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IELTS Speaking Normal Lesson (NL) Class Notes Teacher Zim

Part 1: Perfume

 Do you use perfume?

No actually – I’m afraid, No.
not used to it – I’m not fond of it
I don't like favor the strong scent of perfumes ---- it makes me feel a little dizzy.

 What does perfume mean to you?

I don't know much about it
a good manner when you wear perfume, while attending to some formal events to look formal
show respect to others it adds to your confidence, SOCIAL STATUS

 Do you give perfume as a gift?

not really, i don't know much about it
do not know other's preference when it comes to perfume, it might be a waste if I give a SCENT which they do not like
prefer to give some other else

 Do you think perfumes are too expensive?

BRAND (Chanel, Guess)
Generic Brands (Online Shops)
Budget-friendly perfumes (not expensive)

IELTS Speaking Normal Lesson (NL) Class Notes Teacher Zim
Part 1: Smile

 Do you like to smile?

Yes, smile is my nature
especially when I meet new friends and strangers
comfortable when interacting with me

 When do people smile at others?

Some situations
someone takes photos of you - -- you will naturally smile many people smiles
meet your lover or your best friends, smiling is an INNATE response

 Do you smile when people take pictures of you?

Of course --- ABSOLUTELY, yes! DEFINITELY, yes!
Smiling will could express my emotion, leave others a good impression while they see my pictures

 Can you recognize a fake smile?

I suppose I sometimes could recognize it -- according to one's eyes (eye reaction) the eyes are the windows to the soul
too experienced - i may not tell it

IELTS Speaking Normal Lesson (NL) Class Notes Teacher Zim
Part 1: Visiting Relatives

 Do you often visit your relatives?

Not really, most of my relatives are not living in the same city as mine
get together on some special festivals, twice a year (Spring Festival or National Holiday)

 What do you do when visiting relatives?

Well, we usually have a meal together - tradition while meet visiting some kins people
Chat together during the meal – share the experiences

 When was the last time you visited a relative?

Last month - weekend
old and feels lonely, give me a good company

 Why do people visit their relatives? (OPINION – Reason ----- Example)

some reasons
BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER - Relatives are reliable and important people during their lifetime --- know them since they were a child, give
up long time of good company


 Do you prefer staying with relatives or friends, why?

If I had to choose --- friends
(WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE) most of us share the same interests, we have the same hobby, do something together, get along well with each
On the Contrary, there would be a generation gap between me and my family members
we couldn’t understand each other's opinions -----

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