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September 19, 2019

To :

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Subject: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) Scholarship Application


I am writing to submit my scholarship application for King Fahd University of Petroleum and

Minerals (KFUPM) fall 2019. Presently, I am a last year student of Bachelor of Chemical

Engineering program in Islamic University of Indonesia. In order to prove my diligence, I have

enclosed copies of my academic accomplishments.

Study abroad become my dream since my first time entering college, I am the one that loves seeing

new places, meeting new people and studying at different places. That's why from the first time I

entered college, I maintained my position on the good rank for all semesters. Then I enter the

English Tutoring Program to improve my abilities in English skills. Of course, I follow a lot of

organizations and be a biggest part for them. So I spent 4 years with full of activity to reach my

dream, study abroad.

Then why King Fahd University ? First time I know King Fahd University is from my lecturer

which is also an alumni from there, then I looking for a lot of information about King Fahd

University on the internet, my friends and my colleague. I see many strength, excelencess, and

superiority of KFUPM because that KFUPM is one of the best place in the world to learn

engineering material, especially in chemical engineering program. Beside that, Saudi Arabia is
also the most country that I want to go. Because I am is a muslim, I will be very proud to make

Saudi Arabia to be my second home besides Indonesia. And also Saudi Arabia has a lot arts and

culture that amazes me at the first sight. Then I collect lot’s of information about the country, I see

much development, great movement at industry and technology. I really want to study at Saudi

Arabia and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM).

Therefore I pray and hope your honor will be good enough to grant my request & accept me to be

a part of the university.

Yours faithfully

Renanda Budi Pratama

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