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Kelas: keperawatan A.


• Understanding trends

Trends are very basic in a variety of analysis approaches, trends can also be
defined as one of the images or information that occurs at this time which is
usually popular among the public

• Understanding of issues
Issue is an event or event that can be expected to occur or not occur in the future,
which concerns the economy, monetary, social, political, legal, national
development, natural disasters, or about critical.
The issue is something that is being talked about by many people but the facts are
still unclear or the evidence.

• Understanding of nursing
Nursing is a form of professional service, which is an integral part of health
services based on nursing knowledge and tips, with forms of services that include
biopsychosocial-spiritual aimed at individuals, families, groups, communities both
healthy and sick in the human life cycle (Workshop national nursing (1983))
• Understanding nursing trends and issues
• Nursing trends and issues are something that many people are talking about about
practice / nursing, whether based on facts or not, of course trends and issues
concern the legal and ethical aspects of nursing.
Influencing factor

1. Religious and customary factors.

Religion and cultural background are the main factors in making ethical decisions.
Each nurse is advised to understand the values that are believed as well as the rules
of the religion he adheres to. To understand this process is indeed needed. Older
and more learning experience, someone will know more about who he is and the
values he has.
Indonesia is an archipelagic country inhabited by residents with various religions /
beliefs and customs. Every citizen who is an Indonesian citizen must be religious /
belief. This is in accordance with the first principle of Pancasila: the One Godhead,
where in Indonesia makes the aspect of divinity the most important basis. Every
citizen is given the freedom to choose the beliefs he adheres to.

2. Social factors.
Various social factors influence the making of ethical decisions. These factors
include social and cultural behavior, science and technology, law, and legislation.
Social and cultural developments also influence the national health system. Health
services that were oriented towards medical programs gradually became
comprehensive services with the health team approach.

1. Factors in science and technology.

In the era of the 20th century, humans have succeeded in reaching the level of
advancement in science and technology that humans have not achieved in the
previous century. Progress has been achieved covering various fields.
Progress in the health sector has been able to improve the quality of life and extend
human life by discovering various health mechanical machines, new procedures
and materials / new medicines. For example patients with kidney disorders can be
extended to age thanks to the hemodialysis machine. Mothers who have difficulty
getting pregnant can be replaced with various inseminations. These advances raise
questions related to ethics.
2. Factors of legislation and juridical decisions.
Social change and legislation are constantly interrelated. Every social change or
legislation causes action which is a reaction to that change. Legislation is a
guarantee of action according to the law so that people who act in accordance with
the law can cause conflict.
At present the aspects of legislation and the form of juridical decisions for health
ethics issues are becoming a topic that is widely discussed. Health law has become
a field of science, and many new legislation has been prepared to improve old
legislation or to anticipate the development of health law problems.

3. Funding / financial factors.

Funds / finance to finance treatment and care can lead to conflict. To improve the
health status of the community, the government has made many efforts by holding
various government-funded programs.

4. Job factors.
Nurses need to consider the position of their work in making a decision. Not all
nurses' personal decisions can be carried out, but must be resolved by the decision /
rules where he works. Nurses who prioritize personal interests often get the
spotlight as dissident nurses. As a consequence, he gets administrative sanctions or
may lose his job.

5. Nursing code of ethics factors.

Kelly (1987), cited by Robert Priharjo, states that the code of ethics is one of the
characteristics / requirements of the profession that provides important meaning in
the determination, defense and improvement of professional standards. Code

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