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REVIEW of the Anatomy and

Physiology of the Skin

What is Skin?
• Largest organ completely covering the
body continuous with membranes lining
body orifices .
• Average thickness:1-2mm,0.5mm on
eyelids & 6mm on palms & soles.
• pH-4 to 5.6
• Renewal of skin takes place in 28-50 days
by shedding of outer layer
• Protection
• Regulation of Body Temperature
• Sensation
• Excretion
• Synthesis of Vitamin D
• Blood Reservoir
Layers of the Skin
• The upper or outer layer of the two main layers of
cells that make up the skin.
• The epidermis is mostly made up of flat, scale-like
cells called squamous cells. Under the squamous
cells are round cells called basal cells.
• The deepest part of the epidermis also contains
melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, which
gives the skin its color.
Cells in the Epidermis
❑Merkel cells
❑Langerhans’ cells
• the inner layer of skin, that contains blood
and lymph vessels, hair follicles, and glands.
These glands produce sweat, which helps
regulate body temperature, and sebum, an
oily substance that helps keep the skin from
drying out. Sweat and sebum reach the skin's
surface through tiny openings called pores.
Layers of the Skin
Stratum corneum
• layer has many rows of dead cells filled
with keratin
• continuously shed and replaced
• effective barrier against light, heat and
• 20-30 cell layers thick
• dandruff and flakes
Stratum lucidum
• seen in thick skin of the palms and soles
of feet.
• 3-5 rows of clear flat dead cells
• keratohyalin (precursor) to keratin
Stratum Granulosum
• 3-5 rows of flattened cells
• nuclei of cells flatten out
• organelles disintegrate cells eventually die
• keratohyalin granules (darkly stained)
• lamellated granules secrete glycolipids
into extracellular spaces to slow water loss
in the epidermis
Stratum Spinosum
• 8-10 rows of polyhedral (many sided)
• appearance of prickly spines
• shrink when prepared for slide
• melanin granules and Langerhans’ cell
Stratum Basale
• deepest epidermal layer
• attached to dermis
• single row of cells
• mostly columnar keratinocytes
• with rapid mitotic division
• stratum germinativum
• contain merkel cells and melanocytes
• 10-25%

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