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Low-Cost FPGA Based Antenna Pattern

Measurement System
Mehmet Mert Taygur∗ , Semih Baş∗ , Erkut Yumrukaya∗ , Emre Alp Miran∗ and Serkan Günel∗
∗ Department
of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TURKEY 35160

Abstract—The paper entitled Low-Cost FPGA Based

Antenna Pattern Measurement System describes a cost-
effective antenna pattern measurement system for edu-
cational purposes. Operating the system does not require
any additional computer support as it is designed to be
a standalone device. The system is built upon Field Pro-
grammable Gate Array (FPGA) platform and contains 4
main blocks; namely, RF source, logarithmic RF detector,
position controller and the central control unit.

Antenna pattern measurement is an indispensable
process in antenna engineering, although it’s not a
trivial task when requirements to meet are strict and Fig. 1: System block diagram
challenging. However, simple far-field pattern mea-
surements for educational purposes could be realized
relatively easy and may not necessarily require expen- any additional computer support. Taking advantage
sive, sophisticated equipments. of reconfigurable architecture of FPGA, it is possible
According to [1], a typical measurement system to adapt the control unit for any kind of interface
contains 5 subsystems or to scale the system later according to changing
1) source antenna and transmitting system needs. Embedded hardware created in the FPGA is
2) receiving system connected to a logarithmic RF detector board, an RF
3) positioning system source and a DC motor-rotary encoder.
4) recording system
5) data-processing system II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
Advancements in the computer science and the
The system is designed to be operated between
semiconductor technology enabled the recording and
1000-2000 MHz which covers GPS and GSM bands.
data-processing systems to be combined in a single
Specifications of the system are given as the following;
computer which serve as a central control unit. In-
terfacing a computer to transmitting, receiving and 1) 2D pattern information in less than a minute by
positioning systems is possible by using dedicated positioning the test antenna in ϕ-axis with 1o
equipment which include standard digital connections resolution.
(e.g GPIB, LAN). Alternatively, a network analyzer 2) Collecting and digitizing received power data
may fulfill the requirement of transmitter, receiver, from -60dBm to 0dBm.
computer all alone and can be used for measurement 3) Command interface through a USB keyboard and
instantly by only connecting to a positioning system an HDMI compatible display.
[2][3]. However, none of these combinations is cost- 4) Storing measurement data in SD card.
effective for simple pattern measurement tasks in ed- 5) 1000-2000 MHz transmitting, 0-6000 MHz re-
ucation. They are either expensive or delicate to be ceiving range.
used by candidate engineers. A possible solution is Block diagram of the system is given in Fig. 1.
replacing these equipments with discrete transmitter,
receiver, actuator components, which are significantly
cheaper, and interfacing them to the computer by
means of a microcontroller [4] since the accuracy is not A. Control Unit
the foremost concern for an educational measurement Control Unit is implemented on Digilents’
system. However, computer dependency may still exist AtlysTM Board which consists of a Spartan-6 LX45
if microcontroller does not provide a user interface FPGA chip. We designed the control unit as a
within the firmware. microcontroller hardware instead of application
The system we describe in this paper is standalone specific circuit. Thus, we have taken advantage of
and based on a soft processor core implementation using standard interfaces and ready-to-use peripherals
on FPGA, hence it is portable and it doesn’t require provided by the manufacturers. The peripherals which
Fig. 2: Feedback system for positioning
Fig. 3: CN0150 performance curve at 1.9 GHz,
Courtesy Analog Devices Inc.
create the hardware are chosen according to the
interfaces of other units and specifications of Atlys.
-60dBm up to 0dBm input power. This voltage is
Descriptions of the interfaces are given in the following
converted to 12-bit digital data in ADC and read
hardware sections. We used Xilinx’ MicroBlazeTM 32-
through the SPI peripheral of the control unit. Typical
bit soft processor core in implementation of embedded
output characteristic curve for 1.9 GHz is given in Fig.
hardware. Xilinx ISE Design Suite has been used as
the design platform.
Interfacing actuator, receiver and transmitter inter- D. Transmitter
faces required extensive usage of I/O ports. Therefore,
For the transmitter side, we designed our own gen-
an expansion board, Digilents’ VmodMIB - VHDC
erator at 1-2 GHz. Our RF source is a 3 element ring
Module Interface, is added. Additionally, Pmod - SD
resonator array as each of them are tuned by a varactor.
card slot is included to the system in order to store the
Each resonator covers 330 MHz frequency range with
measurement data in a FAT32 formatted SD card.
15V tuning voltage, given in Fig. 4. Voltage input
B. Actuator of the entire generator system is connected to a 8-
The actuator unit consists of a 12V DC motor, a bit DAC which is interfaced with a general purpose
rotary encoder attached to the shaft and a driving- I/O port at the control unit side. 2-bit of the DAC
interfacing circuit which manages signal integrity in interface is used to multiplex the 3 ring resonators
order to protect FPGA chip. The rotary encoder creates to the reference antenna. Thus, effective frequency
two quadrature square wave signals in 1o rotation. resolution is calculated as 5 MHz. Due to the low
There are 2 interfaces which governs the actuator power output of the resonators, signal is amplified by
system; PWM signal and rotary encoder inputs. The 20dB before connecting to the antenna.
control unit is able to send PWM signal in 50 kHz E. User Interface
with 50 duty cycle increments. Consequently, encoder
signals are received and acknowledged by the inter- The system provides an interface through external
rupt controller of the processor. Precise positioning is elements; a USB keyboard and an HDMI compatible
obtained by using discrete PID algorithm, shown in 1. display. USB and HDMI ports are provided by Atlys
as on-board connectors. USB signals are converted
Kd de(n) X
to PS/2 protocol before coming into FPGA chip, so
e(n) = Kp e(n) + + 0.01Ki e(n) (1)
0.01 dn n
we used a simple PS/2 peripheral in the embedded
hardware and handled the protocol with an interrupt
Extraction of PID coefficients is made by apply-
based firmware. HDMI display is driven through two
ing Nichols-Ziegler method. Error signal is sampled
consecutive peripherals; a VGA driver which creates
with 10 ms intervals. Coefficients are then optimized
18-bit RGB signal and an HDMI buffer. Since the
to make the system response overshoot free, which
image on the display is created in the VGA peripheral,
guarantees stability even with heavy loads connected
it is not possible to obtain the native resolution that
to the shaft.
A block diagram of the actuator system is given in
Fig. 2.
C. Receiver
Receiver system is a complete RF detector board,
CN0150 from Analog Devices. There are 2 main
components on the board, AD8318 0-6000 MHz RF
detector and AD7887 analog-to-digital converter which
has serial connection interface through SPI protocol.
AD8318 has a linear output voltage characteristic for Fig. 4: Voltage-Frequency characteristic of the oscillator
Fig. 5: Complete hardware map

HDMI standard may provide. Interface lacks CEC, V. OPERATION & RESULTS
DDC options and provides only TMDS signaling at
We built a simple measurement setup, shown in Fig.
25 MHz which corresponds to 640x480 frame size.
6, to test the performance of the system.
A block diagram which represents the complete
Our test antenna was a simple half-wavelength
hardware is given in Fig. 5.
dipole operating at 1 GHz, whose specifications are
well known. The reference antenna was a log periodic
IV. SOFTWARE dipole array which covers 700-3000 MHz range.
Software of the system is written in C language We replaced our transmitter unit with signal gener-
with Xilinx Software Development Kit (SDK) which ator equipments HP 8350B and HP83592A, since the
is a modified version of Eclipse IDE. Due to the nonlinear voltage-frequency characteristic of the oscil-
demanding requirements of the user interface in terms lator prevented precise tuning in noisy environment.
of software complexity, we used Xilinx’ XilkernelTM , Although we were unable to test the transmitter unit
a small sized kernel for scheduling multiple threads within the whole system, measurement would still be
and handling interrupts. Interface is designed like a performed except that the operating frequency should
console application as the user types a command from have been adjusted manually.
the keyboard and executes it. Meanwhile, all operations A pattern measurement operation is completed in
are shown on the display. 30 seconds approximately as the test antenna makes
There are 3 threads and 2 interrupts defined in the a 360o rotation while 360 samples are collected. Data
system. Priorities hold significance for synchronization sampling and processing are fast enough to be repeated
since the kernel might fall in an undefined state if 1500 times in 1 complete tour. As soon as the data are
multiple tasks claim the same resource (e.g. mem- collected, pattern is displayed with directivity, -3dB
ory region) simultaneously. Designated priorities from beamwidth information. Pattern data is displayed in
higher to lower are listed below. relative form where the maximum point is labeled as
1) Motor control interrupt - Motor control thread: 0dBi. Directivity is calculated according to 2.
PID algorithm
(0 − Pmin ).360
2) Keyboard interrupt: Handles PS/2 protocol P360 (2)
3) Pattern measurement thread i=1 P [i]
4) Main command interface thread User is able to analyze the pattern in 2 different way.
As the given interrupts and threads create the back- First, relative power for each angle point is observed.
bone for the software, they heavily rely on ’tool’ Secondly, the regions where the antenna is able to
functions which perform generic tasks like reading- produce a relative power more than the specified value,
writing strings or handling communication protocols. can be investigated. Pattern data can be exported into
Tool functions are listed as the following.
• Draw line-circle rasterization algortihms
• String comparison
• String output to display
• String - variable conversions
• ADC read, power calculation
• PS/2 scan code - ASCII conversion
• Send frequency data through DAC
• SD card functions: initialize, read, write, create
file, send command
Fig. 6: Measurement setup block diagram
Fig. 9: HDMI display, FPGA board, keyboard,
Fig. 7: Measurement results receiver-actuator and power supply

such as Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) or Spectrum

Analyzer, which are the core elements in conventional
antenna measurement setup. Correspondingly, func-
tional specifications meet only basic requirements to
measure 2D pattern of elementary antennas like Yagi-
Uda, half-wavelength dipole. Sample measurements
revealed that 15dB dynamic range can be achieved
easily even without making the measurement in an
anechoic chamber. Theoretically, the system can offer
50dB dynamic range which is quite enough for educa-
Fig. 8: Measured pattern tional purposes. Interface allows the user to perform
simple data tracing on the pattern and exports the
measurement data to SD card if desired. Components
a FAT32 formatted SD card in .csv format if desired. of the system can be easily replaced or upgraded by
The libraries for the FAT structure is taken from Xilinx’ taking advantage of FPGA features. Thus, the system
sources but they are modified to be compatible with the provides a platform whose functionality can be im-
SPI protocol for communicating the SD card. proved immensely, unlike conventional measurement
The numerical results that we obtained from mea- systems. Limited bandwidth at the transmitter side (1-
surement are shown in Fig. 7. 2 GHz) can be expanded by adding new data paths
An obvious error seen in Fig. 7 is the inconsistent to the DAC interface and including new generators.
directivity value. Since the measurement is not taken Recent hardware implementation has consumed %30
in an anechoic chamber, it can be predicted that reflec- of the Spartan-6 LX45 chip, which means there is
tions might have caused the problem. Also, considering plenty room to improve in terms of hardware.
the Maximum Power and Power Range values reveals To summarize, our antenna pattern measurement
that the noise floor is nearly at -40dBm which is higher system introduces a cost-effective solution for educa-
than the native lowest power limit of the detector, tional purposes.
proving the excessive reflection. R EFERENCES
Antenna pattern, on the other hand, shows the ex-
[1] A. S. Committee, “IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Anten-
pected characteristic, as seen in Fig. 8. Although two nas,” ANSI/IEEE Std 149-1979, 1979.
major beam have 2dB difference approximately at their [2] S. R. Nichols, R. Dygert, and D. Wayne, “Advances in an-
maximum points, scale of the entire pattern allows it tenna measurement instrumentation and systems,” in 2012 6th
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP).
to be ignored. IEEE, Mar. 2012, pp. 3190–3194.
A picture of the system is given in Fig. 9. [3] H. Bartik, T. Korinek, Z. Hradecky, and M. Mazanek, “New an-
tenna measurement system,” in 15th Conference on Microwave
Techniques COMITE 2010. IEEE, 2010, pp. 49–50.
[4] B. C. Brown, F. G. Goora, and C. D. Rouse, “The Design of an
VI. CONCLUSION Economical Antenna-Gain and Radiation-Pattern Measurement
We have built a standalone, scalable antenna pattern System,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 53,
no. 4, pp. 188–200, Aug. 2011.
measurement system based on an FPGA platform and
receiver, transceiver, positioning subsystems. Total cost
of the entire system is less than 1000$, including
the components that we already had in our inven-
tory. Compared to similar educational systems, we
managed to keep total cost significantly lower since
we eliminated the need of sophisticated equipment

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