List of Chinese Characters

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List of Chinese characters

List of Chinese characters used in the writing systems of the Chinese and
Japanese languages, occasionally for Korean, and historically in Vietnam.
Many of these characters are ancient or rarely used, therefore you may
be more interested in much smaller list of characters in modern
Chinese or list of most popular Chinese characters. The table below
presents Chinese characters together with additional useful data
(definition, stroke count, radical and other).
81390 characters
Page: 1 2 3 ... 814
Strok HSK General
Pinyi Radica Frequenc
Definition e leve Standard
n l y rank
count l #
(same as 丘)
㐀 qiū hillock or mound
一 1.4 5
to lick; to taste, a
㐁 tiàn mat, bamboo bark
一 1.5 6
(J) non-standard
form of 喜, to like,
㐂 一 1.5 6
love, enjoy; a joyful
㐃 丨 2.2 3

㐄 kuà 丨 2.2 3
(an ancient form
㐅 wǔ of 五) five
丿 4.1 2
(corrupted form) to
follow, to trust to;
to put confidence
in; to depend on,
㐆 yǐn to turn around; to 丿 4.5 6
turn the body,

㐇 乙 5.2 3
㐈 乙 5.2 3

㐉 乙 5.2 3

㐊 乙 5.3 4

㐋 乙 5.3 4
a tribe of savages
㐌 yí in South China
乙 5.4 5

㐍 乙 5.4 5

㐎 乙 5.4 5

㐏 乙 5.4 5

㐐 乙 5.5 6

㐑 乙 5.5 6

㐒 乙 5.5 6

㐓 乙 5.5 6

㐔 乙 5.5 6

㐕 乙 5.5 6
㐖毒, an old name
㐖 xié 乙 5.6 7
for India
㐗 乙 5.6 7

㐘 乙 5.6 7

㐙 乙 5.7 8

㐚 乙 5.7 8

㐛 乙 5.7 8
(same as 仇) an
㐜 chóu enemy, enmity,
乙 5.8 9
hatred, to hate, a
rival, a match
㐝 乙 5.8 9

㐞 乙 5.8 9

㐟 乙 5.8 9

㐠 乙 5.8 9
(same as 懦)
㐡 nuò weak; timid; 乙 5.10 11
㐢 乙 5.10 11

㐣 乙 5.10 11
to implore; to
beseech, to seek
㐤 dān after, to beg; to
乙 5.11 12
㐥 乙 5.15 16

㐦 乙 5.18 19
(J) non-standard
of 第 U+7B2C,
㐧 sequence,
亅 6.3 4
number; grade,
a kind of fish in
㐨 xù legend (a record in 亅 6.7 8
old books)
㐩 xíng wine cups 二 7.6 8

㐪 亠 8.4 6
(same as 凶) cruel,
㐫 xiōng unfortunate, sad 亠 8.4 6
(same as 旒, a
corrupted form
of 荒) a cup with
㐬 liú pendants, a 亠 8.5 7
pennant, wild,
(same as 廩) a
granary, to supply
㐭 lǐn (foodstuff), to
亠 8.6 8
(same as 襄) to
㐮 xiāng help; to assist, to 亠 8.11 13
achieve, to rise; to
(ancient form of 庸
㐯 yōng ) to employ; to use, 亠 8.15 17
to manifest
(ancient form of 信
) to believe in; to
trust, truth,
㐰 xìn sincerity,
人 9.3 5
confidence, a
pledge or token
(same as 鬒)
㐱 zhěn bushy, black hair
人 9.3 5

㐲 dài name of an island 人 9.3 5

high and level on
㐳 wù the top
人 9.3 5
(non-classical of 攀
) to drag down; to
㐴 pān seize, to pull, to
人 9.3 5
hold to
㐵 rú scholar
人 9.3 5

㐶 人 9.3 5
a kind of
punishment in Han
Dynasty, name of
chessmen in
㐷 mǎ Chinese chess 人 9.3 5
game (simplified
form, a variant 罵)
to curse; to revile;
to abuse, to scold
(non-classical form
of 欠) to owe
㐸 qiàn money, deficient,
人 9.4 6
to yawn, last name
(standard form
of 仡) strong;
㐹 yì valiant, a minority 人 9.4 6
ethnic group in
(standard form
of 眾) all; the
㐺 yín whole of; a 人 9.4 6
multitude, a crowd
(three or more)
㐻 nèi name of a person 人 9.4 6
(corrupted form
㐼 chèng of 拯) to save; to 人 9.4 6
lift up
(simplified form
㐽 fēng of 偑) name of a 人 9.4 6
place, last name
㐾 人 9.4 6

㐿 人 9.4 6

㑀 人 9.4 6
(same as 𠭴) short;
㑁 zhuō of short stature
人 9.5 7
(same as 仿) to
imitate, like;
㑂 fǎng resembling,
人 9.5 7
according to
(same as 拗) to
pull; to drag, to
㑃 ǎo break off, to pluck,
人 9.5 7
as a flower
(ancient form of 侮
㑄 wǔ ) to insult, to 人 9.5 7
(same as 作) to
make; to do; to act,
㑅 zuò to write; to 人 9.5 7
compose; to rise,
㑆 人 9.5 7
(a simplified form)
㑇 zhòu clever; ingenious; 人 9.5 7 6602
cute; pretty
(simplified form)
rude; barbarous,
㑈 dòng stupid; dull, last
人 9.5 7
cannot straighten
㑉 sù up
人 9.6 8

㑊 yì a kind of disease 人 9.6 8 6700

small, poor, submit
㑋 qióng to the dominion of; 人 9.6 8
slow; late
(same as 尪)
㑌 kuāng weak; a rickety 人 9.6 8
person; emaciated
inferior; secondary,
㑍 lèi ugly
人 9.6 8

㑎 nǎo last name 人 9.6 8

(corrupted form
㑏 zhù of 佇) to stand and 人 9.6 8
wait; to hope for
to move; to start;
㑐 shū to shake, name of 人 9.6 8
a person
㑑 人 9.6 8

㑒 人 9.6 8

㑓 人 9.6 8
(a simplified form)
(corrupted form
㑔 xǔ of 偦) all together, 人 9.6 8
mutually, last
㑕 人 9.6 8

㑖 人 9.6 8

㑗 shēn a god, pregnant 人 9.7 9

(same as 价) a
servant, a middle-
㑘 jiè man, good, great; 人 9.7 9
(a simplified form)
price; value
frivolous; flippant;
㑙 dié capricious; playful
人 9.7 9
(non-classical form
㑚 nuó of 那) that, there
人 9.7 9

㑛 sù 人 9.7 9
(a dialect) to
㑜 yì engrave
人 9.7 9
to make a fool of;
㑝 lòng idiotic, simple, 人 9.7 9
(same as 媵) (in
old time) a maid
who accompanies
㑞 yìng a bride to her new
人 9.7 9
home; to escort, a
insincere and
㑟 běng cunning person; a 人 9.7 9
pretentious person
㑠 人 9.7 9

㑡 人 9.7 9

㑢 人 9.7 9
stupid; loutish,
without ability;
㑣 lán unable; lacking
人 9.8 10

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