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7/12/2015 Yoga Pose: Reverse Warrior | Pocket Yoga

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Reverse Warrior
P ārśva Vīrabhadrāsana

p r va = side

v rabhadra = warrior

āsana = posture

Category: Standing / Lateral Bend

Difficulty: Intermediate


From Warrior II (V rabhadrī āsana II), the lower body stays static while
the upper body arches back in a gentle back bend. The top arm is

extended back with the bicep by the ear and the fingers spread wide.

The other arm slides down the back leg resting on the thigh or shin,

but not the knee joint. The gaze is up towards the sky.


Previous Poses Strengthens and stretches the legs, knees, and ankles. Stretches the

groin, spine, waist, chest, lungs, and shoulders. Stimulates

abdominal organs. Increases stamina. Relieves backaches,

especially through second trimester of pregnancy. Therapeutic for

Next Poses carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis, and


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