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Read The following text to answer Questions ( 1-2 )

Teacher : Can I have your attention ,please,

Students : (1)……………
Teacher : We are going to have a picnic to Pahawang
Beach next semester.
Students : Hurray!
Teacher : Listen to me,please.
Students : Yes,ma’am.
Teacher : ( 2 ) ……………. So, I want you to bring a
raincoat or umbrella.
answer choices
1. a. All right
b. No,you can’t
c. I don’t believe it
d. Are you kidding
2. a. We are going to a sunny day
b. Pahawang is sunny at this time
c. We are going to go in dry season
d. Pahawang is rains a lot at this time

Read The following text to answer Questions ( 3-4)

The students are very noisy.They are too excited.

Teacher : Excuse me, class!
Students : Yes,ma’am.
Teacher : ( 3 ) …………….
Students : We do ,ma’am.
Teacher :(4)………………..?
Students : An umbrella and a raincoat.
Teacher : Good.
3. a. Are you alright?
b. Do you follow me ?
c. What do you do?
d. What are we doing?
4. a. What can we do at Pahawang Beach?
b. Why are we going to Pahawang Beach?.
c. When are we going to Pahawang Beach?
d. What should you bring to Pahawang Beach?

Student : ……….What is ‘attention’ in Bahasa Indonesia?

Teacher : Attention is ‘perhatian ‘
5. a. Sorry
b. Really
c. Excuse me
d. Yes,please
Read The following text to answer Questions ( 6-10 )
I have two best friends, whose names are Gigis and Yuko.They have different hobbies and
characters. Gigis a calm girls. She can dance and also can sing well. Her voice is very beautiful.
On the other hand, Yuko can’t dance or sing. She has a terrible voice. However , she is good at
martial arts (bela diri).She has got a red belt in Tae Kwon Do. Gigis and I sometimes watch her
at a Tea Kwon DO contest. Yuko can also swim well. She is a really strong girl.
6. Who can dance?
a. Gigis
b. Yuko
c. The writer
d. Gigis and Yuko
7. Who can do Tae Kwon DO ?
a. Yuko
b. Gigis
c. The writer
d. Gigis and Yuko
8. What can Yuko do ?
a. Singing,tea kwon do,and dancing
b. Singing,dancing,and swimming
c. Swimming and tae kwon do
d. Singing and dancing
9. Which statement is true according to the text ?
a. Gigis can sing well because she has beautiful voice.
b. Yuko can sing well although she has a terrible voice.
c. Gigis and the writer can do tae kwon do.
d. Yuko likes dancing very much.
10. What can make Yuko strong?
a. She likes art
b. She likes sport
c. She has good friend
d. She has a terrible voice

Read The following text to answer Questions ( 11-12 )

Dear Anita
Congratulation on your success in the poetry reading competition

11. Who sends the card?

a. Anita
b. Haris
c. Anita’s friend
d. Committe member
12. What achievement has Anita got ?
a. To be a good student.
b. To be successful in reading
c. To be successful in every competition
d. To be the winner of a poetry reading Competition
. Read The following text to answer Questions ( 13-15 )

Congratulation on your success in the singing contest. You are the best. We are proud of you.
Uncle Farel and aunt Fitri
13. Who won the singing contest?
a. Mizka
b. Aunt Fitri
c. Uncle Farel
d. Uncle Farel and Aunt Fitri

14. ”We are proud of you”.

The synonym of the underline words is ………….
a. pleased about
b. sad about
c. nice to
d. full of

15. ”We are proud of you,”

The underlined word refers to ……..
a. Uncle Farel And Aunt Fitri
b. Uncle Farel
c. Aunt Fitri
d. Mizka
16. Made : I think Marion is the nicest student in our class?
What do you think?
Putu : ……….He is always helpful
a. I don’t think so
b. I don’t agree
c. Impossible
d. I think so

17. Mr.Wiyono : What do you think of our new house, dear?

Hani : ……….. I don’t have any place to put my stuff.
a. It is the best place I believe
b. I think it’s too small
c. It beautiful I think
d. I think it is lovely
18. Ery : What do you think of our new classmate, Rossy?
Yoga : She is really ….. student.
Ery : I think so. He makes friends easily. Nearly of our friends know him well in a month.
a. shy
b. sociable
c. talk active
d. stubborn

19. Alan : Did you know that Jack got 100 for the English test?.
Bill : Wow !.....
a. I am sorry to hear that
b. How are you?
c. Yes,he is
d. How smart he is!
20. Peter : Look at the pretty girl over there.
John : ………..
a. Wow. How beautiful she is.
b. How old are you ?
c. Are you very tired ?
d. Did you come here yesterday?

21. Indah : . . . . Throw the rubbish in the dustbin

Tampon : Oops, sorry.
a. Don’t be lazy.
b. Don’t say it.
c. Don’t litter.
d. Don’t run.

. Read The following text to answer Questions ( 22 )

Bandarlampung, January 1st, 2018

Dear Lusi,
This card comes with living wishes especially for you. To wish you lots of happiness today and
all year through.
Happy New Year 2018
22. The word “wish” in the text nearly means ….
a. see
b. hope
c. look
d. want
23. Heru : . . . The floor is still wet.
Lulu : Alright.
a. Don’t go.
b. Don’t run.
c. Don’t sleep.
d. Don’t be lazy.

24. Rina : Excuse me, . . . You Musn’t smoke here.

Anwar : Oh, I’m sorry.
a. Look at me!
b. Listen to me!
c. Look at that sign!
d. Listen to the doctor!
25. Nini : Look! The floor is very dirty. . . ., please.
Dewa : OK.
a. Sweep it.
b. Forget it.
c. Litter it.
d. Dust it.
26. Mother : Ssh!. . .The baby is sleeping.
Andy : OK, Mom.
a. Be quiet!
b. Be Brave!
c. Don’t walk!
d. Don’t be lazy!

27. Siti : It’s hot . . . . please

Sarah : Sorry, but the fan doesn’t work.
a. Turn off the fan.
b. Turn on the fan.
c. Open the fan.
d. Break the fan.

28. Rehan : Do you think china will win the uber cup ?
Ivan : ……. They always play beautifully
a. I don’t think so
b. I’m not sure
c. Definitely
d. I’m not happy

Dear Kartika
Our sincere Congratulations on your success as
The Best Indonesian Journalist 2018.
This will support you to write more articles.
The manager and staff of
Moonlight Publisher

29. What does Kartika do? She is a …

a. Staff
b. Manager.
c. journalist.
d. publisher

30. What is the purpose of the text?

a. congratulate Kartika on her success.
b. inform people about the best journalist
c. tell people to congratulate Kartika.
d. invite people to come to the Moonlight publisher.

31. Rudi: ……….. it’s disgusting.

Lila: Calm down. It’s just a caterpillar.
a. What is it?
b. How are you?
c. Where are you?
d. What are you doing?

32. Santi : Could you pass me the sugar, please?

Liya : ……………
a. Thank you
b. Here you are
c. Really
d. No, thank you

Get Well Soon

33. What Kind of text is it?

a. a get well card
b. a birthday card
c. a condolence card
d. an identification card
34. To whom do you send the card?
a. a sick person
b. a special person
c. a person who celebrates his birthday
d. a person who has got an achievement
35. The Sign Means ...
a. Don’t Smoke
b. Don’t Eat
c. Don’t Park
d. You can Park
36. The Sign Means ...

a. You can smoke

b. Don’t litter
c. Don’t smoke
d. Don’t eat
37. Khetrin : Turn on the lamp, please !
Riko : ...
a. I think so c.Sure
b. Sometime d.You look great
38. Sundari : Ma’am, Would you like to come our farewell party next week ?
Mrs. Tumijo : ........ I have to go to bali for a conference
a. That would be great c. I’m Sorry, I can’t
b. Of course d. That’s a good Idea
39. Tini : did you take my pen peter ?
Peter : .... I am using mine
a. Yes, I did c. No, I didn’t
b. Let me see d. You are right

Read The following text to answer Questions ( 40-46)

Hello? Temon’s speaking.

Hi, Temon, 40 ……………
Hi, Martin! What up?
Listen 41 ……………….
Nothing planned. Why?
42 ……………..
Sure. I’d love to. Whose party?
It’s 43 …………. Birthday party.
Oh, yeah. I know him. Where is it?
44 …………….
Where do you want to meet?
45 …………….
OK. At my house at seven.
46 ……………. See you soon. Bye.
40. a. it’s me Martin b. how are you c. do you know me? d. do you know I call
41. a. are you doing something this evening? c. are you listening to me?
b. are you sleeping tonight? d. are you with me?
42. a. are you happy to go with me? c. would you like to come to a party with me?
b. let’s go and find some parties d. how about inviting people for a party
43. a. Miranda’s b. A boy’s c. Andi’s d. Sari’s
44. a. tonight b. alone c. at wisma Garuda d. just for two
45. a. what if you pick me up? c. let’s meet at your place
b. I know the way to go there d. let’s meet at the plaza
46. a. you’re welcome b. nice to meet you c. great d. never mind

The following text is for questions 47 to 49

1) If you empty it, fill it
2) If you dirty it, clean it
3) If you Open it, fill it
4) if you spill it, wipe it
5) if you cook, share it

Aminah is talking about the kitchen rules in her house with her friend.
Aminah : Did you have any kitchen rules at home?
Sumarti : Oh, we dont have any. What about in your rules
Aminah : We have kitchen rules
Sumarti : Really? Like What?
Aminah : Well, like when we spill something, we(47)....
Sumarti : Oh, what if you empty a jar?
Aminah : You(48)....
Sumarti : That's good. What if you cook something?
Aminah : (49)....
47. A. Must take it away
B.Should leave it
C. Must empty it
D. must wipe it
48. A. must fill it
B. must clean it
C. must not do it
D. must tell others
49. A. you mustn't cook
B. you mustn't share it
C. Dont forget to share it
D. You must cook something delicious
Linda: Why are you so sad?

Oscar:I have lost my ruler.

Linda:50 . . Where did you put it?
Oscar:I can't remember.
Linda: Well, 51.. . . things back to their proper place so you can find them easily. Oscar: I guess
you're right.

50. A. Were you?

B. Have you?
C. Did you?
D. Are you?

51. A. you should be happy

B. you should return
C. you make use
D. you did it
52. Jonas : i'm leaving to go camping in bantir this weekend.
Ani : well, I think you... Take a raincoat with you. It's the rainy season now.
Jonas : You're right.

B.must not
C.Should not
D.Don't have

53. Nugi : ....Put the rubbish in the dustbin.

Sari : sorry.
A. Don't be lazy.
B. Don't say it.
C. Don't litter.
D. Don't run.

Read The following text to answer Questions ( 54-55 )

Zookeeper : Excuse me, young man.

Visitor: Yes, sir. What's the matter?
Zookeeper: What are you doing?
Visitor : I'm feeding the tigers.
Zookeeper : (54) ...
Visitor & Why?
Zookeeper : The tigers are wild animals.
They can be (55) ..., Besides, the food can harm the animals.
54. A. You must not feed the tigers.
B. You should feed the tigers,
C. You are feeding the tigers.
D. You must feed the tigers.
55. A tame
B. funny
C. beautiful
D. dangerous

Read The following text to answer Questions ( 56-57 )

Nora: do you clean your room everyday, Alex?

Alex : (56) ... In fact, I never clean my room
Nora : Your room must be very on then.
Alex : No. My mother cleans it everyday.
Nora : Oh that's too bad. You should clean your own room. (57) ……..too much on your mother.
56. A. Always.
B. Yes, I do.
C. No, I don't
D. I usually do that.
57. A. Don't come
B. Don't rely
C. Help
D. Rely

58. Roni : hello maemunah...

Maemunah : ok . i go to the club this afternoon .
Roni : ok, then .see you there. bye. you come to the English club this afternoon?
b.let's go to the english club this afternoon .
c.what are you doing now?
d.i'm glad to meet you.

To: Ivan and Aisyah

Wow! You’ve found your dream house. Congratulations. I'll visit soon!

59. From the text, we can conclude that ....

a.The writer wants Ivan and Aisyah to visit him.

b.Ivan and aisyah have just moved to a new house.

c.Ivan and Aisyah invite people to come to their house.

d.The writer is visiting Ivan and Aisyah house right now.

Good luck in your exams!

I hope your succeed in the exams study hard and good luck.
60. The text in intended to....

a. Wish someone luck in the coming exams.

b. Let someone work hard to gain success.

c. Congratulate someone on his success.

d. Encourage someone to take an exam.

61. From the text, we know that the exam.

b.Is having
c.Has passed
d.Already had

Read The following text to answer Questions ( 62-63 )

Living in a new atmosphere which is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city will
hopefully make you happier. Enjoy a stunning green view and nature's fresh air.Congratulations
on your new home. Hope you will always be peacful, healthy and happy her.

Lots of Love
Vicky Zow

62.why does vicky send the card?

a.To tell estu that she has just moved to his new house.

b.To show estu that she is proud of her new house.

c.To inform estu that she has a new house,too.

d.To wish estu happiness in her new house.

63. From the text, we know that estu new house is....

b.Painted green.
c.Located in the country.
d.Far from vicky house.
Read The following text to answer Questions ( 64-65)

Dear Mirza,
congratulations on your achievement in the mathematics . You’re really the best. Keep up the
good work.

64.What is the text about?

a.mirza likes mathematics very much
b.teresia congratulates mirza for the best effort
c.mirza got the highest score for mathematic.
d.teresia is the cleverest student in the mathematics

65.From the text we know that..

a.mirza is happy with his score
b.mirza is sad with his score
c.teresia is mirza's mother
d.teresia is mirza's friend

Read The following text to answer Questions ( 66-67 )

Dear Hasna,
hello my fellow friend , I would like to invite you to come to my graduation party.
date:saturday,14th november 2015
place:my house on rose street no.47 yogyakarta.
I hope you would come to my party . It'll different without your coming
66.what will willy celebrate?
a.his birthday
b.his wedding
c.his graduation
d.his weekend

67.willy hopes that hasna ...

a.give present
b.replies her letter
c.invites willy
d.attends his party

Dear Kurniati,
Congratulations on this wonderful achievement, Doctor! Wishing you achieve your goals and
have a great career.
Best wishes,
Janet Purba

68. What is the purpose of the letter?

a. To offer Kurniati a new position
b. To invite Kurniati to a celebration party
c. To congratulate Kurniati on her graduation
d. To advise Kurniati to take a doctorate programme

Read The following text to answer Questions ( 69-70 )

Dear Wulan,
Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May today success be just the
beginning of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the challenge is waiting for
you in the college. Nevertheless, I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!
Your best friend,

69.The purpose of the text above is ....

a. To persuade someone
b. To entertain someone
c. To congratulate someone
d. To invite someone
70."... with doubt that this gives us ..." The underlined word has similar meaning to ....
a. Belief
b. Wealthy
c. Selfish
d. Uncertainty
Read The following text to answer Questions ( 71-73 )

We are happy for the arrival of your new family member. Wish you and your family all the best.
May the happiness always with the beautiful baby, Aninda and her family. Hope she will be a
nice girl in the future.

71.What is the writer's hope for the baby?

a. Being the success girl
b. Being a nice one
c. Being a rich person
d. Being a smart guy
72. Choose the following sentences which expression of Hope .....
a. I like a nice house
b. I wish I had a nice house
c. I would like to have a nice house
d. I need a nice house
73. The following sentence are expression of congratulation, except ....
a. I congratulate you on your success
b. How poor you are
c. That's great
d. Nice work

Faiz : What’s up? You look so sad.

Rizki : My brother got sick and he is still hospitalized
Faiz : That’s too bad. I’m so sorry to hear that. How is he now?
Rizki : He is getting better now
Faiz : Oh, ………….
Rizki : I hope so

74. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue above is……

a. I hope he will get well soon
b. I hope he looks so sad
c. I hope he is still hospitalized
d. I hope he gets sick

Marta : “It’s very hot here….

Sinta : “Sure. No problem.

75. What is the suitable expression.?

a. Could you close the door?
b. Would you turn off the fan?
c. May I leave now?
d. Would you mind if I turn on the fan?

Anida : “I heard that you didn’t past the test. That’s too bad. I’ve told you not to waste your time
playing online game.”
Diandra : “I will listen you next time.”

76. It can be concluded from the dialogue that Anida expresses her…
a. Suggestion
b. Happiness
c. Agreement
d. Disagreement
77. Digo : Can you …. to my birthday party?
Sisi : Yes l can. I will be there for you
a. Abstain
b. Come
c. Help
d. Leave
Read The following text to answer Questions ( 78-80)

Mother: this is the way to make this cake first, put all ingrediants in the bowl
rini: ok
mother: then, mix the ingrediants with the mixer at medium speed. (78).......
rini: yes, i understand
mother: when it's done, you can prepare the molds and the oven. and you cake is ready
rini: slow down, mum. (79).......
mother: sorry, dear
rini: well, what should i do with the molds?
mother: oh, i forgot about that. you must smear the molds with some butter
rini: (80).......
mother: then, pour the butter into the molds, and put them into the oven
78). A. is it difficult?
B. do you like it?
C. are you with me?
D. is the bowl big enough?

79). A. i'm not sure i understand what you're saying

B. i know you like cooking very much
C. please, repeat from the beginning
D. let's talk about something else

80). A. ok
B. it's weird
C. i'm confused
D. i don't understand

1. Please make a conversation by using can!
2. Please tell 5 things that you can do and cannot do!
3. Please answer these questions?
a. What should you do if you have exam tomorrow?
b. What should you do if you have a toothache?
c. What should you do if your classroom is dirty?
4. Please make a conversation about suggestion based on this topic ‘Your friend got bad
score in Math exam’!
5. What must you prepare for the exam?
6. Please make an invitation card to your friend!
7. Write down a conversation about Invitation!
8. Make a conversation about asking for permission!
9. Please make a greeting card to your friend!
10. Please describe the roads in our city!

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