PEST Analysis: January 2015

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PEST analysis

Chapter · January 2015

DOI: 10.1002/9781118785317.weom120113


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2 authors:

Tanya Sammut-Bonnici David Galea

University of Malta 2 PUBLICATIONS   5 CITATIONS   

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PEST analysis of suppliers, consumer demand, new entrants,
substitute product, and competitive rivalry).
Tanya Sammut-Bonnici and David Galea A PEST analysis comprises components that
could be of great fundamental value to a firm.
DEFINITION AND SCOPE The analysis can be conducted for the entire
firm, for its business units, for the respective
PEST is an acronym for four sources of change: products, or for a new venture or partnership.
political, economic, social, and technological. Figure 1 summarizes the components of a
PEST analysis is a powerful and widely used PEST analysis, when it is used, and the strategic
tool for understanding strategic risk. It identifies tools which are employed in conjunction with it
the changes and the effects of the external macro during the strategic management process.
environment on a firm’s competitive position.
The external environment consists of variables Political factors. The extent to which policy
that are beyond the control of a firm, but require makers are likely to intervene in the commercial
analysis to realign corporate strategy to shifting environment is a crucial factor in a PEST anal-
business environments. Firms operate as part ysis. Trade, taxation, labor, and environmental
of a larger ecosystem. They are vulnerable to legislation are factors to be taken into account.
a variety of exogenous factors, which can have Commercial restrictions and political stability
a major impact on the firm’s competitive posi- are also imperative factors that could determine
tioning. Strategists seek to understand external the success or failure of a business. The banning
factors and evaluate how business models will of tobacco advertising in the European Union,
have to evolve to adapt to their environment. for instance, had spelt disaster for the Formula
The impacts of external factors are mitigated One Industry, which in turn sought refuge in
through preemptive strategy, and opportunities other parts of the world including Dubai and
are exploited in the wake of new competitive Abu Dhabi. Google had to pull out of China
positions that may be created in the process. because of censorship restrictions. The Arab
Spring culminating in a widespread revolution
CONCEPTUAL OVERVIEW has caused many firms to rethink their strategy to
Variations of the PEST analysis tool are penetrate markets in the Middle East and North
PESTEL or PESTLE (which adds envi- Africa. The British prime minister’s proposal
ronmental and legal components), STEEPLE to hold a referendum on retaining or exiting the
(which takes on a corporate social responsibility European Union has significant implications
perspective by adding on the ethics dimension) on investors who in the past have relied on the
and STEEPLED (which adds the analysis of freedom of movement principles on which their
demographic factors). The increase in aware- investment decisions had been made.
ness of environmental or ecological issues has Political factors are categorized at three main
encouraged the implementation of another levels: the supranational, the national, and the
version of the PEST framework, particularly subnational strata. As the business activities
the STEER analytical tool, which incorporates become more globalized, the supranational level
regulatory factors. is gaining more importance. In recent years, the
PEST analysis and its variations form part of world has seen an evolution of countries orga-
the “evaluation stage” in the strategic manage- nizing themselves into economic blocks, moving
ment process. The process starts with an progressively toward becoming a political union
in-depth analysis of the firm’s environments. partly at the expense of their sovereignty. The
The external environmental analysis constitutes United States of America is a case in point.
the “OT” part of SWOT analysis (internal To a lesser extent, the European Union has
strengths and weaknesses, external opportu- progressively sought to take on more powers
nities and threats). The benefits of combining and decision-making authority from its member
PEST and SWOT are enhanced further when states. The ASEAN block is seeking to gain
using them in conjunction with Porter’s five a more sound footing by courting South East
forces model (encompassing the external effects Asian giants, Japan and China, to join. As

Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, edited by Professor Sir Cary L Cooper.

Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2 PEST analysis

PEST: Political, Economic, Social, Technological

PEST Analysis PESTLE: adds Environmental and Legal factors
External Macro Environment STEEPLE: adds Ethical dimension
of the Firm STEEPLED: includes Demographics
STEER: includes Regulatory factors

Level of the corporation

Divisions and business units
PEST Analysis
Products and brands
New ventures, new marketing
Acquisitions, partnerships

SWOT analysis: internal strengths and

Complementary weaknesses, external opportunities and threats
Porter’s five forces model - suppliers, consumer
Strategic Tools
demand, new entrants, substitute product and
competitive rivalry

Figure 1 Summary of PEST components, application, and complementary strategic tools.

geo-political forces are consolidating into major political interventions in the market are most
political blocks, a political analysis of the country likely to happen in branches that affect certain
in which a firm is operating provides, at best, aspects of the economy. A country’s infrastruc-
a myopic view. Business firms may need to ture is still provided by the government directly
expand their horizons and look beyond their or through public-private partnerships. While
shores to remain vigilant at what is happening a number of operators traditionally owned
at a supranational level. In the first instance, by governments have been privatized, they
business firms may join lobby groups to influ- continue to operate in highly regulated markets.
ence policy making to their advantage. Even Telecoms, utilities, and financial institutions are
if limited influence may be exerted, political good examples.
surveillance at a supranational level provides When the above political factors are consid-
the required business intelligence to develop ered, it becomes evident that firms would benefit
the right strategies for adapting to changes in from scrutinizing and evaluating the political
the political environment that are faced in the environment in which they are or will be oper-
foreseeable future. ating in the future. Constant monitoring of
Areas of national policy that may have a some or all of the above factors becomes vital in
significant impact on the strategy of a firm ensuring that a firm’s strategy is in tune with the
include fiscal policy, national incentives for policy environment. Major changes in the polit-
enterprise, planning and permitting, procedures ical climate may bring about major changes in the
for licensing and approval of new products, structure and operations of a market or industry.
processes and services, perceived level of corrup-
tion and transparency, government priorities Economic factors. Economic factors have the
for supporting defined sectors in the economy most obvious impact on the profitability and
amongst others (see Figure 2). overall attractiveness of a market or industry
Although most of the world economies have (see Figure 3).
embraced the free market model, significant The most popular indicator of economic
interventions are made by national governments performance for a national economy or a
in areas with market imperfections. Specific specific industry sector that is used is the Gross
PEST analysis 3

Government policies
Government term and change
Trading policies
Local legislation, current and future
International legislation
PEST Analysis Regulatory bodies and processes
Political Factors Funding, grants and initiatives
(examples) Lobbying and pressure groups
Fiscal policy
National incentives for enterprise
Planning, permits, licensing
Transparency and control of corruption
Government policy on supporting specific industries

Figure 2 Political factors in PEST analysis.

Local economy
International economy
Economic trends, inflation
Corporate taxation
Product taxation and duties
PEST Analysis
Seasonality of economic cycles
Economic Factors
Market and trade cycles
Channels of distributions and
access to markets
GDP, consumer purchasing power
Interest and exchange rates

Figure 3 Economic factors in PEST analysis.

Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. This various luxury items amongst others. In some
is frequently measured at Purchasing Power other industries, demand remains more resilient
Parity (PPP) to enable equitable comparisons to fluctuations in GDP. These would typically
amongst various countries. Typically, time series include staple foods, health services, and basic
and multilinear regression analysis techniques commodities.
Although being a useful indicator, GDP
are applied to project expected developments
per capita provides only a partial view of the
in performance over a defined period in the
economic factors that might have a bearing on
future. GDP per capita is a particularly useful a firm. Inflation not only erodes the purchasing
indicator especially for those industries, which power of consumer but it also has an adverse
are highly income elastic. Examples of such impact on the prices of raw materials and
industries would include jewelry, construction, other inputs that need to be used by a firm
entertainment, tourism, betting, cosmetics, and in providing products or services. Conversely,
4 PEST analysis
fluctuations in rates of exchange may translate shockwaves across the transport and logis-
into higher or lower prices for the purchase or tics sector. Problems in the financial services
sale of products and services. Higher taxes have sector are likely to have a ripple effect on most
a negative impact on the disposable income of industries and economies around the world.
consumers. A high unemployment rate from an The effects were evident in the recession,
investor’s perspective is a double-edged sword which culminated in 2008. The recession was
as on the one hand, it erodes disposable income intricately linked to the bursting of the US
of families but on the other hand, it provides housing bubble as housing prices plummeted
access to a cheaper labor market. Moreover, to unprecedented levels damaging financial
increases in bank interest rates have an impact institutions around the world.
on both consumers and investors alike. In the All these economic factors demonstrate the
former case, consumers are more likely to save importance of the need for continuous surveil-
part of their discretionary income than to spend lance of the key economic factors that have a
it on consumer goods when bank interest rates bearing on an industry. It is not an easy task to
increase. They are also likely to borrow less from walk through the economic maze and to make
banks and financial institutions to buy capital sense of how events are likely to unfold. In this
goods such as cars, immovable property, and context, firms may wish to restrict themselves
appliances. Investors are also likely to borrow to analyze only those factors, which have a
less and redirect part of their speculative income critical bearing on their operation rather than
into guilt-edged securities rather than in further the broader spectrum.
growth of their firm. This is mainly because of
an increase in their cost of capital. Social factors. Social trends dictate work
Changes in economic factors will affect patterns and attitudes, consumer tastes and
different industries in different ways. It is preferences, and the particular type, form, and
imperative for firms to discern a clear behav- volume of demand for a product or service.
ioral pattern between economic and industry The monitoring of social trends enables a firm
dynamics. In some cases, there are clear interde- to reposition its products or services to fit the
pendencies not only between industries but also changing expectations of customers. Figure 4
between the economic performances of different provides a list of examples of social factors, which
countries. In recent years, the European Union have an effect on a firm’s competitive position.
has faced a series of ailing economies queuing In the previous century, air travel was typically
up for bail outs, as a viral recession progressively associated with high-income consumers who
spread across all European shores with Cyprus, value comfort and premium service. Today, air
Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain being travel has become a commodity openly acces-
the main victims. The domino effect has also sible to all social classes. Ryanair has challenged
left its marks on other countries. For instance, the traditional view and has repackaged air
following the news that Cyprus has become travel into a no frills offering, reflecting the basic
the fifth Eurozone country to seek assistance, need of customers to safely and conveniently
the London FTSE 100 index, French CAC, travel from one point to another. Meanwhile,
and German Dax lost 63, 64, and 112 points by monitoring changes in their customers’
respectively. In Milan and Madrid, the drop was tastes, Plasmon have modified their products
significantly steeper with the former losing 549 and produced a variant of the Plasmon Biscuits
points and the latter 252 points. targeting adults. Increased health consciousness
Some industries also exhibit positive corre- of customers across the developed world has
lations in performance between each other and created a market for healthy food.
would therefore need to be monitored concur- Higher levels of education have, on the one
rently. For example, a decline in the tourist hand, provided employers with a healthier
industry would typically have an immediate pipeline of potential employees; however,
impact on the entertainment industry and a they now also have a pool of more demanding
long-term impact on the construction industry. customers. Telecom and banking firms have real-
An ailing manufacturing sector would send ized that customer preferences and needs have
PEST analysis 5

Psychographics and lifestyle
Consumer perception of brands, products
PEST Analysis
Consumer purchasing behavior
Social Factors Effect of advertising and public relations
(examples) Influencers, role models
Racial, ethnic, religious influences

Figure 4 Social factors in PEST analysis.

become more diversified. Firms have restruc- advantage is short-lived. Technological break-
tured their business model from a product throughs can either spell the demise of some
orientation to a consumer orientation. Indeed, industries or create opportunities for new ones.
customer centricity is progressively diffusing Figure 5 provides a list of examples of techno-
across a range of industries. Market segmenta- logical factors, which have an effect on a firm’s
tion is progressively moving away from tradi- competitive position.
tional demographics to focus more on lifestyle. The proliferation of the Internet and e-
Insurance companies are developing seg- commerce has done away with many inter-
mented products for the busy professional, mediaries. This has been referred to as disin-
for the small business owner, and for families. termediation. In the travel industry, consumers
Banks have customized products for students, have become their own travel agents. They plan
employees, self-employed, and the high net and book their travel online, using business-to-
worth individuals. consumer platforms that had been previously
Changes in the demographic characteristics of restricted to business-to-business members of
a population can have an impact on many parts the supply chain. Moreover, many retailers have
of the economy. Most developed countries are found an increased intensity in competition as
facing the challenges of an ageing population as they are facing rivalry from online stores. On
baby boomers are now 60 years of age and over. the other hand, technology has given birth to
An ageing population creates additional demand new forms of intermediaries. This is referred
for medicines, healthcare, and support services to as re-intermediation. Examples of new forms
and lowers demand for products associated with of intermediaries include Amazon, eBay, and
the younger generation (such as education). The Expedia to name just a few. They have the
older generation, generally, has more leisure time advantage of being effectively integrated within
and is more financially stable thereby providing social networks, which provide new channels
the right mix for consumer spending. of marketing a product or service. Through
An evaluation of social factors enables a firm these channels, consumers are able to publish
to predict what pressures are likely to be made their unbiased opinions on defined products
by various stakeholders on policy decisions or services. The opinions provide added value
of government, which would in turn have an in the supply chain. They are highly valued by
impact on the firm. other potential customers and influence their
decision-making process.
Technological factors. The rapid pace of tech- In some cases, a new technology has
nological change is driven through innovation, completely replaced an old one, sending its
which is in turn created through entrepreneurs demand in free fall toward its demise. In other
who seek to push the boundaries of present cases, technologies wage wars against each other
limitations. As new frontiers are broken, tech- in an effort to become the recognized standard.
nology becomes obsolete and any competitive Microsoft is the standard for office software.
6 PEST analysis

New materials, machinery,

software and business process
Innovations in electronic
Innovations in mechanical
PEST Analysis
Innovation in product design
New distribution channels (e.g.
Factors internet retailing)
(examples) Innovations in pricing (e.g. eBay
Effect of technology on product
design, production, distribution,
pricing and consumption

Figure 5 Technological factors in PEST analysis.

Blu-ray is the benchmark quality standard used To thrive in a fast-paced technological change,
for modern audiovisual home entertainment, a firm must remain vigilant. It has to be
although iPad is the current standard for tablets constantly updated on any technological devel-
and currently under threat from Samsung. opments in the industry, and aware of how they
From a business perspective, technology are likely to influence its future attractiveness
can be used to exploit a competitive advan- and profitability.
tage through a variety of factors. These could
include cheaper production, improved access
to customers, improved branding, product The process involved in exploring a firm’s
quality, and higher levels of business intelligence external macro environment involves five main
amongst others. stages listed as under (see Figure 6):

Prioritise factors

Analyze possible Develop corrective or

effects on the firm re-emptive strategic
Categorize factors into
Opportunities and Threats
(OT factors in SWOT)

Identify PEST factors

Figure 6 Process and stages of PEST analysis.

PEST analysis 7
1. Identification of the current and future A PEST analysis seeks to provide strategists
factors in the firm’s external political, with a framework through which to increase
economic, social, and technological environ- their awareness of the external environment.
ments. However, it is not intended to constrain the
2. Analysis of the possible effects on the firm’s analysis in a straitjacket. There are clear inter-
competitive position of each factor. dependencies amongst the various elements of
3. Categorization of each factor into opportu- the framework. For example, an increase in taxes
nities or threats for the firm. by government is likely to erode the disposable
4. Prioritization of the strategic importance of income of consumers. On the other hand, the
each set of PEST opportunities and threats. introduction of new incentives for industry is
Ranking is based on the extent and the likely to attract further investment in a country
period of the impact on the firm. thereby increasing employment and wealth.
5. Development of strategic action to correct Moreover, a growing environmental awareness
or preempt negative effects and build on from citizens is likely to push governments to
positive effects. legislate in favor of environmental conservation.
Users of the framework are advised that if not
It is recommended that the environmental used judiciously, a PEST analysis may become
factors would be analyzed with respect to their an endless evaluation of Political, Economic,
effect on the firm’s resources, capabilities, and Social, and Technological, which may result in
core competences: an inconclusive analysis. The fundamental prin-
ciple of the framework is that only those factors
• Resources are the inputs required to produce that have a direct bearing on the attractiveness
a product or service. Examples of tangible of the industry and which are likely to change
resources are raw materials, premises, in the foreseeable future should be included.
machinery, and equipment. Examples of This would enable a firm to focus its effort
intangible resources are financing, tech- solely on the factors that are pivotal for a firm’s
nology, human capital, supplier networks, competitive position.
sales force structure, distribution networks,
patents, trademarks, established customer
base, brand equity, and firm reputation. See also R&D strategy; SWOT analysis
Resources can be combined and developed
into capabilities, which in turn create core
competences. Bibliography
• Capabilities are the firm’s capacity to make
efficient use of its internal resources and Campbell, D. and Craig, T. (2005) Organizations and
the ability to combine them into compet- the Business Environment, 2nd edn, Butterworth-
itive products and processes. Examples of Heinemann, Oxford.
strategic capabilities are: developing innova- Cheverton, P. (2004) Key Marketing Skills, 2nd edn,
tive technology products, reducing the time Kogan Page Ltd., London.
to market, creating more efficient distribu- Gillespie, A. (2007) Foundations of Economics, Oxford
tion channels and retail outlets, capturing University Press, Oxford.
the consumer’s attention through marketing, McGee, J., Thomas, H. and Wilson, D. (2010) Strategy:
Analysis and Practice, McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead.
and managing customer relationships for
Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., Arregle, J.L. and Camp-
long-term brand loyalty. Capabilities are
bell, J.T. (2010) The dynamic interplay of capability
developed from a complex set of internal strengths and weaknesses: investigating the bases of
resources and become embedded in a tacit temporary competitive advantage. Strategic Manage-
manner into the firm’s internal processes. ment Journal, 31 (13), 1386–1409.
They are difficult to document as procedures
and therefore difficult to copy. Intangible
resources tend to be the main source of
inimitable strategic capabilities.

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