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C# Program to Convert a 2D Array into 1D Array

2.C# Program to Get Lower Bound and Upper Bound of an Array
3.C# Program to Find the Rank of a given Array
4.C# Program to Demonstrate Jagged Arrays
5.C# Program to Sort a List of Names in Alphabetical Order
6.C# Program to Negate the Positive Elements of Array
7.C# Program to Find the Average Values of all the Array Elements
8.C# Program to Find the Length of the Jagged Array using Predefined Functions57
9.C# Program to Perform Binary to Decimal Conversion
10.C# Program to Convert Decimal to Binary
11.C# Program to Convert Decimal to Octal
12.C# Program to Perform Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion
13.C# Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
14.C# Program to Create a Gray Code
15.C# Program to Obtain the Character from the User and Convert the Case of the Character
16.C# Program to Convert a Given Number of Days in terms of Years, Weeks & Days
17.C# Program to Perfom Currency Conversions
18.C# Program to Covert HexaDecimal Number to Decimal
19.C# Program to Perform Decimal to HexaDecimal Conversion
20.C# Program to Perform Conversions of Meter to Kilometer and viceversa
21.C# Program to Reverse a String with Predefined Function
22.C# Program to Sort a String using Predefined Function
23.C# Program to Demonstrate Boxing Operations
24.C# Program to Find Sum of Digits of a Number using Recursion
25.C# Program to Demonstrate the Operations of C# Path Class
26.C# Program to Print Binary Equivalent of an Integer using Recursion
27.C# Program to Demonstrate Pass by Value Parameter
28.C# Program to Print Hello World Without using WriteLine
29.C# Program to Demonstrate Pass by Reference Parameter
30.C# Program to Implement Namespaces
31.C# Program to Demonstrate the Working #define Preprocessor
32.C# Program to Illustrate Regular Expression Pattern
33.C# Program to Ilustrate Nullable Data Types
34.C# Program to Demonstrate New modifier
35.C# Program to Demonstrate Multilevel Inheritance
36.C# Program to Illustrate Single Inheritance
37.C# Program to Illustrate Hierarchical Inheritance
38.C# Program to Illustrate Multilevel Inheritance with Virtual Methods
39.C# Program to Display Cost of a Rectangle Plot Using Inheritance
40.C# Program to Check Whether the Entered Year is a Leap Year or Not
41.C# Program to Display the Date in Various Formats
42.C# Program to Compare Two Dates
43.C# Program to Display the ATM Transaction
44.C# Program to Generate Random Numbers
45.C# Program to Accept the Height of a Person & Categorize as Taller, Dwarf & Average
46.C# Program to Find the Frequency of the Word “the” in a given Sentence
47.C Program to Swap the Contents of two Numbers using Bitwise XOR Operation
48.C# Program to Illustrate the Use of Access Specifiers
49.C# Program to Print a Diamond Using Nested Loop
50.C# Program to Illustrate LeftShift Operations
51.C# Program to Check whether the given Integer has an Alternate Pattern
52.C# Program to Read a Grade & Display the Equivalent Description117
53.C# Program to Find Greatest among 2 numbers
54.C# Program to Find Magnitude of Integer
55.C# Program to Compute Average for the Set of Values
56.C# Program to Display Numbers in the form of Triangle
57.C# Program to Implement PhoneBook115
58.C# Program to Implement for-each in Interface
59.C# Program to Calculate Acceleration
60.C# Program to Find a Number using Pythagoras Theorem
61.C# Program to Perform Division of Exponents of Same Base
62.C# Program to Generate Fibonacci Series
63.C# Program to Generate the Factorial of a Given Number
64.C# Program to Generate the Sum of N Numbers
65.C# Program to Check Whether the Entered Number is an Armstrong Number or Not
66.C# Program to Check Whether the Entered Number is a Perfect Number or Not
67.C# Program to Perform all Basic Arithmetic Operations
68.C# Program to Display the Factors of the Entered Number 114
69.C# Program to Find and Display the H.C.F of a Given Number
70.C# Program to Check Whether the Entered Number is a Amicable Number or Not
71.C# Program to Add 2 Complex Numbers113
72.C# Program to Perform GCD107
73.C# Program to Calculate the Value of Sin(x)109
74.C# Program to Illustrate Trignometry Angles in Degrees
75.C# Program to Illustrate Trignometry Angles in Radians
76.C# Program to Find and display the Multiplication Table
77.C# Program to Find the Standard Deviation of a Set of Given Numbers105
78.C# Program to Find the Mean of given Set of Numbers
79.C# Program to Calculate Simple Interest
80.C# Program to Calculate Compound Interest98
81.C# Program to Find the Value of Cos(x)
82.C# Program to Reverse a Number & Check if it is a Palindrome
83.C# Program to Calculate the Distance Travelled by Reading Speed and Time
84.C# Program to Check Whether the Given Number is a Prime number if so then Display its Largest
85.C# Program to Illustrate Pascal Triangle
86.C# Program to Find the Sum of first 50 Natural Numbers using For Loop
87.C# Program to Multiply given Number by 4 using Bitwise Operators95
88.C# Program to Find the Sum of two Binary Numbers84
89.C# Program to Display Floyd’s Triangle with an Numeric Mode 80
90.C# Program to Find Multiplication of two Binary Numbers78
91.C# Program to Perform Multiplication of Exponents of Same Base 77
92.C# Program to Check the Edge Values in Power Function
93.C# Program to Calculate Fractional Power
94.C# Program to Calculate the power exponent value
95.C# Program to Calculate Period Duration
96.C# Program to Calculate Power of Three
97.C# Program to Find whether the Number is Divisible by 2
98.C# Program to Illustrate Bitwise Operations
99.C# Program to Find Power of 2 using Bitwise Operator 76
100.C# Program to Find Roots of a Quadratic Equation
101.C# Program to Display Absolute value of a Number
102.C# Program to Add Two Dates 70
103.C# Program to Generate Register Number automatically for 100 Students using Static
Constructor 74
104.C# Program to Find LCM 69
105.C# Program to Print all the Multiples of 17 which are Less than 100
106.C# Program to Print the Sum of all the Multiples of 3 and 5
107.C# Program to Find the Cube Root of a Given Number
108.C# Program to Find Square Root of a Given Number
109.C# Program to Calculate Area and Volume of a Cone
110.C# Program to Calculate nPr
111.C# Program to find Volume and Surface Area of a Sphere 68
112.C# Program to Calculate Perimeter of Circle and Rectangle
113.C# Program to Calculate the Value of nCr
114.C# Program to Print all the Multiples of 17 which are Less than 100
115.C# Program to Print the Sum of all the Multiples of 3 and 5 67
116.C# Program to Find the Cube Root of a Given Number 66
117.C# Program to Find Square Root of a Given Number
118.C# Program to Calculate Area and Volume of a Cone64
119.C# Program to Calculate nPr 62
120.C# Program to find Volume and Surface Area of a Sphere
121.C# Program to Calculate Perimeter of Circle and Rectangle
122.C# Program to Calculate the Value of nCr58
123.C# Program to Generate the Marksheet of the Student 56
124.C# Program to Display the Abbreviation of a Text
125.C# Program to Display Date in String54
126.C# Program to List all Substrings in a given String 53
127.C# Program to Read a String and find the Sum of all Digits in the String
128.C# Program to Concatenate Two Strings51
129.C# Program to Reverse a String without using Reverse function 46
130.C# Program to Perform Padding in the String
131.C# Program to Trim the Given String 44
132.C# Program to Implement String Splitter
133.C# Program to Split a String Collections into Groups
134.C# Program to Perform Searching using Functions 43
135.C# Program to calculate the length of the string42
136.C# Program to Replace String in String 34
137.C# Program to Find the Frequency of the Word “is” in a given Sentence41
138.C# Program to Convert Upper case to Lower Case
139.C# Program to Replace a Character with the String40
140.C# Program to Count number of Vowels and consonants from a given String 30
141.C# Program to Illustrate Binary Writer
142.C# Program to Randomly Generate Strings
143.C# Program to Encrypt/Decrypt using Rijndael Key
144.C# Program to Count Lines in a String 25
145.C# Program to Perform Matrix Addition
146.C# Program to Perform Matrix Subtraction
147.C# Program to Generate the Transpose of a Given Matrix
148.C# Program to Interchange any 2 Rows of a Matrix21
149.C# Program to Display Upper Triangular Matrix
150.C# Program to Check If a Given Matrix is an Identity Matrix 4
151.C# Program to Find Largest Element in a Matrix
152.C# Program to Perform Matrix Multiplication
153.C# Program to Find Sum of the Elements of each Row of the Given Matrix 5
154.C# Program to Find Sum of the Elements of each Column of the Given Matrix
155.C# Program to Find Smallest Element in a Matrix 2
156.C# Program to Find Sum of the Elements in Diagonal in the Given Matrix 28
157.C# Program to Interchange any 2 Columns of Matrix 6
158.C# Program to Find the Sum of the Values on Diagonal of the Matrix 11
159.C# Program to Display Lower Triangular Matrix

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