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General: (-) weight loss, (-) sweats

Skin: (-) pallor, (-) rash, pruritus, skin pigmentation
Head: (-) trauma, (-) deformities
Eye: (-) purulent discharge, (-) itching, (-) redness
Ear: (-) deafness, (-) discharge, (-) tinnitus
Nose :(-) epistaxis, (-) sinusitis, (-) discharge
Mouth: (-) bleeding gums, (-) enlargement of tongue
Throat: (-) soreness, (-) tonsillitis, (-) obstruction
Neck: (-) stiffness, (-) pain
Respiratory: (-) cough, (-) dyspnea, (-) asthma
Cardiovascular: (-) pain, (-) cyanosis, (+) easy fatigability
Gastro-intestinal: (-) vomiting, (+) diarrhea, (-) melena, (-) hematochezia
Endocrine systems: (-) heat/ cold intolerance, (-) Diabetic indicators
Genito-Urinary: (-) hematuria, (-) discharge
Neurological system: (-) seizure, (-) headache
Hematopoietic system: (-) abnormal bleeding, (-) anemia
Musculoskeletal: (-) myalgia, (-) arthralgia


CN I: Not assessed
CN II: Positive pupillary constriction and consensual light reflex
CN III, IV, and VI: Extraocular movements intact in both eyes
CN V: Normal jaw movements, able to open jaw against resistance
CN VII: Able to smile and raise eyebrows. No asymmetry
CN VIII: Able to blink both eyes in response to loud sound
CN IX, X: No dysphagia, swallowing is intact, uvula in midline, symmetrical rise of palate
CN XI: Able to elicit maximal movement. No asymmetry of the shoulder.
CN XII: Tongue in the midline. Able to retract and move tongue sideways.

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