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Safety Science xxx (2011) xxx–xxx

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Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards

and equipment damage
Chandima Gomes a,⇑, Arturo Galvan Diego b
Centre of Excellence on Lightning Protection, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas, Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper provides comprehensive analysis on the lightning protection scenarios in 48 communication
Received 18 February 2011 and broadcasting towers situated in similar isokeraunic contours in Sri Lanka at 79°–81° East and 5°–10°
Accepted 14 May 2011 North. The investigation has been conducted to study the hazardous environment created on the tower
Available online xxxx
and in the neighbourhood in the event of a lightning strike to the tower. The results show that a direct
strike to an antenna structure in a metallic tower is rare irrespective of the presence of an air-termination
Keywords: or a down conductor. However, side flashing or arcing to antenna structures is highly possible once the
air-termination and/or down conductor is installed and attempts are made to insulate the system from
the tower. The outcome also shows that equipotential bonding of the grounding system, a distributed
Communication grounding network including a ring conductor and a suitable system of surge protective devices play a
Tower much vital role in lightning protection of equipment and safety of people compared to the effects of sim-
Guidelines ply achieving a low grounding resistance. However, in the absence of such integrated, distributed and
Grounding equipotentialized grounding system, a high value of ground resistance will sharply increase the possibil-
ity of accidents and damage. Considering the observations of the investigations into account we have
designed a concrete embedded grounding system for tower sites at problematic locations. Finally, the
scenarios for safety management at telecommunication tower sites have been discussed.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cables connected to the object struck, and flow into the sig-
nal feeding devices or power panels in the base transmission
In most parts of the world, communication towers are all-metal station (BTS) causing many other hazards to both equipment
structures, which make them prime targets of lightning that may and staff.
come within their vicinity. During the last few decades, a large b. Passage of lightning current to ground level: As the lightning
number of lightning related accidents and damages have been re- current flow to the ground level through any possible path,
ported in many countries in connection with communication and melting or burning of materials and side flashing to nearby
broadcasting tower sites (Kithil, 2006; Eriksson and Meal, 1984; objects or antenna structures in the tower itself, may occur
Pierce, 1971). In a tower environment, lightning related hazards depending on the resistance and impedance of the path
may occur at various stages of a lightning strike. taken by the current. The lightning current, which usually
shows a rapidly varying double exponential waveform with
a. The attachment process: A lightning step leader may attach sub-microsecond to microsecond scale rise time, gives rise
with an antenna structure, aviation warning light or signal/ to a large electromagnetic field in the proximity which
power cable in the tower, in which case the object which may induce large voltage impulses in the nearby electrical
is subjected to the lightning attachment may be severely systems. Such voltage pulses may also damage the
damaged. There can also be secondary effects, as the item equipment.
struck by lightning may be detached from the tower or frag- c. Once the lightning current reach the ground level, a low
mented, giving rise to falling parts that will cause damage to impedance path should be provided to that to be dissipated
the objects underneath or injuries to the staff at ground into mother earth within a very short period. In the absence
level. The lightning current will most probably enter the of such path the current may take surface routes in the form
of arcs and/or enter into electrical networks through the
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 102777895. electrical grounding system (or even by insulation break-
E-mail address: (C. Gomes). down between the path of the lightning current and the

0925-7535/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Gomes, C., Diego, A.G. Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment
damage. Safety Sci. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.05.006
2 C. Gomes, A.G. Diego / Safety Science xxx (2011) xxx–xxx

electrical system). Such cases may lead to severe injuries or The materials used for various parts of the lightning protection
even death of the staff in the site and also cause heavy system, and layout of the grounding system have been determined
equipment damage and triggering of fire/explosions, etc. by the site-engineer-provided data and visual observations.
The installation of air-terminations and upper parts of down
In the literature we find several studies done with regard to conductors have been observed from the ground level or from loca-
such hazards (Zhou et al., 2009a,b; Rizk, 1994; Pavanello et al., tions at few meters above ground level by binoculars (Nikon 8X42
2004; Rachidi et al., 2001; Rakov, 2001; Melander, 1984). Most of WP Trailblazer ATB).
these researches have theoretical approaches to the issues that
they address. Even in very practical issues such as the increased 3. Observations
lightning damage in the buildings neighbouring towers have not
yet studied with a sizable database of in situ observations. Further- 3.1. Types of towers
more, the analysis of grounding systems at locations with space
restrictions has not been done in detail either theoretically or The 48 towers inspected in this study are all-metal (made of
experimentally. The general concepts of protection of structures metal re-bars making a steel lattice that stands on concrete plat-
and equipment against lightning have been covered in IEC forms), self supported structures (no guy wires except in four tow-
62305:2006 (2006), NFPA 780:2008 (2008), IEEE C62.41:1991 ers) with heights range from 40 m to 100 m. All the towers are
(1999) and AS/NZS 1768:2007 (2007), etc. The telecommunication either square or triangular cross-sectioned (having four legs or
standards ITU-T REC K.20:2003 (2003), ITU-T REC K.21:2005 three legs) and except for the four which are guy wired, they are
(2005), ITU-T REC K.56:2003 (2003), ITU-T REC K.27:1996 (1996) tapered over the entire height (i.e. legs are inclines to the vertical).
and ITU-T REC K.31:1993 (1993), provide the guidelines for pro- The tubular or X/I/L cross sectioned re-bars are typically made of
tecting telecommunication related equipment and stations. painted galvanized steel and have cross sectional area over
In this study, we analyze the lightning related environment in 150 mm2. In general, these towers are certified by a civil engineer
tall communication and broadcasting towers, giving special atten- for its mechanical stability. The towers are either used for signal
tion to the grounding systems of such sites, which are in most transmission in telecommunication or for broadcasting. A foot of
cases situated in space restricted locations. The results can be ex- the base of a tower is shown in Fig. 1.
tended to radar masts, power transmission towers and many other The sites have been selected so that they are situated in areas of
metal structures with comparatively small horizontal span. The pa- similar contours of isokeraunic level (annual thunder days). The
per first discusses the lightning protection systems and lightning contour map issued by the Sri Lanka Meteorology Department is
accidents pertinent to 48 tower related sites in Sri Lanka; a tropical based on 30 year data (from 1970 to 1999) has assigned the level
oceanic country (79°–81° East and 5°–10° North). Based on our 120–140 days per year to the contours, however, it is said that
observations we make a comprehensive list of recommendations the data has been collected during the peak periods (March/April
for the installation of lightning protection scheme at a tower site and October/November) and normalized to 1 year. Despite the fact
and also discuss a concrete encased steel reinforcement system that this data interpretation is erroneous, the region can be treated
that can be used as a suitable grounding system for sites with very as a high lightning density zone.
high soil resistivity.
3.2. Lightning protection components
2. Methodology
3.2.1. Air termination
Forty-eight communication tower sites in Sri Lanka have been In this paper we use the term ‘‘air termination’’ to refer any
investigated during the 5-year period from 2003 to 2008. In this metallic object (typically a rod) that specifically installed at the
investigation we have; top of the tower to intercept with lightning stepped leader. A sum-
mary of the observations on the air termination is given below.
 Checked the nature and installation features of
1. Air-termination system.  Metal rod that covers all antenna structures in the tower within
2. Current path to ground level. a cone of vortex angle 45°: 18.
3. Grounding system.

 Taken quantitative measurements of

1. Ground resistance of the system.
2. Average soil resistivity of the site.
 Collected confirmed lightning related damage records for the
previous 1–3 years.

The ground resistance was measured with a three-pole digital

earth resistance meter (KYORITSU MODEL4105A), under dry earth
conditions. The information to calculate soil resistivity of the
ground was obtained by taking measurements from a four-pole
ground resistivity meter (MEGER DET5/4R), under the same dry
conditions. The continuity check of metallic parts (especially that
of the grounding system) has been done with digital multi-meter
(Fluke-115 or Fluke-85).
The ground resistance was taken twice (in V directions, wher-
ever it is possible) at each location, where a conductor intended
Fig. 1. A foot of the base of a tower made of X cross-sectioned painted re-bars made
for grounding, enters the earth. Information for the calculation of of galvanized steel and the copper grounding tapes. The base plates are installed on
soil resistivity was taken by taking measurements at three random buried concrete platforms. In some cases the base plates have been installed on
places of the site within about 10 m from the tower. concrete platforms of 30–100 cm height.

Please cite this article in press as: Gomes, C., Diego, A.G. Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment
damage. Safety Sci. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.05.006
C. Gomes, A.G. Diego / Safety Science xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 3

 Metal rod that does not cover all antenna structures in the filled with a cement-like material. Investigators could not acquire
tower within a cone of vortex angle 45°: 06. any information regarding the depth of the bore, electrode
 ESE rod of which the physical height covers all antenna struc- arrangement or the materials used. The ground soil resistivity
tures in the tower within a cone of vortex angle 45°: 13. had the following variation,
 ESE rod of which the physical height does not cover all antenna
structures in the tower within a cone of vortex angle 45°: 08.  0–15 O m: 07.
 Other types of air-termination of which the physical height  15–100 O m: 20.
cover all antenna structures in the tower within a cone of vortex  100–1000 O m: 12.
angle 45° (lightning prevention type): 01.  1000–10,000 O m: 04.
 No air termination: 02.  Resistivity could not be measured due to inaccessibility or lack
of soil: 05.
The vortex angle 45° has been taken as a general reference.
3.2.4. Grounding system configuration
In the 04 cases of only the down conductors are grounded (all
3.2.2. Down conductors
four cases had one down conductor); a deep driven copper tube
The term ‘‘down conductor’’ is used to refer any metallic part (in
has been integrated with three radials that runs for 3–4 m from
the form of wire or tape) that is specifically installed to drive light-
the deep driven rod (at a depth of about 0.5 m). The four towers,
ning current from top of the tower to ground level.
belong to the same company, are situated in areas where soil resis-
tivity was in the ranges 0–15 O m (two sites) and 15–100 O m
 Single copper tape strapped to one of the tower legs: 33.
(three sites). The ground resistance in the four cases was in the
 Single copper tape taken from the middle of the tower (typically
range 2–10 O.
strapped to the ladder): 3.
In the 39 cases where four legs are grounded and integrated; in
 Two copper tapes strapped to tower legs: 02.
35 cases the four legs have been interconnected by a ring conduc-
 Insulted down conductor (and insulated air-termination) that is
tor. The ring conductor was connected to either radials or deep dri-
isolated from the tower material: 04.
ven rods/plates. The 06 cases of no down conductors and the 04
 No down conductor:0 6.
cases of resistivity in the range 1000–10,000 O m come under this
category. The ground resistance in 32 cases was below 20 O while
The term ‘‘insulated down conductor’’ is referred to a metallic
only in three cases (where soil resistivity is in the range 1000–
pipe or tape which is covered by an insulating material for the
10,000 O m) the value was in 20–100 O range. At the other four
deliberate purpose of electrically isolating the conductor from
sites (out of 39), the tower footings and down conductor were sep-
the metals of the tower. The conducting tapes which may be elec-
arately connected into a deep driven rods (at an inspection pit).
trically isolated (continuously or at some locations) due to the
The resistance in the four cases was below 10 O.
painting of the tower (an in the absence of metal screws that fixing
In the five cases that the tower footing and the down conductor
the tape to the tower) are not considered as ‘‘insulated down con-
related grounding systems are not integrated, the grounding resis-
ductors’’. In these cases the air-termination was fixed directly to
tance of down conductor and that of tower footing are given in Ta-
the tower by metal screws.
ble 1 (note that in 01 case the four legs have been separately
grounded so that the average value of the four systems is given.
3.2.3. Grounding system
In the other four cases the four legs have been interconnected
The term ‘‘grounding system’’ is used to refer any metallic part
above surface level and grounded at one point).
that is specifically installed to connect the down conductors or
metallic parts of the tower to mother earth.
4. Information and discussion
 Only the down conductors are grounded: 04.
 The down conductors and the four legs are grounded and inte- 4.1. Damage to equipment installed on the tower
grated: 39.
 The down conductors and the four legs are grounded but not There were eight instances (on six towers), when damage has
integrated: 05. been detected and recorded in antenna structures (melted or
ripped-off material) during a period of 3–5 years prior to the time
The ground resistance of the grounding system was in the fol- of inspection; once in five towers and three times in one tower.
lowing ranges (note that in the cases of non-integrated grounding Summary of observations is given in Table 2.
of down conductors and tower footing, the following values refer It is interesting to note that in all cases the damaged structure
to the grounding system of the down conductors). In all the infor- was within the cone of protection with a vortex angle of 45°. How-
mation given in this section (values) the marginal cases have been ever close analysis revealed that it is only in one case (the last case
included in the lower range. indicated in the table) the possibility of direct strike to the dam-
 0–2 O: 04. aged structure is justified. In the other cases there are strong evi-
dences to conclude that the damaged objects have been
 2–10 O: 22.
subjected to arcing from the down conductor.
 10–20 O: 09.
One of the authors of this paper is a consultant to the tower
 20–100 O: 06.
owners, hence had the authority to demand the removal of the
 100–1000 O: 02.
insulated down conductors at the four towers including the sites
 Resistance could not be measured due to inaccessibility: 03.
where the damage has been reported. The inspection of these
 Resistance could not be measured due to lack of soil: 02.
down conductors revealed that the insulation has been ripped off
In three of the cases where resistance could not be measured, in all four cases, in the sections of the cable mostly towards the
the down conductor has been extended for about 20–60 m below top end of the tower. The marks of burning and insulation ripping
the tower foot level (tower is on a solid rock) and dumped in an off reveal that the arcing has been taken place at many points along
inaccessible location. In the other two cases the down conductors the conductor. Many of these arcing incidents have gone unnoticed
were inserted into a bore drilled in the rock and the cavity has been either due to the sparking into the tower (no damage to equip-

Please cite this article in press as: Gomes, C., Diego, A.G. Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment
damage. Safety Sci. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.05.006
4 C. Gomes, A.G. Diego / Safety Science xxx (2011) xxx–xxx

Table 1 The typical values of R and L per unit length of a copper conduc-
The ground resistance of the down conductor termination and tower footing of the tor having cross sectional dimensions as per the IEC 62305-3
cases where the two systems are non-integrated. Three cases out of the five are
related to the towers with insulated down conductors (Cases 1, 2 and 3).
(2006), assuming them to be flat, are 3  104 O/m and 1.5 lH/m
respectively. Hence at a height of about 50 m;
Ground resistance of the ground Ground resistance of the ground
termination of down conductor (O) termination of tower footing (O)
1 2 17 IR ¼ 0:75 kV and L ¼ 3:75 MV
2 9 24
3 7 5
4 11 32
Therefore, irrespective of the resistance, the inductance alone will
5 8 13 contribute to a very high potential difference between the down
conductor and the tower or antenna structures which are essen-
tially at ground potential.
ment) or the limitations of visibility at ground level to figure out To prevent spark-over through insulation breakdown, such con-
damages to antenna structures. In one of the cases of investigation, dition requires, for an example, either
we could obtain the photographs of the damaged parts of the insu-
lated cables before it has been removed. Hence, we could clearly a. 11.25 cm thick insulation covering of cross-linked polyethyl-
figure out the arcing marks. Fig. 2 depicts several photographs of ene (assuming 1.2/50 ls voltage impulse) or
this case. The tower is 95 m tall and the majority of insulation b. 2 m of air-separation even at level IV protection according to
damage of the down conductor could be seen from a height of the following equation given in IEC 62305-3 (2006).
about 40 m onwards. Note that there are number of picturing of
the insulation material (Fig. 2c) could be seen in abundance in all
down conductors, which could be detected only at close range. In s ¼ ki l
line with the insulation breakdown of cables, there are burning
marks on the tower which could not be properly photographed
where s is the minimum separation, ki the factor depends on le-
at higher levels due to practical constraints. Fig. 3 shows such an
vel of protection (0.04 in this case which is corresponding to le-
incident at about 5 m, close to a point at which cable sheaths of sig-
vel iii/iv), kc the factor depends on the number of down
nal wires are grounded. Note that the down conductor is placed
conductors (one in this case), km the unity for air and l is the dis-
along with the cable bunch. Similar arcing related to insulated
tance from the possible flash over point to the nearest equipo-
down conductors have been reported elsewhere (by personal
tential plane (ground plane in this case).
The isolation (or insulation) provided for the down conductor or
Let us consider a lightning strike with peak current 50 kA and
for the air-termination in any of the commercially available prod-
maximum current derivative 50 kA/ls striking the air termination
ucts (or installations) was much lower than such values obtained
of the tower. If we assume the peak current and peak current deriv-
above. It is well understood that implementation of such insula-
ative occur at the same time (an assumption that has no impact on
tion/isolation has many practical constraints, thus, it is not com-
the result as we show latter), the potential at a given height with
mercially viable. Therefore, the five cases of damage to the
respect to ground is given by
antenna structures of the three towers with insulated down con-
di ductor is justified as due to the flash over from the down conduc-
V ¼ IR þ L tor. The splitting of insulation in the insulated down conductors of
other two towers also shows that there may be sparking to the
where R is the resistance of the conductor and L is the inductance. tower or antenna structures. However, the damage in such cases

Table 2
The details of cases where tower-installed equipment were damaged due to lightning.

No. of No. of times Air termination Down conductor Grounding system

towers damaged
01 03 ESE rod isolated from the tower Insulated conductor electrically isolated from Integrated to the grounding of
the body of the tower thefooting
Physical height covers the damaged structure Ground resistance: 7 O
at 45° vortex angle
02 01 each ESE rod isolated from the tower Insulated conductor electrically isolated from Integrated to the grounding of the
the body of the tower footing
Physical height covers the damaged structure Ground resistance: 8 O
at 45° vortex angle
Ground resistance: 5 O
01 01 Copper rod Copper tape strapped to one leg of the tower Integrated to the grounding of the
Height covers the damaged structure at 45° Ground resistance: 68 O
vortex angle
01 01 Copper rod Copper tape strapped to one leg of the tower Integrated to the grounding of the
Height covers the damaged structure at 45° Resistance could not be measured due
vortex angle to lack of soil
01 01 ESE rod Copper tape strapped to one leg of the tower Integrated to the grounding of the
Physical height covers the damaged structure Resistance could not be measured due
at 45° vortex angle to inaccessibility

Please cite this article in press as: Gomes, C., Diego, A.G. Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment
damage. Safety Sci. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.05.006
C. Gomes, A.G. Diego / Safety Science xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 2. Insulation breakdown of the insulated down conductor installed in a 95 m tower. (a) A large part of the insulation of the cable has been ripped off at a height of about
45 m. (b) Melting of the insulation material of the cable. Such marks are observable in the entire upper part of the cable. (c) Puctures that cannot be observed at ground level
even with the aid of binoculars. (d) The down conductor is grounded separately from the tower foot ground.

may be either negligible or beyond the detection from ground ting into an electrical contact with the tower. As per the informa-
level. tion from the site engineers the damage to the antenna structures,
In the two cases of copper-rod/copper tape; the damaged struc- which were in the form of punctures, were in the sides facing the
tures were within 1 m of the down conductor and about 15–20 m down conductor (it is very unlikely to have a direct strikes to the
below the top. There are several antenna structures on the other sides of an antenna). These were the evidence to justify that the
sides of the tower and also above the damaged object. The down damages were due to arcing from the down conductors.
conductors were supported to the tower leg by PVC straps in one The last case, in the Table 2, depicts no evidence for arcing from
case and by PVC holders in the other case. The copper tape was the down conductor. The antenna structure was on a side opposite
loosely in contact with the tower at many places; however, the to that of the down conductor and the damage is on the outward
thick painting of the tower may have prevented the tape from get- surface of the antenna. In such geometry, the damage due to arcing

Please cite this article in press as: Gomes, C., Diego, A.G. Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment
damage. Safety Sci. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.05.006
6 C. Gomes, A.G. Diego / Safety Science xxx (2011) xxx–xxx

amount of localized chunk of soil available in the site or by extend-

ing a copper tape for a long distance until a mass of water or soil is
reached, have the largest number of damages and personal inju-
Damage to the ries. Altogether in these five sites, there were 42 occasions of dam-
cable insulation age to equipment and five personal injuries (all were step potential
related injuries).
Interestingly, the damage record and the grounding resistance
at the sites, excluding the above 5, has a not-very-significant corre-
lation as over 50% of the cases the resistance was below 10 O. On
the other hand there were three sites with ground resistance be-
tween 70 O and 100 O and one site with resistance 180 O which
have not encountered any damage to the electronics during a per-
iod of operation over 3 years. On the other hand, sites not having
Arcing marks on integrated grounding system with distributed electrodes and a ring
the tower conductor most often recorded damages; despite a comprehensive
SPD system in one case.
Fig. 3. Arcing from insulated down conductor to the tower. Among the sites that have recorded damage, in 21 cases there
were no surge protection devices (SPDs) installed at the time of
from the down conductor is highly unlikely. However, the possibil- accident. In the other 06 cases there were either limited applica-
ity of a side flash from the air-termination or from another part of tions of SPDs or erroneous installations.
the tower cannot be discarded. The limited applications of SPDs include;
The observations show that the ground resistance, the integra-
a. SPD only at the power entrance.
tion of down conductor to the grounding system of tower legs or
b. No SPDs for the data lines.
the coverage of the air-termination has no significance to the pos-
c. Inappropriate specifications of the installed SPDs.
sibility of arcing from down conductor to the objects in the tower.
Interestingly, there was no damage to tower-installed objects in Erroneous installation includes;
the following cases
a. More than one point connected to external ground.
a. Towers with no air-termination. b. Routing the grounding wire/tape in the same cable tray with
b. Towers of which air-termination does not cover all the other signal lines.
equipment installed on the tower, within a cone of protec-
tion with 45° vortex angle. In five sites, we observed the following erroneous installation of
c. Towers with no down conductors. grounding connection, recommended by the same electrical engi-
neering company, which is depicted in Fig. 4. A typical bulkhead
Most often the antenna structures are attached to the tower re- at a tower site before the cable installation is shown in Fig. 5.
bars about 5 m below the towers of height above 40 m. Hence the The main ground bar in the building is routed via cable trays
chances of the antenna structures covered by a suitable protective and connected to the bulkhead which is installed at the entrance
angle either by the air termination or the top of the tower itself are of cable bunch into the BTS (outside of the wall), The above
high. However our investigation does not provide indication to arrangement has been justified by the consultants to the client
make definite conclusions on the significance of air-termination by stating that it is a requirement of single point grounding. In
for lightning protection of metal towers. In the only case in which all five cases equipment damage has been reported and in three
we have justifiable evidence for a lightning strike to an antenna, sites there were more than one occasion of damage.
the damaged object was within a protected cone subtended by In most of the cases, the bulkhead is installed about 2.5–3.0 m
an angle of 45°. above ground level. Hence, even if the bulkhead is connected to
the grounding grid right beneath it, potentials in the range of
20 kV may build up at the bulkhead with respect to the grounding
4.2. Damage and injuries at ground level grid. With non-distributed grounding system with sizable ground-
ing resistance, voltages over 100 kV can be developed between the
In the 48 sites that we have investigated, there were 102 occa- grounded parts of the equipment in the BTS and the power lines of
sions of damage to the equipment in the base transceiver station which the neutral is grounded at a distant substation. In such con-
(BTS) at 27 tower site and 13 cases of personal injuries at 08 sites. dition, in the absence of SPDs for equipotentialization, arcing is
The exact nature of damages is highly complicated to analyze. very possible from ground to line/neutral. Even when there are
Basically, the effects are in the form of damage to the electronic SPDs, they will be frequently stressed, thus probability of SPD fail-
cards of the transceivers (TRXs) in the BTS at the tower site. In most ure or late activation of SPDs is high. In the case of arcing from
cases of visible damage the burn marks are close to the power in- ground to line/neutral or in the operation of a SPD the transient
put ports of the card which indicates that the transient has entered current will flow along the grounding wire inducing voltage pulses
from the power side. In several cases, there were multiple damages in the signal lines which are running along with it. Such voltages
in a single occasion. may have sufficient energy to destroy sophisticated parts of the
The personal injuries were in the form of temporary paralysis electronics.
due to step potential or electric shock. In 09 cases, the victims were The personal injury record shows a recognizable pattern. In the
standing close to the tower and the descriptions indicate that they nine cases of step potential related injuries the sites had no ring
have been subjected to step potential. In the other four cases, the conductor and the grounding resistance was either high (above
victims were inside the station (brick buildings in all four cases) 70 O) or the resistance could not be measured due to the reasons
and are in contact with the equipment cabinets or wire shields. mentioned earlier. Note that at a tower site the direction of the po-
The five sites where the grounding was achieved (or tried to tential gradient in the surrounding soil (or rock) is modified by the
achieve) either by using chemical-filled bores on the rock/small arrangement of the grounding system, thus a person need not be

Please cite this article in press as: Gomes, C., Diego, A.G. Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment
damage. Safety Sci. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.05.006
C. Gomes, A.G. Diego / Safety Science xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 7

The main features of the above design has been listed out below
Cable bunch from
the tower a. The site is encircled by a concrete beam of cross-sectional
dimensions 40 cm  30 cm. A gutter is made at the top
with walls of height 6 cm and width 6 cm. In areas of
elongated dry periods and also in areas where mosquito
problem prevails, we recommend a concrete lid of suitable
Grounding wire that thickness to cover the gutter. The perimeter of the con-
runs along the cable crete beam is recommended to be about 80 m or more.
Cable tray tray together with It may have any convenient shape that does not contain
Bulkhead signal wires sharp corners (in the above case a rectangular shape with
curved corners). The concrete beam is reinforced with six
Main ground bar steel bars of cross-sectional diameter 1.5–2.0 cm. The
extension of the steel bars (usually, each bar is 4–5 m
long) is done by thermo-welding. The six parallel bars
Fig. 4. Erroneous installation of grounding path for the main ground bar.
are interconnected at intervals of 1–2 m by steel wires of
cross-sectional diameter of about 5 mm. The connection
standing along a radial direction (away from the tower) to be sub-
is again achieved by thermo-welding.
jected to step potential. Therefore, unless there is a ring conductor
b. The waste water of the residential worker/s (water from
and a rather low grounding resistance it will be difficult to prevent
body and cloth washing; without bio-wastes to prevent
a person being subjected to step potential at a tower site.
bad odour with time) is diverted to the gutter on the con-
The four cases of electric shock have happened at the sites de-
crete beam by PVC drain pipes of suitable cross sectional
scribed in Fig. 4. As it was described previously in the event of a
dimensions. We also recommend harvesting rainwater by
lightning strike to the tower, the potential at the grounding bar
installing rain gutters to the roof of the building and collect-
of such sites may increase to 20–30 kV which is sufficient to drive
ing the water in a 1000 l PVC container. Such collected water
an electric shock in a human body. Such shock may result momen-
can be released in a controlled manner to the gutter during
tary paralysis causing the victim to fall unconscious. Such accident
the absence of residential workers or at a site that has no
may lead the victim even to death depending on the fall. In one of
residential workers. A water outflow is made at a point as
the cases the victim has been thrown almost onto a bare 230 V ter-
far as possible from the water feed by reducing the height
minal which was opened for repairing purpose during the time of
of a segment (of about 20 cm) of the outward gutter wall
the accident.
to 5 cm.
c. To facilitate vehicle movement in and out of the tower site,
4.3. Model design the concrete beam is made into a hump at the entrance to
the site. However, the steel reinforcement continues through
The investigators were asked to provide a solution for the the hump as well, so that the steel bars make a complete
grounding at two sites where there were no soil to be found in ring conductor.
the proximity of the towers. The towers were on a hard rock in d. The legs of the tower, foundation of the building, main
each case and the access to the nearest large mass of soil required grounding bar of the power system, bulkhead and any other
a metal extension of nearly 400 m. There was a recommendation metal part (electrically floating) should be connected to the
by another consultant to extend three parallel copper tapes from grounding network which in turn is connected to the steel
the tower site to this location; and the recommendation has been reinforcement of concrete beam at several places. The
put on a hold due to the high cost and more importantly the pos- grounding network is made of galvanized steel tapes of cross
sibility of theft of copper (the client has not considered the techni- sectional dimensions 25 mm  2 mm. They are covered by a
cal limitations of the recommendation). 10 cm layer of concrete beam tapered at the edges to avoid
By considering our observations in the investigations described physical accidents to the workers. The bulkhead should be
in this study, and the experience that has been gathered during the connected to the grounding grid right below that. The bulk-
professional careers, we designed the following grounding head should be a galvanized steel plate of thickness 3 mm
arrangement for the sites (Fig. 6). We suggest that the model de- and suitable cross sectional area. All connections should be
sign is suitable for any site where the soil resistivity is very high done by galvanized steel.
or there is no easy access to a large mass of soil in the near vicinity. e. All the shielding layers and metal sheaths of the cable bunch
and the cable tray should be terminated at the bulkhead.
There should be no electrical connection between the metal
parts inside the building and the bulkhead (except via the
Bulkhead external grounding system).
f. A Class I arrester (typically a current handling capacity of
50 kA per phase for the 10/350 ls impulse) is recommended
at the main grounding bar. Power feeders to all sophisticated
equipment are routed through a Class III arresters (typically
Cable tray a current handling capacity of 10 kA per phase for the 8/
20 ls impulse with voltage protection level of less than
Grounding of the 0.6 kV for the 3 kA, 6 kV combinational wave form.)
bulkhead g. Data lines that feed signals into sophisticated equipment or
ports are recommended to be connected via suitable SPDs.
The specifications of the SPDs are decided on case by case.
The grounding of such SPDs is integrated with the power
Fig. 5. A typical bulkhead (before the cables are installed). grounding.

Please cite this article in press as: Gomes, C., Diego, A.G. Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment
damage. Safety Sci. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.05.006
8 C. Gomes, A.G. Diego / Safety Science xxx (2011) xxx–xxx

Galvanized steel tape covered in 10 cm concrete layer (tapered at edges)

1000 litre PVC container to harvest rainwater

PVC drain pipe to carry waste water/rain water to the gutter in the concrete slab and
also rain water from rain gutters of the building to the PVC container

BTS Cabin for


Cable bunch
Tower in a metal tray Bulkhead Main
grounding bar
Water B
outflow A

Hump to facilitate
vehicle movement Concrete beam

15 cm
6 cm
6 cm

30 cm

Reinforcement steel bars

40 cm

Fig. 6. The model grounding arrangement designed for the a tower site with extremely high ground resistivity.

h. The building is provided with only Mobile phones or CDMA the cost of metal by about 75% and also prevents galvanic corrosive
connections (no wired phones). effect between many iron or steel parts of the site and the ground-
i. The transformer that feeds the building is asked to maintain ing network.
a good grounding system (from the electricity supplier). In At many of the sites that we have visited in South Asia (over 200
some problematic sites isolation transformers are recom- sites), a concrete beam has been laid around the site, on which a pro-
mended to be installed at the site. The transferring of high tective fence is built up to prevent undesired trespassing. Therefore,
potentials into the neighbourhood that is supplied power the concrete beam that we have recommended (although it is larger
from the same transformer should be taken care of by the in dimensions than what has been observed at the sites) is not only
power company. useful for the grounding purpose alone. A fence can be easily built up
j. Suitable air termination conductor is suggested for towers on the beam without affecting its electrical purpose.
where the tower top (tip) does not provide adequate cover- The suggested design has been implemented at two on-the-rock
age for the antenna structures. The angle of protection sites in 2007 and found to be accident and damage free for the last
should be addressed with further investigation of the mat- 3 years.
ter. A separate down conductor is not recommended. Air-
terminations or down conductors insulated from the tower 4.4. Safety management
are strongly condemned.
k. A suitable rainwater draining system is suggested to prevent The lightning safety of equipment and operational staff at a
flooding inside the site in the event of heavy rain. communication tower site, is a special issue that has not been
l. A warning sign has been placed at all sides of the site addresses, so far, in safety guidelines such as Occupational
demanding the people not to be outside the beam (at close Safety Hazard Association (OSHA) (Zwetsloot et al., 2011;
range) in the presence of a thunder storm. Zwetsloot, 2000) or any other safety guidelines, except for a
very recently published article on the field guidelines for surge
Note that the entire grounding system and connecting paths are protection that can be applied to such cases (Gomes, 2011).
made of galvanized steel, instead of copper. Such selection reduces Requirement of strategy on lightning safety is further enhanced

Please cite this article in press as: Gomes, C., Diego, A.G. Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment
damage. Safety Sci. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.05.006
C. Gomes, A.G. Diego / Safety Science xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 9

in the cases of tower related sites situated in regions of high C62.41:1991 (1999); AS/NZS 1768:2007, 2007; ITU-T REC
isokeraunic level, locations of elevated altitudes (on rocks and K.20:2003, 2003; ITU-T REC K.21:2005, 2005; ITU-T REC
mountains) and built on the grounds of high soil resistivity. K.56:2003, 2003; ITU-T REC K.27:1996, 1996; ITU-T REC
Safety management of such workplaces, which are usually iso- K.31:1993, 1993.)
lated from normal workplace environment, should be planned d. In case that the grounding is achieved only through equi-
carefully taking into account several significant issues listed potential bonding (without achieving a low earth resis-
below. tance) adequate number of warning signs should be
displayed for the resident staff ordering not to leave the
a. The staff members are in regular contact with electrical safe area and for the neighbouring public not to reach
devices: As the BTS usually equipped with many electrical proximity of the site boundaries in the event of a thunder-
devices which need regular operational attention, the work- storm. The local legislation and civil regulations should be
ers have a high probability of being in contact with such referred to verify the conditions under which such public
devices or metallic components during a thunderstorm warning can be issued.
which expose him/her for touch potential hazards. e. A guideline should be issued on the protocol of attending to
b. The resident site officer may be in isolation: In many of the repairing operations under thunderstorm conditions. The
remote tower sites a single or dual operational staff is protocol should be prepared by a telecommunication statu-
found permanently housed for operational and mainte- tory body considering both the safety concerns and the ser-
nance purposes. Such personnel may sometimes have face vice priorities (Baker et al., 2009; Aven, 2009). Hence in this
to face contact with fellow staff only in few days (or some- study we refrain from dictating such a protocol.
times few weeks). This monotonous life-style may have f. The residential site officer should maintain a log register on
psychological impact on the person in following safety damage records in which a special chapter should be allo-
guidelines (Kouabenan and Cadet, 2005; Culyer, 2007; cated for lightning related effects. The log register should
Baker et al., 2009). be audited every year to determine the adequacy of light-
c. Need for stepping out of the safety guidelines to attend ning protection and plan any rectification or augmentation
breakdowns: A thunderstorm environment greatly enhances needed.
the probability of equipment, connection or power failures
in or outside the station. Due to the demand of uninter- 5. Conclusions
rupted service, the worker may be compelled (or his duty-
bound mentality) attend repairing or inspection work even This study leads us to the following conclusions
during the lightning period, which expose him into a severe
risk of being subjected to lightning effects. a. We do not have strong evidence to make any conclusive
d. Social and cultural concepts: Depending on the region social remarks regarding the necessity of an additional air-termi-
and cultural perceptions on safety may differs in a broad nation for the protection against lightning strikes.
range. Especially in a third word perspective, the adherence b. There are no evidences for the requirement of a separate
to the pre-issued safety guidelines may be considered as a down conductor for all-metal towers. The tower re-bars
non-serious matter. Furthermore, even at engineer’s level seem sufficient of providing safe passage to lightning
sometimes, long standing social beliefs on natural phenom- current.
ena such as lightning persist. Some of these beliefs may lead c. As per the clear evidence of damage to tower related equip-
to disastrous situations under hazardous conditions (Koua- ment from insulated down conductors we strongly recom-
benan, 2009; Chew, 1988; Dake, 1991; Baram, 2009; Mearns mend the authorities to develop standards that rejects the
and Yul, 2009). usage of insulated down conductors for metal towers.
d. The tower premises should be provided with distributed and
integrated grounding system incorporated with a properly
Planning the management of lightning at a communication coordinated system of surge protective devices.
tower site should be done together with overall safety planning e. With the analysis done and the data collected, we propose
and the lightning safety procedures should be integrated with methodologies in designing the best suited grounding sys-
the master safety guidelines. A stepwise guidance for addressing tem, for a given tower site. Our analysis show that at tower
the lightning safety issue is given below. Note that these guidelines sites on extremely high resistive grounds; rocks and sandy
should be incorporated with a master safety plan. soil, the transient equipotentialization is more suitable for
the safety of people and protection of equipment instead
a. Design and implement the total lightning protection to the of attempting to achieve low ground resistance.
system (both structural and surge) appropriate to the site, f. As per this result we propose a model grounding system,
before the commencement of the operation. made of steel reinforced concrete, for a tower site on a solid
b. Provide training on lightning safety and routinely mainte- rock with no soil in the near vicinity.
nance to the resident site officer/worker, before he/she is g. We also addressed the other erroneous engineering prac-
posted for the job. The training should be repeated annually tices; technical negligence or lack of technical commit-
if the same personnel continue to work at the site. ments; that adversely affect tower site related equipment
c. Conduct periodic tests to ensure the ‘‘good operational con- under lightning conditions. The most observed such mal-
dition’ of the lightning protection components; Measure- practices are the inappropriate cable routing, multiple
ment of earth resistance, checking the continuity of tapes grounding references, inadequate surge protection systems
and cables, faulty-free condition of SPDs, status of circuit and lapses in routinely maintenance. Several case studies
breakers (usually MCCBs) connected in series with SPDs, are presented in this regard and remedial measures are also
etc. the tests should be carried out at least twice a year, pref- proposed.
erably prior to the acute lightning seasons. The inspection h. The safety management of a tower site is also discussed
and testing procedures are specified in above mentioned under the risk scenarios and safety guidelines needed to be
standards (IEC 62305 1-4, 2006; NFPA 780:2008, 2008; IEEE implemented. It has been shown that the present safety

Please cite this article in press as: Gomes, C., Diego, A.G. Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment
damage. Safety Sci. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.05.006
10 C. Gomes, A.G. Diego / Safety Science xxx (2011) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Gomes, C., Diego, A.G. Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment
damage. Safety Sci. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.05.006

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