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Chapter 9 Deflections Using Energy


Structural Mechanics 2
Dept of Architecture, Ajou Univ
• External work and strain energy
• Principle of work and energy
• Principle of virtual work
• Method of virtual work: trusses
• Method of virtual work: beams and frames
• Virtual strain energy caused by axial load, shear,
torsion and temperature
• Castigliano’s theorem
• Castigliano’s theorem for trusses
• Castigliano’s theorem for beams and frames
9-1 External Work and Strain Energy

• For more complicated loadings or for

structures such as trusses and frames
• Most energy methods are based on the
conservation of energy principle
– Work done by all external forces acting on a
structure, Ue is transformed into internal work
or strain energy Ui
– Ue = Ui (eq 9.1)
9-1 External Work and Strain Energy

• Consider an elastic system

• External work done by Applied Force
– When a force F undergoes a displacement
dx in the same direction as the force, the
external work done is dUe = Fdx
– If the total displacement is x, the work
U e   Fdx (eq 9.2)
9-1 External Work and Strain Energy
- F is gradually increased from 0 to
some limiting value F = P

- The final elongation of the bar

becomes 

- If the material has a linear elastic

response, then F = (P/ )x

- Substituting into (eq 9.2) and

integrating from 0 to ,
U e  P (eq 9.3)
which is the shaded area under the line
9-1 External Work and Strain Energy
- Suppose P is already applied and another
force F' is applied so that the bar deflects
further by '

- Triangular area ACE: total work done by P

and F'

- Triangular area ABG: work done by P due

to 

- Triangular area BCD: work done by F' due

to ‘

- The additional work done by P is then dUe'

= P' (shaded area BDEG)
9-1 External Work and Strain Energy

• External Work  Moment

– When a moment M undergoes a rotation d
in the same direction as the moment, the
external work done is dUe = Md
– If the total angle of rotation is  rad, the work

U e   Md (eq 9.5)
9-1 External Work and Strain Energy
- Moment is gradually increased from 0
to M, then the work done is
d 1
Ue  M (eq 9.6)

- If moment M is already applied to the

structure and other loading M’ further
M  M
distort the structure by ', then
additional work done by M due to ' is

U e  M  (eq 9.7)

 
9-1 External Work and Strain Energy

• Strain energy  Axial Force

– For linearly elastic system,  = E
– The normal stress is  = N/A
– The final strain is  = /L
– Substituting, N/A = E(/L)
– Final deflection: NL
 (eq 9.8)
– Substituting into (eq. 9.3) with P = N

1 N 2L
U i  P  (eq 9.9) : internal work
2 2 AE
9-1 External Work and Strain Energy

• Strain energy  Bending

1 M 2 dx
dU i  Md  (eq 9.10) : internal work
2 2 EI

– Strain energy for the beam is determined by

integrating dUi over the beam’s length
L M 2 dx
Ui   (eq 9.11) : internal work
0 2 EI
9-2 Principle of Work and Energy
• M = - Px so that:
L M 2 dx L ( Px) 2 dx 1 P 2 L3
Ui  
0 2 EI
 
0 2 EI

6 EI

• Equating the external work to internal strain energy and

solving for the unknown displacement

Ue  Ui P
1 1 P 2 L3
P 
2 6 EI Δ
 L
9-2 Principle of Work and Energy
• Limitations
– Load may be applied one by one
– Only the displacement under the force can
be obtained
• Therefore, we have to seek other versatile
methods → Principle of Virtual Work
9-3 Principle of Virtual Work
• For a series of external loads Pi, internal loads u
throughout the structure exist
• As a result, external displacement i due to Pi
and internal displacement  due to u occur
• Then the external and internal loads are
equilibrated to find the displacement
• In general, the displacement calculated in this
way does not have to be elastic, and they may
not be related to the loads
9-3 Principle of virtual work
• In summary, the principle states that:
 Pi  i   u
Work of Work of
Ext loads Int loads

• Suppose we have to determine the

displacement i of point A on the body
caused by the “real loads” P1, P2 and P3
9-3 Principle of virtual work
- Displacement , can be determined by first
placing on the body a “virtual” load P' acting in
the same direction as 

-Then the body is subjected to the real loads P1,

P2 and P3

- When P'=1, the balance of external work done

by P' due to  and internal work done by u due to
dL gives
1       u  dL (eq 9.13)
- In a similar way, bending and rotation can be

1       u  dL (eq 9.14)
9-4 Method of virtual work: Trusses
• External loading (Unit Load Method)
– Consider the vertical displacement  of joint B
– If the applied loadings P1 and P2 cause a linear elastic material
response, each truss member will deform by L  NL / AE
– Therefore, the virtual work equation of the truss is
1    (eq 9.15)
External virtual work = Sum of internal (virtual) strain energy
stored in truss members

1 = ext. virtual unit load acting on the truss in the stated direction of 
n = int. virtual normal force in a truss member caused by the ext. virtual unit load
 = ext. joint displacement caused by the real loads on the truss
N = int. normal force in a truss member caused by the real load
L = length of a truss member
A = cross section area of a truss member
E = modulus of elasticity of a truss member
9-4 Method of virtual work: Trusses

• Temperature (Unit Load Method)

– In some cases, truss members may change
their length due to temperature
L  TL
– The displacement of a selected truss joint
may be written as
1      nTL (eq 9.16)
  ext joint disp caused by temperature change
  coefficient of thermal expansion of member
T  change in temperature of a member
9-4 Method of virtual work: Trusses

• Fabrication errors and camber (Unit Load

– Errors in fabricating the lengths of the members of a
truss may occur
– Truss members may also be made slightly longer or
shorter in order to give the truss a camber
– Camber is often built into bridge truss so that the
bottom cord will curve upward by the same amount
equivalent to the downward deflection when
subjected to the bridge’s full dead weight
9-4 Method of virtual work: Trusses

• Fabrication errors and camber (cont’d)

– The displacement of a truss joint from its
expected position can be written as:
1       nL (eq 9.17)
  ext joint disp caused by fabrication errors
L  difference in length of the member from its intended
size as caused by fabrication error
– The effect of external loads, thermal change
and fabrication errors taken place at the
same time can be considered by combining
them all
Example 9.1 Determine the vertical displacement
of joint C of the steel truss with A=300 mm2 and E
= 200GPa

nNL 369.6kNm
 cv   
369.6 10 6 Nmm
 cv 
(300mm 2 )[200000 N / mm 2 ]
  cv  6.16mm 
※ Refer to CD animation!
Example 9.2 Determine vertical displacement of
joint C with A = 400mm2 and E = 200GPa

 Cv 
10.67 106

400  200000
 0.133 mm 
Example 9.2 Determine vertical displacement of
joint C if member AB is 5mm too short with A =
400mm2 and E = 200GPa

   nL
 cv  (0.667)(5mm)
  cv  3.33mm 
Example 9.3 Determine the vertical displacement of joint C
if radiant heating from the wall causes temperature in
member AD to increase. Take  = 1.08(10-5)/oC, E =
200GPa and ∆T=+60oC.

   nTL
0.75(600 103 )(1800) 1(400 103 )(2400)
 cv   
1200  200000 1200  200000
 1.25(500 10 )(3000)
 1(1.08 10 5 )  60  2400
900  200000
  cv  19.3mm 
※ Refer to www.

9-5 Method of virtual work: Beams and Frames

• To compute , a virtual unit load
acting in the direction of  is
placed on the beam at A
L mM
1      dx (eq 9.18)
0 EI
• When point A is displaced by ,
the element dx deforms or rotates
by d = (M/EI)dx
L m M
1     dx (eq 9.19)
0 EI

1 = ext. virtual unit load (or moment) in the direction of  (or )

m = int. virtual moment caused by the ext. virtual unit load
m = int. virtual moment caused a virtual unit couple moment
 (or ) = ext. displacement (or rotation) caused by the real loads
M = int. moment caused by the real loads
Example 9.4 Determine the displacement of point
B. Use E = 200 GPa and I = 500106 mm4

L mM 10(1x)(6 x )
1.5 x 
15000[kNm 3 ]
B   dx   dx    
 EI  0 EI
15000 1012
B   150mm 
200000  500 10 6
Example 9.5 Determine the tangential rotation at
point A. Use E = 200 GPa and I = 60106 mm4

m M
A 
0  EI

3 ( 1)  x 3 3 

0  EI
 x4 
 
 12 EI 0
6.75[kNm 2 ]

6.75  10 9

200000  60  10 6
 A  0.000563 rad
Example 9-6 Determine the slope at point B. Use
E = 200 GPa and I = 6x107 mm4.



m M 10 (1) 3 x   112.5[kNm 2 ]
B  dx   dx 
 112.5  109
 B   0.00938 rad
200000  6 10 7
Example 9.7 Determine the displacement at D.
Use E = 200 GPa and I = 3x108 mm4.
D   dx
6  0.75 x 120  20 x  3  0.75 x 15 x 
 dx   dx
0 EI 0 EI
x 6  0.75 x 90  15 x 
 dx
3 EI
M x  120  20 x

1 6
EI 
 90 x  15 x2
dx 
1 3
EI  0
 11. 25 x 

M x  15 x M x  90  15 x

1 6
EI 3

 
 67.5 x  11.25 x 2 dx

843.75 kN  m  m 2
1 EI
mx  0.75 x mx  1.75 x  15
843.75 1012
200 103  3 108

 14.1 mm 
Example 9.8 Determine the horizontal displacement of
point C. Use E = 200 GPa and I = 2.35x108 mm4.

C  
dx  

3 x 180 x  30 x

dx  
2.4 1.25 x 112.5 x 
EI 0 EI 0 EI

1 3
EI 0
180 x2
 30 x 3
dx 

1 2.4
EI 0
140 .625 x 2

1660.5 kN  m  m 2

1660.5 1012

200  103  2.35 108
 35.3 mm 
Example 9.9 Determine the tangential rotation at
point C. Use E = 200GPa and I =1.5107 mm4

Example 9.9 Determine the tangential rotation at
point C. Use E = 200GPa and I =1.5107 mm4


M=7.5 kNm m=1

real loads virtual loads

m M 3 (1)2.5 x  2 (1)7.5 kNm 2

L 11 . 25 15 26 . 25[ ]
C   dx   1
dx1   dx2   
26.25 109
 c   0.00875 rad
200000  1.5  10 7
9-6 Virtual strain energy caused by axial
load, shear, torsion and temperature
• Virtual strain energy due to axial load
Un   1  Δn  Δn (eq 9.20)

n  internal virtual axial load caused by external virtual unit load

N  internal axial force in the member caused by the real loads
E  modulus of elasticity
A  cross - sectional area of the member
L  member' s length
9-6 Virtual strain energy caused by axial
load, shear, torsion and temperature
• Virtual strain energy due to shear

   / G  dy  ( / G )dx
  K (V / A); K  form factor

 vV 
U   K dx  1  Δs  Δs (eq 9.21)
s  GA 
v  internal virtual shear in the member caused by external virtual unit load
V  external shear in the member caused by the real loads
A  cross - sectional area of the member
G  shear modulus of elasticity for the material
9-6 Virtual strain energy caused by axial
load, shear, torsion and temperature
• Virtual strain energy due to torsion
  (cd ) / dx;    / G;   Tc / J
d  ( dx) / c  ( / Gc)dx  (T / GJ )dx

d U   1  Δt  Δt (eq 9.22)
t GJ

t  internal virtual torque caused by external virtual unit load

T  internal torque in the member caused by the real loads
G  shear modulus of elasticity
J  polar moment of inertia for the cross section  I x  I y
L  member's length
9-6 Virtual strain energy caused by axial
load, shear, torsion and temperature
• Virtual strain energy due to temperature
– Structural members can be subjected to temperature
difference across its depth
– To determine the displacement, we must first
compute the amount of rotation of a differential
element dx of the beam as caused by the thermal
gradient that acts over the beam's cross section

9-6 Virtual strain energy caused by
axial load, shear, torsion and temp
• Virtual strain energy due to temperature
– mean temperature is Tm = (T1 + T2) / 2
Tm dx
x  Tm dx; d 
L mΔTm dx 1  Δtemp Δtemp
U temp     (eq 9.23)
0 c 1  θtemp θtemp
m  internal virtual moment in the beam caused by the external virtual unit
load or unit couple moment
  coefficient of thermal expansion
Tm  temperature difference between mean temperature and the temperature
at the top or bottom of the beam
c  mid - depth of the beam
Example 9.10 Determine the horizontal displacement of
point C. Use E = 200 GPa, G = 80 GPa, I = 2.35108 mm4,
A = 5.0104 mm2. Include the internal strain energy due to
axial load and shear.

2.4 m

M  180 x1  30 x12
Example 9.10 Determine the horizontal displacement of
point C. Use E = 200 GPa, G = 80 GPa, I = 2.35108 mm4,
A = 5.0104 mm2. Include the internal strain energy due to
axial load and shear.
• Bending
U b   b at C   dx
EI 2.4 m


3 x 180 x  30 x
2.4 1.25 x 112.5 x 
dx 1
270 kN-m
0 EI 0 EI 1.25x2 112.5x2
1660.5kN  m  m 2
 3m x1
1660.5 1012

200 103  2.35 108
Unit load Real load

 35.3 mm 
• Axial load
U n   n at C  
EA 1

  
1.25  112.5 103  3 103
 1.25 112.5 kN
200 103  5.0 10 4

Unit load Real load

 0.04 mm 
Example 9.10 Determine the horizontal displacement of
point C. Use E = 200 GPa, G = 80 GPa, I = 2.35108 mm4,
A = 5.0104 mm2. Include the internal strain energy due to
axial load and shear.
• Shear
 vV 
U s   s at C   K  dx ※ K=1.2 for rectangular section
 GA 
3 1.21180  60 x  2.4 1.21.25112.5
 dx   dx
0 GA 0 GA
729 kN  m 1

112.5 kN 1.25 kN
729 10 6 1 kN
 180-60x1
80 103  5.0 10 4

 0.18 mm  180 kN
Real load Unit load
• Combining them all:
ΔC  Δb at C  Δn at C  Δs at C  35.3  0.04  0.18  35.5 mm 
Δb at C : Δn at C : Δs at C  99.38 : 0.001: 0.005

• Note that the contribution of bending to the overall displacement is the

most remarkable
9-7 Castigliano's Theorem
• Requires constant temperature, unyielding
supports and linear elastic material response
• The displacement of a point is equal to the first
partial derivative of the strain energy with
respect to a force acting at the point and in the
direction of displacement
• The slope at a point is equal to the first partial
derivative of the strain energy with respect to a
couple moment acting at the point and in the
direction of rotation
9-7 Castigliano's Theorem
U i  U e  f ( P1 , P2 ,...Pn )

U i
U i  dU i  U i  dPi (eq 9.24) (first applying Pi ' s, then dPi )

U i  dU i  U i  dPi  i (eq 9.25) (first applying dPi , then Pi ' s)

Since the total strain energy does not depends on the sequence of
forces applied to the body, the quantities in (eq 9.24) and (eq 9.25) are
the same :
U i
 i  (eq 9.26)
9-8 Castigliano's Theorem for Trusses

• Castiglianos' 2nd theorem

U i
Δi 
• Strain energy of a bar subjected to axial force
1 N 2L
U i  PΔ  (eq 9.9)
2 2 EA
• Substituting for a truss system
cf. unit load method
 N 2L nNL
Δ  1    (eq 9.15)
P 2 EA AE

 N  NL
Δ    (eq 9.27)
 P  EA
Example 9.12 Determine the vertical displacement of joint
C. Use A = 400 mm2 and E = 200GPa

 N  NL 10.67 kN  m 10.67 10 6

ΔC       0.13 mm 
 P  EA EA 200 10  400
9-9 Castigliano’s Theorem for Beams and Frames

• Castiglianos' 2nd theorem

U i
Δi 
• Strain energy of a beam subjected to bending
Ui   dx (eq 9.11)
2 EI
• Substituting for a frame system
 M2
 
P 2 EI
cf. unit load method
 M  M
    dx (eq 9.28) 1     
dx (eq 9.18)
 P  EI EI
L  M  M mM
    dx (eq 9.29) 1      dx (eq 9.19)
0 
 M  EI
9-9 Castigliano’s Theorem for Beams and Frames

• If a more complete accountability of strain

energy is desired, the strain energy due to
shear, axial & torsion must be included

V2 U s  V  V
Us  K  dx  K  dx
2GA P  P  AG

T2 U t  T  T
Ut   dx    dx
2GJ P  P  JG
Example 9.15 Determine the displacement of point B of the
beam. Use I = 5.0108 mm4 and E = 200 GPa
 x
M  12 x   Px  6 x 2  Px
 x
M P 0  6 x 2
 M  M
B     dx
 P  EI

 
10  x   6 x
0 EI
15000 kN  m  m 2

15000 1012

200 103  5.0 108

 150 mm 
Example 9.16 Determine the slope at point B. Use
I = 6.0107 mm4 and E = 200 GPa

 M  M
θB     dx
 M'  EI
5  3x  0 10 M '3 x   1
 dx   dx where M'  0
0 EI 5 EI
2 EI
  10
x2 5
112.5 kN  m  m
0  x  5m : 112.5 109
M 200  103  6.0  107
M  3 x  0
M '
5m  x  10 :  0.00938 rad
M  M '3 x  1
M '

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