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D 54892 GRANITIC MAGMATISM AND RELATED MINERALIZATION ditors Shunso Issa, Sukune Taxenouent, The Mining Geology Special Issue, No. 8, 1980 Published by The Society of Mining Geologists of Japan EE —_ ry Moc Gotan Sree ae, No 8 1-25, 180, “Torn, tans Magnetite-series/Imenite-series vs. I-type/S-type granitoids ‘Masaki TAKAHASHI, Shigeo ARAMAKI** and Shunto ISHIHARA‘** Aturee The mage mines ede ammann, 197) ad the Lppepe rade CHarma and ‘Rr eed iy so cy, apy ACE ‘Fastous (nthe Jeponoe’SlasdssSow te characen OF ype pe yen Age ‘ison such chmizal parma at KioyR0 30 evo oat) and KN K coms) idles ode AC pls else fet convent parameter dtngating the aes fo th ent in gaat Tome l,0Ne,0 + R50 CaO KINe Kad CAGE acdc pmo or daapaiog peek eeStope:Howeres Soar psa serton te ond tees esos ee ‘Sn he agement mas saseatce botany equven oe ‘Socatoa hepa by sro ad ote ope dt. sont nas os carats drm Ps Of Iya he te ype coe) 06 epi pat mou The lope of eater gnc wet b ety ie ects INTRODUCTION Recently, several new scenes for itngishing among” ths calcalkalse granites have been Froposd, Among then, Ge iagetteers “aod Feiteseries scene of isiasa (91S, 1977, 19798) And the Eye and Sype scheme of CHAPPEL. ad ‘Wines (97) aad Wane sad Cuseens (7D spoeat to be most sigicant in understanding semicon ‘anand felted minerakeaton in ropes tae Tsiuate sascaon is dese the ‘magnteseries prantlds contain am ens econ. Sb amount of magnetite water Ue msrosope, Whereas te imei sets rocks ae pact feo page axe mineral ess ue O Yl", Weise nei is conten seen. They ca be distin ty metas of tir dierent magnetic sucepis, the magaeteaeries rook showing gh alee (200 {an 100% TO" en) and the lteiteaeries oes ‘Sowing low values (ss than he above ana) ‘On ihe ote ane, the dtncton betwee Laype tnd ‘Sypeanitoids is largely gentle” Ligge [atid ar considered to have been generated 0 Jngous source materi an S-type gritos ffom ‘edieutary mates: oth ongeted nthe Con oeatal ust (Wirz and Charest, 197), Ima (197? exphasaed the role of cul cubon ‘in the geeration of the leateeries maga, specs. cubor tae materials pda tension ‘ecionioseting favor the generation ofthe magnet: ‘tres magna. These two cssenone cam lao be Spied vo ftemedate to fee voles which may Betefsieeqtaeats of praise magma (cin, 170 “Types of ore depots associate with granitode can alto be ried to these daneations. Moly ‘num and base metals, incladingporry copes, fe stctted with the product of magachieneres ‘Supnati in which onkdoedoufurapeces ae ome Sere fo have payed fhe mov important role in ‘aapmatiecfeeniation sana, 1977; 1930). O8 {Me other ang, is deposi (elet-ype) cece are ‘ctereclly in linentevetier reise tering. Ths ‘Ros fective process of conentration rele fom the diferent behave of Sat and Se” dorng ‘Ragmatis difereotition se walla from ee orga hgh content of tin the sures materia (RA ene, University of Tals, Hongo 7-1, Baskyode, Tolyo, Japa 13 ‘ree nn Deparnat of Barth Slo Tbs UnteysBrko' chavs, ko Doe 316 (ARID true Rear ot, Une of fokya, Yeo sho, Tuyo, apie 13 GRAND. ,SemloaStey ffpe. Higa Repent we aati, Ta Span 305 -M, TAKAHASHI, S, ARAMAKI, S, ISHIHARA st Tasima, 197, Wie 097 ptt oat C'postive spatial comeltion berween Faypes ‘ndlvolenu deposit, and S-type and dh depots “Than one mould eneoab expec perl, beewecn, "Tope antlde and” sugoeteweris {ratrds an betwen Ste rerio and iment- Efe groove. However, stoma lflrt has ‘Seen uae far ots tis bypthess. Tis pers En etempe ta compare thee two schemes for die ingisiee among the gastlds by examining the ‘bis th eran that osu the Cem aut soon, Te dean of gretats of Meso- tne to Cenonole agin the CucarePacie rep SELECTED PARAMETERS Pecoprphilly, he Ssype aris are char scien ty te abace of horebende, magnet and fomblendebeaing mabe chon, and eeeace of ‘ch alaainour seater av corte slmanta, Shasta and gurnet (Ware et al, 979). Lithclog- ‘Sty they aze harcterno by aSandast icons ean, wit are conic oe eee paral aning of the rt sedimentary aerials (Wane and Curone, 979). "hecrding to Ciera and Wutre (1979, ho dome forthe type ange aw are fiery high content of sum (Re,0 nomally owe than 32% ie fee vain and more than 2278 fore mae pe), ALOyNss0 + K,0 + CO (Goole: ric) iow ee han 1), ana soma (Gopnds ora sll amount of normative eorusdum {Goa thas 159. Moreen, Lge gentle show = A PL-Neck /\ \ KOSCIUSKO BATHOL oud spectrum of composion ranging fom false to mate and reer smcreementasuaons hia plutons Vaitiondigrams ar near o ear linear. Be the ester hand the Sper havea realy J ent of sodium (N90 normaly las than 3.2%, {2th coca mith approrimiely 57 KO and let ‘han 239 in the oka with appronimately 2°, KO), INgOsiNasO + K,O + CaO (rolar rato) is high (idee thes 11) an large mount of normative SSersdust (uote than 179 salelaed. Spe Panes re much mote restced in composition {han ype ad incu oa rocks witha hgh conteat of 80, Cowtmonly ther variation Siagrnpe tre more in soothe ddagting paretn ‘wou and Charme (1977) noted deat eeacation etmeen the Carpoor Saypes und Casich Epes fhe ACF slag, ad Warne etal (971 and Tin als (97S) conindd that Fe,0,/FoO » Fe,Os vty hgh in ype and spifeanly foie Ja "Among these ctera, the postion of analyses on the ACF digas considered bethe most eBacare Ineans of digushng cbomialybeenoes Seypes {nd Lge, lot on ht itgram,forexample, cay SGprai the Ligpee and Sgpes of aot only the ‘leone grunt of Eaters Auta bat alo the Herman nits of Wenars Europe (Fig, Dy ‘ow of whith are senile Sys by Wet a {ist ence the AC aio are chore whe ain Gceanclprssciers in tha stedy. Abost” 3100 Dblse Shem! sales of Mesoznic to Cenozoic raids mee cllctl fom the erature fr Ge ‘Eitan Pueiicrogon, Th data are rslelted ad ELROPEAN HERCYNTAN Fig 1. ACE diagram (nla es, AsO, Nas0-K,0; C= CuO; F= FeO + MgO) for Pleorle rst. "trypan abd ype lopen sa) Sato the Koto oli eer Atle Cea, ib BY Grande af te Heryeina open bel, ween Bue (thon comin, Nomber of te ae 146 MAGNETITE /ILMENITE-SERIES VS. E{S-TYPES 1s c Plank SOUTHERN KOREA F PLstek KHOTE. ALIN FENGOLIAN OKHOTSK Pe. ,ACT dara te Me Ca ie tte Cr fae rps tet. Theda sous i: May ecm (Le aa), Be Wensra Chica Yost) and Talend (39 sans; Eases Chit ‘Ge settle) arn Ds Sethe Ks (hss Se la tne) (nr 6 |M. TAKAHASHI, 8. ARAMAKI, S. ISHIHARA 6 ALK 4 Pune a PLACA RANE « Patek Pig. 2, Conieue O: Obbotk Chau (asses), aE Aas Range (07 Stina i Canadian Coon (tse, Bouse) Hao ig Wao tn (eect MAGNETITEILMENITE-SERIES VS, 1{S-TYPES ” ™ PNK a Len ° ALaNek a SOUTVERN CALIFORNIA N PLNeK J TaHn6 Sitar neveon P Nek cf Feds SOUTH AMERICAN CORDILLERA Fg.? Conn. Mi Kash (57 sone), N Sere Neds (10 sare, O: Souter Cllrs (9 sna, Sou Ameria Conc 2 anal) plowed inthe ACF diagram. Te estate [niques 235 aod’ Sitar chris preety suc Fe" /Fe** = Fe" Giomie rats), Ay Oy)Nes0 + KO + C20 (oar ati), K/N + (one rte) ed CIC (ok ais) ae acts fortwo peal mete ‘ete panic tern fhe Japanese acs (Fp 7 Abd 9) The rao, Po )fet* eRe, ean efecive Trance for ‘dsingeahing the “dente, antois tom us mage sees anti (ost nd tsubans, 1979) The raion, ALONZO K+ C20," KINe K and GIACE, areal ete for disingushing Stypes fom Exes. The toredntions between ine Ferre + Ree and Stier ror ae gnieat for comparing the map ‘iceman with the eyelet Hoes the tl carlin ace same for ‘hee parame (ips 10 and CIRCUM-PACIFIC REGION Among the eastern margin of th Aen continent, many chetlcal data ae svalble for the Malay ‘onuala, Wesurn, China (Yuna, Thala, Essien China (mua Southearter Cita), Sauthers Kora, Site All, MoagolemOnoiik and Othotk-Chukotak (Fp. 24-20). The panies sre ‘mostly Mesoznc neg: Bot -ypesand Ssype sees {o becommon athe Malay peal, Wester China ‘Sud Thalad, Easter China apd the Sate Als ‘ies erent lots on ACF dagen inet hat Tinges prevail over Seypes in Southern Korea, ‘Menges Oktodae end ihe Okt: Caukoe wee ‘pags oxide ave bee ted in soterel ees. In de Maly penis, majority ef the Tease ‘fantolis a ofthe lineasteseres (moze ban 3 Steal he grantois, but tw Tak poids of ‘orter Thaund and sme Creaoousganids of 8 1M. TAKAHASHI, S. ARAMARI, 8. ISHIUARA the penoslar ea are of the_magcttoares (aataeaet aly 179) InSosthere Koes, mos af is frame Dre wants are fous to log tothe dimen spen bate Creersowe Bulga grils Lengiy Sclong to tn magnttesenes”Comana is 19 Mot han ble the Souters Korean uiious belong te Tmenlioseri Chem choline ae Dacbo grntsie mot fll a {he Pope fe ofthe ACE dopo: Therfore may Of tbe imentoss ange in thse re 8 ty prcasicy (1965) cased the Monnaie plutons ofthe Kolynu-OlnotleChakotsk region of the Northeastern USSR. as magnet, weaky magetc TZuzncts and aouenagedepatone sms tobe ghty ferent tom tat baween Ue magnetite ‘hes od faite by Tans (19795) ach ‘Sissed onthe magnetic meceptbity mensred os ower, Peomsnscrs weakly: mages and nom Brnnate plutons may” approtimatycacespo0d {ove lineiteseres grantor, Since easly hall of the plutons are weaky to non-magnetic early af ot the rantlde in thi eon probably teong 9 te ‘Aloog the wevtere coats of she Ametion continents, many chemi dats ze available for Conga! Aloo te Aleka. Rage, che, Canadion CCrsiere, the Bouidat, Tdeho and Slee Nevada ntl the Klum’ Movstane, Soler Cale Formas andthe South. Amenean Cores (Fes SIEaD. "Mot of the Moroni grants of the ‘Ameican coatinrte ate pera otras to has af The Ske Nevads batho is magnetically onal pra tr slongaton aia The maetc ‘Socplbllty increases toward te est, sn the A eLaNk EASTERN ASIA vyestrnmot one-fourth of the Batholith Belongs to The iimente-eves gina, 19190), Nevers thew granoids are city horblende bitte totale tnd ate Liye, No plots fallin he Se f the S type fv ihe gastos of Klamath Morini and chen] {ormpodtion of te nesemmont one fourth of Sera Nevada. tatholih"roemble those of Xiamaih ‘Mouotsins (arenas abd Does 1970; Hor, 197), fev gan ae Kt gat at Boon he Tipu 3A and 2B summarize the ACF pots Ingieton thatthe grids of che eastern mano ‘the Avan cote (ecudng the Iopanese sand) selcompect ofa hs popcton fe Spe {ovis of North eion sont aot eatry af the Type, The asymetoealdsbtion on Boi ‘po he Pai Otc i sar that othe rag Tevitewerie sod. the imentesetes reported Tiuona (1977 However, becaase al apes ‘nd som limeitesees graitots ate [ype the ‘Scat mere prosounees, ie the ato of ype {S'S ype ie much higher than hat ofthe magne Slots othe Iimenteseries on B00 det of ie Pace Ocean Figute 4 shows sembly the ifr di ‘ubuton of he magnetite seiesimeite-sees end the Sype prantode of Mescralc to easly Conozle ‘gs alg he enter margin of fhe Asia conieat ised on the oiflernt nds of ores (ZONEGHA. Seay 1996 Kato eta 1976; onmnna, 1979) ‘nd petosrapblal data of amos (ZACAUZI, [Bef Smo tad Miton, 1917) im nation tooo proven das. The magoctesrier and the neat ‘iSe ace iapaalel nes and oseapy toil seu of Showt the ame ze. Tae Sype prantlds seem to ‘esur dowinaaly in four reponss Yanu Kole, C B Lana cf FESS ZESTERN COAST OF NORTH AMERICA Fig 4. Summary of he ACF ptig fr he Meco to Canons gail asin the Ciea-Paie organ el MAGNETITE |ILMENTTE-SBRIES VS. E/S-TYPES » Souter siktote Alin, Southeszom Chiou and Yoonan-Tha-Maky. The cordertetearng. gre ‘ato the pleat Seypes deed by Curran pote fom te Lover Cretaceous Kolm comple in the Yane-Koljms ropion aad tbe Lower Cretaceous Khusgatvty comple isthe Sote Ala region (aon, 1974) JAPANESE ISLANDS ‘Thre ype mapoeiteseies and imenie series coups fom sien oso unt are sete om, [Ezong the prantde of Mosoaoe age ofthe epanee Elinis The Tmaeurese ide (runes) ted the “Upper CretacoousPleosne San! Shinkawa granites belong mos fo the iced ‘agnetiewenes With uly sporadic occurences of mente sree grantldsKaskva and Ins 1973; Kaneva, 1974 suka, 197) They are compared onoany ofthe lps: (Fs. SA-S0) ‘Among. te mentees luc terns of ens tO Mionane gat he Crtscoae Ryoke {anode ace also largely composed of the Hyp. To te orth f the Ryoke grands thre occ ths Upper Cretaceous San'yo:Naog ranitoien met of which ee typical nellaieertstd.granitide of [ipaiesars mineralogy with ‘sngren end. tin rineralzation. Most of fhe falda taype yess (gr SD: ia. eps stoning ifr susbuion of mania elinalovrie psi (A) ape anos i the nao ty Canons arama ctr A. SD ot mapearientegr mungs tre tor be ame wamahiy IME, (Gent fay 1974; Kea els 1976: Ka 197) a os 1." tor fo ype pce cane by th ACT lo an progghcldesrtlons (Zack 57) 2» M, TAKAHASHI, S. ARAMAKT, S. ISHIHARA A anak B ence / \ /\ cha (68 eal, D: agai anh sen) hy Ba ae ‘soon —— ——— — — — EE MAGXETITE /ILMENITESERIES VS. F{S-TYPES a Miocene gaits of the Outer Zone of Sout west lan are higheel grace associated with Imierafetion eis.) Thee granois are of {he limeniteseses excep for one group in which ‘Ukuloe gaaites prea over eloaaioe grande (Groans, 1979}. They pot both the Hype and Srype Sel (Fig, 52). Mos of te gui plotted i te Stype fle conta afuminous iets and Iteision af metapees (Nozawa, 1930 gutes GA and 6B are ACE pot for ll the Jepanee pantlds. The ameter grands ‘only lathe ype fd (Fg 6A) abd are part tthe imenteseries panto dso fall nthe 3po Bald Fe 6) RYOKE GRANITOIDS ‘The Cretaceous Rjokeeraitois, consisting of pars i oma, panei nd pai ‘Esatce as Tagger inthe ACP thgeem, Bre, ‘Somial parameter of the Rooke gece tet {ane ACF pos rope by Carr end WHT (510 ae eramined Figur 7A 0 1D ar itogeans of ation Fe*/ er tes" (temo, ALOyINa,0 + KO» CQO (ota), Kat K Gomis) aod ACE Goi) for {Se Ryoke ranteide tad the Type. and. ne altars of Enter Ansa. Thelow [FO oe Fo" faa of the Rooke and the Sype geal fzes With the fcr tat they ae be Hester anti, However, ie RNa + K. and CIACE Fao ofthe Ryoke grant are sma to those of tee iSpen caer than tbe Spe of Eaten ‘Biel oe “The ave results are in cord with the pesrogrephicl sn ihologeal dat. Mor of 82 A aL ca NAGNETITE-SERIES GURPEND apnetiefce Ryoke gritos contain sorablende Bato cordete. Commealy they ls conte omneade-sering mabe icasons, which are prob {ly a oeous org. Tes enue ar characte ar Leype grant (Wht and Cron. 197, OUTER ZONE GRANFTOIDS The data that have been prevented show that the smajoty of Jepasee ganoiss are ype The {eapion ae the Miocene prantelde of the Outer Zoca of Suthvest pan, about hl of whic fli the Spe eld in he ACF siagem (Fe 30), The Outer Zone grates ae tail” gragoe rte apd erates tat cea ia he are tense ‘he'Dacibe coat andthe Min tect Ine nd Intrade mainly into umnnePeleopene sedimentary Biles of the Shimanto Sopeegroap (Fig 8A). Ore ‘eposts containing my He, tural, sree ond app ae known Yo oot asoseed wih some OF thm grantee To the north beyond the Median lecoce ne te Seoul vlea et chaatesed by andeats to syle prosatio and lavas They ar closely sata tothe Over Zove grate sci ‘tine, pace snd cbomsty (Naat Tacs 1979), Ancnony Gebinokawn) and mereazy (Yarat Sunetalatons ae pou rented ht lea ‘The dstbtion of the elope nae of thes peas ck shows a sharp peak st 14 Ma (Sint 1973), Sod allo them are mast ly produce of spisoie ‘agmatom in the middle Means (NARADA aad ‘Tora, 197), ‘Most o he Outer Zoe gait belong othe Anenteveris, The voleate foes of the Souk ‘olan bt are dtiny lower fs apnci may ‘bli Gan the memge Custeraay alae Wolates and they belong Yo 6 weakly rpaetic B Punk SERIES (APA Mi Surman fihe ACF pang of he magna gs eau edna gn ala (ee 2 1M, TAKAHASHI, 5. ARAMARK, S. ISHITARA BANU Na*KOWEaD —C kiNask 7 toa svg ey fla ps Crna Rae sad he Le es cy Rh uf eh Neuss Ro oe (97), Cora Grn Sea dom at a 2 RSS a, BP ALOLNG:O > K,O 4+ CaO (mol, C: KIMA-4 Kiam, D: CIACE (oo. [ig A: Dststton of he MiceneOnter Zane pide, Ste voles en ed epmette oe depos. “Yatntmnaunpe) 2 Sunyemat, 5 Maotrens 4° Osetia, eben 4 hala aso) 6 Nyahoiarpers Vanaimer) MAGNETITE JIEMENITE-SERIES VS. 1/S-TYPES 2 |B Diaibtn of sont rng an codeine iesoue kn be Mace Outer Seoul mapas Revi aa variation a eave corn at ‘0, 687) ‘me Moss Outer dove gut ‘Bepmate fe ater NAzaon and Taxco 173). Iesuan’s scheme (omuns, 17D, Pevoprpa cay they canbe cased ato coined fersiucuag pou (Fig. ty Te cordon: fee rock oscar inthe arte side of he ote, eras the conetetearng ones are buted slong the" Pei age" fe "curdeste Seung {antoie contain lice andr ante aod {Bae pono or rave Ts the mineral ‘emblge very simlar to tit of the pel Asszalae ype raids, Mot ofthe daa tod (rr in the Scype fed of the ACF diagram (Fg, 5) ae Indeed obained fom thes vats, On the ober hind, orcentelfee granite gene cootln fomblede ad ploe ‘mowty in the Lijge eld 5, ‘Fignes C-8D iterate zonal vaiston of KO and excess sltmina content af the igo rosks tte find ice peontage of 65% Both IO and ‘omativecorendam dates norhwrds Tae de {Hnguising bomdary between the Type and the ‘Sj dino! bythe ACF diagram andthe usr ‘soumbligs generly le at about 30%%0 end Tore. Figures 94-90 are bitograms of tbe Al,Os! Nag0'T 90 4 CaO ut CIACE Ga) ee, KUNa + K(aom) son of the cordentetre homnblnds-bearing granitoid of the norra 20 sud te ondieite-betring horbiende ee grands ff the southern zone together with thom ol the ‘pple Antal Type ana Sype gantcide The curdetepearing hormblndeiree Oster Zone gt ‘lois are very salar tothe pel Saype, Oa te tier ‘hand, th cordentefrer horblense-bearag ‘ranks are ater sims to typ ype. The cordetetraring. grantidscommoaly without ‘cordte frequently comin. herblese ‘earng afc mlogous. To summa, the Mice Otter Zoe tienes gaits aad rested ‘gncous rocks earespond to bath espe and Sty, the Stypes being Gatrbuted oa the sera sce Tien a wineaizatin inthe Obie Surayene mining ares is fo the Liype Umenteseres elt, Whereas tungsten eine at Yakut and eoppet Yeinv at te Miyobe mine rein the Spe ache. Src bel STATISTICAL CORRELATION OF ‘CHEMICAL PARAMETERS The Fee 4 Fe atomic) it en eftve parameters to ding the mageeti-seic om he Himenteweries CIstsur aed Tonia, 1974). Tae magnetar grids are more oxidd thea (he lineitesere. On the other ody te ttan, ‘ALOWNG,O = K.0 + CxO" (alas) KINet (atoms), “CIACF” ota) and Be" fee* Re (Grom are sete parameter er stingihing Types thom Suyper (Cuarosee tnd Wate Te Wie and Crary 1977; eae 178). The ‘gpa! “Ausralan Esypes_bave magnetite seras haractertcs—iow ALOyNa,O K,0'+ CxO aad KIN + K and the high CIACE and Po"/Fe = Fe": On the contrary, te typiea!Ansttlan Styre Ive lnentowecies‘haracternies “high AlsOy) NasO 0 + CaO and K(Na Rand the low IAC and Re"/Po** "Be!" eee, celtons Sold est between the FSR!" PO" a the Py 1M. TAKAHASHI, S, ARAMARK, S. ISHIHARA Latte OL A AIINeDKOI0 8 | Kina “cuace a. sie song cy of even chen rnc ne Mice OZone gt eet ReMRMOUNG:O © KsO 1 CxO nol) Be KINe + K (tom), C: GIACF (nol) ‘ig 10_ Diag showing oles terns som /Pe* 4 Fe* and ote che paranter (eos ALO, Suro PLOT Ca Som Kine FR mate ACP in the Tipe (rs) tod Spe ope sua) om he isin Antena acon sso Diem nso a (198) an GRY al. (27D. cher parameter. Indeed, native corelations can Se found bemess the Fe"/Pe™" t Fe" and Al Oy Naj0 = G0 + C20 (Fg. OA) and between the Beppe et and KiNa + K (Pig. 108) and ‘owe coneetions can be found Petveen the Fe") Fo"'S fe and GACT (Bg 100) 1 the sasumpoions that ail the magseiteseis panics are ype and that al the imettesees Sher are Styper were tre, Sefeant statist oration would be found tetweun the Fe™/Pe* 4 SPAG other pacemeter. For Cis zeaszm, te ‘Stel colton are examine teen the ove faremetes, Toe soabtal ate of granons from ‘lewestern cont of Norn Armas ce the Tapanese ‘Mande ace sls, Deore they ae probably most ‘lle asco FeO ané xO, determintions, “herent (Fer ITA aad (18) stow no sig cant cusations fo any combinations Unie the —— MAGNETITE |. MEET ‘NasO +: R50 + CaO, ata KINa + E-SERIES YS. F/SSTTPES I un molr CACY ie the Maoi‘o Ceci ain om he ances "Sins pa oe wernt of Net Armrest ‘odive and negative corrations for the Eastre Astalan gatas Fi 0A and 108), maay ‘waviics ave ‘high (AlGalNAgO + K,O-+ CaO Sud Beh Re"/ee' Fo? low ALONBO + KO + CaO andlow Fe?*/Pe* 9 Fe ge ito ‘hd 11D, igh AYN + K and high Fee"/Be"™ + BP (rig. 1140 ana 118-2, and igh CIACE and low ene 4'Pet (rigs IAS and 11D3). Theses supa that the F°"/Ee? $F oan incependent ater aazlats to ole hemi prt {it and support the conceson that th tne Series granitoid are not necssry ‘pial Spe ‘kein by Carre Wor it Eater Ava, Isororic CoMPosITI0N Armia otope date (S75, 80") on the _———— Mesos to Cenozic magnesteserelineniteseies, rants in the Japaaese lands andthe Pacooie ‘iypeS-pe gratis in Eaters Ausrate ee sus Imknond ia igure 12 Carat ana Wee (974) sed (Onan snd Cruyoct (197) panied out that the ‘ype show high intl S/S ratio (ere than, 0706) and” high 0" values (more then 10%), heres the Types show ly inal See" eatot (©704o0.707 end Low 80" rnc (than 108). ‘The limeatesedes granite of the Jepuneas ‘sans show diferent anges both innit Se? )/S°° fatlos sd 40%" value Irom those of the Ses, Nuraly toms of i mentesees raise show Jo lta SPS" ratios (1704 to'0.708) ate lm 40" values (es thn 10%). These sonpostinal ‘anges ovrisp at those of the Leypes On the oer and, the magnettoseies grantor show slat % M, TAKAHASHI, 8. ARAMAKI, S. ISHIHARA a Istist 1 40° ig. 12, Rang of wotgecomposons (S/S and “ott ote Macane so Cone steer compotion ingest thou he ypes Hower, fone mepneutesees pranais have higher intial Sogo (G70) to 0710) thes tose of the yes ms Sd ama 1. Thus, tee agin, iets compoons supyort the prvi coslsion thatthe cancion seem ‘of de tapretosreimeite sever Soar ot cor ‘spond excl wih he cascatin of the ype] ‘Sojpe, The magnetite exfimenitoweres ratlde othe Dapeaese ans are Set seprsod by sur ‘otopic data on the rock ofr (shat and emt, 1919), Unfrenatly, however, he ata er he Spe snd Lge ranioie have not Soe lel dese, ‘CONCLUDING REMARKS (The forgoing arguments ed othe onc sion tt al maetitsere granites dened by Inviana (1977) are inceed Tepes te dened by Cuaron, Sod Woe (1978, bu at estos ‘nnie anes patie are ent pes even including quate dre (egy TaNNO, 19H) and ‘ibis (Bist and Maney, 197; Tes, 1979), Bot ‘arng tno pyroenee and Rorblende. Merve Forpiteworroe ak sli mets ond Uhite of tnpanese ands (ean, 197%) are Tse to the iecteseie best they cota ‘no magnetite plenocyi and ther magheueSosep- rom th mineralogical evidences, epzlly rom the compostion of limenite and abe sete, the fos of mapas which produced the smentosedee faveous roc etic to be lover than that of the Dapiteseres (Ieeswe and" emmans 1978, Sieizaki, 976; Noaxioa 1977 Xavesa, 1977). he iw og mags ein gene a ny ‘ray, beste the Fe [Fert + FO" rate shows no Wellcuteorsnn ot oer el pareutere Tis Gotrbuton of the sinpactte ses linesteserise and the Leype/sype ara o Mesconia to Cenoroe pe show tasked contrat ttre the western and astern shores oft Pie (Goen, tthe Mesocon to Conse rei teeing Slong the extern margin of te Ast? continent, & {Intype roporcon she rants pote Stype fell of the ACF caprane Some of thm ae tho tpi pes teasing corde. On the contra ‘oag the west conf the American continent, ‘ow ofthe Mevozie grands ee the Taypes, ead thowe with te Sypeshemisty appear to be mepeiiy fal amount Obvious, the eoporion of ie nextevonss roots dainty bigher in Eaten ‘Ania than thon f the rats of tho Netra coasts af ‘Americ omnes ‘Sila asemeecl features are found in che icrbation of ta depos be average content af ‘SiO, andthe average ati of Kia + Tn deposits (Grea typ) susteted ‘ith Meron to Cenooie (Eenluc aint ofthe Cream Pace oroserie tle vainly dtated ip Cental Alia, Chukoue YinwKslyaa, Mongsian-Okos, Siltote lis, Southwest Japan, Southeastern China, Noster fn anost paris ofthe western costs of Amin cone tens, wap forthe Hovan tr bel (sean, {97 Ibe. The average 80, content end K/Ne + K 0 ate ghar inthe petits of he easter” ‘margin of Asan coustent end lover in tht of ‘ever conte of Ameinn counts (TAKAHAS {he Anas, ia preparation). This Is tease the ‘maf and sod grails Le, tonltes and quae ‘Tories ave soc abundant te mexern conte of ‘Anesaa contents aan the eastern mario of ‘Ain continent (Lassen, 94: Cone ana Pr, {ity Roootce aad Hureumeon, 1974 Lae, 1971 ‘Nanking Ul 1994; etn, 197; Sa sna Mao Torr Espa of sym cba in the Meza to. Genome Groum-Prife grate [tse on ofthe mont fariatngprodiems of ou ‘anc magn gee in spee sed se Ackaowiedgneats: We tank Dr. T. Nozawa ofthe Geolone! Sure of apa and Dr. B. Pan of Cores ners for thi pin colestion of the cecal ata on pranoide The mamusrgt was much ine oved by thought reviewig by De PC. Bari Grits U8. Geolopa! Serve. [MAGNETITE /ILMENITE-S REFERENCES muon San Nozaia, T1978) A eee tok of ‘Sasi a for sane pntae Conran itam Geotmame jet of Japan ep soooinc ad ean Fe Van ot ‘pus, MG. std MEncy, BLP. (1967 The composition Spelenesme comple Amer Miner, 2 836-404 cour Swi at He Moet Star Goat Sanus 2636)“ nrc Band Wine A). 314 Tm ous comm £7 tal ream, W. 3 (a7 Tos Conta or bat eta Bir Get soe tse, pun an Sy, (077 ‘gp ee Fe tatiana. Coes Sen! Po se aiei Cuma Wee A Rand Cues BW. (979) (Gel Soe Auman 25 25-240 “Ix (ih Ca een pe Soe Amie Bs vor iy Pa a of Kath Mu taza Dror Relay ad minal of he ton ‘nao, 97 nas Cnron i ctmpton be ln lstensn Relavon to Volaien and Nee Cri Nace Pe ACHE wou 7: el map ad itesn ‘Sinica: Mar 8 Nowy (00) 1 mnt ep) toi (9 Temata gets sou (9) teat hese mene ett vt i Hagen VOT Set see Pogue Sat Imm DR dpe Inna ui ay meal cose ic Pepssin chy nk Yo (a Sits / ——————————————————EEEEEEEE LES VS. F/S-TYPES 1 pee. sot nt (07 Tat of he ‘Ganon gmat owt Galo apn Sa spun Ge nue : tamu 8 in BS, Kata Kat. an ‘sa (ts Coupee wu of par fis tout Seen Toes ae es Roca Che Sa ond, snd he ing i rl, pately Jove A (OT, Pagani of be Mucus wiih Ac Jur Gat So Asan arn Hi, Moai, so, win a ape erty he Cenc ue ‘eer kd tna C3 open aton ot Sichsorseptiy ae pas ost fang Jour Span" Fa Ese G28 Bete pa) os, Sg ne ce of aes {Ue}: Magen res oe ee Seo anaes, ES. (849) Batholith and asecated rack of ea, or aa Se tas hy gan Senten Cao Oa sr Asie Ma iar: sty on gmat Be ie ‘paheon sracnal ner, ores our Gest Soe ore ae 20 una (PP, Coen aso se Nevo Sa aa (99) Reo aon Gracin nag aking Uni (978) Calo fies pola 1956: Sone coneatios on te sin 53 38 i open ™ 8 ‘M, TAKAWASHI, S. ARAMAKI, S, ISHIHARA om Stun. ant Face RH. O97: Ore, {Ente cone Mineal Poul, 62 30-338. Pac, (193) Sul naif tes ‘VethoyasecChkotin fos. gon and he (thot Clots vosans bk ler Gaal Re Poo ad Com W989: Te ae and Sete soe NE Toe ts eons, 3A apd HureMton, W.W. (97 Seng of ‘Bons tae comix ste Couoi Pace smo, 9A and MiLY, AP 97M: Late Meezic Sioa A sod aa, §. (S79: Suter toric ‘Samara, X. (3978: Comtemporsniy of Teray grates Supe Jaa 2951-55 eu aes). sums ae ube S099) 3 49-50, c0-€2 (Japanese) sm SET mie i rs nie sel Oe tic mam rt eee oy Set Se na pelt oarsmen at Feat far cr ch Oe ‘Twos, A, and Isenana, 8 1970) The ioo-aniom, ih Pas? ee Sete a i a Ba SS mae tits ona Fe, mas wt am 3.077 Senrueeretines tana aS one BSS ops of gun "alte ht ae SS Geeta a sume Ya cristo’ held Toke. faa 90, BD. .

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