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Human flourishing is defined as an effort to achieve self-actualization and fulfillment

within the context of a larger community of individuals, each with the right to pursue his
or her own such efforts. Aristotle describes three types of life in his search for human
flourishing: lives of gratification, politics, and contemplation. He contends that there is a
single Idea of Good that all men seek, and he finds that happiness, or eudaimonia, best
fits his criteria. Aristotle investigates the human purpose to find how happiness is best
achieved, and finds that a life of activity and contemplation satisfies our purpose,
achieving the most complete happiness in us. One primary means of remaining active
to achieve happiness includes loving friendships, which only happen to the virtuous.
Thus human flourishing is living a life of virtue, activity, and productivity. Aristotle
proposes that we have a single Idea of Good which is both complete and self-sufficient,
chosen entirely for itself, and that end is happiness.

In connection of how Aristotle describes human flourishing that will end to happiness,
we should be more worried about the world that we are creating. Humans are not
restricted in finding most complete happiness in this world but then the bad side of it is
that humans became too selfish for them to obtain that happiness. People will always
find activities that will make them feel complete and happy but then the happiness that
they choose will sometimes lead to consequences that did not help them to flourish as a
human. Yes, it made us happy but that experience did not make us grow as a person.
We are creating a world where in we are more worried about how we will achieve that
happiness in this world and forget how God gave his only begotten Son to us and seek
happiness through Him. We are more worried on the things that we want to achieve that
will make us happy but forget that our world is slowly dying because of us being
irresponsible in terms of caring and protecting our planet. We are more worried on how
are we going to be happy tomorrow because of the problems that we are facing today
than solving our dilemmas and be satisfied by the life that God gave to us. We are
creating a world full of fulfilling the desire of being happy alone than sharing our
happiness to other people. We should be alarm and reflect about the world that we are
creating now for we may think that we became flourished by the things that we are
doing but then it’s not what’s really happening.
2. Do you believe that the future belongs to science?

Scientism is a method of natural science should be bar by which every other discipline
is judged. C.S Lewis compared science to magic. Twins actually because if three
reasons. First science as Religion is something extraordinary. It can give you a sense of
meaning. It Strikes a deep cord in people of grandeur in the universe, something higher
than us. This magical view of the world – Narnia, Lord of Rings, etc – can be a religion
for some people. Also, some people in science saw the Darwinian model. People
celebrate Darwin’s bday on Feb 12 now. Second as in Credulity – in modern world,
some people will believe almost anything if it’s dressed up in the name of science.
Lewis intrigued by Freud’s psychoanalysis. The deconstruction of everything leaves you
with nothing. The Pilgrim’s regress book. Another was evolutionism. That matter could
unconsciously guide itself. If my own mind is a product of the irrational, how should I
trust it about evolutionism? Mind development consistent with survival enhancing
behaviors, but not the ability to grasp truth. So we shouldn’t trust our reason. How could
a mindless process produce minds?. Last is Science as Power – the quest for power.
Magicians wanted to have power over world in order to control it. Modern science far
more dangerous because magic doesn’t work at end of day, whereas modern science
can control and manipulate people. So if you don’t have an ethical basis that is outside
of the realm of science to control it, you have a dangerous future.

But then all of it was defined by C.S. Lewis and I will never accept that future belongs to
science. Based on the scripture in the bible which is the Ecclesiastes 3:16-17 it says
that Judgment and the Future Belong to God and this is what the verse says “Moreover
I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, wickedness was there, and in the place
of righteousness, wickedness was there as well. I said in my heart, God will judge the
righteous and the wicked, for he has appointed a time for every matter, and for every
work.” God already set a time for each of us and this verse is telling us to trust Him and
not what this world can give to us. Science is helping us in so many levels but we must
not depend our future in it. Our future belongs to the one who created us and it is God.
He is the only one who can reveal the future in an extraordinary circumstance. The
secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve
upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better.
Forget about the future, and live each day according to the teachings, confident
that God loves his children. Each day, in itself, brings with it an eternity.
It was the operation of the first robot known as the Unimate by the General Motors in
the year 1961, where its primary purpose is to help factory workers in their fields
marked the beginning of the future. Through advent of technology, from a simple
machine that carries metals, we are now living in an era where robots can work and
imitate almost everything such as the motor and thinking skills of a dog or even an
actual human being thanks to the so-called “artificial intelligence”- and living proofs to
this milestone are the Dog by the Boston Dynamics and Sofia the Robot. We are very
much aware of the advantages and the perks of this amazing work of science coupled
with the arts, and there is no doubt that robots in the 21st century can act like real
human. If Robots can perform any human activity or think like one, then, what attributes
still made us superior to these mechanisms? -- you might ask, It’s the capability of
oneself to experience and express emotions. I do agree with words of Sydney Harris
that, ‘the real danger is not that computers will begin to think like Men but that men
begin to think like computers.’ Computers are conceptualized to aid and support the
man kind so its inventors decided to give a man an assistant that is capable of what
he/she can do. From the first robots, to the existing ones I believed that they are
continuously serving their purposes. But if we humans started to think and behave like a
computer there will be no progress, growth, everything will stay constant and
programed, What you see is what you get, Emotionless and tabula rasa. Emotions plays
a major role in the human’s natural personality and becoming a computer would lose
the sense of uniqueness and distinction.

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