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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Abra
Tayum District



An investigatory Project
presented for the Science and Math Festival
Group Category




Research Adviser

SY 2018 -2019

Air Coolers aren’t a new technology compared to the more recent technology of air

conditioners. For centuries, civilizations have been coming up with their own clever versions of

today’s air cooler. In Persia, (Modern Day Iran) a wind catcher was invented thousands of years

ago that used the process of evaporative cooling. Shafts on the roof would catch wind and then it

would pass through water, blowing cold air into a building.

The technology that is used for modern air conditioning didn’t come till much later. In

1820, it was discovered that compressing and liquefying ammonia could chill air when it was

allowed to evaporate. Then in 1902, the first modern electrical air conditioner was invented for the

actual application of temperature cooling for a printing plant.

Many people get confused when choosing an air conditioning and an air cooler. Both of

them could be used to cool the air, and each product has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The one which could be the best choice will depend on many factors like the climate where you

live, the cost you will pay, the temperature and the air quality you want to get.

Air cooling is a method of dissipating heat. It works by expanding the surface area or

increasing the flow of air over the object to be cooled, or both. An example of the former is to add

cooling fins to the surface of the object, either by making them integral or by attaching them tightly

to the object’s surface (to ensure efficient heat transfer). In the case of the latter, it is done by using

a fan blowing air into or onto the object one wants to cool. The addition of fins to a heat sink

increases its total surface area, resulting in greater cooling effectiveness.

In all cases, the air has to be cooler than the object or surface from which it is expected to

remove heat. This is due to the law of thermodynamics, which states that heat will only move

spontaneously from a hot reservoir (the heat sink) to a cold reservoir (the air).


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
The air is cool is cooled to the correct temperature for the efficient use in the engine. The

air cooling is made possible by passing cool water through the charge air cooler tubes.

How does air conditioning and an air cooler works? Air conditioning is a process by

removing heat from a confined room by using chemicals. The chemicals used are called

refrigerant gas, which could be easily converted from a gas to a liquid and back again. And the

heat will be transferred from the air inside home to the outside air using such refrigerant gas. The

air cooler is one of the oldest forms of climate control and is still found today. The air cooler uses

fan to draw outside air through the wet filter pads. This filters the air of impurities and lowers the

air temperature due to the evaporation of water with in the pads. The cooled air is then distributed

or directed into the building.

What is the difference between an air conditioning and an air cooler? Air cooler is more

economical to operate, uses natural and clean air, lower installation cost, less maintenance required

and environment friendly. While the air conditioner is much higher – cost to operate, higher

installation cost, regular cleaning is needed, and it damages the ozone layer.

Statement of the Problem

The general purpose of this study is to find out if an improvised air cooler out of ice box

and a 12 volts CPU fan is effective in cooling the air.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions

1. How can an improvised air cooler gives cool air?

2. How can an improvised air cooler saves electricity?

3. Does having an improvised air cooler promotes conservation of the environment?


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School

An improvised air cooler out of an ice box and a 12 volts CPU fan is effective in giving

cool air and is environmental friendly.

Significance of the Study

In our time where electric bills, energy consumption where constantly rising, everyone is

seeking ways to save and to lessen energy consumption as much as possible. In a tropical country

like ours, a high temperature is prevalent. This project aims to provide an efficient improvised air

cooler that is cheaper, recyclable and energy saver.

Scope and Delimitation

This project was conducted to find out how effective an improvised air cooler out of an ice

box and a 12- volt CPU fan to cool the air. The aspects looked into this project were the

effectiveness of the device to give cool air and the length of time it cools the air. The project was

Conducted at Tayum Central School from July 3, 2018 to September 20, 2018.

Operational Definition of Terms

Some terms used in this study are defined operationally and scientifically to give the

readers a clearer understanding of the content.

Air Coolers. It is a device that makes the air cool.

CPU. It is the Central Processing Unit of the computer.

Air Conditioning. It is the process of removing heat from the interior of an occupied space to

improve the comfort of the occupants.

Thermal Comfort. It is the condition of the mind that expresses comfort with the environment.

CFC. Chlorofluorocarbons are family of chemicals containing chlorine, fluorine, and carbon that

cause the depletion of the ozone layer.


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the important concepts viewed from the related studies and literature

written by authors. Air conditioning is the removing of heat from the interior of an occupied

space to improve the comfort of the occupants. According to Ashrae (1999), the job of your air

conditioner is to move heat from the inside of your home to the outside, thereby cooling you and

your home. Air conditioner blow cool air into your home by pulling the heat of that air. This works

just like the cooling that happens when water evaporates from your skin.

G.B. Wilson (1908) regarded as the “Father of Air Conditioning”, stated that in order to

have thermal comfort, suitable humidity in all parts of a building should be maintained. Free the

air from excessive humidity during certain seasons. Supply a constant and adequate ventilation.

Efficiently remove from the air micro-organisms, dust soot, and other foreign bodies. Efficiently

cool room air during certain seasons.

S.R. Smith (2010) stated that there are ways to keep cool without turning on your air

conditioner, but when the temperature becomes too warm, air conditioning is a must. He suggested

some energy saving tips like turning the AC to sleep mode which means that it lowers the output

on a timer. Try using a portable unit to cool just the area you’re working in. Close off vents to

avoid the cool air to come out. You have to service your unit frequently as needed. Rearrange your

furniture if it obstructs air conditioning. Try to maintain 78 degrees for the air conditioning.

Turning lights off can help reduce your heat, but paying attention to how much light you let in

from open windows can also play a significant role.


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School

Air conditioners use refrigeration to chill indoor air, taking advantage of a remarkable physical

law: When a liquid converts to a gas (in a process called phase conversion), it absorbs heat. Air

conditioners exploit this feature of phase conversion by forcing special chemical compounds to

evaporate and condense over and over again in a closed system of coils.

The compounds involved are refrigerants that have properties enabling them to change at relatively

low temperatures. Air conditioners also contain fans that move warm interior air over these cold,

refrigerant-filled coils. In fact, central air conditioners have a whole system of ducts designed to

funnel air to and from these serpentine, air-chilling coils. When hot air flows over the cold, low-

pressure evaporator coils, the refrigerant inside absorbs heat as it changes from a liquid to a

gaseous state. To keep cooling efficiently, the air conditioner has to convert the refrigerant gas

back to a liquid again. To do that, a compressor puts the gas under high pressure, a process that

creates unwanted heat. All the extra heat created by compressing the gas is then evacuated to the

outdoors with the help of a second set of coils called condenser coils, and a second fan. As the gas

cools, it changes back to a liquid, and the process starts all over again. Think of it as an endless,

elegant cycle: liquid refrigerant, phase conversion to a gas/ heat absorption, compression and phase

transition back to a liquid again.

It's easy to see that there are two distinct things going on in an air conditioner. Refrigerant is

chilling the indoor air, and the resulting gas is being continually compressed and cooled for

conversion back to a liquid again.

The biggest job an air conditioner has to do is to cool the indoor air. Air conditioners monitor and

regulate the air temperature via a thermostat. They also have an onboard filter that removes


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
airborne particulates from the circulating air. Air conditioners function as dehumidifiers. Because

temperature is a key component of relative humidity, reducing the temperature of a volume of

humid air causes it to release a portion of its moisture.

The major parts of an air conditioner manage refrigerant and move air in two directions: indoors

and outside:

 Evaporator - Receives the liquid refrigerant

 Condenser - Facilitates heat transfer

 Expansion valve - regulates refrigerant flow into the evaporator

 Compressor - A pump that pressurizes refrigerant



Most people use air conditioners to stay more comfortable in their homes or offices during hot and

humid summer weather. Under extreme conditions, air conditioners may keep elderly and other

vulnerable people safer from heat-induced health problems. Air conditioners are used in many

commercial settings not only for increased comfort but for decreasing heat stress on delicate

machinery such as computers, and reducing food spoilage in grocery stores and restaurants.

 Prevents Dehydration and Heat strokes

Being exposed to excessive heat for long periods can cause dehydration. This is because high

temperature leads to profuse sweating and makes your body lose water. If you fail to replenish this

lost water, the result will be dehydration. Since air conditioners reduce sweating, they can


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
minimize the risk of water loss and dehydration. Heat strokes are another problem that excessive

heat can cause. This is because too much heat can make it difficult for the body to regulate its

temperature. Failing to treat this problem early enough can cause damage to the brain and other

organs of the body. Since air conditioners reduce the temperature of the air, they can be helpful in

preventing heat strokes.

 Improves the Quality of Air

Air conditioners can significantly improve indoor air quality and create a much healthier

atmosphere. This is because they are capable of flittering out pollen, dust, and other allergens

present in the environment. By reducing humidity, air conditioners can check the growth of mildew

and mold.

 Helps to Reduce Asthma and Allergies

Air conditions can help to filter as well as disinfect the air that we breathe. This can help to

reduce the risk of asthma attacks and allergies by removing pollen and dust, and also preventing

the growth of mildew and mold. Being exposed to mold is one of the main factors that increase

the risk of asthma attacks, allergic reactions, and other respiratory issues. The fact that we close

our windows while using air conditioners helps to prevent the entry of environmental allergens,

bacteria, and dust.


Air conditioners use a lot of electricity. This creates both financial disadvantages for the people

who have to pay for the power, and more generalized environmental disadvantages caused by

power production. Because a large percentage of electricity is created by coal-burning power


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
plants, air conditioning contributes indirectly to the release of greenhouse gases and other

pollutants. In addition, according to The Independent, spending too much time in an air-

conditioned environment can contribute to health problems such as asthma, tightness in the chest

and other respiratory ailments.

 Skin Dryness

Spending increased amount of time in an air-conditioned room can make your skin lose its

moisture, thereby becoming sensitive and dry. It can also cause irritation and dryness of the

mucous membrane.

 Aggravation of Respiratory Problems

A sudden change in temperature has shown to exacerbate the symptoms of various respiratory

diseases. Fortunately, you can significantly reduce the risk of this problem by setting a higher

temperature and decreasing it gradually.

 Respiratory Tract Infections and Allergies

Not cleaning the air conditioner can cause the buildup of dust, bacteria, and pollen in the air

filters. This will significantly increase the risk of asthma attacks and respiratory tract infections.


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
Methodology and Procedure

This section presents the complete steps used in this study. The following procedures were

conducted thoroughly to come up with the best result. The flow chart below shows the sequential

steps followed by the proponent in gathering the needed data.

Gathering of Materials

Cleaning and assembling the air cooler

Placing the ice packs and salt

Data Gathering

Figure 1: Experimental Process Flow Chart

Gathering of Materials

The materials such as the 12 volts CPU fan was gathered from a discarded or broken CPU,

and a used and clean ice box was obtained from one of the parents of these researchers. Portions

of the discarded pvc pipes were obtained from one carpenter.


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
Cleaning and making the air cooler

Materials were first cleaned, then the two 12-volt CPU fans were mounted to the top of

the ice box by cutting two square holes. Then the holes for the pvc pipes were cut using the same

pipes by sharpening their edges. The materials were fastened to the ice box using a glue gun.

Placing the ice packs and salt.

After cleaning and making the air cooler, four ice packs were placed and 20 grams of

rock salt were added in the ice box. The device was ready for operation. Salt was added because

it was proven that it delays the melting of ice.

Data Gathering

The needed data for the different aspects were gathered and noted. With the assistance of

adults, the proponents tested the temperature coming out of the device using a digital air

conditioning thermometer. The difference was compared with the room temperature and to the

commercial air cooler. All of the results were recorded.

Statistical Treatment

The data was organized, tabulated and analyzed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

The following statistical treatments were used in the study.

1. Longevity of the device to give cool air. Thermometer was used to record the temperature.

2. The significant difference between the room temperature and the cool air the device emitted

is properly recorded.

3. Cost analysis has been tabulated and the cost difference has been recorded.


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
Results and Discussion

This section presents and discusses the tabulated gathered data, providing the statistical

evidences which utilizes as the basis in answering the problems in this study.

Problem 1. How can an improvised air cooler gives cool air?

The table below presents the textile strength of the subjected material in the study.

Table 1: Longevity

Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature

Treatment No. of ice After 1 hour After 2 hours After 3 hours after 4 hours
0 24 ˚C 24 ˚C 24 ˚C 24 ˚C
1 4 22 ˚C 23 ˚C 24 ˚C 25 ˚C
2 6 21˚C 22˚C 23˚C 24˚C
3 8 20˚C 21˚C 22˚C 23˚C

Table 1 presents the longevity test conducted in the different treatments in the study. It is

clear from the table that treatment 3 with 8 bags of ice exhibited longer time to cool the air

compared to other treatments. It can be gleaned from the table that treatment 1 with only 4 bags of

ice have shorter time to cool the air. This implies that treatment 3 with 8 bags of ice has the longest

time to cool the air among the treatments conducted. This further shows that an improvised 12-

volt air cooler is a good alternative in cooling the air but we can avail the cooling effect of an

improvised 12 volts air cooler if we use more bags of ice.

Problem 2: How can an improvised air cooler saves electricity?

Table 2: Test Showing the Differences Between the commercial air cooler and an
improvised air cooler in terms of electricity consumption
Number of
Cost / Kilowatt Cost /
Variable Wattage hours Cost/day Cost/week
hour month
Used per day
Commercial 150
5 hours 0.75/kw Ᵽ 5.5104 Ᵽ38.5728 Ᵽ165.312
Air Cooler watts
40 watts 5 hours 0.2 /kw Ᵽ1.46944 Ᵽ 10.2860 Ᵽ44.0832
Air Cooler


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
Table 2 reveals the result of the test in finding the significant difference between the

commercial air cooler and an improvised air cooler in terms of power consumption is scientifically

tested in this study. The computed consumption of an improvised 12- volt air cooler is 0.2 per kw

which is equivalent to Ᵽ 44.0832 monthly consumption and it is lower than the tabulated value of

a commercial air cooler which is 0.75/kw or Ᵽ165.312 consumptions monthly. Since the

improvised 12-volt air cooler is cheaper than the commercial air cooler, the result shows a

significant difference in electricity consumption. Thus, we are safe to conclude that an improvised

air cooler is more economical than commercial air cooler.


Cost per kilowatt hour - Ᵽ 7.3472

Power cost = kilowatt x number of hours used x number of days x cost per kilowatt hour

Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

This section presents the summary of findings, corresponding conclusions and

recommendations based on the results of the study.


This scientific study was conducted to investigate the potential use of an improvised 12-

volts air cooler. After the scientific investigation, the proponent found out the following:

1. In the longevity test conducted, treatment 3 with 8 packs of ice is the most desirable amount to

have longer cooling time.

2. In this study, the use of an improvised 12- volt air cooler displays a significant difference in

terms of power consumption compared to commercial air cooler.


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School

Based on the findings of the study, the proponents conclude that:

1. An improvised 12-volt air cooler can be used as alternative for commercial air coolers.

2. An improvised 12-volt air cooler is cheaper in terms of power consumption compared to

commercial air coolers.

3. An improvised 12-volt air cooler is an environment- friendly device. Since it does not emit

any pollutants like the CFC or the so called chlorofluorocarbon. It can also help in the 3R’s

of recycling, the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

4. An improvised 12-volt air cooler lessen the use of power and not only save the cost of the

users but also save the usage of power. It is no doubt that an improvised air cooler is a

suitable alternative to commercial air coolers. The usage of an improvised 12-volt air

cooler has more benefits than its demerits. It is also energy and cost efficient.


Based on the conclusion of the study, the following measures are recommended:

1. Use the improvised 12-volt air cooler instead of commercial air coolers.

2. Conduct the same investigation with higher voltage DC motors as air coolers.


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School

A. Books

 Wilson, George Buckland, Air Conditioning, Fd & C Limited, 2017

 Julius Mackerle, "Air-Cooled Motor Engines". Charles Griffin & Company Ltd.,

London 1972

B. Journals

• Biermann, A.E. (1941). "The design of fins for air-cooled cylinders" (pdf). Report Nº 726.
• P V Lamarque, "The design of cooling fins for Motorcycle Engines", Report of the
Automobile Research Committee, Institution of Automobile Engineers Magazine, March 1943
issue, and also in "The Institution of Automobile Engineers Proceedings, Session 1942-1943, pp
99-134 and 309-312.
 S.R. smith,, Effects of dents in condenser fins on air Conditioners, Article, January

C. Internet Sources


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
Photo Documentation


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
Cleaning and Assembling the Air Cooler


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
Placing the ice bags and Rock Salt


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
Data Gathering


Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School
Josh Kyrie Elaison C. Molina, John Aceley B. Polis, Nina Chrisma E. Vergara
Tayum Central School

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