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The British Invasion

The first successful foreign invasion of the Philippines after the Spanish conquest was the
British invasion. The British occupied Manila from 1762 to 1764, the British can’t go outside
Manila because of the heroic resistance of Simon de Anda. He is a fighting jurist, with the aid of
the patriotic priests and loyal Filipinos.

Before the British invasion in 1792, they were already designs by certain design by certain
British empire builders to colonize the Philippines because of the strategic geographical location
in the Orient and rich natural resources. Alexander Dalrympie is an ardent advocate of
imperialism and an agent of the British East India Company. He visit the Manila in 1759 and he
recommend to the Governor of the Madras Council of East India Company obtaining the Sulu
Sultanate as a trade base the rich China then he wrote a document entitled “Plan of an
Expedition for the Conquest of Southern Philippines”.

The powerful East India Company favored Dalrymple’s imperialist project to extend British rule
to the Philippines. Before the actual British attack on manila, King George III, upon request of
the Board of Directors of the East India Company,issued a secret communique to the
commander of the British fleet in the Far East ordering him to take possession of Mindanao and
to give all assistance to the British East India Company in establishing it’s settlement there.This
top secret royal communique, which is now preserved in the British archives,is not known to
many Filipino historians.

Spain and England rivals in global colonization in 18th century, came to be involved in the
raging Seven Years War in Europe.In retaliation, King George III, an enemy of France, declared
war on Spain on January 2,1762,prepared the British expeditionary forces to attack the Spanish
colonies in the Americas and the Orient.

The British invaders arrive in Manila Bay leading by King George III and British Expeditionary
Force. It consisted of 13 ships with the 1,500 European soldiers, 3,000 seamen and marines,
600 Sepoys and 1,400 Indian laborers in a total of 6,830 troops.
On the evening of September 22, 1972 the British fleet entered Manila Bay.

The siege of Manila began on September 24. The British batteries shelled in the city. The
Spanish guns fired retaliation, but their discharges proved ineffective against the strong walls of
the churches, which had fallen to the enemy. Cesar Fallet is a french soldier of fortune in
Spain’s service,sallied out of the city gates and assaulted the British lines.

The Filipinos almost routed the British invaders. Led by the fearless Manalastas, a
Pampangueno leader, they engaged the invaders in a bloody hand to hand fight, almost
annihilating the enemy. Realizing the grave situation of Manila, the council discussed the course
of action that they should follow. Don Simon de Anda y Salazar was granted him by the council
for being lieutenant governor and carry on the war in the provinces.

The British invaders capture the Manila. The invaders stormed the city through the beach and
fighting fiercely in the street. Many butchered in the blood drenched street. The British soldiers
kill them without mercy. To stop the horrible slaughter in the city. Archbishop Rojo hoisted the
white flag at Fort Santiago as a signal of surrender of the city. The Manila fell into British hands.
Archbishop Rojo and General Draper discussed the terms of surrender that was signed on
October 6,1762.

The Spanish agree to surrender the Manila, Cavite and other fortified areas and pay worth
4,000,000. But the return, the British granted the following: security of life and property, exercise
of the Catholic religion, freedom, commerce and industry, preservation if Royal Audiencia and
parole of all Spanish officers.

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