ProductlinRE Online Management Tool For Requirements Engineering of Software Product Lines

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Online Management Tool for Requirements Engineering of Software Product Lines

Javad Ghofrani Anna Lena Fehlhaber

Department of Informatics Leibniz Universität Hannover
Clausthal University of Technology Hannover, Germany
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany

ABSTRACT as application engineers to manage the related artifacts of features

The lack of online tools for managing various artifacts of software [2].
product lines is problematic, and stands in contradiction to findings
about the need to support collaboration. In this paper, we present 1.1 Background
ProductLinRE, a web application allowing product line engineers SPL tools are used to develop a portfolio of products in various
to work cooperatively on artifacts of requirements engineering for domains such as transportation systems, mobile solutions, medical
software product lines. Our proposed online tool allows distributed systems, energy, automotive, and industrial solutions.
teamwork, using a tracking mechanism for projects, artifacts and SPLs are sets of different software products with specific sim-
features while tailoring the requirements artifacts according to the ilarities [5]. They are often large-scale, highly complex systems,
selected features. with an immense amount of variability — which makes it an intri-
cate task to design them, with heightened risks to create unwanted
CCS CONCEPTS side-effects [8]. To process according product specifications man-
• Software and its engineering → Reusability; Software prod- ually, is therefore a complex, tedious and error-prone task [18]. It
uct lines; Collaboration in software development; Software has therefore been recommended to split large-scale models into
libraries and repositories; smaller, more manageable modules [8], to be able to organize and
re-utilize them [11].
KEYWORDS Re-usability has become a key aspect of developing and main-
taining SPLs [14]. Accordingly, a distinct change from a project
Software product lines, requirements engineering, online tools
focused approach towards a more product centered strategy oc-
ACM Reference Format: curred within the economy over the decades [9].
Javad Ghofrani and Anna Lena Fehlhaber. 2018. ProductLinRE: Online Man-
agement Tool for Requirements Engineering of Software Product Lines. In Motivation. SPL management tools generally lay a focus on the
22nd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume creation of artifacts, i.e. small- to mid-size modules, which can be
B (SPLC ’18), September 10–14, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden. ACM, New York, shared and reused in similar products, if necessary [18]. In product-
NY, USA, Article 4, 6 pages. line-engineering, it is usually the stated goal to reach peak pro-
ductivity by maximizing asset re-usability in a varying number of
1 INTRODUCTION products [4]. Re-usability of artifacts is one of the basic topics in SPL
The lack of online tools for managing the planning phase of pro- research. There are many tools from old to new for enhancing the
duction in software product lines (SPLs) [5] is problematic, and reuse of software artifacts in SPLs. These tools are supporting the
contrary to findings about the need to support collaboration [19]. reuse of artifacts within a SPL, allowing the reuse of artifacts across
According to Pereira el al. [18], a tool aimed for the planning phase different SPLs — The proposed approach by Filho et al. [15] and
can provide functionality for: (1) pre-analysis of documentation, (2) S.P.L.O.T1 are examples of such tools. Current SPL tools do not pro-
construct a matrix of the domain (product-feature matrix), and (3) vide specific support for requirements engineering (RE) activities
scope definition. Therefore, we developed an online tool to support in SPL Management — despite the principle of uniformity [2], most
these functionalities. This tool allows distributed teamwork, using of them support the reuse of other types of artifacts, like feature
a tracking mechanism for projects, artifacts and features while sup- models, architecture models, configuration models and software
porting the reuse of artifacts. It helps the project managers as well components as libraries, while artifacts of RE are neglected.
Because nowadays teams work in distributed locations in dif-
ferent time zones with different languages spoken, especially for
large scale projects, managing and coordinating the team is very
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or difficult, as is managing and coordinating the SPLs. The possibility
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation to work together with online tools is a very useful solution for
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. these problems. By providing a distributed platform that transfers
For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
the changes and updates in the system with less delay all over the
SPLC ’18, September 10–14, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden
© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). world, a SPL management tool could achieve more acceptance.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5945-0/18/09. 1
SPLC ’18, September 10–14, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden Javad Ghofrani and Anna Lena Fehlhaber

Although many RE tools provide support of collaborative work is time consuming, solutions such as templates are used in most
(e.g. Rational Requirements composer of IBM Jazz2 ) , their focus cases which are suitable in textual explanation of the requirements.
is on handling only the requirements which are in most cases in Though, the artifacts of RE are not limited to these type of docu-
the form of text description. These tools focus on preventing the ments. Generating images, movies and models is time consuming
replication of requirements which are common between members and requires investigations. Such artifacts can at least be utilized
of a product family and do not support the handling the common for inspiration, elicitation and validation of requirements as well as
artifacts between these requirements. Furthermore, the existing ascertaining stable communications between stake holders. Using
tools which support the collaborative works, do not support the online tools increases the level of reuse which leads to optimization
aforementioned functionalities of the planning phase of product in usage of resources, time and expenditure to describe the details
lines by Pereira et al [18] , i.e., pre-analysis documentation and to the requirements engineers. Although distributed tools can cover
matrix of domain in order to reuse artifacts. An other important this case partially, handling the online solutions (e.g. update, change
difference is our focus on usability and re-usability aspects, which is or maintain) are in most cases easier since they don't need special
not a main concern of other existing tools - Actually, there is as far platforms, drivers, or extra version controls and installations.
as we know no existing tool which focuses on usability aspects (see
also [3]). There are also some other approaches such as Filho et al. 2.1 Work-flow of ProductLinRE
[15] which propose a repository based approaches for development
The ProductLinRE online tool manages certain product lines, called
of SPLs. Although this approach considers the reuse of the related
projects within ProductLinRE. The tool itself is able to handle vari-
components to architecture, implementation and features of a SPL,
ous product lines, and allows the shared access to artifacts. These
the artifacts of RE are not well considered.
projects can be generated with ProductLinRE for managing them.
Contribution. This paper tackles the lack of online tools for prod- Furthermore, ProductLinRE provides a repository of artifacts tagged
uct management of product lines while considering the supporting to different features. If the users are searching for the artifacts of
usability. We present ProductLinRE, an online management tool a certain feature, they can search it in this repository and reuse it
which helps the product managers to handle the artifacts of require- instead of creating new feature or collecting new artifacts.
ments engineering for any domain. It provides the re-usability for Figure 5 demonstrates the work-flow process of creating a new
different types of artifacts between and within projects. Analysis of project. Each product line is considered a project in our online tool.
scoping, commonality and variability (SCV) in product line require- After naming the project, features have to be added. Optionally,
ments engineering [13] are supported by ProductLinRE. In addition each feature may have a connection with several artifacts. The
to these wanted features in product line requirements engineering, artifacts themselves are arbitrary, and can be chosen from existing
ProductLinRE supports asset management as well. Asset manage- ones. If no existent artifact is suitable for a certain feature, a user-
ment is the unique feature to the SPL which plays an important role defined amount of new artifacts can be added. These artifacts may
not only in RE, but in all the phases of the lifecycle of a product line. be video, audio, image or text data, or even XML files. The artifacts
It provides effective reusability of assets by application engineers will be tagged to the features as a complete file or a piece of it.
[1]. The user can specify the artifacts data type, as well as the relevant
fragments of the artifacts content for further management purposes.
2 ONLINE PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TOOL Figure 1 illustrates an example of embedded tagging mechanism to
get a part of an image artifacts and link it to a certain feature. In the
The main idea behind this tool is to fill the gaps of an online tool
case of the need for more features, they can be added to the project
for managing the artifacts of RE for product lines [18]. Given that
in the next step. If there’s no further need of more features, the
today’s complexity in software requirements is increasing, filling
project is completed for the time being. Editing, deleting and adding
these gaps is important in several aspects. The variety and the num-
of features and artifacts are possible during the entire process.
ber of these requirements makes managing and monitoring them
Finally, ProductLinRE provides a product-feature-matrix for each
more complex and error-prone. On the other hand, the existence
project that delegates a product line (Figure 2 illustrates an exam-
of such a tool provides the communication between the stakehold-
ple of such matrix). The members of the product family and the
ers that leads to improvement in the quality of the outputs of the
existing features will be listed as two dimensions of this matrix.
requirements analysis phase.
The product manager can select the features for each product. Pro-
Furthermore, it uses a simple tagging mechanism that facilitates
ductLinRE provides a download button which tailors the tagged
the reuse of exactly needed artifacts for certain features in various
artifacts according to the selected features and generates a pack-
projects. One of the core aspects our tool offers is the online func-
age of them. This package contains only required artifacts for the
tionality: ProductLinRE allows multiple users to work together on
analysis and development of selected product. It can be used by
managing projects, features and artifacts, rendering collaborative
application engineers especially for RE purposes.
work possible.
Besides the general benefits of the collaborative online tools,
such as saving time and communication costs as well as fast access 3 EXAMPLE OF UTILIZATION
to knowledge and experts, our collaborative tool facilitates the reuse In order to showcase the abilities of ProductLinRE, we describe a
of artifacts of requirements engineering. Since producing artifacts fictional cooperative work between two application engineers. Both
users are registered with our tools and have access to the projects,
2 features and artifacts as they log in. They can create new projects,
Browse” > "Assets"" in the navigation bar and search all the assets
You still have the option "Browse”
in the repository. You can also use the built-in
built search function.

Delete assets
You cannot delete assets.

ProductLinRE SPLC ’18, September 10–14, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden

Table 1: Feature-Product-Matrix for User 1

products/features withdraw touch-pad security

P1 x
P2 x
P3 x x

Table 2: Feature-Product-Matrix for User 2

products/features withdraw touch-pad security deposit

P1 x x
P2 x x

ProductLinRE User 2 works on a similar project in another place and doesn’t

Figure 1: Tagging a part of a Picture Artifact even know user 1. He should also manage a family of products for a
Figure 5: Cut a Picture Artefact from Asset bank as ATMs. His project has also an additional feature as follow-
ication-Feature-Matrix ing: Some machines are equipped with a deposit option. Before the
Defining new artefacts money withdrawal process, the customer should be asked whether
To add new artefacts, select the features in which you want to add the artefact. Then select he has a deposit or a would like to make a withdrawal. Instead of col-
"Add Artefact".". Then choose whether you want to upload a new asset or want to use an
existing one.
lecting new artifacts, he searches first for his required features and
finds them in the project created by user 1. He makes a copy of men-
You will be directed to the artefact file corresponding to the files of type, and you may betioned able features and starts his project. Then, he uploads his artifacts
to edit the artefact there. about the new feature and adds them to his product-feature-matrix,
Alternatively, you can specify a URL of the file. Please note that the link must lead directly which
to is depicted in Table 2. Reuse is not only supported within
the file. A YouTube link for example,
ex refers not on the video and is not ot allowed
allowed. the project by assigning the artifacts once and using them in three
products of a same family, but it is also supported by reusing the
artifacts from other projects.
Both users work actively on their projects and user 1 makes a
Figure 3: Application-Feature-Matrix small change on the selected artifact for the withdrawal. User 2 will
Figure 2: Example of Product-Feature-Matrix for a product
be informed about the new changes and can also apply them to his
properties of line the provided
application by ofProductLinRE
a product line are defined by using the Application Application-
project. Any changes will occur in the origin project only. In case
Matrix. To do this, you only need to add or remove the checkbox signs.
of new changes, the people who reuse the artifacts will be notified.
nload applications But they are free to accept changes or keep their own copy without
features and artifacts. We introduce the following specification for
accepting the changes. If a user copies a new project or feature, a
u have addeda all product line of Auto
the features to aTeller Machinesand
application (ATM).filled all the features with artefacts,
new project will be generated only with reference to the old project
can export it. That The means
ATM shouldin thisbe case,
operable youviacan
a touch-pad
download andathe
with the application
and is a separate project alone.
e, applicationshould be madeand
description, via aallpin
thepad. Some ATMs
features could be operated
w describing
with artefactsby To do this, select
Download icon blind people.
to the rightThe
ofmoney issue should be done via a slot, which only
the Application-Feature-Matrix.
during the dispensing process opens wide enough. As a security
ssing first time, option, the machinewill
the download should jerk the card
be provided. so that
After a fraudster
a second can not
you can download
zip file. read the bank data by a third-party device. Working cooperatively with ProductLinRE is one of the most im-
These specifications are captured per video during the meetings portant aspects the tool can offer, and it’s even some kind of unique
te applicationof the developer team and the customer. There are some sketches selling point, considering there are barely any online tools for SPL
that showselect
delete an application, how thethetouch-pad
button with is tothe
be cross
designed and an
behind XML
the file
application, management.
on the right The main benefit is our focus on usability, carried
e matrix in a that contains the use cases for money disposal.
project. over by an online functionality and usability design decisions. Es-
User 1 creates a project and defines the following features for pecially motivation is lacking for most of the tools reviewed by
his/her product family: withdraw, touch-pad, security. He/she de- Bashroush, so it’s useful to focus on motivation impact factors.
fines three products P1, P2 and P3. These products and features There are quite a lot of examples to mention: Sysiphus-IVMM [20],
are listed in Table 1. Furthermore, this user can upload the gener- which investigates the issue-based variability management (IVM)
ated artifacts (captured videos from meetings, use cases and the by extending variability management with rationale management,
sketches as image files) and assign the defined features to the parts DecisionKing [6], which is part of DOPLER [7] approach, DOPLER
of the video, XML file and the image sketches. These artifacts and itself, AORA [21], which covers aspect-oriented requirements anal-
features are stored in the repository of ProductLinRE. User 1 can ysis, Kumbang [16], a modeller and configurator, DREAM [17] for
now generate a set of files which contains only the related artifacts domain requirement management, Holmes [19], DARE, [10], and
for each of the mentioned products in the product-feature-matrix. even further tools have the neglect of an online functionality in
SPLC ’18, September 10–14, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden Javad Ghofrani and Anna Lena Fehlhaber

common. Because working together in distributed teams over var- facilitate the search functionality that works based on assigned tags
ious geographical locations becomes increasingly important and to the features. Furthermore, supporting the constraints between
seems to have a positive impact on work flow and user experience the features of product lines [2] is postponed to the future work.
[12], it was our utmost concern to integrate an online functionality
in ProductLinRE, despite the prior mentioned tracking problems. 6 APPENDIX
This section contains the domain model (Figure 3), the MVC di-
4.1 Evaluating ProductLinRE Referring to agram (Figure 4), and the work-flow diagram (Figure 5) of our
Usability and User Experience proposed tool.
For evaluation purposes, we conducted a qualitative survey and
assignment of tasks with eight test persons. All of them had a
[1] Vander Alves, Nan Niu, Carina Alves, and George Valença. 2010. Requirements
background in computer science, but despite one subject, none of engineering for software product lines: A systematic literature review. Informa-
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tioned before, user experience, usability and collaborative work [2] Sven Apel, Don Batory, Christian Kästner, and Gunter Saake. 2016. Feature-
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Because of the above-mentioned quality requirements, which can
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the tasks about upcoming difficulties, overall progression with the Patterns. Addison-Wesley Professional.
tasks, usage and problems with the manual, general usability, user [6] Deepak Dhungana, Paul Grünbacher, and Rick Rabiser. 2007. DecisionKing: A
experience over the whole scope and performance of ProductLinRE. Flexible and Extensible Tool for Integrated Variability Modeling. VaMoS 2007
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The result indicated that even if half of our subjects wasn’t able [7] Deepak Dhungana, Paul Grünbacher, and Rick Rabiser. 2011. The DOPLER meta-
to solve the task without errors, everyone, except one person, was tool for decision-oriented variability modeling: a multiple case study. Automated
Software Engineering 18, 1 (2011), 77–114.
able to finish the tasks. Few of them used the manual, and rated the [8] Nicolas Dintzner, Uirá Kulesza, Arie van Deursen, and Martin Pinzger. 2014.
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some missing aspects within the user manual, so we overhauled Partial Information. In Software Reuse for Dynamic Systems in the Cloud and Be-
yond, Ina Schaefer and Ioannis Stamelos (Eds.). Springer International Publishing,
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all rated usability and user experience from average to good, mean [9] Christof Ebert and Michel Smouts. 2003. Tricks and Traps of Initiating a Product
value somewhat lower to those persons which used the manual. Line Concept in Existing Products. In Proceedings of the 25th International Con-
ference on Software Engineering (ICSE ’03). IEEE Computer Society, Washington,
For future work, we want to conduct an experiment with more test DC, USA, 520–525.
persons and advanced surveys to establish an adequate methodol- [10] William Frakes, Ruben Prieto-Diaz, and Christopher Fox. 1997. DARE-COTS.
A domain analysis support tool. In Computer Science Society, 1997. Proceedings.,
ogy for measuring usability of SPL management tools, which is a XVII International Conference of the Chilean. IEEE, 73–77.
severe research gap at the moment [3]. The limited results at the [11] Stephan Herrmann, Mira Mezini, and Klaus Ostermann. 2001. Joint efforts to
moment seem to show that ProductLinRE becomes accepted due dispel an approaching modularity crisis - Divide et impera, quo vadis? (2001).
[12] J. Highsmith and A. Cockburn. 2001. Agile software development: the business of
to its intuitive and user-friendly behaviour, generating an overall innovation. Computer 34, 9 (Sep 2001), 120–127.
high-ranking usability. [13] CharlesW Krueger. 2001. Easing the transition to software mass customization.
In International Workshop on Software Product-Family Engineering. Springer, 282–
5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK [14] Horst Lichter, Thomas von der Maçen, Alexander Nyçen, and Thomas Weiler.
2003. Vergleich von AnsÃďtzen zur Feature Modellierung bei der Softwarepro-
ProductLinRE is an online software product line management tool duktlinienentwicklung. (07 2003).
for requirements engineering, allowing collaborative work on man- [15] Sindolfo Miranda Filho, Heitor Mariano, Uirá Kulesza, and Thais Batista. 2010.
aging the artifacts of requirements engineering for software product Automating Software Product Line Development: A Repository-Based Approach.
In Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 2010 36th EUROMICRO
lines trough online tracking of projects, features and artifacts. Our Conference on. IEEE, 141–144.
findings indicate that ProductLinRE has found acceptance amongst [16] Varvana Myllärniemi, Mikko Raatikainen, and Tomi Männistö. 2007. Kumbang
our subjects. They stated a good overall usability while experi- Tools.. In SPLC (2). 135–136.
[17] Jihyeon Park, Mikyeong Moon, and Keunhyuk Yeom. 2004. Dream: domain
encing ProductLinRE, which was one of our main goals we tried requirement asset manager in product lines. In International Symposium on Future
to accomplish with ProductLinRE’ online functionality. There are Software Technology (ISFST).
[18] Juliana Alves Pereira, Kattiana Constantino, and Eduardo Figueiredo. 2015. A
barely any online software product line management tools available systematic literature review of software product line management tools. In Inter-
until now, therefore ProductLinRE will bridge this gap. national Conference on Software Reuse. Springer, 73–89.
The most obvious challenges for our approach are (1) handling [19] Giancarlo Succi, Jason Yip, and Witold Pedrycz. 2001. Holmes: an intelligent
system to support software product line development. In Software Engineering,
the origin of the artifacts (copyright) and (2) labeling the artifacts 2001. ICSE 2001. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on. IEEE, 829–830.
in the way that the other users can find and reuse them easily. [20] Anil Kumar Thurimella and Bernd Bruegge. 2012. Issue-based variability man-
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solutions that are dependent to the use case of this tool. In future
work, we are going to utilize the relationships between words to
ProductLinRE SPLC ’18, September 10–14, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden
ProductLinRE domain model

avatar binary
confirmation_sent_at datetime
confirmation_token string
confirmed_at datetime
current_sign_in_at datetime
current_sign_in_ip string
description text
email string  21 27 U
encrypted_password string  12 72 SecurityQuestion
failed_attempts integer  21 27
answer string
image string
locale string
is_admin boolean
question string
last_sign_in_at datetime
last_sign_in_ip string
locked_at datetime
name string  21 27 U
remember_created_at datetime
reset_password_sent_at datetime
reset_password_token string
sign_in_count integer  21 27
unconfirmed_email string
unlock_token string

description text  12 72
name string  21 27

description text  21 27
name string  12 72

description text  21 27
name string  21 27

byte_size integer (8)  12 72
Passage Product
checksum string  21 27
content_type string description text  22
17 description text  21 27
filename string  12 72 name string  12 72 name string  12 72
key string  21 27
metadata text

name string  21 27
record_type string  21 27

Figure 3: ProductLinRE Domain Model

SPLC ’18, September 10–14, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden Javad Ghofrani and Anna Lena Fehlhaber

Project User

name: String name: String

description: String description: String
features: Feature[] avatar: Image
products: Product[]
1 password: String 1
createProject(name, description) email: String
showProject(id) createUser(name,email,password,description)
editProject(id) 1..* showUser(id)
deleteProject(id) editUser(id, name, email, password,
1 1
Product 1 ..*
name: String
name: String description: String Editor
description: String 1 1..* products: Product[]
features: Feature[] artifacts: Artifact[] addArtifactToFeature(artifact, feature)
passages: Passage[] 1..* addPassageToFeature(passage, feature)
createProduct(name, description)
showProduct(id) createFeature(name, description) addFeatureToProduct(feature,product)
editProduct(id, name, description) showFeature(id) copyFeature(feature,targetProject)
deleteProduct(id) editFeature(id, name, description) copyProject(project)
deleteFeature(id) downloadZip(product)
1..* logout(user)
1 1

1..* 1
0..* 1..*
1..* login()
name: String
name: String description: String
features: Feature[] 1..* 1 passages: Passage[] 1..*
begin: String features: Feature[]
end: String type: String
file: File
createPassage(name, begin, end)
showPassage(id) createArtifact(name, desc, file, type)
editArtifact(id, name, begin, end) showArtifact(id)
deleteArtifact(id) editArtifact(id, name, desc)

Figure 4: ProductLinRE MVC Diagram

new project

name project

add feature

artifact(s) No
for this

does an No need
add and specify completed
artifact more
artifact(s types) No project
exist? feature?


choose existing

Figure 5: Work-flow process of creating a new project in ProductLinRE

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