Orange - Umbrela - Egg - Robe - Soap - Towel - Uniform - Window - Bedside Table - Aspirine - Holiday - Old Photo - Sheet of Paper

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a cat a hotel a uniform
an hour
an egg an FBI agent
a one-man job
a european
Passe para Inglês:
 O carro  The car
an Orange ___
an Umbrela  A mesa  The table
 Os rapazes The boys
an Egg ___
a Robe 
 As laranjas  The oranges
a Soap ___
a Towel  O computador  The computer
a Uniform ___
a Window  Os computadores  The computers
a Bedside table ___
an Aspirine  A professora  The teacher
 O professor  The teacher
a Holiday ___
Vegetable soup
 Os professores  The teachers
___ Old photo
an ___ Sheet of paper

Expressões sem the:

 As contrações no, na; num, numa; à, ao...  Nomes Próprios (The Peter is British)
não acontecem em inglês.
 Plurais Genéricos (The Dogs and the cats have a tail)

 Pelo que se usam duas palavras separadas,  Nomes Abstratos (The Love is in the air)
em vez de apenas uma, como em português.  Uncount nouns (I eat the rice everyday)
 Possessive adjectives (The my car is in the mechanic)
 Exemplos:
◦ à (a +a ) = to the – That is applied to the extraction of data.  Dias da semana: (On the Friday)
◦ ao (a + o) = to the – I go to the museum once a year.  Para se referir a “a maioria de” – The Most people like ice-cream
◦ na (em + a) = in/at/on +the – The games are in the box.
◦ no (em + o) = in/at/on +the – The hardware is in the computer.
◦ Num (em+um) = in/at/on +a/an – He lives in a flat/in an apartment. Expressões sem artigo:
◦ Numa (em+uma) = in/at/on +a/an – He lives in a house / on an island.
 I go to the school every day.
 I go to the work in the morning.
 Go to the bed!

 My grandmother likes _______ flowers very much.
 I love _______ flowers in your garden.

See you on _______ Wednesday.
ø ø
 _______ Alex goes to _______ work by bus.
 _______ product is in perfect condition.
 _______ products you need are inside.
ø ø
 ______ most children like ______ sweets.
ø ø
 On _______ Facebook there are many strange _______ people.

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