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Risk analysis template

Risk analysis template - fill out for a specific risk

Project Name CSUMB: Graduate Department Training
Risk ID # N/A
Responsible person Michael Vicent
Risk identification date 9/20/2019

Condition Training will not be adopted by departments and Ad Hoc training will continue to be the standard.
Trigger event Lack of response from target audience
Consequence/Impact While no monetary impact will be observed, lack of training can advserly affect graduation rates and
description increase student frustration with the university as a whole.
value (quantify impact) Unknown monetary impact
Probability (choose from
20, 40, 60, 80) 40.00%
Expected Value N/A

Response Strategy Garner support from the Registrar. Support from Deans has already been discussed in the past.
Known Cost of Response
Contingency for
Response N/A
WBS Relationship (tasks
associated with condition
or response strategy)
All Tasks

Fast Foundation for Project Management - Risk Analysis Reference The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, Chapter 5 1

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