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Objective 1:-

According to the timing graph, 22 out of 87 males were satisfied with the mall timing however 33 out of
87 were dissatisfied with the timings. However, in case of females 5 out of 13 females were satisfied
with mall timings 3 found it to be neutral and 2 out of 13 were highly dissatisfied.

Average graph shows that on an average males were dissatisfied with the timings however on an
average females were slightly satisfied with timings. Moreover, on an average males and females both
were satisfied with security, relationship with mall administration and environment.

Objective 2:-

Variance graph shows that age group of 41-50 is more scattered and dispersed from the average age
group sample as compared to age group of 20-39and 31-40.

Standard Deviation chart shows that age group of 20-30 is more consistent and seems to be more
satisfied with security, location, rent and experience as compared to age group of 41-50.

Objective 4:-

Count table shows that 50% of the managers had done their studies till university, 40% had done till
college and a minute percentage of managers had studied till school or high school.

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