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CFC youth for christ


Household Leaders’ Training

2012 Revised Edition

Manila, Philippines
Youth for Christ invests greatly in sustaining, pastoring, and enriching
the lives of the young through the household. Households create a
supplementary environment where members are able to establish a
genuine, Christ-centred friendship with their brothers and sisters, as well
as a renewed and strengthened relationship with God.

Thus, the Household Leaders Training (HLT) is conducted as a response

to our ministry’s direction of holistic empowering of all YFC members,
starting from the grassroots all the way up to the core leaders, through
the household.

Through the HLT, we hope to equip and empower our household

heads, whose responsibility is to make sure that their members are able to
have their regular household.

Included in this manual are carefully laid down instructions and

guidelines in conducting the training, as well as the necessary details about
the sessions. Also, as we conduct the HLT, let us note two significant points:

1. Appropriate usage of terms. To cite, household essentially refers

to both the group of people and the activity conducted by that
group; a household head is the person leading the household;
and Household Leaders Training is used to refer (in isolation) to
the title of the training.
2. Emphasis on the two parts of the training. The first part addresses
the pastoral aspect of being a household head, while the second
part (which is conducted after the youth camp), discusses the
technical aspect.
While most of us have been conducting the HLT for some time now,
we pray that this time we truly take it to a deeper level and do it with the
best we can give, so that ultimately it may serve its purpose of equipping
our YFCs with the right heart, mind and spirit as they embrace the call to
become household heads.
Table of Contents
MANUAL 2012 Revised Edition

Foreword 5


Rationale 9
Overview 9
Objectives 9
Guidelines in Conducting the HLT 10
Suggested Schedule 11
The Service Team 11
Things to Prepare for the HLT 12
Things to Bring for the Participants 12
The HLT Session Topics 13


Session 1: The Heart for our Vision

Session Dynamics 15
Expanded Outline 17

Session 2: The State of our Hearts

Session Dynamics 20
Expanded Outline 22
Commitment Activity 25

Session 3: Household Leading 101

Session Dynamics 27
Expanded Outline 28


Annex A: Household Form 32

Annex B: Household Monitoring Sheet 34
Annex C: The YFC Household Topic Manual Guide 36

T he CFC Youth for Christ (YFC) ministry highly values the importance
of family in the lives of the young. It is in the family that a person realizes
the significance of learning about relationships, experiencing love, and
growing as an individual. It is in this spirit that YFC and the CFC community
sought to create a small group unit to help guide the lives of an individual
into building a strong relationship with Christ. This is done through the
households. The household is a venue for an individual to build friendships
through trust, experience happiness through love, gather support, and
learn more about themselves and Christ, in a group of four (4) to seven
(7) members.

This implies great value on the role of the household heads, as persons
leading them to Christ. Being closely in touch with the lives of our members
poses a significant need for proper training and right knowledge of being
a household head. Thus, the Household Leader’s Training was created.


T he Household Leaders’ Training (HLT) of the YFC Pastoral

Formation Program serves as the training program for new household
heads. This activity should be conducted two (2) to one (1) month before a
scheduled youth camp. This is given to the pre-assigned Discussion Group
Leaders (Youth Camp Facilitators), who will later on be the household
heads of the new YFC members after the Youth Camp.

The HLT is conducted based on the following objectives:
10 househol d l ead e r s ’ tr a i n i n g m a n u a l ch a p te r 1 11

1. To allow the new household heads to realize that the household is 6. The Team Leader explains the rationale behind each activity and
the life blood of every YFC (both members and leaders) growing also be able to explain the relation and connection of each talk.
in the community.
7. The 2nd part is the Initiation of the New Household Heads into
2. To give an avenue for old household heads to share the skills and the Chapter service meeting after the youth camp. Here, the third
best practices in their line of service. talk is given in a separate 3-hour session that introduces these new
household heads to their monthly service meetings with Chapter
3. To inspire the new household heads on how to be good pastors to Heads and Chapter Couple Coordinators.
the members placed under their care.
4. To teach them the skills needed in being a household head Suggested Schedule for HLT
especially in facilitating and taking care of new YFC members.
Part 1: The HLT Proper
GUIDELINES IN CONDUCTING THE HLT (Note: The HLT proper is recommended to begin at 1:00pm and to end at 6:00pm.)

T he HLT is a two (2) - part activity conducted before and after the 00:00 - 00:30 Registration/Gathering
youth camp. The first part is called the HLT proper, and the second, the 00:30 - 00:45 Worship
Initiation of the New Household Heads. It is conducted by the Cluster 00:45 - 01:00 House Rules
Head on the cluster level. 01:00 - 01:45 Session 1: “The Heart of our Vision”
01:45 - 02:00 Reflection
1. The HLT Proper, which will be given as a half-day activity, preferably 02:00 - 02:30 Group Sharing
in the house of a participant/organizer of the training so as to 02:30 - 02:45 Break and Registration
ensure a more relaxed venue conducive for group discussions and 02:45 - 03:30 Session 2: “The State of our Hearts”
processing. This covers the 1st two talks namely “The Heart for our 03:30 - 05:30 Group Sharing / Processing
Vision” and “The State of our Hearts”. 05:30 - 05:45 Closing Exhortation
05:45 - 06:00 Commitment of a Household Head / Pray-over
2. Registration should be done per talk to monitor complete
attendance of the household leaders. This is crucial to the Chapter
Heads and Chapter Couple Coordinators because it will help Part 2: Initiation of New Household Heads
them know who among their members have not gone through or
(Note: The Initiation of New Household Heads is conducted after the youth camp during
completed the training yet. the first Chapter Leaders Service Meeting.)

3. The first training should begin with an opening worship (two fast
songs and one slow (full) song). The Team Leader should lead the 00:00 – 00:30 Registration/Gathering
worship and makes sure to give a short exhortation before the 00:30 – 00:45 Worship
start of the worship. 00:45 – 01:00 Personal Sharing
01:00 – 01:30 Session 3: “Household Leading 101”.
Note: The new household leaders should be encouraged to pray harder, to sing in
01:30 – 02:00 Workshop: How to use the Household Topic
tongues and be sensitive with the leading of the Holy Spirit. As leaders, they should
be able to fully experience the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given them.
02:00 – 02:30 Monitoring of members per household
4. House rules will be determined depending on the venue. 02:30 – 03:00 Other Matters (e.g. if the unit is assigned as a
service team for the prayer meeting, or to lead
5. Participants should always be reminded to take down notes during an activity)
the whole training.
12 househol d l ead e r s ’ tr a i n i n g m a n u a l ch a p te r 1 13

The Service Team 1. Notebook

A. The Team Leaders 2. Pens

• The team leader for the HLT should be a brother assisted by 3. Bible
a sister. 4. Devotional/In His Steps/Scripture Guide
• The brother facilitates the activity while the sister counterpart
prepares the other details of the activity such as food
The HLT Session Topics
preparation (optional), registration sheet, visuals, etc. Session 1: THE HEART OF OUR VISION
• Both team leaders should be prepared to give the talk in the
absence of the speakers. Session 2: THE STATE OF OUR HEARTS

B. The Chapter Couple Coordinators Session 3: HOUSEHOLD 101

• Works with the youth team leaders in preparing all the details
of the activity (venue, speakers, etc.).
• Leads the 2nd part of the HLT. The Chapter Couple Coordinators
ensure that all Household Heads go through the HLT before
they handle a household grouping and or serving in a youth
camp as discussion group leaders.
C. The Speakers and Sharers
• Three (3) speakers will be needed for this activity.
• YFC leader gives the workshop on how to use the YFC
Household Topic Manual. He is someone who faithfully used
the YFC Household Topic Manual in his household.
• Sharers in each talk will be needed (refer to talk outline for the
profile of sharers).

Things to Prepare for the HLT

1. Guitar
2. Song Book
3. Bible
4. Information Sheet (for Directory of New Household Heads)
5. Household Topic Manual

Things to Bring for the Participants

Session One of the Household Leaders’ Training

For the participants:

1. To realize that the vision of our community is centered on the

power of God’s love.
2. To appreciate the importance of God’s love in the lives of our
members in the community.
3. To learn how to use this love in bringing people closer to God.

1. Talk Proper
2. Reflection Activity
• The Speaker will start by leading the participants into a prayer
and reflection.
• He will ask them to find a quiet spot within the room, then
read the verse John 21:15-19 (Feed My Sheep) and reflect on
the following questions:
-- Recall your first household within the community.
-- How did you experience and feel the love of the Lord
in that household?
-- As they reflect, the participants are encouraged to
write their reflections.
3. Plenary Group Sharing
16 househol d l ead e r s ’ tr a i n i n g m a n u a l

• The speaker will now open the floor for sharing. There should
be at least two (2) to three (3) sharers.

Speaker’s Profile
A YFC leader who is pastorally mature and inspiring in sharing his
passion in leading a household. He is preferably a chapter head or up, and CHAPTER 2
have undergone the HLT.
Session One of the Household Leaders’ Training


I n YFC, we often hear of visions and dreams. We envision a world that

is safer and more peaceful. We envision a world united in Christ, where
there is genuine brotherhood and sisterhood – where people genuinely
care and look after each other. The Vision of Youth for Christ “Young people
being and brining Christ wherever they are” moves us to go out into the
world to spread the love of God.

This vision has moved us, together with the community, to do more and
give more for God. However, we have to be reminded that the world will be
renewed if individuals are renewed. There is only one force that is powerful
enough to bring about this change, one which St. Paul experienced and
one that was modeled by Jesus – LOVE. At the heart of our vision is the
great mission to love.

The Power of Love

A s household heads, we are anointed by Christ to love like He loved

us. We have the privilege and the responsibility to create and make
understandable concept of God’s love to our members. It is the kind of
love that can change people just like the way it is changing us. Just like
how Jesus modeled it, feeling loved follows naturally from experiencing
compassion and genuine concern. We have to understand that though we
don’t have real control over them, the love that Christ gives to us through
our households slowly moves them to:

A. Open themselves to trust and engage friendships with other

18 househol d l ead e r s ’ tr a i n i n g m a n u a l ch a p te r 2 19

people. • Continuing to share our lives with them.

The love that we give can slowly move them to start engaging Our Vision in Action
friendships with us, allowing them to slowly experience and realize
Christ’s amazing love. Sincere love makes them see that there are
genuine people that they could trust with their lives, knowing that
O ur vision in the community should move us to love our households
as our family. It is our outward act of directing every member towards that
trusting us can lead us to their growth as a man and woman for
vision. Thus, in YFC we are grouped into households to make sure that
God. As household heads, we can show them this love by:
everyone is loved and belongs to a family. It is a system that will keep each
• Striving to know more about them, more than just their member to feel that they belong. As household heads, we must realize
names . that we are:
• Seeking to make them special, and remembered in the
A. Part of a System of Caring
most important moments of their lives (e.g. birthdays,
graduating, passing their subjects, etc.). Once a household is able to meet regularly, and genuine trust
and concern is established, members within the group begin to
• Knowing their concerns (family, love life, career etc.) and
open up for guidance, healing and complete conversion. The
letting them know that we are praying for them.
household becomes the most concrete expression of God’s love
B. Listen and be teachable within the YFC community.

When our members started (begin) to realize that we are B. Most Crucial Service
looking out for them, genuinely want to see them happy, and see
Since the main mission of YFC is to renew and bring change
that they could trust us, they begin to seek our guidance. They
in people’s lives, this implies that being a household head is one
begin to see us as people that can LEAD (them) and influence
of the most important kinds of service. Its main task is to do the
them to do something good and be good. They begin to open up
basic role of taking care of people and making sure that they are
to us the (a) deeper part of who they are. As we learn more about
brought closer to God.
their lives, we begin to show them love by:
• Learning how to correct them properly. Conclusion
• Guiding them by being good role models.
• Having regular one-on-ones with them, seeking to be
M ost of us are experiencing the blessings of a renewed life in Jesus
because someone took the time and effort to care for us. Now the
updated in their personal lives.
challenge is on us to do the same. All we need to find out is if we are
C. Heal, change for the better, and love others more in return ready to take on a more difficult but more meaningful service. All it takes
is a decision to go out of our way to care for other people.
As they are guided with love, healing and change slowly come
into their lives. They begin to see themselves the way that God
sees them. They begin to realize that they can be better. They see
themselves as people worthy to be loved, and as well as, capable
of loving others. We continue showing them love by:
• Giving them opportunities to nourish and improve on
their skills.
• Giving them opportunities to share more about God’s
love in their lives and love other people in return.
ch a p te r 2 21

b. What are the issues in your life that may hinder you from
caring for other people?
3. Next, participants will be grouped into groups of three (3) to share
their thoughts regarding the talk and reflection.

CHAPTER 2 Speaker’s Profile

THE STATE OF OUR HEARTS A YFC leader who has already gone through an HLT, someone who
Session Two of the Household Leaders’ Training is able to conduct regular households with their members, and someone
who is pastorally mature.

For the participants:

1. To realize that this service is centered on God and His love for us.
2. To instill the right attitudes of being household leader as a way to
have a heart for the people.
3. To learn how to concretely show and share Christ’s love to the
members entrusted to us.

1. Opening Video:
• This can be a slide show of different household picture and
• It may display the different existing households in the area.
2. Talk Proper
3. Reflection Activity:
• The Speaker will then lead the participants into a prayer.
• During the prayer, the speaker is to read them the verse “1
John 4:8, 10.”
• The participants are asked to reflect on the verse with the
following questions:
a. What is the state of your heart?
ch a p te r 2 23

prayerful and have the heart that always listens to God’s will.
B. For God
The reason that we are loving people and have answered God’s
call is because of (also for) Him. This is our response to the love
that He has shown us. We serve the Lord and love the people
CHAPTER 2 because it is our way of loving Him back. As household heads, we
THE STATE OF OUR HEARTS have to keep in mind that we are doing everything for God. This
means that we are to give our all and our best, to persevere even
Session Two of the Household Leaders’ Training in difficult times, and to be eager to show his love to everyone.
God is with us every step of the way. The journey that He is
Introduction calling us is something that we are to do on our own. This is a
path where (that) we are walking with Him. As household heads,
A great deal about being a household leader depends not on what the difficulty in our mission may overwhelm us but God will give
you do, but on who you are. A lot of it has to do with the state of our us the right skills, and the right posture of heart, as soon as we ask
hearts. A Household leader should have a heart for God and a heart for for His help. Let us always remember that it is not only with our
His people. “Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, own abilities that we love others, but it is with God’s great power,
but be an example of love, faith and purity…” 1 Timothy 4:12. In this verse, mercy, and love that can transform lives.
we are reminded that it is not our age that will determine our response to
be household leaders but what matters is what’s inside our hearts and our A Heart for God’s People
desire to serve God through others.
G od has allowed us to experience His love through different ways
A Heart for God and in different aspects of our lives. Until now, He is continuing to fill us up
with His love. As we learn and discover the beauty of God’s love – a kind
T o be a household head is not an easy task. We are placed at the very of love that is genuine and unconditional, we are also given the task to
heart of the mission, interacting with the people who are just beginning share this great gift to other people. (It is kind of love that is genuine and
to have a renewed relationship with the Lord. This mission will teach us a unconditional). As household heads, we are to learn and share this kind of
lot of things. It will even make us grow as an individual. All in all, we must love by:
never forget in our hearts that our mission is all:
A. Leading a good example
A. Because of God Our members are entrusted to us for guidance and support.
God is the reason why we are called here, anointed, and These people need someone that can guide and look up to (and
trained to become the household heads of people He entrusted guide) them to do the right thing. As household heads, we are
to us. Looking at our own lives, most of us would even feel that we also the people expected to guide them in knowing the culture
are worthy of such a challenge. As anointed leaders of His people, of our community and what it means to be a child of God. It is,
be assured that this is no mistake made by our leaders but instead thus, important that we seek to follow and do the right thing at all
this is part of God’s great and personal plan for us. Keeping this times. We can start doing this by:
in mind will move us to always be connected to the one that has • Being the earliest in our household meetings.
called us in this mission. As household leaders, we are to remain
24 househol d l ead e r s ’ tr a i n i n g m a n u a l

• Practicing what we advise them to do .

• Being the first to serve instead of being served.
• Making sure we have our households for personal
• Allowing ourselves to be guided by our own leaders CHAPTER 2
B. Going beyond our limits COMMITMENT ACTIVITY
Being a household head can have its own challenges. There
are times that we will experience rejection and feel that our
members are not responding to us. There will be times that we
will have members that are experiencing very difficult situations,
giving us the need to do more than just our regular households. 1. After the second session, the Team leader will gather everyone
As household heads, we have to be ready to exert more effort, through (using) a gathering song.
give more, and love more for our members. We can start doing
that by: 2. The team leader will summarize and process what has happened
throughout the day. He (The team leader) may share personal
• Regularly checking up on our members by calling or realizations and lessons, exhorting them for the exciting service of
visiting them at home. being a household head.
• Having regular one-on-ones with our members not just 3. He will then lead everyone into a commitment ceremony by
for the purpose of correcting them. instructing the crowd to recite the “Commitment of a Household
Leader” followed by “The Household Leader’s Prayer”
• Learning to correct them properly and lovingly.
Note to the Team Leaders: (The team leaders) You can make a commitment card
• Being ready to go out of our way for them. or bookmark which will be distributed to the participants upon your instructions (of
the team leader) within the commitment activity. The household heads prayer can be
included in this card or bookmark. (They can also include the household heads prayer
Conclusion in this card or book mark.)

B eing a household leader may be difficult but the reward for this Commitment of a Household Leader
mission is never ending. This service will not only teach us about God’s
love, it will also push us to grow (more) and live more in His grace. “Just as • I will care for my household members by communicating with
the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a them regularly, informing them of all YFC activities and by making
ransom for many…”Matthew 20:28. We must take on the heart of Christ - a their concerns my own.
heart that chooses to serve and will be in ransom of many, to be able to
• I will bring my household members to the Lord by teaching them
fulfill this mission as household leaders. (a heart that chooses to serve and
how to apply Christ’s words in their personal lives – their family,
will be in ransom of many). (Because the) The heart of Jesus models that
friends, schooling and love life, and in praying for them always.
of a true servant heart - someone to live and die to show great love and
service for others. • I will teach my household members to love (–) their fellow
household members, (. Their) their brothers and sisters in YFC,
family, (and) friends, and all those around them.
• I will attend all activities of YFC that are applicable to me –
especially the regular household leaders training.
26 househol d l ead e r s ’ tr a i n i n g m a n u a l

• I will be a witness of Jesus Christ – by being pure and righteous,

faithful to my studies, loyal to my brothers and sisters in YFC, and
more loving to my family especially to my parents.

The Household Leaders’ Prayer

“Lord you have searched me and You know me. You know everything CHAPTER 2
I do…Find out if there is any unrighteousness in me and guide in the
everlasting way.” (Psalm 139:1-2, 24) HOUSEHOLD LEADING 101
Session Three of the Household Leaders’ Training
Lord Jesus, I thank you for choosing me to serve you by caring for Your SESSION DYNAMICS
people. You know me, my guilt, my sin and my pain. I realize that I am
most unworthy, yet You call for me, and so I ask for your grace. Forgive my Objectives
sinfulness and my stubbornness. Take my heart of stone and turn it into
flesh. Teach me to love. When I lack patience, genuine concern and courage, For the participants:
let Your love and strength bridge the gap. Let me love with Your Love and
Wisdom, and bless those I will care for that they may love. Fill me, teach me, 1. To understand the basics of leading a household.
guide me and give me strength. AMEN. 2. To learn how to conduct a household prayer meeting.

4. The speaker then exhorts the crowd to a closing worship. 3. To be equipped in using the YFC Household Topics Manual.

1. Opening Worship
2. Review of HLT Sessions (Session 1 and 2)
3. Talk Proper
• This session is a plenary discussion of all the basic elements
of being a Household Head. In this, the speaker may provide
handouts and visual presentation (to assist in) for the better
understanding of the topic discussed.
4. Open Forum
5. Planning of the first Household Meeting
6. Closing Worship

Speaker’s Profile
This talk must be given by the YFC Cluster Head of the area.
ch a p te r 2 29

time and schedule.

3. Make your household meeting easy to go to. The more it is
accessible for everyone, the more that they will be able to go to
the household.
4. Make sure you inform everyone regarding the household. Find
CHAPTER 2 out if they need help to get to the venue.
Leading the Household
Session Three of the Household Leaders’ Training
EXPANDED OUTLINE 1. Be there before your members.
2. Open with a prayer or worship.
3. Start with your own realizations / set the tone of the topic.
The Household Basics
4. Share what the focus of the sharing will be. Give a preview of the
T he household is the smallest unit within the community made up of talk.
usually four (4) – seven (7) members. It is a venue for the members of each Note: For your first household, seek to set expectations amongst you and the mem-
household to experience the nature and greatness of Christ’s amazing love bers. Ask questions on the expectations of your (their) members on the household.
through sharing joy, building trust, gaining support, and learning how to Describe briefly the purpose of households in the community.
express this love to others. As we lead, it is important for us to remember
5. Generally, all household topics seek to allow each members of the
the following guidelines:
group to know more about themselves, the members, and about
God. The Household Topic Manual has (have) indicated guide
1. It is ideal that the households are divided between male and female, questions in each talk to facilitate the discussion of each topic.
and are led by a male and female household head respectively to
have more openness, understanding, and better handling. Note: The regular household meeting can be guided with the Household Topic Man-
ual. It is highly encourage that we make use of our manual since (hence) all YFC
2. Households are conducted twice every month, apart from the identity (as a YFC) that we wanted our members to carry out (is in the manual) are
regular meeting of the chapter, depending on the availability of highlighted and included there.
the members.
3. Ideally, a household is finalized right after its members(hip)
Sharing and Processing
finishes the Youth Camp. 1. Sharing
It is not often easy for members to share something deep
Preparing for a Household
about themselves. As household heads, it is important that we
1. As we lead our members to God, it is important to seek for the encourage our members to be open about who they are and to
Lord’s will and guidance. It is very important that our topics for our trust the people whom they are with. As household heads, we are
households are discerned, and prayed for. Use the bible and let us to emphasize complete confidentiality of everything discussed in
pray as we read it. As this is done, have the YFC Household Topic the households.
Manual available for you get ideas and browse over. 2. Processing
2. Finalize the venue and time early. As much as possible, try to To process means to put into a basic understanding of a
make the household a habit for your members by setting a regular
30 househol d l ead e r s ’ tr a i n i n g m a n u a l ch a p te r 2 31

particular concept or story in order for others to relate with it

and see the same point of view. As household heads, we have
T he speaker will encourage everyone to ask questions if there are
things that need to be clarified.
a crucial role of pastoring our members through the processing
of (the) topics and sharings discussed with the group. It is in the
processing that our members are able to fully understand and Planning of First Household Meeting
make applicable the lessons imparted during the session. The
Household Topic Manual can serve as a guide for processing a T he Chapter Head together with the Chapter Couple Coordinators
particular topic. will lead everyone to plan the next household meeting of the chapter and
of the members.
Household Monitoring
After the Planning, the Speaker/Chapter head will lead everyone into
a closing worship.
A s household heads, we are able to witness closely the growth of
the members placed under our care. It is, thus, crucial (for) to monitor this
through filling up and updating our monitoring sheets. These sheets serve Exhortation Point for the Closing Worship
as a reference for us in guiding our household in their journey towards a
• Being a household head is a call and a gift from God. We need to
strong relationship with Christ. Hence, it is important that one should be
strengthen some areas as we continue to grow in the service and
familiar with:
the love of the people God has entrusted to us.
A. Household Form (refer to Appendix A) • Prayer - Our prayer time should be intact if we are to care for
God’s people – listening for the Lord’s instruction and interceding
• This is a monitoring sheet for a household head’s personal for our members.
use. This means that it is filled up and kept by the household
head. • Faith in God - Although our faith may falter, we should remember
that we have a faithful God, and because of His faithfulness, we
• This form allows the household head to monitor each too can decide to be faithful by His grace.
individual’s attendance, the topic used for a given household,
and the challenges (physical or mental preparation, or personal • Humble leadership - We should always be aware of our intentions
concerns of the group) encountered during the household. in service. We should continue to serve in spite of our weaknesses,
asking God to purify us daily.
B. Household Monitoring Sheet (Refer to Appendix B)
• Accountability - We should always evaluate our service to God
• This is a form filled up by the household head, submitted to through suggestions of others, and humbly seeking God’s will.
the Chapter Youth Head, and noted by the Chapter Couple
Coordinator, every quarter.
• It gives a summary of the each member’s attendance during
household, and the discussed household topics.
C. Updating during Chapter Service Meetings
• A service meeting will be conducted every month to help you
serve your members better.

Open Forum
οο Community Campus
Sector Cluster Chapter οο High School Torch

οο Others:
Attendance MALE / FEMALE (pls. blackened male or female whichever is not applicable)
Member’s Name Signature Signature
Topic Challenges


Prepared by: (signature over printed name)
Household Heads Furnish a copy to the following:
1 Copy – Sector Coordinators/Youth Heads
1 Copy – Cluster Youth Heads/Hosehold Head
1 Copy – Cluster Community Based Coordinators/Youth Heads

Revised 2012. 2

Submitted by: Date Received by: Date



Household Head: ____________________________

Chapter Youth Head: _________________________
Quarter: _________ (e.g. from January to March)

Household Topic




Note: This monitoring sheet is to be filled up by the household, to be NOTED BY: ______________________________
submitted to the chapter head every quarter during Leaders Assembly. (name of couple coordinator)
Chapter Couple Coordinator
a n n ex c 37

every Household will become a place of nourishment and fellowship

for the members as they grow and tread the path of a good and happy
Christian life. However, in order to fully maximize this manual, the readers
must have already undergone the Household Leaders’ Training (HLT).

The How
THE YFC HOUSEHOLD TOPIC MANUAL T his manual contains topic outlines that will guide us in the delivery
of our chosen topic. Each outline consists of the following elements:
This is the topic stated in a simple yet catchy
The What phrase.
The is the main lesson that we want to impart
The Household is the basic unit in the structure of Youth for Christ. Value
to our YFC members.
This is the avenue where YFC members get to experience the greatness
of Christ’s amazing love on a peronal level as they share with one another This reminds us that the topic is based on
Anchor Verse
their struggles and victories, tragedies and triumphs, and realization in God’s Word, making it real, and everlasting.
every aspect of their lives. Trust is built as they open their minds and hearts
to their fellow household members. It is also a place for the members These give us a clear idea of what the main
to deepen their relationship with God through prayer, worship, and in topic is trying to achieve.
listening to His’ messages for them. There are usually 4-7 members in one These instruct us on how to go about the
Household group. Mechanics
entire household by the detail.
These bring out the youth’s inner thoughts
As we lead our respective Households, it is important for us to remeber
and feelings about a particular topic. It
the following guidelines:
encourages them to understand themselves
Guide Questions
better. These questions also pave the way for
1. To have more openness, understanding and better handling, it is
a deeper relationship of trust and openness
ideal that the household of the brothers be separated from that of
within the Household.
the sisters, with a brother and a sister leading respectively.
These are what we want our members to hold
2. Households are conducted twice every month, apart from the Lessons on to by the end of the Household, assisting
regular meeting of the Chapter, depending on the availability of them in applying it to their everyday lives.
the members.
Other Anchor Verses These support the Anchor Verse.
3. Ideally, a Household is finalized right after its members finishes
the Youth Camp. Our households do not necessarily end
when we close it with a prayer. Action plans
The Purpose Action Plans create opportunities for our members to
apply what they have learned; making their
learning a habit, then a lifestyle.
T his manual is designed to further affirm the value of fun, friendship,
freedom and faith. It aims to provide sutable topics and activities, so that
38 househol d l ead e r s ’ tr a i n i n g m a n u a l a n n ex c 39

3 Year Household Prayer Meeting Topics Topic 33: Count me In Topic 54: Hands On
Topic 10: Simply JC
(Compassion for brothers Work
and sisters in need) (Servant Leadership)
ATTRACTION SUSTAINABILITY EMPOWERMENT Topic 11: Genuine Love, Topic 34: All in One Topic 55: Generation
MISSIONARY Genuine Service (Commitment in our work Next
(Servanthood) and mission with the poor) (Making a difference)
Topic 1: You’re Invited Topic 24: Exchange Gift Topic 47: It’s not about
(Eagerness to be part of the (Openness to learn new me PASSION FOR
activities of our community) things) (Total Reliance on God) SERVICE
Topic 12: Be Loyal Topic 35: Live Simply Topic 56: One Love
Topic 2: When I’m with (Loyalty to our heritage and (Living out our values as (Living together in
Topic 48: Win
you Topic 25: Send Me our roots) good citizens) Harmony and Peace)
(Courage and Boldness
(Living out the joy of prayer (Servanthood)
to proclaim God’s Word) Topic 13: Color it Green Topic 36: Made to Be Topic 57: “T” Share
and worship)
(Respect for Culture and the (Understanding God’s plan (Stewardship of one’s
Topic 26: Mission Environment) and purpose) time, talent and treasure)
Topic 3: Take my hand Possible Topic 49: Tell the World
(Trusting Others) (Creativity and (Endurance in Mission) Topic 58: You Complete
Resourcefulness) Topic 14: Live Out Loud Topic 37: Meal of Justice Me
(Excellence in serving (Understanding the value of (Being Patriots as a
Topic 4: Ears of Joy Topic 27: Tattooed on my others) justice) response to God’s
(Humility and respect Mind faithfulness)
through listening (Loyalty to God) 100% FREE
Topic 5: Meekness, not Topic 28: One Track, One Topic 50: On the Topic 38: Hidden Charges Topic 59: Embrace the
Topic 15: The Best Gift
weakness Mind Ground (Building and having trust Broken
(Appreciating God’s Design)
(Humility in accepting our (Focus and Knowing one’s (Humility in being a good with one another) (Compassion for others)
own weaknesses) priorities) example to others) Topic 16: A Matter of
Topic 39: Accountability Topic 60: Do IT!
Topic 29: Jack and Jill and Topic 51: Becoming Integrity
Check (Confidence to overcome
Topic 6: Silent Mode their trades the Gift (Value of Honor and
(Accountability) temptation)
(Growing in our prayer time) (Discovering and enhancing (Sharing one’s life to Integrity)
your gifts) others) Topic 17: He Recognized
Topic 40: Silly Rules vs. Topic 61: I endure to
Topic 52: Anything but True Worth
Topic 30: Rough Riders Vital Standards be pure
Topic 7: Rabbit or Turtle Ordinary (Appreciating our Worth
(Perseverance and (Living out the Christian (Endurance to live a pure
(Focus and Determination) (Honesty, Trust, Listening and Value as God’s
Determination) Lifestyle) lifestyle)
and Respect) Creation)

Topic 31: Even the SINGLE MINDED FOR GOD

Topic 8: Take the lead
(Initiative and Perseverance)
(Diligence and Endurance)
Topic 62: Next
Topic 18: My Prayer Life Topic 41: Will of God
(Growing in our prayer life) (Knowing God’s Will)
Topic 53: Mother mission of Singles for
Theresa: Hero of the Christ)
Topic 9: Nothing More Topic 32: Share a Load
Poor Topic 63: Standing
(Contentment) (Generosity) Topic 42: Cross Roads
(Commitment and Topic 19: S.W.O.T ME Firm
(Making Godly and loving
service to others) (Knowing Oneself) (Being firm in one’s own
40 househol d l ead e r s ’ tr a i n i n g m a n u a l

Topic 64: Wait on the

Topic 43: Obedience Step
Topic 20: See Me Through Lord
by Step
(Knowing oneself more (Patience in waiting for
(Learning to purify one’s
through others) God’s plan to unfold in
one’s life)
Topic 21: Picture Perfect Topic 44: Do you love me? Topic 65: House Party
(Appreciation of God’s plan (Patience and Perseverance (Understanding our God-
for the family) in our family relationships) given roles in the family)

Topic 66: Family

Topic 22: Forever Gift Topic 45: I Stand Portrait
(Seeking the good in our Corrected (Perseverance in
own family) (Healing and Forgiveness) witnessing to one’s own
Topic 67: G.A.P. (God’s
Topic 23: Somewhere Out
Topic 46: Care to Chat Appointed Protector)
(Honesty, Trust, Listening (Accountability in being
(Appreciating the bigger
and Respect) guardians of unity in the
family of YFC and CFC)
home and in the family)

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