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Chapter 43

Father Damaso told Linares to speak with Captain Tiago, he did it primarily out of self-interest.
Because of all arguments he had with Ibarra, and also with his dislike of Ibarra’s family legacy, he
is motivated to interfere Ibarra’s engagement to Maria Clara. In this moment, we clearly see how
opportunist is Father Damaso. He manipulates the circumstances of Ibarra’s reputation just to be
sure that Maria Clara marries Linares, instead of Ibarra.

Strangely Father Salvi reacts strongly to Lucas, clearly there’s no reason he should react in that
way to the young man’s story. So with his strange reaction, it will tell people that there is
something suspiciously going on in his mind. He uses his power to silence the man in a forceful
manner that no one can assume that he actually does want to listen to what Lucas will say, but
he doesn’t want Father Damaso, Maria Clara or Tiago to hear.

Thematical Analysis: Colonialism, Religion, and Power

*Father Damaso manipulating other people so that Maria Clara won’t marry Ibarra.
*Father Salvi wants to silence Lucas in a forceful manner.
*Father Damaso and Father Salvi with their attitude, claiming themselves as a respected priest.
Chapter 44

The argument of Father Salvi and Dona Victorina about religion and science, will show you about
their desire to portray their own affiliation as a powerful person. Father Salvi also wants people
to think that Maria Clara has improved because of his piety and also because he is a priest. While
Dona Victorina on the other hand wants people to think that her husband’s medical care is
higher than Father Salvi’s religious efforts.

Maria Clara, has been bothered and pressured by Captain Tiago thinking about the Fifth
Commandment “Honor thy Father and Mother”, and perhaps by the memories she had with her
mother, which is she think that the best way to obey is by consenting to marry Linares and to
abandon Ibarra.

Thematical Analysis: Colonialism, Religion and Power

*Father Salvi wants people to think that Maria Clara has improved because of his piety.
*Dona Victorina also wants people to think that her husband’s medical care is higher than Father
Salvi’s religious efforts.
*Maria Clara bothered and pressured by Captain Tiago.
Chapter 45

In this scene, Rizal has not mentioned Elias’s affiliation with Captain Pablo. But it is surprising
that Elias has a relation with a set of men who are living at the fringes of Filipino society. Pablo’s
group has been isolated from their communities, a fact that connects with Elias because he
himself is unwelcome in San Diego.

For the first time in the novel, it truly focused and centered in the nature of revolution and
reformation. Elias own perspective shows his compassion and his understanding that the current
state, the politics, and the social relations is has changed rapidly and unpredictably by simply
overthrowing in using violence. That leads to casualties of the unfortunate citizens. And also it is
important to remember that Tasio has already made clear that revenge for revenge’s sake leads
only to more absence of hope.

Elias trying to convince Pablo to represent the disappointment operating in an isolated area, and
established the notion that any revolutionary measures must be diplomatic. Instead of using
violating and forcing to take revenge upon the country’s power. He also understands that violent
rebellion will only be effective if it is tempered with negotiation.

Thematic Analysis: Isolation, Colonialism,Religion and Power, Revolution and Reform

*Pablo’s group has been isolated from their communities, as well as Elias being unwelcome in
San Diego.
*The violence from the state, the politics, and the social relations.
*Tasio being clear that revenge only leads to lack of hope.
*The current systems of power have been treating the people in the town poorly.

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