Traffic Impact Seminar

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Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA)
for Technical Evaluators HEADLINES

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8/1/2019 University of the Philippines Diliman

May 16-18, 2017

Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) for Technical Evaluators

NCTS Building, UP Diliman, Quezon City

Urban and regional development projec ts suc h as malls, housing,

sc hools and c ommerc ial establishments, have already been
established to have remarkable impac ts on the transportation
system and its environment. It is nec essary to evaluate the
signific anc e of traffic -related impac ts before the implementation of
a proposed development.

The training will give an overview of the TIA proc ess and disc uss
the c ontents of a TIA report. The proc ess allows these future
impac ts to be planned for and mitigated. TIA is now being required 2/3
8/1/2019 University of the Philippines Diliman

by some loc al governments and national agenc ies for some

developments before its approval.

Target Partic ipants are City/Munic ipal planner, City/Munic ipal

engineer, traffic engineer, transportation planner, loc al and national
government personnel involved in transportation and related
func tions and TIA would-be evaluators.

Partic ipation fee is P7,500 inc lusive of training kit, c ourse materials,
c ertific ate with holder, lunc h and snac ks. Please make c hec ks
payable to UP National Center for Transportation Studies
Foundation, Inc . (UPNCTSFI).

Applic ation is through ts@gmail.c om or 981-8500 loc al


https://doc om/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUxEpB1ObjAdYw3_O8eYdAHVR_4eVlRlugrCLZbaqZJh8Tjw/view

For more information, please c all Engr. Sheila Flor D. Javier, Mr. John
Vic M. Canulo and Mr. Winniefredo T. Oc ampo at 981-8500 loc .
3552 or email jmc ts@gmail.c om.

Posted: April 27, 2017 15:01

UP Diliman Information Offic e

2/F University Theater, UP Diliman, Quezon City 1101 3/3

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