their bad
responsibility towards patients. The most handwriting concerning history taking”. There
important part of becoming a doctor apart from is a need for a balance between the clinical
gaining medical knowledge is professionalism care responsibilities among medical students.
and commitment which are embedded in the The focus group participants felt that medical
affective domain of learning”. Most of the students are not justified about their roles.
teaching somehow occurs for the cognitive Different studies highlight the lack of clinical
domain and psychomotor domain of learning. responsibilities defined for medical students
It seems that most of the demands by medical (9, 44). Participant number 7 stated: “Students,
teachers in order to transform novice medical interns and residents are not oriented towards
students into competent doctors are on a large their roles, responsibilities and expectations at
volume of knowledge and hands-on experiences. the beginning of the clinical rotation. I guess
We contend that it is critical to get students they must be justified in advance”. This obstacle
know and be cognizant of humanities aspect can be addressed by proper orientation during
of care as it is required for proper doctoring; the introductory clinical sessions in order to
as such, it should be as much a part of medical define the roles and responsibilities of each batch
education training as technical knowledge and of students on the rounds.
practical skills. Evidence shows that medical Immaturity of medical students to commence
educators cannot ignore the students’ affective a career in medicine was another important
domain as attitudes, virtues and values are also topic discussed during the FGD. In this regard,
cornerstones of medical education training (42). participant number 5 declared: “An immature
Thus, it becomes mandatory on the medical person should not be accepted and graduated
teachers’ side to teach the so-called non- as a doctor. He/she cannot be trusted and they
teachable issues to medical students. do not take responsibilities for their actions”.
Our participants feel that a medical student must
Student-related factors be fully grown to have a clear perspective of
Our participants feel that the majority of the medicine to commence his/her career. We believe
students on the rounds are the passive recipient that the acceptance of medical students should
of medical knowledge and they do not take heed be based on some factors apart from educational
to the activities on the rounds. One of the main attainment.
reasons for passivity on the rounds can be the Another hindrance to effective clinical round
lack of planned activities at the time of bedside was related to the students’ lack of interest
round. Medical teachers should try to involve and enthusiasm and they rarely took part in
students as much as possible during the round discussions on the rounds. Participant number
to foster better learning opportunities. Our 5 stated: “Students are very smart. They know
participants stated that senior students such as how to evade their responsibilities. Lack of
residents and fellows are too hectic with patient enthusiasm and disinterest pervades in them”.
care and multiple tasks and responsibilities. Several studies have considered this issue as
They only attend working rounds (daily rounds hindrances to clinical rounds (12, 21, 31, 36),
on in-patients) not teaching rounds. As a matter which is in the same line with our finding.
of fact, no teaching round is planned for senior
students. In different studies, multiplicity Patient-related factors
of the task done by medical students has Patient factors such as lack of priority
been emphasized (29, 43). This high volume given to patients, distrust between patients
of workload that senior students are faced and students, and unavailability of suitable
with may have an impact on their quality of patients were important issues identified by our

J Adv Med Educ Prof. April 2019; Vol 7 No 2  69

Challenges to good clinical rounds Beigzadeh A et al.

participants. Our medical teachers believed that highest evaluation mark to those teachers who
patients should be highly privileged. This is in are not tough and easygoing”. One strategy to
line with what Yoder claimed as the right of the overcome this obstacle is to adopt other possible
patients to be preserved by the health care team sources of feedback and evaluation on teachers’
(45). Participant number 5 stated: “This is the performance. Methods such as peer evaluation,
most important training if we understand that self-evaluation and administrative observation
the patient is privileged to other things. Classes can be used accordingly. Our finding is in
and rounds must be postponed to afternoons. line with the results of Bastani et al. in which
This is wrong if training precedes patient care”. they declared that student assessment cannot
Due to the nature of our educational hospitals be an appropriate indication of evaluating the
where medical students must be trained, medical teachers’ performance (51). The result of a study
teachers stated that patients were not justified by Joibari et al. also showed that the results of
about medical students. This is exacerbated as evaluation were subjectively routinized and
distrust pervades between patients and medical invalidated (52).
team and makes a tense atmosphere in the Our participants felt that little endeavor
clinical setting. Research reports highlight that is invested and giving feedback is absent or
interpersonal trust between patients and the teachers receive little constructive feedback
health care team is an important determinant for improvement. It is only done to meet
of care. In addition, trust is a significant requirements. Another area of attention must
predictor of acceptance of recommended care be given to the acquired clinical competence of
(46), satisfaction with care (47), and loyalty and medical students and methods of its evaluation.
satisfaction with the physician (48).   In our context, there is a need to more relevant
and appropriate methods for evaluating the
Evaluation-related factors students’ clinical performance. Participant
Concerning evaluation, our participants number 7 expressed: “Our evaluations are
felt that there were many problems related to fallacious concerning the clinical competence
teachers’ and students’ evaluations. They stated of medical students. Our evaluations are theory-
that evaluations were theory-based without based and clinical evaluation is a matter of
targeting what should be evaluated. They concern when we use an inappropriate method
considered evaluations as fallacious without of evaluation for a clinical skill”. A qualitative
taking into account the “teaching quality” study on the challenges of clinical evaluation
in teachers’ evaluation. Lack of appropriate and the approaches to improve it in Iran showed
criteria and standards pervades evaluation for that clinical evaluation was inefficient, and
both teachers and students. Participant number practical skills of students were not addressed
2 mentioned: “I have not seen if a teacher has appropriately when doing evaluations (53). This
been demoted due to lack of proper teaching result is in line with our findings. Assessment of
given to students. Our best medical teachers medical students upon their clinical competence
are those who have been retired with assistant seems to be limited and based on inappropriate
professor academic rank. Conversely, weak and limited methods. We assume that it is vital
teachers are promoted”. Our participants to know more about the current assessment
believed that there must be high standards for methods in our context to see how practical
evaluation because many graduates, physician they are to assess clinical competence and
practitioners, carry great responsibility upon replace them with varied and more robust
graduation. In this regard, evaluations must competency-based approaches. Research shows
be correctly and justly implemented in order that as clinical competence is multidimensional,
to assess the quality of teaching as well as no single assessment tool is usually able to
the quality of our graduates. Research shows evaluate all of the competencies. Thus, multiple
that criteria and standards must be established assessment tools are often essential to completely
and according to these standards, evaluation evaluate the student’s clinical and professional
instruments must permit a fair, accurate and performance (54).
reliable assessment of teaching quality (49).
Although students’ evaluation on teachers’ Limitations
performance and their feedback is deemed to This study has several limitations. Our
be the most effective and reliable method (50), findings cannot be applicable to other settings
our medical teachers considered the students’ as only a single medical university was selected
evaluations as controversial in our context. for this research. However, other studies have
Participant number 1 stated: “Students give the similar findings which are consistent with many

70  J Adv Med Educ Prof. April 2019; Vol 7 No 2

Beigzadeh A et al. Challenges to good clinical rounds

of those reported in our study. This validates improved our work.

our findings. In addition, our findings only
represent the perspectives and attitudes of Conflict of Interest: There are no conflicts of
medical teachers. It is important to mention interest.
that the perspective of other stakeholders in the
clinical setting including students, nurses, and Financial support and sponsorship
patients should be taken into account for further This article is part of a PhD. thes is at
analysis. Another limitation of this study may be Isfahan University of Medical Sciences with
selection bias as our sample could be larger with code number 396165. The entire project was
more medical teachers attending the focus group financially supported by the vice chancellor
sessions. It is suggested that more studies should of research at Isfahan University of Medical
be conducted using a FGD format (or different Sciences. In addition, the National Center
methods of data collection) by recruiting other for Strategic Research in Medical Education
stakeholders such as students, patients and nurses (NASR) supported it financially with code
to get a deeper understanding of the topic under number 960215.
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