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American institute

Describe a celebration/a wedding/a party/special occasion/describe a different thing that you did to
make the party more special? Describe a celebration you remember? Describe a family celebration
you remember? Describe an important event in your life that you have celebrated recently?

Impressive lines:
Occasion are the part and parcel of one’s life
I simply adore getting dressed up about occasions
Happiness comes from bits and pieces
Special occasion enlightens one's life

Vocabulary and phrases-

Adorn, embellished- make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or
Decoration- garlands, bunting, balloons, and lighting
Gleaming: very shinny
Pleasant: pleasing or attractive
The venue was decorated in such a way, that everyone felt pleasant
Scrumptious: delicious
Sweet tooth
Marvellous: extremely good
It was a marvellous celebration
Alluring: attractive, eye catching
Glad rag: clothes for a special occasion; smart or showy clothes.
In vogue: in trend
Manic: crazy
Extra mile: Do more than what is expected of you
Happy: Euphoric, gleeful, amused, glad and delighted
Relish: Enjoyed a lot
Part and parcel: essential part
Bounce off the walls: very excited
Joyful moment-extremely happy
Red letter day- memorable day
Jaw dropping- very surprising or shocking
Cherry on the cake- the final thing that makes something perfect

Last summer, I received an invitation about my second cousins wedding that was going to held in
Chandigarh . It was my first time visiting that city as well. I was bouncing off the walls when I heard
about the celebration. I was full of ecstasy. I excitedly packed my luggage and reached at her place
and she was stunned to see me. I saw joy in her eyes. As I met her after long time, I decided to go
extra mile for her, so I decided to throw her a bridal shower. Just to make her celebration more her friends and I organised the event by booking a venue and embellished the place
with bunting, balloons , garlands, lighting it with her favourite flowers orchid which added a cherry on
cake. I made the backdrop by using paper flowers which is my speciality and I invited all her kith and
kins. We selected North Indian, Italian and Chinese cuisines and there were more than 25 food items
in the menu. The idea was to take care of everyone’s tastes as It was a surprise party for her. On the
day of bridal shower when she reached the place she was astonished and started praising me. I was
mirthful by seeing a wide smile on her face. As it is all about rainbow and sunshine when it comes to
celebrations and occasions
American institute

1.Describe a life changing experience,

2.Describe an important lesson you learned in your life.
3. Describe a bad experience you have in your life.
4. Describe something that affected your life.
5.Describe an important decision you made in your life.
2. Describe a success in your life.

Impressive lines:
One should not stop chasing one’s dream despite the challenges that may come in the way.
Human life is a mystery in which problems keep in be falling at regular intervals.
One should always keep their ambitions alive
Nowadays youngsters are always shilly -shallying on certain topics
Procrastination is the thief of time
Change is a law of nature

Ideas : ( positive experience)

-Can be a habit of a person.
- Can be adapting new habit as well.
- Can be changes in behaviour.
- Can be a trip which have taught you a lot.
- you started adopting better life style
- became a volunteer worker
-went on adventurous trip
- you understood the value of family
-you helped a beggar ever since it became my habit
- You were selected for a course and later on, this training and education helped you shape your
- You abandoned your grudge
- took the first step towards your dreams
- started your first job
-became vegan
-started working out and started detoxing once a while to maintain good health because you were
suffering from some health issues

(Negative experience)
-Natural disaster
-met with an accident
-sudden death
-procastination has lead you to a problem


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