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esyo8/2012 Keyboard shortcuts in Exel 2010 - Excel - Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2010 This ati describes what Key Tips are and haw you can use them to access the ribbon. I also lt CTRL combination shorteut keys, function keys, and some other common shortcut keys for Microsoft Excel. NOTE Ifyou are using Microsot Exel Starter 2020, be aware that not athe features Ist for Excel are supported in Exe Starter 2020, In this article {Keyboard access tothe rlabon CTRL combination snortut keys Function xeys Other useful short keys Keyboard access to the ribbon Ifyou're new tothe ribbon, the information inthis section can help you understand the ribbon’s keyboard shortcut model Te ribbon comes with new shorteus, called Key Tips. To make the Key Tips appear, aress ALT. To clsplay a tab on the ribbon, press the key for the tab-—for example, pres the letter N forthe Insert tab or M forthe Formulas t2, Tie makes al the Key Tig badges for that ta's buttons appear. Then, ares he key forthe button you want. ill my old shortcuts still work? Keyboard shortcuts that begin wth CTRL wilstil workin Exce! 2020, For example, CTRL+C stl copies tothe cpboard, and CTRL+Y sil pastes from the clpboard Most ofthe old ALT= menu shortcuts stil work, too, However, you need to know the fll shortcut from memory — there are no screen reminders of what leters to press. For example, ry pressing ALT, and then press one ofthe ‘old men keys € Ed, V (View), 1 inser, and so on. A box pops up saying you're using an accesskey fom an ‘eatin version of Miroso"t Office, I'you know the ene key sequence, go shed anc ints the command, I you don't know the sequence, press ESC and use Key Tip badges instead CTRL combination shortcut keys 1 Gonadal at pane Sas es POR key DESCRIPTION CTRL#PoUp Switches between worksheet tabs, from leftto-ight CTRL#Papn Switches betwoen worksheet tabs, from rght-to-e CTRL+SHIFT+ Unies any hide rows within the selection, CTRLISHIFT?& Applies she outline border tothe selected cells, CTRL+SHIFT_ Removes the outine border fram the selected cols CTRL+SHFT+— CTRLYSHET*S Apples the Currency format wh tw dein places (negate nubs in parenthoses) CTRL+SHIFT+% Applies the Percentage format wth no decimal places, CTRL*SHIFT+* Applies the Scientfic number format wth two decimal places. CTRL+SHIFT## Applies the Date format wih the day, month, and year. fice microsoft coner-usencel-hlp/keyooatd-shortet-n-ence-2010-HPOLO247494 asp 6 esyo8/2012 CTRLISHFT+@ CTRL+SHFT#1 CTRL#SHIFT# CTRL+SHFT: CTRL+SHFT} CTRLISHFT#Phis 0 CTRLeMnus -) cTRLs: TRL crRLe TRL TRL? TRUSS TRL TRUS TRUS CTRLS CTRL cTRL+o CTRL+A, CTRLB cTRLIC cTRLD cTRLF CTRL. cTRL+H Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2010 - Excel ‘Applies he Time format wth the hour and minute, and AM or PM Apples the Number format vith two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus ‘sn (- for nagatve values. Selects he current reglon around the acve col (he data area enclose by blank rone and bank lure) ‘ " hha PivotTaale,& soles the entre PivotTable rept. Entors the eurront tine, Copies the value from the col above the actve cal nto the color the Formula Bar Displays the Insert dialog box insert blank cals. Displays the Delete dialog boxto delete the solcted calls Enlers the current date ‘Atemates between displaying cel values and displaying formulas inthe worssheet Copies a formula from the call above the active colint the call or the Formula Bar. Displays the Format Cells clog box. Applies or removes bold formating ‘Applies or removes tale formating. ‘Applies oF removes underining, ‘Apples or removes riketnrough ‘Akermates between hiding and displaying objects, Displays or hides the outtne symbols Hos the selected rove. Hides the selected colurns. Selects the entra worksheet. I the worksheet contains data, CTRLA selects the current region. Pressing CTRL A‘ second time selects the entre worasheet. When the insertion points to tne right ofa funeion name ina formula, displays the Function Arguments dalog box CTRL+SHIFT=A inserts the argumont names and parenthoses wien the insertion Delhi to the right ofa function name in 3 formula ‘Apples or removes bold formatting Copies the selected cols Uses the Fill Down command to copy the contens and formal of the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below. Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, wth the Find tab selected 'SHFT#FS also displays this tab, vile SHFT#FA ropeats the last Find action, CTRL#SHIFT=F opens the Format Cells dialog box wth the Font lab selacto. Displays the Go To dialog box FS also displays this dialog box Displavs the Find and Replace dialoa box. wth the Replace tab selected fice microsoft coner-usencel-hlp/keyooatdshertet-neenceL-2010-HPOLO247494 ap 216 esjo8/2012 Keyboard shortcuts in Biel 2010 - Excel Offcecom TRL Applies or removes tale formating TRUK Displays the Insert Hyperlink dlalog box or new hyperinks or the Edit Hyperlink dialog box or selected exsting hyperinks. TRL Displays the Create Table dialog box. CTRLIN ‘creates @ new, blank workbook Displays the Open dialog box to open or finda fle CTRL CTRLASHIFT+0 selects all calls that contain comments. cTRLP Displays the Print tab in Microsoft Office Backstage View, CTRL+SHIFT=P opens the Format Cells dialog box wih the Font lab seloctos. CTRLIR Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format ofthe lefimost call of ‘a selected range ito the cells othe right cTRLS ‘Saves the active fe with ts current fle nams, locaton, and fle format cTRLIT Displays the Create Table dlalog box. TRL ‘Applas or removes underning (CTRL+SHIFT=U switches between expanding and collapsing ofthe formula bar, cTRLV. Inserts the contents ofthe Clipboard at the insertion point and replaces an selection, Avaliable only after you have cut or copied an abject, tex, or cell contents, CTRL*ALT+V displays the Paste Spactal daiog box, Avallable ony after you have ‘5 or copied an abjec, tox, or call gontents on a worksheet on anahar program cTRLW (Closes the selected workbook window, cTRLEX Cuts the selected cole cTRLeY Repeats the last command or action, if possible cTRLZ Uses the Unde command to reverse the last command orto delete the last entry that you typed. ‘Tre CTRL cominbations CTRL¢, CTRL1J, CTRL#M, and CTRL+@ are currently unassigned shortcuts. Function keys Eider toes tp Secon a KEY DESCRIPTION F1 Displays the Excel Help task pane. CCTRL#F1 displays or hides the ribbon, ALT#F1 creates an embeded chart ofthe data in the current range. ALT#SHFT#F1 inserts a new worksheet F2 Edits the active cell and positions the insertion point at the end ofthe cel contents also moves ‘he insertion point nia the Formula Bar wien eering ma cells turned o", SHIFT#F2 adds or edis a cel comment. [CTRL#F2 displays the print preview area on the Print tab inthe Backstage view, F3. Displays the Paste Name dialog box Availabe only # there are existing names inthe workbook, SHFT##2 dleplays th Insert Function dialog box. F4 Repeats he last command or action, it possible fice microsoft caner-uexcel-hlp/keyooatdeshertet-n-ence-2010-HPOLORA7494 asp 516 esyo8/2012 FS F6 ‘7 FB Fo Fto Fu Ft Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2010 - Exeal- men a colceterence or range is selocod n a formula, Fa cycles trough allthe varus ‘Combinations of absolve and relative rteronces. CCTRL#FA closes the selected workbook window. ALT#F4 closes Excel Displays the Go To dislog box, CTRLFS restores the window sie ofthe selected workbook window, Switches betvmen the vorksheet, ibbon, task pane, and Zoom coniyols. I a worksheet that has been spit View menu, Manage ‘his Window. Freeze Panes, Split Window comand), F riclides tho spt panes wien switching betwen panes and the ribbon area SHIFT+F6 ewiches between the worksheet, Zoom controls, task pane, and ribbon, (CTRL#F6 evitches to the next workbook window when more than one workbook window fs open. Displays the Spelling dialog box to check speling inthe active worksheet or selected range, (CTRL#F7 performs the Move command on tne workbook window when it's not maximized, Use the frtoW keys ‘0 move the window, and when fished press ENTER. oF ESC to cancel. “Tums extend mode on or of. n extend mode, Extended Selection appears in he status ine, and the arrow keys exiond the selection, SHIFT+E8 onables you to add a nonadjacont coll or range to a selection of cols by using the arrow oye CTRL#FS performs the Size comand (on the Control menu forthe workbook window) when @ ‘norkbook is not maximized ALTHF8 displays the Macro cialog boxto create, run, edi, or delete a macro Calculates ll worksheets in all open workbooks. SHIFT#F9 calolates the active worksheet. CTRL+ALT=£9 calculates all worksheots in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the fast calculation. CTRL¥ALT=SHET#F9 rachecks dependent formulas, and then calculates all cals in all open \worRbooks, including calls not marked as needing to be calculate. (CTRLIF9 minimizes a workbook window to an icon, “Tums key tips on or of, (Pressing ALT does the same thing.) SHIFT#F10 displays tho shortcut monu fora solocted tom. ALT+SHET+F10 displays the menu or message for an Error Checking button, (CTRLAF10 maximizes or restores the selected workbook window. Creates a chart of the data in the current range in separate Chart sheet SHY ALT+F 11 opons the Microsoft Vigual Basic For Applications Eilr, in which you can create a ‘macro by Using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA, 1 Insors a new worksheot, Displays the Save As olalog box Other useful shortcut keys OE. Dewou apn Qk Race Ca Kin Seats PM) key aur ARROW DESCRIPTION Displays the Koy Tips (now shortcuts) on the ribbon, For example, ALT W, Psiitches the worksheet to Page Layout view. ALT, W, | gwiches the worksheet fo Normal view. ALT, W,Lvitches the worksheet to Page Break Preview view, Move one cellup, down, left or right ina worksheet. fice microsoft conver-usencel-hlp/heyooatd-shertet-n-ence-2010-HPOLO247494 asp a6 esyos/2012 BACKSPACE DELETE eNO ENTER HOME PAGE DOWN Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2010 - Excel CTRL+ARROW KEY moves o the edge ofthe curant data rogion in a workshoot SHIFT+ARROW KEY extends the selection of cells by one cll CTRLISHFT+ARROW KEY extencs tha selaction of calls to the last nonblank call the ‘Same coluim or owas the active cel, orf the ne eal Is blanks, extends the selection To ‘he next nonblank cel LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW selects the ‘ab to the ff or right wnen the rbbon is selected, When a submen is open or selected, these arow keys swich between Ine main ‘en and the submenu. Wien a bbon tab ls Selected, these keys navigate the ta tons DOWN ARROW ot UP ARROW selects the nex‘ or previous command when a mena ot ‘submenu is open, When a ibbon lab i solocted, tose Koys navigate Wp or down the fab aroun, In a clalog box arrow keys move between options nan open drop-down Ist or between Bplions inva group of options. DOWN ARROW of ALT+DOWN ARROW opens a selected drop-down lt Deletes one character to the lft inthe Formula Bar, ‘Also clears the content ofthe active cell In call citing made, it deletes the character tothe let athe ineertion point. Removes the call contents (dala and formulas) rom selected calls without affecting call {formats or comments In call iting mode, it deletes the character tothe right ofthe insertion point. END turns End mode on. i End mode, you can then press an arrow key to move tothe next nonblank cain the same column crow as te actve call Ifthe calle are Blank, Bressing END followed by an arrow Key moves tothe last coll Inthe row or column. END also selects he last command on the menu when @ menu or submenu is visible, CTRLYEND moves tothe last clon a worksheet, to the lowest used row o the rightmost {isee column the cursor inthe formula bar, CTRLENO moves te cursor to te end of the text. CTRL+SHET+END extends the selaction of cals othe lat used cel on the worksheet flower-ight cara). Kthe cursor en te formula bar, CTRL+SHIFT END selects al toxin the formula bar rom the cursor postion to tha end—thle does net affect he height of tha formal bar. Completes a call entry from the esl or the Formula Bar, and selacts the cell below (ay detaun), Ina ata form, moves tothe frst fold n the nex record, Opens a selected menu (press F10 to activate the menu bar) or performs the action for a ‘selected command In a cialog box it performs the action forthe default command button inthe dialog box (the button wah the Bold autine, atten the OK Baton) ALTENTER starts @ new ine inthe same cal CTRLYENTER fils tho selected cell rango wih the current enty SHIFT+ENTER completes a cell niry and gelects the call above. Cancels an entry in tho color Formula Bar. Closes an open menu ar submenu, clog box or message window. Italso closes fullscreen mode when this mode has been applied, and returns to normal screen mode fo display the nbban and status bar again. Moves to the beginning of @rowin a worksheet. Moves tothe cellin the upper-left corner of the window wen SCROLL LOCK is turned on. Selects the frst command on the men whan a menu or submenus vibe CTRL+HOME moves fo the boginning ofa workshost CTRL+SHFT+HOME extends the sslecton of cells othe beginning of the worksheet. Moves one seresn down ina workshest. ALT+PAGE DOWN moves one screen to the right na worksheet. CTRL+PAGE DOWN moves to the nex sheet in a workbook. CTRL+SHFT+PAGE DOWN selects the cutrent and next sheet in a workbook fice microsoft coner-usexcel-help/keyooatd-sherte-n-ence-2010-HPOLO247494 ap sie esyo8/2012 PAGE UP SPACEBAR, TAB Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2010 - Eee Moves one soreen up in a worksheet, ALT+PAGE UP moves one sereen tothe let in a worksheot, CTRL+PAGE UP moves fo the previous shost in a workbook CTRL+SHFT+PAGE UP selects the current and previous sheel in @ workbook. In aGialog box performs the actin forthe selected bull, or solets or clears a chock CTRL+SPACEBAR selects an entire colurm in a workshee:, SHIFT*+SPACEBAR selects an entire rowin a warksheet. CTRLISHFT/SPACEBAR selects the enti worksheet “+ rte worksheet contains dala, CTRL*SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects the current region Prassing CTRL'SHFT!'SPACEBAR a second time selects the current region and its ‘summa'y rows, Pressing CTRL*SHFT+SPACEBAR a thie timo selects the entre works, ‘+ When an object is selected, CTRL#SHFT*SPACEBAR selects all objects on worksheet, ALT+SPACEBAR displays the Control manu forthe Excel window. Moves one cellto the right na worksheet Moves between uniacked cals in a protected worksheet Moves to the next option or option group ina dialog box. SHIFTTAB moves tothe previous callin @ worksheet or tne previous option in a dialog CTRL+TAB switches 0 the nest tab in dlalog box. CTRL+SHET+TAB swiches tothe previous tab in a dialog box fice microsoft coner-usencel-hlp/keyooatd-shortet-n-ence-2010-HPOLO247494 asp

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