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Hello junior IAS Officers !!! as an art. Studying is a totally different action
than writing exams.
Can you hear me ??? Yeah! ,Hope you all are
There are people who Study but fail to write
in good spirit!
proper answers. Writing answers is a skill
Ok, first of all, Congratulations all those who which needs to be developed .So lets find out
have cleared RACE2IAS prelims. how to answer a question.
WOW !,You people are just Awesome !!!
Practice writing out answers.



I would like share with you a few tricks and The best way to write effective and precise
tactics for your round 2 ,The mains answers is to practice writing out answers.
examination. Our team has evaluated the Our answers should present the facts and
concepts in an interesting way and should
season 1 mains of race2ias and found some
never read like a passage from a book. It is
common errors that the junior aspirants best to use simple English and avoid
usually commit. So starting from the scratch, decorative language which takes our attention
will answer your queries first. away from the original facts and our opinions
about a given topic. Making a practice of
What exactly is a good answer??? writing out answers is especially useful in
Hey guys, if this question is bothering you, managing the time limit set for the exam
and to write the best possible answer in the
then the fact is that, there is nothing called a allotted time . It not only improves one's
good answer, there is only better and a best style of expression, but also one gets used to
answer.  the time and word limits.
Mains or descriptive answer writing is Understand the Question first
entirely different from the prelims exam To start the answer it is very important to
pattern. Answer writing is a science as well understand the question first. Depending on



what the question is, whether one is asked to point short-answers and a 50-point answer,
"discuss", "elucidate", "explain","critically
plan to spend more time on the 50 point
Appreciate" or "give reasons for and against",
the answer should be written accordingly answer because it is worth significantly more.
because it is only through the examinee's 3. Write Quickly
style of answering questions that one can
assess his or her originality of thought and Thirdly write as quickly as you can. While you
analytical abilities. The question should be do not want to write so fast that you are not
read properly, in fact the question paper thinking about your answers, remember that
should be read thoroughly in the first five to you are on the clock. Consider the question
ten minutes of the commencement of the and plan your answers well, but then try to
exam and then one should decide on the
write your answers as quickly as you can. This
questions which are to be answered first.
strategy is even more important if the exam
Time should also be given to frame the
answer in order to avoid any sort of has multiple questions. If you take too much
confusion later on. time on the first question, then you may not
So the next logical step is to know how to have enough time to answer the rest of the
write the best answer. questions .
1. Preparing Frame work 4. Focus on Question
The first step is to prepare the framework
where one can list all ideas, thoughts and Fourth while it is okay to let your mind
facts and write them down. It is important to wander a bit when you are writing a formal
adopt an answering style which is natural, answer, you need to stay focused on the
original and to the point. question ,when you write an answer .
2. Use Time Wisely Otherwise, you may end up providing
unnecessary information and losing points
Secondly use your time wisely. Some exams
for not including the information that was
may suggest how much time you should
required. i.e. If it feels like you are drifting
spend in answering each question or even
away from the question, re-read the question
give you a time limit for each question.
and review any notes that you have made so
Having suggestions and limits like these may
as to guide you. After you get refocused,
help you to budget your time. If you exam
then continue writing your answer. Try to
does not provide a guide for how much time
allow yourself to go back and tighten up
to spend on each question, develop your
connections between your points. A few
own time budget towards the beginning of
well-placed transitions can really bump up
the exam.
your grade.
For example, if the exam period is one hour
5. Structure Answer
long and you have to answer three questions
in that time frame, then you should plan to Finally think about how to structure your
spend not more than 20 minutes on each answer .The organization of your answer is
question. important. If the question suggests a specific
order for your answer, then your answer
 Look at the weightage of the questions, if
should follow that structure.
applicable. For example, if there are five 10-



 Take a moment to consider your organization Race Tip 11: Quote relevant material to keep
the user from having to click on every link
before you start writing your answer. What
givento get basic information.
information should come first, second, third,
etc.? Race Tip 12: Revise your answer to include

more information as it comes along.
Take a note on these few race tips to fine
tune your answers. Race Tip 13 Its good to show your draft
answers to your teachers and get the
Quick Tips feedback for improvement.
Race Tip1: Be specific. How to write is more
important than what you write. Race Tip 14: Don't duplicate answers.

Race Tip 2: Even though if have forgotten Race Tip 15: Give answer to the question
main points, kindly write something you only. Do not post an answer stating you have
remember. the same problem or one which only answers
a question different from the one that was
Race Tip 3: Sometimes length of the answers asked.
also matter as contents .

Race Tip 4: We love to read status than a It is just not enough to know all the facts and
story. information but the most important thing to
be kept in mind is to write an answer which
Race Tip 5: Good handwriting is always has a clear and a logical frame, which
appreciable presents information in a clear and concise
manner, which does not contain any
Race Tip 6: Highlighting, catches eyes easily irrelevant or piling up of information, which
as this! (Underline important words) is interesting and able to hold one's
Race Tip 7: Be clear.
Finally last but not the least if you have a
Race Tip 8: Be accurate and correct.
vision and a positive attitude towards life,
Race Tip 9: Provide examples. then nothing is impossible. Be brave ,stay
cool and be focused !
Race Tip 10: Link to more information and
further reading.
All the best !!!






INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS various sectors such as agriculture and


 Microsoft India will support Niti Aayog by

1. International conference on combining the cloud, AI, research and its
the future of the Indian Ocean vertical expertise for new initiatives and
held in Colombo solutions across several core areas
including agriculture and healthcare and
the environment.
 Microsoft will also accelerate the use of AI
for the development and adoption of local
language computing.

3. India Ranks 103rd Among 119

Countries In Global Hunger

 ―The Indian Ocean: Defining our Future”

Conference was held On October 11, 2018
at Temple Trees, in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

 It is aimed to explore strongest challenges

in the Indian Ocean region.
 The inaugural address of the Conference
was delivered by President Maithripala
Sirisena while Prime Minister Ranil
Wickremesinghe delivered the keynote
address  The Global Hunger Index report 2018
released on October 11 is the thirteenth
2. Microsoft and Niti Aayog edition.
partner to deploy AI solution
 Welt hunger life and Concern Worldwide
has been issuing reports on hunger levels
in the world since 2006.
 The main area of focus for this year‘s
report has been ―Forced Migration and
 Of the 119 countries surveyed, India ranks
at a dismal 103 with GHI score being 31.1.
 Belarus ranked first in this year‘s index.

 The country's premier think tank Niti

Aayog and Microsoft India have signed a
partnership to deploy artificial
intelligence based solutions across



4. World Students‟ Day  The three forces of both the countries

have already taken part in bilateral
exercises separately. In that bilateral
exercise, their Armies participated in an
annual drill called Yudh Abyaas, their Air
Forces take part in a bilateral drill called
Cope India and the Navies participate in
an exercise called Malabar, involving

 P.J Abdul Kalam‘s love for students and

focus on promoting education made
United Nations declare his birthday
(October 15) as ‗World Student‘s Day‘

5. First India US Special Forces

exercises to be take place in

6. India slips to sixth position out

of 123 countries in global RTI

 India has slipped four positions in the last

 The first India-U.S. tri-services exercise
seven years, to settle at the sixth rank in
will be taking place in 2019. The talks are
the latest global index on Right to
on to include the special forces of the two
Information. Afghanistan topped the list
countries in the drill.
followed by Mexico while Austria was
 The focus of the drill will be on a United placed at the bottom.
Nations (UN) based scenario and the  The Right to Information Rating is a
overarching mission of humanitarian programme founded by Access Info
assistance and disaster relief measure. Europe (AIE) and the Centre for Law and
Democracy (CLD).



7. India and Japan are to hold  Center for Biological

joint military exercise in
Diversity petitioned U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service to list Pacific Walrus as
a threatened species because of
diminished sea ice brought on by climate
 Pacific walrus prefers sea ice for moulting,
mating, nursing and resting between
dives for food. Pacific walrus males grow
to 12 feet long and up to 1,815 kg. Females
reach half that weight. Walruses dive and
use sensitive whiskers to find clams and

 India and Japan are to hold the first-ever snails in dim light on the seafloor.

joint military exercise 'DHARMA  Fish and Wildlife Service said that

GUARDIAN-2018'involving the Indian inaccessibility protected walruses for

Army and Japan Ground Self Defence decades, but a rapid decline in summer

Force in Mizoram, India. sea ice has made them vulnerable. In the

 The aim is to promote Military Chukchi Sea between Alaska and Russia,

cooperation. where Pacific walrus females and

 Exercise 'DHARMA GUARDIAN-2018' will juveniles spend their summer, ice could

be yet another step in deepening strategic be absent during that season by 2060 or

ties including closer defence cooperation sooner

between the two countries.

9. Study says climate change
8. Climate warming threatens threatens World Heritage sites
Pacific Walrus  A study published in the journal Nature
presented a risk index that ranks the sites
according to the threat they face from
today until the end of the century.



 It stated that the UNESCO World

Heritage sites in the Mediterranean such
as Venice, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and
the Medieval City of Rhodes are under

the internationally-backed government in

the war-torn Arab country.

 The newly appointed Prime Minister

Abdulmalik (L) takes the oath before
Yemeni President Abdu-Rabbu Mansour
Hadi in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Oct. 18,
severe threat of coastal erosion and 2018.
flooding due to rising sea levels within the
11. Vice President addresses
next 100 years. It also included Venice plenary and retreat sessions of
and its Lagoon, Ferrara, City of the 12th ASEM Summit
Renaissance, and its Po Delta and the
Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia.
 The Vice President of India, Shri M.
 Heritage sites face many challenges to
Venkaiah Naidu has said that terrorism is a
adapt to the effects of sea-level rise as it major threat to peace and stability, and
changes the value and spirit of place for called for an early conclusion of the
each site Comprehensive Convention on
International Terrorism.

10. Maeen Abdulmalik sworn  He was addressing the plenary and retreat
in as Yemen's new PM sessions of the 12th ASEM Summit, with the
theme "Global Partners for Global
Challenges", in Brussels, Belgium.
 During his interventions, the Vice
President stated that India valued ASEM as
a platform that brings together leadership
of Asia and Europe to exchange views and
address global challenges.

 Yemen's newly appointed Prime Minister

Maeen Abdulmalik was sworn in to lead



12. India attracts $ 22 bn FDI Pennsylvania's top prize in energy

flows in first half of 2018
says UN report

policy for his leadership in reforming

India's power sector, spearheading
efforts to fast-track electrification of
 The UN Conference on Trade and thousands of remote villages and
Development said in its ‗Investment expanding renewable energy in the
Trends Monitor‘ report that in South country.
Asia, India attracted $ 22 billion of FDI
flows, contributing to the sub region‘s 14. Taliban surge: on Kandahar
13 per cent rise in FDI in the first half of
the year. attack
 According to a UN report which states
that the global foreign direct
investment dropped by 41 per cent in
the same period due to tax reforms
carried out by the Trump
 Global foreign direct investment fell by
41 per cent in the first half of 2018, to an
estimated $ 470 billion from $ 794
billion in the same period of 2017,
mainly due to large repatriations by the With the Kandahar attack, the militants
US parent companies of accumulated strike a blow to Afghan election and peace
foreign earnings from their affiliates processes
aboard following tax reforms, the  The attack on a high-level meeting inside
report said. the Governor‘s compound in southern
Kandahar, killing top security officials, is
13. Piyush Goyal to receive yet another reminder of the sharply
top energy policy prize from deteriorating security situation in
US university  In recent years, the Taliban had shown its
 The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy capability to infiltrate official meetings and
at the University Of Pennsylvania
attack any government building,
School Of Design will award its fourth
notwithstanding claims by the authorities
annual Carnot Prize to Goyal, the
former minister of power and of heightened security. A year ago, the
renewable energy, on October 19. Kandahar Governor‘s office had come
 Minister of Railways and Coal Piyush under attack by militants, resulting in the
Goyal will receive the University of death of a Deputy Governor, the

Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates

conflicting claims in the South China Sea
and members of Parliament

with Beijing.

16. 3rd Decadal International

year of Reefs-2018
 The International Conference on Status
and Protection of Coral Reefs (STAPCOR –
2018) with the theme ―Reef for Life‖ was
inaugurated by the Union Minister of
Environment, Forest and Climate Change,
Dr. Harsh Vardhan on 22nd October
15. The first-ever joint  Bangaram coral Island of Union Territory
maritime exercise will be of Lakshadweep.
 About 150 delegates both International
conducted between ASEAN and National, are participating in this
and China in the South China mega event at Bangaram Island from 22nd
to 24th October, 2018.
Sea  The delegates and keynote speakers for
technical deliberations have come from
 The first-ever joint maritime exercise will United State of America, United Kingdom,
Kuwait, Italy, France, Maldives and Sri
be conducted between ASEAN and China Lanka.
in the South China Sea near the city of
Zhanjiang in an effort to reduce tensions in
the disputed region. This exercise will
provide very good opportunities from the
navies of ASEAN and China to work
together using the CUES (Code for
Unplanned Encounters at Sea). Four
ASEAN members — Brunei, Malaysia, the
Philippines and Vietnam — have



17. World Polio Day 19. Xi Jinping opens world‟s

longest sea bridge

 World Polio Day is observed on October

24 . World Polio Day was established by  Chinese President Xi Jinping inaugurated
Rotary International over a decade ago to a 55-km bridge that will deepen the
commemorate the birth of Jonas Salk, who integration of Hong Kong and Macao with
led the first team to develop a vaccine the rest of China.
against poliomyelitis.  The world‘s longest sea-crossing bridge
will be at the heart of an integrated
18. United Nations day Greater Bay Area (GBA) covering 11
major neighboring cities, which include
Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and

20. PM awarded the 2018 Seoul

Peace Prize
 United Nations day will be observed on
October 24. Between October and
November, visitors to UN Headquarters
can see a photo exhibition called ―People
on the Move,‖ which is being displayed in
the Visitor‘s Lobby of the General
Assembly building, in connection with
2018 UN Day.



 The Seoul Peace Prize Committee has identified by the Black Sea Maritime
decided to confer the 2018 Seoul Peace
Archaeology Project.
Prize on Prime Minister Shri Narendra
 The ship, which is lying on its side with its
Modi, in recognition of his dedication to
improving international cooperation, mast and rudders intact, was dated back
raising global economic growth, to 400 BC -- a time when the Black Sea was
accelerating the Human Development of a trading hub filled with Greek colonies.
the people of India by fostering economic
growth in the world's fastest growing large
economy and furthering the development
of democracy through anti-corruption and
social integration efforts.

 While awarding the 2018 Seoul Peace

Prize, the Award Committee recognized
Prime Minister Modi's contributions to the
growth of the Indian and global
economies, crediting 'Modinomics' for
reducing social and economic disparity
between the rich and the poor. 22. Iraq PM Adel Abdul Mahdi
 The Committee lauded PM's initiatives to sworn in
make the government cleaner through
anti-corruption measures and
 The Committee also credited Prime
Minister for his contribution towards
regional and global peace through a
proactive foreign policy with countries
around the world under the 'Modi
Doctrine' and the 'Act East Policy.'
 Prime Minister Modi is the fourteenth
recipient of this award

 Iraq's new Prime Minister Adel Abdul

21. World's oldest intact Mahdi was sworn in but could not
shipwreck found in black sea announce the full cabinet after legislators
failed to reach a consensus on key
 An ancient Greek trading ship dating back postings.
more than 2,400 years found virtually
intact at the bottom of the Black Sea.  Abdul Mahdi was initially expected to
nominate a full 22-member cabinet,
 The vessel is one of more than 60
including the defence and interior
shipwrecks including Roman ships and a ministers.
17th-century Cossack raiding fleet



 Under Iraq's constitution, Shia, Sunnis, 24. Mahinda Rajapaksha sworn

Kurds and other minorities must all be
in as Prime Minister of Sri
represented in cabinet.
23. China and Japan to partner
in building Asia infrastructure

 Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena

has sacked Ranil Wickremesinghe,
incumbent prime minister of Sri Lanka and
appointed former President Mahinda
 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has
Rajapaksha as new Prime Minister.
arrived in China. His visit is expected to
trigger significant collaboration between
Tokyo and Beijing in developing
infrastructure in Asia.
 He was received by his Chinese
counterpart Li Keqiang, at the Great Hall
of the People. The function was held to
commemorate the 40th anniversary of
the China-Japan treaty of friendship.
 The leaders, Dr.Abe with Chinese
President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li,
are expected to discuss areas of
convergence between China‘s Belt and 25. World‟s largest airport
Road Initiative and Japan‘s concept of „under one roof‟ to open in
a free and open Indo-Pacific. They are Istanbul
also expected to discuss joint
 The world‘s largest airport terminal
development of infrastructure in Asia and
―under one roof‖ with a capacity to serve
90 million passengers will be officially
opened on October 29 in Istanbul, Turkey.
Dubbed as phase-1A of the project

Istanbul New Airport will have a capacity one of the four winners of the 2018 UN
to handle 90 million passenger per year, Human Rights Prize. She became the
making it the largest such facility in the fourth Pakistani woman to be awarded the
world. UN Human Rights Prize.

28. India, Japan Sign $75 Bn

26. Pakistan to send first Currency Swap Agreement

manned space mission in 2022

 Pakistan‘s plan to send a human to space  India and Japan Monday concluded a $75
is aimed for the same year that India plans billion bilateral currency swap
agreement. The move that will help in
to launch its own manned human space bringing greater stability in foreign
mission. exchange and capital markets in the
 The major difference between the two
 The agreement will further strengthen and
missions is that while ISRO‘s mission will widen the depth and diversity of
be their own, Pakistan will do so with economic cooperation between the two
China‘s help
29. Michael D Higgins Re-
27. Asma Jahangir Elected President of Ireland
posthumously awarded UN
Human Rights Prize

 Michael D Higgins has been re-elected as

Irish president after receiving 56% of the
country‘s election vote
 Late Pakistani human rights activist and
lawyer Asma Jahangir was announced as

 Businessman Peter Casey came second

with 23.1%, while none of the other four
candidates polled more than 10%
 Mr Higgins, the first incumbent in 50 years
to face a challenge in his bid for a second
term, won with 822,566 vote
 This facility will enable the agreed amount
of foreign capital being available to India
for use as and when need arises.

30. Microsoft Overtook

Amazon as World‟s 2nd Most
Valuable Company
32. Jair Bolsonaro is elected as
President of Brazil

 Amazon is overtaken by Microsoft as

world‘s second most-valuable company
after shares plunge 10 per cent
 Amazon reported a disappointing third
quarter, losing $65 billion from its market
capitalization. Microsoft‘s, on the other
hand, have risen by 13% – from a close of
$95 on May 1 to $106.
 Jair Bolsonaro, Former Army Captain,
 Apple remains the top with a 2018 market
value of 926.9 billion U.S. dollars was elected as the President of Brazil. He
promised a fundamental change in
31. Angela Merkel to Step direction for the country. Mr.Bolsonaro,
Down As German Chancellor 63, will take office on January 1, 2019.
In 2021  Official results gave him 55.13% of the
votes in the run-off election, to 44.87% for
 Germany‘s Angela Merkel has announced
leftist opponent Fernando Haddad, with
that she will step down as Chancellor in
99.99% of the ballots counted
2021, following recent election setbacks.
She would not seek re-election as leader
of the centre-right Christian Democratic
Union (CDU). She has held the post since
2000. The CDU was severely weakened in
yesterday‘s poll in the state of Hesse, the
latest in a series of setbacks.

in Delhi to deepen bilateral strategic

cooperation on IP policy.
 The dialogue was launched by US
Chamber of Commerce's Global
34„China-France Oceanography
Innovation Policy Center (GIPC) and
Satellite‟ (CFOSAT) is the first FICCI in partnership with the US-India
Business Council.
satellite jointly built by China  It will be convened annually, alternating
and France between New Delhi and Washington, DC.

36.Palau becomes first country

to ban sunscreen to save coral

 China has launched an ‗Oceanography

Satellite‘ on 29th October 2018. The
‗China-France Oceanography Satellite‘
 The Western Pacific nation of Palau has
(CFOSAT) is the first satellite jointly built
become the first country to ban many
by China and France.
kinds of sunscreen, in a move to protect its
 The satellite will help scientists to predict coral reefs from chemicals that scientists
dangerous cyclones and climate change say cause significant damage
by monitoring ocean surface winds and  Under the ban, which will take effect in
waves. 2020, ―reef-toxic‖ sunscreen — defined as
containing one of 10 prohibited chemicals,
35. First-ever India- a list that could grow later — can be
US Dialogue On confiscated from tourists when they enter
Intellectual Property the country, and retailers who sell it can
Begins be fined up to $1,000.

 The first ever India-US Dialogue on

Intellectual Property has been launched

37.World Science Day

for Peace &
Development being
observed today
 World Science Day for Peace &
Development celebrated every year

 Dravid was presented with the framed

cap by Gavaskar as he was formally
inducted into the ICC Hall of Fame.
on 10 th
 The day is observed to highlights the  The four Indians who were inducted in the
important role of science in society ICC Hall of Fame prior to Dravid are:
and the need to engage the wider
public in debates on emerging ♦ Sunil Gavaskar (1971-1987) - inducted in
scientific issues. 2009
 It also underlines the importance and
♦ Bishan Singh Bedi (1966-1979) - inducted
relevance of science in our daily lives.
 The theme for 2018 is ―Science, a in 2009
Human Right‖, in celebration of the ♦ Kapil Dev (1978-1994) - inducted in 2010
70th anniversary of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and of the
Recommendation on Science and
Scientific Researchers

38 First 5G iPhone to hit the

stores in 2020 - Intel to provide
iPhone 5G modem
 The first 5G iPhone is likely to use
an Intel modem, the 8161, and it could
hit the stores in 2020, according to a
report in the Fast Company.
 If everything goes as planned, Intel will be ♦ Anil Kumble (1990-2008) - inducted in
the sole provider of iPhone modems.
 To increase transistor density for more 2015.
speed and efficiency, Intel is likely to
fabricate the 8161 using its 10-nanometre
process.  Earlier this year, Dravid, along with Ricky
Ponting and England women
39.Rahul Dravid became the fifth wicketkeeper Claire Taylor, were
Indian to be inducted in the 'ICC announced as the new inductees in the
Hall of Fame'
Hall of Fame.

 Species found with microplastics are:

40 Scientists found ♦ Marine worms (Sternaspls scutata &
microplastics in marine life
Magelona cinta)
♦ Bivalve (Tellina)
♦ Sardines (Mathi) (All fished off Kochi
♦ Anchovies (Natholi) - Punnapra

41 'Pather Panchali' is only

Indian movie to feature in
BBC's 100-best foreign
language films
 Scientists at the Integrated Coastal and
Marine Area Management Project
Directorate at Chennai‘s National Institute
of Ocean Technology
recorded fluorescent blue and green
microplastics particles and fibers are
found in species of marine worms.
Research says that Microplastics are
practically everywhere.
 Microplastics are an issue because  Satyajit Ray's epic masterpiece 'Pather
once inside the bodies of marine life Panchali' has been included by BBC's
forms, they can cause internal lesions. 100 best foreign language films (only
 Apart from accumulating film from India) to feature in the list.
toxins, microplastics can threaten
micro fauna such as plankton (tiny,  Pather Panchali released in 1955, was
single-celled creatures that fish and even placed at number 15 in the list, which
whales feed on) that thrive in oceans. has been topped by Akira Kurosawa's

Now, scientists have recorded these tiny 'Seven Samurai'.

plastic particles, less than one

millimeter in length, closer home, in the  27 of the highest-rated films were in

marine life off the Kochi coast. French, followed by 12 in Mandarin,

and 11 each in Italian and Japanese
Invertebrates dwelling on the ocean floor
as well as fish now house microplastics.



42 Sri Lanka President Sirisena  43) SIMBEX 18 marks Silver

dissolves parliament to pave Jubilee this Year
way for an election

 Sri Lankan President Maithripala

Sirisena on Friday dissolved  The 25th edition of SIMBEX, an acronym
parliament, paving the way for an early for ―Singapore-India Maritime Bilateral
Exercise‖ is scheduled from 10th to 21st
general election in the country which is November 2018 off Andaman Sea and Bay
grappling with unprecedented political of Bengal.
 Bilateral cooperation between Singapore
crisis after the surprise sacking of Ranil and India was first formalized when RSN
Wickremesinghe as Prime Minister and ships began training with the Indian Navy
in 1994.
replacing him with Mahinda Rajapaksa.  Both countries have a full calendar of more
 Sirisena dissolved the Sri Lanka's than 20 bilateral mechanisms, dialogues
and exercises, many of which take place
parliament hours after a close aide of annually.
the President said he decided that  In November 2015, the robust relationship
between the two countries was elevated to
there will be no snap elections or a ‗Strategic Partnership‘
national referendum to end the current
political and constitutional crises in Sri
 44) Indian Navy – Indonesian
Navy Bilateral Exercise
„Samudra Shakti‟ Begins
 Sirisena signed an official notification  INS Rana of the Eastern Fleet based at
dismissing the 225-member assembly Visakhapatnam under the Eastern Naval
Command is on deployment to the South
well ahead of its August 2020 term
expiry, state television reported.
 The island nation was plunged into a
political crisis after Sirisena sacked
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe
and replaced him with his former rival
Mahinda Rajapaksa



East Asia and arrived at the port of reefs after the president of the country
Surabaya to participate in the inaugural signed a bill into law.
edition of Indian Navy – Indonesian Navy  The president of Palau, Tommy
Bilateral Exercise „Samudra Remengesau Jr. signed The
Shakti’ scheduled from 12 to 18 Nov 18. Responsible Tourism Education Act
of 2018.
 The aim of the exercise is to strengthen  It is the first country to ban reef toxic
bilateral relations, expand maritime co- sunscreen by 2020 in an attempt to
operation, enhance interoperability and protect its coral reefs after the
exchange best practices president of the country signed a bill
into law
 The main reason sunscreen can be so
45) Commerce Minister leads dangerous to reefs is because some of
the chemicals that wash off into the
delegation for RCEP meet in water have a negative impact on coral
Singapore reproduction, which has consequences
for the entire underwater ecosystem.
 RCEP is a pact that aims to cover goods,
services, investments, economic and 47) Iceland Is the Safest
Country to Visit: World Risk
 According to a new travel safety
index, Iceland topped the charts with
the lowest risk of a natural disaster as
well as crime rates
 UAE which is home to one of the most
popular holiday destinations, Dubai, was
ranked second
 Singapore which stood in third place was
also ranked highly across all categories.
The risk of Zika virus was, however,
technical cooperation, competition and
marked moderate in the country. The
intellectual property rights. fourth safest country was Spain, followed
by Australia, Canada, Japan, Morocco,
 The RCEP members include 10 ASEAN Jordan and Barbados.
members – Brunei Cambodia, Indonesia,  On the other hand, South Africa came
Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, last owing to a high risk of crime,
the Philippines, Laos and Vietnam and health and terrorism.
their 6 free trade agreement partners –
India, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia
48) World Kindness Day –
and New Zealand
November 13
46) Palau Becomes 1st  World Kindness Day is an international
observance on 13 November.
Country in World to Ban Reef-
 It was introduced in 1998 by the World
Killing Sunscreen Kindness Movement, a coalition of nations‘

 Palau bans reef toxic sunscreen by

2020 in an attempt to protect its coral



kindness NGOs.
 It is part of an initiative to connect the two
 World Kindness Day is to highlight good
deeds in the community focusing on the countries via road under the US$ 60 billion
positive power and the common thread of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
kindness which binds us.
49) Third 'Quadrilateral'  The bus will take 36 hours from Lahore to
meeting to be held in reach the Xinjiang Province of China
Singapore on November 14th

51) India allowed to buy Iranian

oil: US

 Officials from 4 countries (Quad) -

Australia, India, Japan and the United  India is one of the eight countries to
States will hold the third "Quadrilateral" receive temporary exemptions from U.S.
sanctions on Iran that came into effect on 5
or Quad meeting in Singapore on November 2018.
November 14th.  The other countries that have been
exempted are China, Italy, Greece, Japan,
 The meeting will be held on the sidelines South Korea, Taiwan and Turkey.
of the East Asia Summit.  U.S. said that each country on the list had
demonstrated 'significant reductions' of
 Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the purchase of Iranian crude over the
past six months
this meeting, and is expected to focus on
infrastructure projects, maritime security
52) European defence coalition
cooperation and discuss regional
launched in Paris
challenges including development.  Defence ministers from European
countries met in Paris on 7 November
50) Pakistan-China luxury bus 2018 and launched a joint military force
known as the 'European Intervention
service launched

 Pakistan and China have launched a

luxury bus service passing from Lahore to
Kashgar city in China on 5 November



Initiative' or EI2. comprise two retired diplomats TCA

 The military force could rapidly be
Raghavan, a former envoy to Pakistan, and
deployed in response to a conflict or
natural disaster. Amar Sinha, a former ambassador to
 Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Afghanistan.
Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Portugal,

Britain and Finland are part of this


53) India participated in Afghan

peace talks
 Russia hosted a conference on Afghanistan
bringing together representatives of the
Afghan authorities and the Taliban on 9
November 2018.
 India participated in the conference at a
'nonofficial' level.
 India‘s non-official delegation will


NATIONAL AFFAIRS Minister for Earth Sciences and
Environment, Dr. Harsh Vardhan.

 The System is designed to predict

extreme air pollution events and give
alerts to take necessary steps as per
A “Museum on Prime Ministers Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) of
of India” to be set up in Delhi the Government of India.
 The air pollution system has been
developed jointly by the scientists
at Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
(IITM), Pune, India Meteorological
Department and National Centre for
Medium Range Weather Forecasting

2. RK Singh launches award

scheme under 'Saubhagya'

 A ―Museum on Prime Ministers of India‖ is

to be set up in Delhi.

 Union Minister for Culture Dr. Mahesh and

Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs
Shri Hardeep Singh Puri laid the
Foundation stone for proposed Museum at
Teen Murti Estate, in New Delhi.
 Shri Hardeep Singh Puri said that the
proposed Museum is dedicated to all the  Shri RK Singh, Minister of State (IC) for
Prime Ministers of India and is envisaged Power and New & Renewable Energy
to give visitors a holistic understanding of announced an award scheme under
the continued thread of leadership,
initiatives and sacrifice that have helped Saubhagya to felicitate the DISCOMs /
shape our nation since independence. Power Department of the States and their
employees for achieving 100 per cent
1. Air Quality Early Warning household electrification in their area of
System for Delhi launched operations.

 Awards would be provided for achieving

100 per cent household electrification at
DISCOM/Power Department level of the
 Eight States which have already achieved
more than 99 per cent household
electrification prior to launch of
Saubhagya (Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,
Goa, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala,
 Air Quality Early Warning System for Punjab and Tamil Nadu), are ineligible for
Delhi was launched in Delhi by the Union participation under the award scheme. All
the remaining States and their Discoms


are eligible for the award.
Analytics, and the Internet of Things to
enhance operations and increase
3. India's first Crypto currency
ATM Installed in Bengaluru  Nokia Industry 4.0 relies on low-latency,
high-reliability networks as well as

 ATM for deposit and withdrawal of money

capabilities in robotics and artificial
for crypto currencies has been installed in
intelligence to drive new levels of
Bengaluru's Kemp Fort Mall by virtual
automation and data exchange in
currency exchange Unocoin.
manufacturing industries, resulting in
 Users can deposit money to buy
currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum improved operational efficiency and

using an OTP received on their registered reduced costs

5. Commemoration of '75th Year
of Establishment of Azad Hind
4. Nokia partners BSNL to
implement industrial
automation solutions

 BSNL and Nokia are demonstrating the

ability to leverage automation across
industries, showing how it can be
replicated in other sectors such as
automobile, oil and gas, mining, public
safety, and disaster management.  The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra
 Nokia factory will now leverage Industry Modi, would be hoisting the National flag
4.0 solutions such as Augmented and and unveiling the plaque to celebrate the
75th anniversary of the formation of Azad
Virtual Reality (AR/VR), connected
Hind Government on 21st October, 2018,
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data
at the Red Fort, Delhi.


 The Azad Hind Government, founded on  The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi,
21st October, 1943 was inspired by Neta ji
dedicated the National Police Memorial to
Subhash Chandra Bose who was the
leader of Azad Hind Government and also the nation, on Police Commemoration
the Head of State of this Provisional Indian Day.
 It was a part of the freedom movement,  The Prime Minister announced an award
originating in 1940s outside India with a in the name of Netaji Subhas Chandra
purpose of allying with Axis powers to Bose, to honour those involved in disaster
free India from British rule. response operations.
 The award would be announced every
6. Maeen Abdulmalik sworn in year, recognizing the bravery and
as Yemen's new PM courage displayed in saving lives of
people, in the wake of a disaster.

8. India‟s longest bridge to be

built across Brahmaputra

 Yemen's newly appointed Prime Minister

Maeen Abdulmalik was sworn in to lead
the internationally-backed government in
the war-torn Arab country.
 India‘s longest river bridge will be built
 The newly appointed Prime Minister across the Brahmaputra, connecting
Abdulmalik (L) takes the oath before
Dhubri in Assam to Phulbari in Meghalaya,
Yemeni President Abdu-Rabbu Mansour
Hadi in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Oct. 18, and will cut road travel by 203 km as also
2018. travel time.

7. Prime Minister dedicates  The 19.3 km, four-lane bridge will be built
National Police Memorial to by 2026-27, Government officials said

the Nation 9. Four Himalayan peaks named

after former PM Atal Bihari


 Four Himalayan peaks near Gangotri New Delhi, the Minister said, this initiative
will allow consumers to access Wi-Fi
glacier have been named after former
Hotspots of any of the partnering
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. operators.

 The peaks are located at 6,557m, 6,566m, 12. India 9th most valuable
6,160m and 6,100m on the right flank of
Gangotri glacier. nation brand in the world
 Located near Sudarshan and Saifi peaks in
Raktvan valley, the peaks have been
named Atal-1, 2, 3 and 4

10. Andhra Pradesh tops in

Rural Development Ministry

 Kuligod in Karnataka‘s Belagavi district is

 India ranked one of the 10 most valuable
the country‘s best developed village, but
nation brands in the world.
more than a third of the gram panchayats
ranked in the top 10 are in Andhra  In Brand Finance's annual Nation Brands
report, India was ranked 8th last year but
Pradesh, according to the findings of an slipped by a spot to the 9th rank.
ongoing Rural Development Ministry  India's brand value is $2,159 billion in
 Topping the list and maintaining its lead is
 There are 97 panchayats in the top 10 US with a brand value of $25,899 billion
ranks. Of these, 37 panchayats are in
Andhra Pradesh while 24 are in Tamil
13. ―Harit Diwali-Swasth Diwali‖
campaign launched by Ministry
 The Rural Development Ministry has done
of Environment
a gap analysis of more than 3.5 lakh
villages, in more than 1.6 lakh panchayats  Keeping in view the detrimental effects
under the Mission Antyodaya and also the importance of the festival,
convergence scheme.

11. Indian telecom industry

will rollout one million WiFi
hotspots by December next
 Minister of Communications Manoj Sinha
has said that Indian telecom industry will
rollout one million WiFi hotspots in the
country by December next year
 He said, it is another step towards the
digital empowerment of the nation.
Addressing the Indian Mobile Congress in
Ministry has initiated a ―Harit–Diwali‖  This is aimed to boost organic culture and
promote Women Organic Farmers and
 Being the country's largest organic
festival, it bears witness to the fact that
women are the torchbearers of the nation's
organic movement.
 "The WOI Festival has given a successful
platform to empower women farmers and
entrepreneurs in a festive and fruitful
manner for the past 4 years‖ said the
Minister of Women & Child Development,
Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi.

 This campaign was initiated in 2017-18

15. PM announces national
wherein large number of school children award in Netaji‟s name for
especially from eco-clubs participated
and took pledge to minimize bursting of disaster relief workers
crackers and also discouraged the
neighborhood and their friends from  Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced
bursting of crackers.
 During this intensive campaign, the launch of national award in name of Netaji
children were advised to celebrate Diwali Subhash Chandra Bose to honour those
in an environment-friendly manner.
involved in disaster response operations.
14. Women of India Organic  It was announced on the occasion of 75th
Festival to be held at IGNCA, anniversary of Bose‘s declaration of
New Delhi formation of Azad Hind Government,
India‘s first independent government on
October 21, 1943.
 The Ministry of Women and Child
Development is organizing the 5th edition
of the Women of India Organic Festival
from 26th October to 4th November, 2018 at
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts,
Janpath Road, New Delhi.


highly skilled training, and enhance the
16. 80% of Ganga to be clean scope of accountability through its linkage
before March 2019: Gadkari with industry and global competitiveness
across sectors.
 By leveraging advantages of private
 Union Minister for Water Resources, River sector enterprise and public capital in
terms of Government land, it would create
Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, new institutes of expertise, knowledge
Nitin Gadkari said that the work for and competitiveness.

cleaning and rejuvenation of River Ganga 18. Creation of Fisheries and

is ongoing and 70-80per cent of the work Aquaculture Infrastructure
will be completed before March next Development Fund (FIDF)

17. Cabinet approves setting up

of Indian Institute of Skills in

 The Cabinet Committee on Economic

Affairs chaired by the Prime Minister Shri
Narendra Modi has given its approval for
creation of special Fisheries and
PPP modes Aquaculture Infrastructure Development
Fund (FIDF).
 The approval entails an estimated fund
 The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime size of Rs.7,522 crore, comprising
Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved Rs.5,266.40 crore to be raised by the
the for setting up of Indian Institute of Nodal Loaning Entities (NLEs), Rs. 1,316.6
Skills(IISs) at different locations across the crore beneficiaries contribution and
country in Public Private Partnership Rs.939.48 crore budgetary support from
(PPP), which will be explored for the Government of India.
promotion of IIS at select locations based  National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
on demand and available infrastructure. Development (NABARD), National
Cooperatives Development Corporation
 The setting up of IISs shall augment the
(NCDC) and all scheduled Banks
global competitiveness of key sectors of
Indian economy by providing high quality (hereinafter referred as Banks) shall be
skill training, applied research education the nodal Loaning Entities.
and a direct and meaningful connection
with industry.
 It will provide opportunity to aspiring
youth across the country to have access to
19. PM awarded the 2018 Seoul 20. India‟s first made-in-India
Peace Prize engineless train „Train 18‟ is
set to hit the tracks for trials
on October 29:
 India‘s first made-in-India engineless train
‗Train 18‘is set to hit the tracks for trials on
October 29, 2018. The train will be
unveiled on October 29 for three to four
days trial outside the Coach Factory‘s
 The Seoul Peace Prize Committee has
 After successful trials, the train will be
decided to confer the 2018 Seoul Peace handed over to Research Design and
Prize on Prime Minister Shri Narendra Standards Organisation (RDSO) for further
Modi, in recognition of his dedication to trials
improving international cooperation,
raising global economic growth,
accelerating the Human Development of
the people of India by fostering economic
growth in the world's fastest growing large
economy and furthering the development
of democracy through anti-corruption and
social integration efforts.

 While awarding the 2018 Seoul Peace

Prize, the Award Committee recognized
Prime Minister Modi's contributions to the 21. Kerala Infrastructure
growth of the Indian and global
economies, crediting 'Modinomics' for Investment Fund Board to
reducing social and economic disparity issue masala bonds worth Rs
between the rich and the poor.
 The Committee lauded PM's initiatives to 5,000 crore for development
make the government cleaner through
anti-corruption measures and
 The Committee also credited Prime  Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund
Minister for his contribution towards
regional and global peace through a Board (KIIFB) is going to issue Masala
proactive foreign policy with countries bonds worth Rs. 5,000 crore to mobilise
around the world under the 'Modi
funds for various development works.
Doctrine' and the 'Act East Policy.'
 Prime Minister Modi is the fourteenth  KIIFB has appointed Standard & Poor‘s and
recipient of this award Fitch Ratings for rating the Masala bonds


 The bonds will be listed in London and (Lepidoptera), which is widely considered
Singapore stock exchanges. The funds will as pests, are pollinators to a number of
be raised in tranches over period of 10 flowering plants in the Himalayan
ecosystem. The scientists collected moth
samples from states such as Arunachal

22. Gujarat First Mega Food

Park Inaugurated in Surat
 Union Minister for Food Processing
Industries Smt Harsimrat Kaur Badal
inaugurated the first Mega Food Park in
Gujarat. It is located at Village Shah and Pradesh, Sikkim and West Bengal. The
Vasravi, Taluka Mangrol, District Surat. A analysis of proboscis, a long and thread-
2nd Mega Food Park has been sanctioned
by the Ministry in Mehsana District of like organ used to suck flower sap, of a
dozen moth species‘ revealed the
 This Mega Food Park has been set up
in 70.15 acres of land at a cost of Rs. presence of pollen grains.
117.87 crore.
 Researchers have pointed out that almost
two-thirds of common large moth species
have declined over the last 40 years in
some parts of the world. One of the main
reasons for the decline is light pollution

23. ZSI scientists says Moths

are key pollinators in
Himalayan ecosystem
 The scientists of Zoological Survey of
India (ZSI) has revealed that Moths


had previously held the record at 153
24. National Unity Day –
October 31

 India is observing Rashtriya Ekta Diwas,

also known as National Unity Day, on
October 31, 2018, to commemorate
the 143rd birth anniversary of Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel, the Iron Man of

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi

inaugurated the Statue of Unity – the
world‘s tallest statue of Sardar Vallabhai
Patel, in Gujarat‘s Kevadiya, on Patel‘s
birth anniversary.

 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, born on

October 31, 1875, was a political and
social leader of India who played a major
role in the country‘s struggle for
independence and subsequently guided
its integration into a united, independent
 As the first home minister and deputy
prime minister of India, Patel organised
relief for refugees in Punjab and Delhi and
led efforts to restore peace across the

25. Modi unveils world‟s tallest

statue „Statue of Unity‟

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled

the bronze statue of India‘s first deputy
prime minister, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
at Kevadia in Gujarat‘s Narmada district.
 At 182 meters, the statue of Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel will be the tallest statue
in the world, surpassing the height of
Spring Temple Buddha in China, which


Know the Service
Introducing all the 26 services one
gets on qualifying
UPSC Civil Service Examination


Indian Trade Service (ITS)
The Indian Trade Service (ITS) is an organized Group ‗A‘ central service that you can get into if
you clear the UPSC civil
services examination. The
service started in 1977 and
the first batch of officers to
come through the UPSC CSE
joined in 1986. Its cadre
controlling authority is the
Directorate General of
Foreign Trade (DGFT) which
is an attached office under
the Department of
Commerce, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry. The
head of the DGFT is the
Director General of Foreign Trade. The chief mandate of the ITS is to take care of India‘s
foreign trade and commercial activities.

Functions of ITS officers

 Implementing the provisions of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992;
Safeguard Measures (Quantitative Restrictions) Rules, 2012; Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), 2009-
2014; Handbook of Procedure, Volume-I, 2009-2014; ITC (HS) Classification of Export and
Import Items, 2012; and Handbook of Procedure, Volume-II (Standard).
 Formulating policy in international trade.
 Promoting exports.
 Implementing trade policy.
 Negotiating international trade deals and commercial diplomacy.
 The officers can also be sent on deputation to work in other ministries and departments and
also to international organisations like World Bank, ADB, UN organisations, etc.


Detailed coverage on an
important event.


Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)

Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is India‘s premier investigating agency that handles all
high-profile cases. Its job is to ensure a fair and an impartial probe. But, recently in October
2018, two of the top officials of the agency have been reported to be involved in a major
fraud. This has led the Government of India to intervene in order to restore the institutional
integrity and credibility of CBI.
 Origins of CBI can be traced back to the Special Police Establishment (SPE) set up
in 1941 in order to cases of bribery and corruption in War & Supply Department of India
during World War II.
 The need of a Central Government agency to investigate cases of bribery and
corruption was felt even after the end of World War II. So, DSPE (Delhi Special Police
Establishment) Act, 1946 was brought that
gave legal power of investigating cases to CBI.
 CBI is not a statutory body as it is not
established by an Act of the Parliament.
 CBI investigates cases related
to economic crimes, special crimes, cases of
corruption and other high-profile cases.
 CBI comes under the jurisdiction of
the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances
and Pensions. Various organizations under this
Ministry are Union Public Service
Commission (UPSC), Staff Selection
Commission (SSC), Lal Bahadur Shastri National
Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), CBI, Central
Information Commission (CIC), etc.
 CBI is exempted from Right to Information (RTI) Act similar to National Investigating
Agency (NIA), National Intelligence Grid (Natgrid), etc.
 CBI is headed by a Director, an IPS (Indian Police Service) officer of the rank of Director
General of Police. The director is selected based on CVC Act, 2003 for two years-


term. Several other ranks in CBI are filled through recruitment by SSC or deputation
from Police, Income Tax Department and Customs Department.
 The appointment procedure of CBI Director has undergone several changes over time.
Initially, appointments were made as per Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946.
2003: DSPE Act revised on Supreme Court‟s recommendation. A committee that had members
from Central Vigilance Commission, Secretaries from Home Ministry, Ministry of Personnel and
Public Grievances would send recommendations to Central Government for appointment of CBI

2014: The Lokpal Act provided a committee headed by Prime Minister and members as
Leader of Opposition/ Leader of single largest opposition party, Chief Justice of India/ a Supreme
Court Judge for appointment of CBI Director was formed. Home Ministry sends list of eligible
candidates to DoPT that prepares the final list and send it to the committee.
 Established in 1902 by the British Government, CID (Crime Investigation Department) is an
investigation and intelligence department of state police. On the other hand, CBI is
an agency of the Central Government.
 The ten regional zones of CBI are in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Guwahati, Kolkata,
Patna, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Bhopal and Delhi.
 Central Government can authorize CBI to investigate cases in any state with the consent of
the concerned state. Supreme Court and High Courts can also order the CBI to
investigate without state‘s consent.

CBI is an agency of Central Government that has wide range of investigating areas and
powers. It was formed with a goal to check corruption and other crimes in the nation and so
it shall maintain a clean image of itself. Any agency shall have a system of checks and
balances and so, intervention of Government, CVC, Courts, etc shall be done if needed.



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