Transformations Between The Center of Gravity and The Possibilistic Mean For Triangular and Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers

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Soft Computing


Transformations between the center of gravity and the possibilistic

mean for triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers
Pasi Luukka 1 · Jan Stoklasa1,2 · Mikael Collan1

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

In this paper, we examine the concept of center of gravity and its relationship to the concept of possibilistic mean. We propose
new transformations between the center of gravity and the possibilistic mean for triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.

Keywords Center of gravity · Fuzzy number · Possibilistic mean · Transformation

1 Introduction On this background and in vein with the previous research

on understanding and defining the nature of possibility theory
Zadeh (1978) proposed that fuzzy sets are the basis for pos- and its relationship with probability theory, we concentrate
sibility theory and ever since then possibility theory has been on studying the classical concept of the center of gravity
examined quite thoroughly, e.g., see Dubois and Prade (1988) (COG) (Alexandrini 340) and the relationship of this con-
and Klir and Yuan (1995). The relationship between prob- cept to the concept of possibilistic mean as it is defined by
ability theory and possibility theory (and fuzzy sets) has Carlsson and Fuller (2001). More precisely, we propose a
also been examined by many researchers (Dubois and Prade transformation between the COG and the possibilistic mean
1993; Klir and Harmanec 1994; Ruspini 1991; Schafer 1987). in the context of triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.
The probability–possibility consistency has also been studied The proposed transformations are two-way that is, from COG
(Delgado and Moral 1987) for an overview. Transformations to the possibilistic mean and back to COG. Put in other words,
between possibility and probability theory have been stud- we show how the possibilistic mean can be derived directly
ied, and several different transformations have been proposed from the center of gravity for the two types of fuzzy numbers
(Dubois et al. 2004; Klir 1992). More recently, Zadeh (2014) and how the obtained possibilistic mean can be transformed
explored the connection between possibility and probability back to the COG. This transformation is a totally new find-
through similarity, and a recent state-of-the-art methods for ing, and it has never been presented before. The application
constructing possibility distributions are available by Dubois potential and practical usability of the proposed new trans-
(2016). A survey on the main ideas and notions of research formation is that of a general transform for the studied types
in fuzzy sets and possibility theory can be found in Dubois of fuzzy sets, that is extremely wide. This kind of transforma-
and Prade (2015). tions is likely to find its use, e.g., in decision support systems,
especially in fields of medicine (Pota et al. 2014) and finance
(Collan and Fullér 2009). Also functional dependencies for
databases in the possibilistic framework are a possible field
Communicated by A. Di Nola. of application (Link and Prade 2016).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: First in Sect. 2
B Pasi Luukka we briefly introduce the notation and the main concepts used;
then, in Sect. 3 we introduce the proposed new transformation
1 School of Business and Management, Lappeenranta from center of gravity to the possibilistic mean and the inverse
University of Technology, P.O. Box 20, 53851 Lappeenranta, transformation for triangular fuzzy numbers, and in Sect. 4
Finland we extend this to the case of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. In
2 Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Arts, Palacký the final section, we close the paper with conclusions.
University, Křížkovského 12, 771 80 Olomouc, Czech

P. Luukka et al.

2 Notation and definition of main concepts Definition 4 Let A be a fuzzy number on R that is, a nor-
used mal convex fuzzy set on R, with a bounded support. A can
be described also by the membership function A(x). Tak-
Definition 1 Let U be a nonempty set (a universe of dis- ing the fuzzy number A ∈ F N ([r , s]) under consideration,
course). A fuzzy set A on U is defined by a mapping μ A : the center of gravity of the fuzzy number (C OG(A)) can be
U → [0, 1], where μ A is called a membership function of computed in the following way:
A. The set of all fuzzy sets on U will be denoted F(U ). s  a4
x A(x)dx a x A(x)dx
For simplicity, we will denote a fuzzy set and its member- C OG(A) = rs =  1a4 . (1)
r A(x)dx a1 A(x)dx
ship function by the same symbol in the text (that way the
membership function of a fuzzy set A will be denoted A(.)). Definition 5 (Possibilistic mean of a fuzzy number, (Carlsson
and Fuller 2001)) Let A be a fuzzy number on R repre-
Definition 2 Let A ∈ F(U ), then sented by {[al (α), au (α)]}1α=0 . The possibilistic mean of A
is defined as
– the kernel of A is a crisp set Ker(A) = {x ∈ U | A(x) =  1
1 α(al (α) + au (α))dα
M(A) = α(al (α)+au (α))dα = 0
1 .
– the support of A is a crisp set Supp(A) = {x ∈ U | 0 2 0 αdα
A(x) > 0}. (2)
– the height of A is hgt(A) = sup{A(x) | x ∈ U }
– the α−cut of A is a crisp set Aα = {x ∈ U | A(x) ≥ α} 2.1 Triangular fuzzy numbers
for any α ∈ [0, 1].
A triangular fuzzy number A on [r , s] ⊂ R is a fuzzy number,
Definition 3 Let A be a fuzzy set on R, such that all the whose membership function is of the following form (see also
following conditions are met Fig. 1):

1. A is normal that is, hgt(A) = 1, ⎪ 0 for r ≤ x ≤ x1 −  L ,

2. Aα is a closed interval for all α ∈ (0, 1], ⎪

⎨ A L (x) = 1 − x1 −x
for x1 −  L ≤ x ≤ x1 ,
3. Supp(A) is bounded, L
A(x) =
then A is called a fuzzy number on R, denoted as A ∈ ⎪
⎪ A R (x) = 1 − x−x1
for x1 ≤ x ≤ x1 +  R ,

⎪ R
F N (R). ⎪

0 for x1 +  R ≤ x ≤ s.
Each trapezoidal (and triangular) fuzzy number B ∈
F N (R) can be represented by a quadruple of characteris-
A triangular fuzzy number A can thus be represented also
tic values B ∼ (b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 ), where b1 , . . . , b4 ∈ R,
by using the α-cut notation as {[al (α), au (α)]}1α=0 , where
b1 ≤ b2 ≤ b3 ≤ b4 and [b1 , b4 ] = Cl(Supp(B)),
al (α) = α L −  L + x1 and au (α) = x1 +  R − α R .
where Cl(Supp(B)) denotes the closure of the support of
In other words, we can describe the membership function
B, [b2 , b3 ] = {x ∈ R | B(x) = 1} = Ker(B) and B(x) = 0
of A (piece-wise on the interval [x1 −  L , x1 +  R ]) also in
for all x ∈ (−∞, b1 ] ∪ [b4 , ∞). If [b1 , b4 ] ⊆ [r , s] we call
terms of functions of α as:
B a fuzzy number on an interval [r , s]. The set of all fuzzy
numbers on an interval [r , s] will be denoted F N ([r , s]).
To fully characterize a fuzzy number B ∈ F N ([r , s]),
B ∼ (b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 ), we need to specify the shape of the left
part of the membership function (B L (x)) between b1 and
b2 and the right part of the membership function (B R (x))
between b3 and b4 . We can use the pseudoinverse functions
to B L (x) : [b1 , b2 ] → [0, 1] and B R (x) : [b3 , b4 ] → [0, 1]
(that is the functions bl (α) : [0, 1] → [b1 , b2 ] and bu (α) :
[0, 1] → [b3 , b4 ], α ∈ [0, 1], respectively) to represent the
fuzzy number B by the set of its α-cuts {[bl (α), bu (α)]}1α=0 .
In this representation, [bl (α), bu (α)] = Bα for all α ∈ (0, 1]
and [bl (0), bu (0)] = Cl(Supp(B)) = [b1 , b4 ].
Fig. 1 A triangular fuzzy number A.

Transformations between the center of gravity and the possibilistic mean for triangular and…

where [c, d] = [min{a −1 (x)|x ∈ Uk }, max{a −1 (x)|x ∈

Uk }], Uk are the respective subintervals of [x1 −  L , x1 +
 R ], i.e., U1 = [x1 −  L , x1 ] and U2 = [x1 , x1 +  R ], and
 x1 −x
1− L for x1 −  L ≤ a(α) ≤ x1 ,
a (x) = x−x1
1− R for x1 ≤ a(α) ≤ x1 +  R .


al (α) = α L −  L + x1 for x1 −  L ≤ x ≤ x1 ,
au (α) = x1 +  R − α R for x1 ≤ x ≤ x1 +  R .
Fig. 2 A trapezoidal fuzzy number A.
Theorem 1 Let A be a triangular fuzzy number on [r , s] =
a(α) Cl(Supp(A)) ⊂ R. Under the transformation Tx→α described
 above it holds that C OG(A) → M(A).
al (α) = α L −  L + x1 for x1 −  L ≤ a(α) ≤ x1 ,
au (α) = x1 +  R − α R for x1 ≤ a(α) ≤ x1 +  R . Proof We start from the formula for the C OG(A) presented
(4) above in equation (1), which by using the above-defined nota-
tion can be reformulated for a triangular fuzzy number A as:
 x1 + R
x A(x)dx
2.2 Trapezoidal fuzzy numbers C OG(A)=
x1 − L
 x1 + R
x1 − L
 x1  x +
A trapezoidal fuzzy number A on [r , s] ⊂ R is a fuzzy num- x1 − L x A L (x)dx+ x 1 R x A R (x)dx i 1 +i 2
=  x1  x1 + = i 3 +i 4
ber, whose membership function is of the following form (see x1 − L A L (x)dx+ x 1 R A R (x)dx
also Fig. 2): We can now compute each of the four integrals separately
by using the transformation Tx→α specified above:

⎪ 0 for r ≤ x ≤ x1 −  L ,

⎪  x1  x1

⎪ x1 −x x1 − x
⎪ A L (x) = 1 −
⎪ L for x1 −  L ≤ x ≤ x1 , i1 = x A L (x)dx = x(1 −
(Tx→α )
)dx −→
⎨ L
x1 − L x1 − L
A(x) = A M (x) = 1 for x1 ≤ x ≤ x2  1

⎪ x1 − al (α)

⎪ x−x2 al (α)(1 − )dα

⎪ A R (x) = 1 − R for x2 ≤ x ≤ x2 +  R , L

⎩ x1 − (α L −  L + x1 )
0 for x2 +  R ≤ x ≤ s. = (α L −  L + x1 )(1 − )dα
0 L
(5)  1  1
= α(α L −  L + x1 )dα = αal (α)dα
A trapezoidal fuzzy number A can thus also be represented
0 0
by using the α-cut notation as {[al (α), au (α)]}1α=0 , where x1 −  L L
= +
al (α) = α L −  L + x1 and au (α) = x2 +  R − α R . 2 3
 x1 + R  x1 + R
x − x1
i2 = x A R (x)dx = x(1 − )dx
x1 x1 R
3 The proposed new transformations for the (Tx→α )
triangular case  1
au (α) − x1
au (α)(1 − )dα
0 R
3.1 Triangular FN: from x to α (from COG(A) to M(A))  1
(x1 +  R − α R ) − x1
= (x1 +  R − α R )(1 − )dα
0 R
Let us consider a triangular fuzzy number A ∈ F N ([r , s]),  1  1
where [r , s] = Cl(Supp(A)). For the purposes of these = α(x1 +  R − α R )dα = αau (α)dα
computations, we adopt the following transformation for
0 0
x1 +  R R
“x”→“α”: = −
2 3
⎧  x1  x1

⎪ dx → dα x1 − x
⎨ i3 = A L (x)dx = (1 − )dx
x → a(α) x1 − L x1 − L L
Tx→α : −1 (x) → α  1

⎪ A(x) = a (Tx→α ) x1 − al (α)
⎩ −→ (1 − )dα
integration limits [x1 −  L , x1 +  R ] → [c, d], 0 L

P. Luukka et al.

x1 − (α L −  L + x1 ) computations, we adopt the following transformation for
= (1 − )dα
0 L “α” → “x”:

1 ⎧
= αdα = →
2 ⎪
⎪ dα dx
 x1 + R  x1 + R ⎨ α → A(x)
x − x1 Tα→x :
i4 = A R (x)dx = (1 − )dx ⎪
⎪ a(α) → x
R ⎩
x1 x1 integration limits [0, 1] → [min{a p (α)}, max{a p (α)}],
(Tx→α ) au (α) − x1
−→ (1 − )dα
0 R where p ∈ {l, u} for the respective subintervals of [r , s] and
 1  1

(x1 +  R − α R ) − x1 1 
= (1 − )dα = αdα = x1 −x
0 R 0 2 1− L for x1 −  L ≤ a(α) ≤ x1 ,
A(x) = x−x1
1− R for x1 ≤ a(α) ≤ x1 +  R .

Combining the obtained results, we get:

 x1 + R Theorem 2 Let A be a triangular fuzzy number on [r , s] =

x1 − L x A(x)dx Cl(Supp(A)) ⊂ R. Under the transformation Tα→x described
C OG(A) =  x1 + R above it holds that M(A) → C OG(A).
x1 − L A(x)dx
 x1  x1 + R
x1 − L x A L (x)dx + x1 x A R (x)dx Proof We start from the formula for the possibilistic
mean of
= x  x1 + R 1 α(a (α)+a u (α))dα
x1 − L A L (x)dx + x1 A R (x)dx A, M(A) = 0 α(al (α) + au (α))dα = 0 l
1 ,
(6) 2 αdα
1 1 which can be reformulated for a triangular fuzzy number A

(Tx→α ) 0 αal (α)dα + 0 αau (α)dα  

−→ 1 1
1 1
0 αal (α)dα+ 0 αau (α)dα i 1 +i 2
as: M(A) = 1 1 = i 3 +i 4 . We can now
0 αdα + 0 αdα 0 αdα+ 0 αdα
1 compute each of the four integrals separately using the trans-
α(al (α) + au (α))dα
= 0 1 = M(A). formation Tα→x specified above:
2 0 αdα
(Tα→x )
i1 = αal (α)dα −→
This is exactly what we wanted to obtain.
x1 x1 − x
During the proof, we have also confirmed the fast computa- (1 − )xdx = x A L (x)dx
x1 − L L x1 − L
tional formula for M(A) (see Carlsson and Fuller 2001, p.  1  x1 + R
(Tα→x ) x − x1
319): i2 = αau (α)dα −→ (1 − )xdx
0 x1 R
 x1 + R  x1 + R
x − x A(x)dx = x A R (x)dx
C OG(A) =  1x +L x1
1 R
x1 − L A(x)dx  
 x1  x1 + R
(Tα→x )
x1 x1 − x
i3 = αdα −→ (1 − )dx
x1 − L x A L (x)dx + x1 x A R (x)dx x1 − L L
=  x1  x1 + R 
x1 − L A L (x)dx + x1 A R (x)dx
= A L (x)dx
(Tx→α ) x1 − L
−→  1  x1 + R
1 1 (7) (Tα→x ) x − x1
i4 = αdα −→ (1 − )dx
0 αal (α)dα + 0 αau (α)dα R
1 1 
0 x1
0 αdα + 0 αdα
x1 + R
x1 − L L x1 + R R = A R (x)dx
+ 3 + − x1
= 2 2 3
2 + 1
 R − L Combining the obtained results, we get:
= x1 + = M(A).
α(al (α) + au (α))dα
3.2 Triangular FN: from α to x (from M(A) to COG(A)) M(A) = 0
2 0 αdα
1 1
Let us consider a triangular fuzzy number A ∈ F N ([r , s]), 0 αal (α)dα + 0 αau (α)dα
= 1 1
where [r , s] = Cl(Supp(A)). For the purposes of these 0 αdα + 0 αdα

Transformations between the center of gravity and the possibilistic mean for triangular and…

 x1  x1 + R
(Tα→x ) x1 − L x A L (x)dx + x1 x A R (x)dx We can now compute each of the six integrals separately
−→  x1  x1 + R using the transformation T x→α specified above:
x1 − L A L (x)dx + x1 A R (x)dx
 x1 + R
x − x A(x)dx
=  1x +L = C OG(A). (8)
1 R
x1 − L
x1 x1 x1 − x
i1 = x A L (x)dx = x(1 − )dx
x1 − L x1 − L L
This is exactly what we wanted to obtain.

(T x→α ) x1 − al (α)
−→ al (α)(1 −
0 L
4 The proposed new transformations for the x1 − (α L −  L + x1 )
= (α L −  L + x1 )(1 − )dα
trapezoidal case 0 L
4.1 Trapezoidal FN: from x to α (from COG(A) to = α(α L −  L + x1 )dα
M(A))  1

x1 −  L L
= αal (α)dα = +
Let us consider a trapezoidal fuzzy number A ∈ F N ([r , s]), 0 2 3
where [r , s] = Cl(Supp(A)). For the purposes of these i2 =
(T x→α )
x A M (x)dx −→ αam (α)dα
computations, we adopt the following transformation for x1 1
“x” → “α”:  1
⎧ = α[x1 , x2 ]dα = 0

⎪ dx → dα 

⎨ x2 + R x2 + R x − x2
x → a(α) i3 = x A R (x)dx = x(1 − )dx
T x→α : −1 (x) → α

⎪ A(x) = a x2 x2 R
integrat. limits [x1 −  L , x2 +  R ] → [c, d], (T x→α )
1 au (α) − x2
−→ au (α)(1 − )dα
0 R
where [c, d] = [min{a −1 (x)|x ∈ Uk }, max{a −1 (x)|x ∈  1
(x2 +  R − α R ) − x2
Uk }], Uk are the respective subintervals of [x1 −  L , x2 + = (x2 +  R − α R )(1 − )dα
 R ], i.e., U1 = [x1 −  L , x1 ], U2 = [x1 , x2 ] and U3 = 0 R
[x2 , x2 +  R ], and = α(x2 +  R − α R )dα
⎧ x1 −x

⎨1 − L for x1 −  L ≤ a(α) ≤ x1 , x2 +  R R
a −1 (x) = 1 for x1 ≤ a(α) ≤ x2 , = αau (α)dα = −
⎩ x−x2 0
 x1  x1
2 3
1− for x2 ≤ a(α) ≤ x2 +  R ,
R x1 − x
i4 = A L (x)dx = (1 − )dx
x1 − L x1 − L L
and  1
(T x→α ) x1 − al (α)
−→ (1 − )dα
a(α) = 0 L
⎧  1
x1 − (α L −  L + x1 )

⎪ al (α) = α
L −  L + x1 for x ∈ [x1 −  L , x1 ], = (1 − )dα
⎨ L
[x1 , x2 ] for α = 1 0

am (α) = for x ∈ [x1 , x2 ],

⎪ ∅ otherwise = αdα =

au (α) = x2 +  R − α R for x ∈ [x2 , x2 +  R ]. 0 2
 x2  1
(T x→α )
Theorem 3 Let A be a trapezoidal fuzzy number on [r , s] = i5 = A M (x)dx −→ αdα = 0
Cl(Supp(A)) ⊂ R. Under the transformation T x→α described
x1 1
 x2 + R  x2 + R
above it holds that C OG(A) → M(A). x − x2
i6 = A R (x)dx = (1 − )dx
x2 x2 R
Proof We start from the formula for the C OG(A) defined 
above in (1), which by using the adopted notation can (T au (α) − x2
x→α )
−→ (1 −
be reformulated for a trapezoidal fuzzy number A as: 0 R
 x2 + R  1
x1 − L x A(x)dx (x2 +  R − α R ) − x2
C OG(A) =  x2 + R = (1 − )dα
x1 − L 0 R
 x1 x  x +  1

x1 − L x A L (x)dx+ x1 x A M (x)dx+ x2
2 2 R x A (x)dx
R i 1 +i 2 +i 3 1
=  x1 x  x + = i 4 +i 5 +i 6 . = αdα =
x − A L (x)dx+ x
2 A (x)dx+ 2
M x
R A (x)dx
R 2
1 L 1 2 0

P. Luukka et al.

Combining the obtained results, we get: where p ∈ {l, m, u} for the respective subintervals of [r , s]
C OG(A) ⎧ x1 −x
 x2 + R ⎨1 − L for x1 −  L ≤ a(α) ≤ x1 ,
x − x A(x)dx A(x) = 1 for x1 ≤ a(α) ≤ x2 ,
=  1x +L
⎩ x−x2
1− for x2 ≤ a(α) ≤ x2 +  R .
2 R
x − A(x)dx
1 L R
 x1  x2  x2 + R
x1 − L x A L (x)dx + x1 x A M (x)dx + x2 x A R (x)dx
=  x1  x2  x2 + R Theorem 4 Let A be a trapezoidal fuzzy number on [r , s] =
x1 − L A L (x)dx + x1 A M (x)dx + x2 A R (x)dx Cl(Supp(A)) ⊂ R. Under the transformation T α→x des-
1 1 1 cribed above it holds that M(A) → C OG(A).
(T x→α )
−→ 0 αal (α)dα + 1 am (α)dα + 0 αau (α)dα
1 1 1
0 αdα + 1 αdα + 0 αdα Proof We start with the formulafor the possibilistic mean
1 1
of a fuzzy number A: M(A) = 0 α(al (α) + au (α))dα =
α(al (α) + au (α))dα 1
= 0  = M(A). α(al (α)+au (α))dα
2 01 αdα
1 , which by using the adopted notation
2 0 αdα
(9) can be reformulated for a trapezoidal fuzzy number A as:
1 1
0 α(al (α)+au (α))dα 0 αal (α)dα+ 0 αau (α)dα
M(A) = 1 =1 1 =
2 0 αdα 0 αdα+ 0 αdα
1 1 1
This is exactly what we wanted to prove.
αa (α)dα+ αa (α)dα+ αa (α)dα i 1 +i 2 +i 3
0 l
1 1
1 0
i 4 +i 5 +i 6 .
0 αdα+ 1 αdα+ 0 αdα
We have also derived the fast computational formula for 1 1
Note that 1 αam (α)dα = 0 and 1 αdα = 0. We can
M(A) during the proof: now compute each of the six integrals separately using the
 x2 + R
transformation T α→x specified above:
x − x A(x)dx
C OG(A) =  1x +L
2 R
x1 − L A(x)dx  1  x1
(T α→x ) x1 − x
 x1  x2  x2 + R i1 = αal (α)dα −→ (1 − )xdx
x1 − L x A L (x)dx + x1 x A M (x)dx + x2 x A R (x)dx 0
x1 − L
=  x1  x2  x2 + R
x1 − L A L (x)dx + x1 A M (x)dx + x2 A R (x)dx = x A L (x)dx
x1 − L
 1  x2  x2
(T x→α ) (T α→x )
−→ i2 = αam (α)dα −→ xdx = x A M (x)dx
1 x1 x1
1 1 1  1
0 αal (α)dα + 1 am (α)dα + 0 αau (α)dα i3 = αau (α)dα
1 1 1
0 αdα + 1 dα + 0 αdα 0
 x2 + R  x2 + R
(T ) α→x x − x2
x1 − L
+ 3L + 0 + x1 + R − R −→ (1 − )xdx = x A R (x)dx
2 2 3 R
= 1 +0+ 1  1
x2 x2
2 2
i4 = αdα
x1 + x2  R − L
= + = M(A). (10) 0
2 6 (T α→x ) x1 − x
−→ (1 − )dx
x1 − L L
= A L (x)dx
4.2 Trapezoidal FN: from α to x (from M(A) to x1 − L
COG(A))  1  x2  x2
(T α→x )
i5 = αdα −→ dx = A M (x)dx
1 x1 x1
Let us consider a trapezoidal fuzzy number A ∈ F N ([r , s]),  1
where [r , s] = Cl(Supp(A)). For the purposes of these i6 = αdα
computations, we suggest the following transformation for  x2 + R
(T α→x ) x − x2
“α”→“x”: −→ (1 − )dx
x2 R
⎧  x2 + R

⎪ dα → dx
⎨ α → A(x) = A R (x)dx

T α→x : x2

⎪ a(α) → x

integration limits [0, 1] → [min{a p (α)}, max{a p (α)}],

Transformations between the center of gravity and the possibilistic mean for triangular and…

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DSSs using statistical information transformed into possibility-
tion of similar transforms for other types of fuzzy numbers based knowledge. Knowl Based Syst 67(1):1–15.
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mations for the concept of variance and other moments. Ruspini EH (1991) On the semantics of fuzzy logic. Int J Approx Reason
Acknowledgements The research presented in this paper was partially Schafer G (1987) Belief functions and possibility measures. In: Bezdek
supported by the Grant IGA_FF_2017_011 of the internal grant agency JC (ed) Analysis of fuzzy information, vol 1, mathematic edn. CRC
of Palacký University Olomouc. Press, Boca Raton, pp 51–84
Zadeh LA (1978) Fuzzy sets as a basis for a theory of possibility. Fuzzy
Sets Syst 1(1):3–28
Zadeh LA (2014) A note on similarity-based definitions of possibility
Compliance with ethical standards and probability. Inf Sci 267:334–336.
Conflict of interest All the authors declare that they have no conflict of
Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to juris-
Human and animal rights This article does not contain any studies with dictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.


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