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Faculty of Technology
Department of Computer Engineering/Information Technology
B.E. SEM: 3rd UNIT TEST: III MONTH: Sept., 2019
Take home test
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumption if required
3. It is individual test.
4. Support your answer with necessary justification, analysis, figures, block diagram,
case study, real life examples, wherever suitable.

(a) Why “circuit switching” type of switching was chosen for telephone network? Can (3)
we use datagram network for telephone network?
(b) Our telephone line has a 4 KHz bandwidth. What is the maximum number of bits (2)
we can send using each of the following technique? Let d=0. 1. ASK 2.QPSK 3.
16-QAM 4. 64-QAM

(a) Find the efficiency of GSM in terms of simultaneous calls per megahertz of (2)
bandwidth. In other words, find the number of calls that can be used in 1 MHz
bandwidth allocation.
(b) "True of False: Correct the statement if false. (5)
1. Ethernet and 802.11 uses same frame format.
2. Before 802.11 stations transmits a data frame, it must first send an RTS frame
and receive a corresponding CTS frame.
3. With Go back N, it is possible for the sender to receive an ACK frame that falls
outside of its current window.
4. The alternating bit protocol is the same as the Stop and wait protocol with
Receiver window size of 1.
5. If window size is exactly equal to 2^m in Go back N, then frame with similar
sequence number of next window is rejected."
(c) Difference between Geo stationary and Geo synchronous orbits. (2)
(d) Give the full form of following terms (1)

Question- 3 Prepare project for PC to PC & Machine and Machine To Machine (15)
Communication Using Zigbee. Explain each block in details, hardware used in
each block, cost of the device. How will you program and command Zig-bee for
your task explain with code or logic diagram.

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