Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing PLUS

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Chapter 6
Children Who Are
Deaf or Hard of
Hearing PLUS
Susan Wiley, PhD; Rachel St. John, MD, FAAP; & Candace Lindow-Davies

arly Hearing Detection and (Joint Committee on Infant Hearing,
PLEASE NOTE: For the Intervention (EHDI) has made 2007). These risk factors for hearing
purposes of this chapter, great advances in screening, early loss can overlap with risk factors for
the term “hearing loss” identification, and intervention for children developmental delays (First & Palfrey,
and “disability” are who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH), 1994), such as certain genetic syndromes,
which has helped to improve their language prematurity, congenital infections, and
medical descriptors that outcome (Kennedy et al., 2006; Moeller, meningitis. These factors can impact
may apply to newborns 2000; Yoshinaga-Itano, Sedey, Coulter, & broader brain development in a variety
and infants who are Mehl, 1998). While this is encouraging, of developmental domains, as well as
deaf or hard of hearing approximately 40% of children who are impact a child’s ability to acquire language.
at birth, as well as those D/HH have medical or developmental This is important to recognize, as often
who lose hearing at a difficulties (Gallaudet Research our first approach to understanding a
Institute, 2011) that can delay the age of child’s learning pattern is to focus on the
later time. The authors identification and intervention for services, effectiveness of amplification, intervention
fully recognize that as well as require an expanded team to strategies, and family follow-through
individuals may not support the whole child. These children with day-to-day practice. However, there
self-identify as having have been described as being “D/HH Plus” can be neurological contributions to a
a disability and may to indicate their needs while still keeping a child’s slow rate of progress. Furthermore,
prefer the terms “deaf” positive developmental perspective for the children who are D/HH can have other
future. When supporting families through reasons for developmental delays based
or “hard of hearing.” We the EHDI process, it is important to keep on their family history or factors which
support the inclusion in mind that the complexity of these are not related to hearing loss (such
of those terms when children can increase family stress. as lead exposure or family history of
communicating with developmental or learning problems). It is
families, caregivers, and Some of the likely reasons for a high rate important to keep in mind that a genetic
health professionals. of children who are D/HH Plus relate to cause of hearing loss does not protect a
some of the risk factors for hearing loss child from other factors that can impact

eBook Chapter 6 • Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing PLUS • 6-1

health and development (Kenna et al., Infant Hearing, 2007), it is particularly

2007; Wiley, Choo, Meinzen-Derr, Hilbert, important to provide ongoing surveillance
& Greinwald, 2006). of these children for vision and medical
conditions. While a family may receive
To understand the types of issues that an identification of a genetic reason for
can exist in children who are D/HH, their child’s hearing status, the role of
Table 1 describes the rates of conditions a geneticist is often broader than just
among children who are D/HH (Gallaudet focusing on hearing. There are practice
Research Institute, 2011; Nikolopoulos, parameters and considerations that would
Lioumi, Stamaataki, & O’Donoghue, 2006; apply if children have an additional
Szymanski, Brice, Lam, & Hotto, 2012) identification, such as an intellectual
as compared to rates within the general disability or autism spectrum disorder.
population (Boyle et al., 2011). There are Parents may also need to be counseled in
challenges in understanding this data for terms of understanding that a genetics
children who are D/HH based on sampling, consultation is not a guarantee that a
methods of study, and definitions and genetic reason for their child’s hearing
diagnostic clarity (particularly for specific status will be found. Pediatric neurologists,
learning disabilities and autism spectrum developmental pediatricians, and pediatric
disorders). medicine and rehabilitation specialists
may play a role in children with cerebral
As children who are As children who are D/HH Plus can be palsy and vision impairment. In some
more medically complex, it is important children, it may be challenging to obtain
D/HH Plus can be more to be proactive in terms of monitoring. a good vision exam. Children who have
medically complex, While all children who are D/HH should had brain-based problems can also have
it is important to be have an ophthalmological exam, be seen vision problems that are related more to
proactive in terms of by an otolaryngologist with knowledge how the brain processes what it sees rather
monitoring. in hearing loss, and be offered a genetics than how the eye itself sees (cortical vision
consultation (Joint Committee on impairment).

Table 1
Rates of Conditions among Children Who Are
Type Rates Among Children Rates in the
of Disability Who Are D/HH General Population
No disabilities 60% 86%
Cognitive (intellectual disability) 8.3% 0.71%
Cerebral palsy -- 0.3%
Blindness and vision impairment 5.5% 0.13%
ADHD 5.4% 5-10%
Specific learning disability* 8% 5-10%
Autism spectrum disorder 7% 1%
*The Individuals with Disability Education Act of 2004 [34 CFR 300.8(c)(10)] indicates children
cannot be identified with a specific learning disability (SLD) if the child’s performance is the result
of a “hearing disability” (U.S. Department of Education, 2004). However, many educators recognize
the possibility of SLD presenting in children who are D/HH.

eBook Chapter 6 • Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing PLUS • 6-2

There have been some with additional disabilities and their

studies evaluating families have access to specialists who
the 1-3-6 rule have the professional qualification
(screening by 1 and specialized knowledge and skills
month of age, to support and promote optimal
identification by 3 developmental outcomes. Specifically, the
months of age, and JCIH encourages the knowledge and skills
services by 6 months shown in Table 2.
of age) for children
who are medically
complex. Understandably,
infants with serious medical issues may
Table 2
experience a delay in hearing screening Professional Knowledge
while those medical needs are being
addressed. In a study by Chapman et al.
and Skills Encouraged
(2011),, the investigators linked statewide by the JCIH
All children who are newborn hearing screening, birth defects
registry, and birth certificate data with Monitoring
D/HH with additional
age of screening and identification of
disabilities and their children who are D/HH (Virginia births
families should have Monitoring and recognizing developmental concerns to
2001-2006). They found that children design an effective intervention program.
access to specialists who with isolated hearing loss were screened
have the professional 25 days earlier and achieved identification
qualification and >2.5 months earlier than children with
complexities. They found a greater risk of
specialized knowledge Working in teams with multiple specialists to support
later screening or identification among
and skills to support preterm births and in children with
the best possible child and family outcomes.
and promote optimal multiple birth defects. There was also
developmental an impact based on race and maternal Modifying
outcomes. education (black, non-Hispanic race, and
maternal education <12 years). Modifying strategies to accommodate children’s needs.

The authors suggested some approaches to Empowering

help reduce this gap, including completing
diagnostic hearing assessments prior to Empowering families in their understanding of reports
discharge from the neonatal intensive from specialists and providers.
care unit and using strategies for care
coordination among children with medical
complexities who do not pass hearing Supporting
screening. This information points out the
need for a broader system of care and care Supporting care coordination across all specialties that a
coordination for children who are D/HH child may need.
The Joint Committee for Infant Hearing
has also recognized the unique needs Recognizing the importance of potential expanded
of this group of children related to early equipment needs (both communication and mobility
intervention services (Joint Committee devices).
on Infant Hearing, 2013). In addition
to the broad supports suggested in the Partnering
supplement for all children who are D/HH
as they relate to Part C programming, Partnering with families to prioritize a child’s needs and
the committee included a goal (Goal services.
4) that all children who are D/HH

eBook Chapter 6 • Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing PLUS • 6-3

The importance of true teamwork and that may be of value for families, as well
collaboration cannot be understated for as encourage families to consider how
this group of children. Team members website information may or may not
must understand their contributions as apply to their child. Many families learn
well as their limits and be active listeners strategies and interventions from other
of other disciplines—including listening families through the Internet. It is also
to the significant input by parents and helpful to provide guidance on whether
caregivers—in order to effectively adapt these potential strategies and interventions
interventions for children who are D/HH are safe, effective, and appropriate
Plus. Effective communication, paired with considering the unique needs of their
understanding the goals and priorities child. Encouraging families to inform
important to families, will help teams you of what they are finding and being
provide appropriate care and supports. open to discussing them in a respectful
Team members will benefit from being and thoughtful manner can build strong
open to new ideas, being creative, and partnerships with families.
considering co-treatment approaches when
appropriate. As the team establishes realistic It is all too easy to focus on things that
goals with the family as the hub, relies children who are D/HH Plus cannot do
on structured assessment and planning rather than what they can. Dr. T. Jones
tools, and tries creative approaches and from Gallaudet University has provided
adaptations as needed, we may be able “rules” to guide instructions that are
to strengthen the current services that particularly related for this group of
children who are D/HH Plus receive. children (see Table 3).

The authors of this chapter have noted in
their experience partnering with families
with children who are D/HH Plus that it
Table 3
communication, paired
with understanding
is easy for parents to feel alone in their Dr. T. Jones “Rules” to
the goals and priorities
experience. Often, their children do not
“fit” into a traditional group where they
Guide Instruction
important to families, can find support. These families are also
will help teams provide
appropriate care and
often under signficant time and financial
pressure in caring for their child and may 1 Focus on the donut, not the hole.

supports. not be able to use available resources.
Parents also may feel that their health Celebrate successes, great or small.
care providers do not fully understand
the emotional drain of caring for their
children. Parent support resources are a
critical part of parental well-being and
3 If a dead man can do it, it is not an
appropriate objective (this is especially
important when setting up learning and
success in caring for their children. These academic goals for children).
resources are different from state to state,
and some areas may have resources that
are relatively easy to access (i.e., the Texas 4 Use meaningful contexts to make concepts
explicit (children are active participants in
learning, and teaching is matched to them
Parent-to-Parent Program; www.txp2p.
org), while other states do not. as unique individuals with unique needs).

The Internet can be a nonthreatening

place to start looking for parent support We conclude this chapter with a quote and
resources, and parents will often naturally guidance from Candace Lindow-Davies of
go there in an attempt to connect with Minnesota Hands & Voices, who has a son
other parents sharing their experience. It is who is D/HH Plus. She speaks beautifully
helpful to recognize both the strengths and about both the challenges and the rewards
limitations of the Internet as a resource for that having a child who is D/HH Plus
families. Professionals can share websites brings to the table:

eBook Chapter 6 • Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing PLUS • 6-4

D/HH Plus is meant to

Keep expectations high for
be a positive term, not
children who are D/HH Plus. Often
in any way negative or multiple diagnoses can lead some
insensitive to the child professionals to lower expectations for
who has medical issues these children.
along with hearing loss. 

“D/HH Plus is meant to be a positive term, not in
Seek additional training and
any way negative or insensitive to the child who
experience with children who are
has medical issues along with hearing loss. In
D/HH Plus to help parents tweeze
fact, I see it as an “A+” or “B+,” meaning the child
out the root cause of a particular issue. For
carries additional positive qualities, but it is a gift
example, “Is this a need related to being
that needs to be carefully unwrapped. And it may
deaf or having autism?”
not appear to be a gift when you first receive it.

Time helps you appreciate, understand, and unfold
Assist families and professional
the possibilities. And the “Plus” most often means
collaborators to recognize that
the child and family has added responsibilities and
communication is critical to
requires additional expertise.“
understanding other contributing
challenges. If the child does not have
adequate language development as a

result of being D/HH, this will contribute Recognize that adulthood is a challenging prospect.
to a child being misidentified as having Families may feel deeper anxiety about the future
learning disabilities, etc. of a child who is D/HH Plus. This anxiety can
increase over time, especially as transition approaches

Help families adjust to multiple and “traditional” choices and life experiences for
diagnoses. Some parents can easily children are often not appropriate. For example, the
accept some but have an increasing reality of a teen not being able to drive a car, or the
challenge with each additional diagnosis/ need for a young adult to go into a Transition Program
label. It can be overwhelming and highly after high school rather than going on to college like
emotional each time a new concern or peers, can be very emotional. While this thought may
issue is raised. seem beyond the reach of the early intervention system,
transition is a life-long process. The EHDI system

Work with families to prioritize should strive to enhance coping and adaptive skills of all
and coordinate care. Often families families and children served within the system.
have numerous professionals and
appointments to manage and could really
benefit from a professional acting in the
role of a “case manager.”

Support more research involving
children who are D/HH Plus.
Unfortunately, children who are
D/HH Plus are often excluded from
research. Admittedly these children are far
from a homogeneous group, but it can be a
bitter pill for a family to swallow that their
child and family often cannot contribute
to research that could make an impact.
Furthermore, by not including children
who are D/HH Plus in research, little can be
gleaned about how to guide interventions
and strategies for their progress.
Photo courtesy

eBook Chapter 6 • Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing PLUS • 6-5

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